
Sunday 20 July 2014

Giant wave dream


I had a dream that I went to the beach with my mum, brother and niece and when I got there, it was all shut off. So I had a look and the sea was up to the wall. And In the distance, I saw a massive wave coming, so we all started running away from it and while running I was picking up armbands and floats as well. The others were giving up and wanted to stop but I was trying to encourage them. I woke up and don't know if the wave hit.

The sea wall describes a defence system and it might be symbolic for your own defences or for someone else's or both. The sea itself represents the vast and varying emotions that wash in and out changing the landscape in your life with varying degrees of energy and force. 
Therefore, a giant wave approaching in a dream helps you to be aware of emotions that are building up which might over-spill or over-power a current situation.

It is difficult to predict whose emotions this symbol is referring to, it may well be a culmination of everyone's emotions getting out of control. Running away is perfectly natural defence system, no one wants to stay around when things turn nasty emotionally.  In your dream, you are picking up armbands and swimming floats which are typical symbols for support and help which is available to assist  when emotional waters rise. You understand that running away isn't actually going to help? 

I would say that you are fully adept when coping with heightened emotions if they should approach because you have learned and created coping strategies, you are trying to teach the people around you the techniques you have used in the past. In other words, you attempt to offer your advice and support to the people around you so that they can adopt your coping techniques but unfortunately their attitude is to 'give up', which you often hear people say when they don't know how to deal with things. 

The fact that you do not know if the wave hits in the dream, happens when there is uncertainty as to if emotions will actually blow up out of proportion or not. They could possibly die down into nothing. I feel that you are well aware of this and perhaps this is why rather than run away from emotional heated situations you just arm yourself with the correct attire (armbands) and you know from hindsight that you are more than able to cope in stressful situations. 


Dreams about money and treasure

My father told my grandmother a secret when I was younger but I never found out what it was, they have passed away now so I have no way of finding out more about it. I dream of my father often but he doesn't seem to answer my questions about it. Then I dream of finding money, buried treasure I guess, in an old box etc. I am just digging around the ground and I find it, lots of it. Its old money and coins, nothing recent. Maybe a few coins or a couple of the bills but mostly stuff they don't print anymore. The money in my dreams is often in a roll or clumped together and as I investigate further I find more and more. 

I have pondered over your dream for a while and although I can't help you find out what the family secret was I can translate your dream and it might help, or goes!

Money is often used in dreams to describe worth, or how much something is worth to us. It can translate value and provide an example of how much a person is valued, therefore, it is helpful to consider what is being assessed for its value. When you find lots of money in a dream it helps you to acknowledge that you have discovered your own true worth, quite often this will symbolise spiritual currency and not directly link with earthly money, as much as we wish it did.  Money is also used to describe how much someone means to us.

I have known this type of dream to represent the 'uncovering of money' from unexpected places.
Looking at your dream further you mention buried treasure and this can also describe attributes that you have that could turn out to be fortuitous for you or talents which you should use to help your financial situation.  
The fact that the treasure in your dream is 'old' can help you to understand that it is things that have happened in the past that can help you make your situation better now. It might also describe when talents have been hidden or buried and should be utilised. 
The fact that the money in your dream is out of print backs up what I am saying, if you don't use your natural gifts then they will become obsolete.
The last line of your dream tells you that once you are on a roll things will begin to take off and that you will find that as you go along more and more money will become available to you. As well as this you will feel more content and your self worth will increase tenfold. 
Perhaps your father just wants to nudge you in the right direction xx

Saturday 19 July 2014

Being chased and running away in slow motion


Being Chased and running away

This dream is a common dream that is often experienced by the younger generation, the reasoning behind this is very similar to the false awakening dream which is experienced at a time when a person needs to grow up and take control of their life. This dream is self-explanatory and should be easily translated by a dreamer without the need of an interpreter. Think about what or who is chasing you? 

People chasing you often represents the idea that everyone wants something from you, they want you to do something, most likely something you don't actually want to do, like grow up or to be sensible and take responsibility seriously. Obviously, this type of dream isn't exclusive to the young. 
Monsters chasing you is a way for you to understand that you are running away from your problems because you think your problems are larger than you can take on, without experience of dealing with life's obstacles and dramas you can see why the younger generation have this type of dream. Break problems down into smaller chunks and deal with small issues to stop them becoming large issues. 
Ghosts- you are running away from the past.
Zombies-trying to escape the unknown or things that you would prefer went away and died, rather than keep resurfacing for you to deal with. 

It is also common in dreams where you are being chased that you are unable to run properly or feel like you are running through glue, this just represents the feeling of restriction and of you being unable to escape your problems. You cannot make progress unless you face your fears and deal with the unknown or the problems that you are presented with.
Slow motion equals slow progress and lack of energy, it also represents a time when other people sap your energy.

Remember it's the problems and obstacles in your life that make you stronger and create a more interesting you! 

And.... the fight of the butterfly comes to mind. 
Just in case you never heard the story.


False Awakenings

Dreams where you wake up only to find you are actually still asleep and dreaming.

False awakenings are a common feature of nightmares where the dreamer wishes to escape the dream but cannot wake themselves up, or they think they have woken up when they are actually still dreaming. In the dream, you think you have woken up and start to do the normal things that you would do on waking but then something happens and you realise you are still in the nightmare. 
This is way of helping you take control, be in charge of yourself and what happens to you. This type of dream is often typically experienced by young people who are learning to take control of their life, in the same way, that they are learning to take control of their dream, you are simply learning to overcome the negative aspects of your life that can easily take over, this is the important information that is being relayed for you to understand. 
If your life is unhappy only you have the power to change it. 

Take control of your life
It is time to take control and lead yourself in a positive direction, one which does not lead you in circles or over and over the same ground. These types of dreams will stop as you mature and learn to stop making the same mistakes and understand that ultimately only you have control and it shouldn't be given away to other people .

Being consumed of overtaken by something negative is often translated using the false awakening nightmare, where you are trying to escape from monsters, zombies or demons and ghosts. 

Monsters symbolise a composition of all the things that you do not want to deal with in your life, things like problems, growing up and being responsible etc. Zombies are used to represent things that should have expired in your life but are still prevalent, once again often aimed at the young or immature characters who don't want to leave their youth behind. Zombies can also be used in dream language to represent fear, as with all the negative symbolic characters used in dreams they are often a good representation of the 'fear of change' which is why they link well with growing up and letting go of the past. 

Ghosts typically represent past experience and also past relationships which should, in theory, have helped you to mature and become more knowledgeable about people and the world around you. Ghosts are often used in dreams to explain how things can come back and haunt you, especially if you haven't learned the lessons you were supposed to have learned the first time around. 

This is why these types of dreams are common among the younger generation, although inevitably older people do experience these dreams when they need to take control of something that is holding them back, or when they need to make progress and stop procrastinating.
Therefore any situation that requires you to be in control of outcomes might inadvertently create the false awakening dream.

Being Late
Dreams where you are late remind you that your are late for the next phase of your life because the fear of change is keeping you captive. These types of dreams often incorporate zombies, devils and monsters as the the captor and you need to realise that you are the creator of the monster and it lives within you. 

Some lessons in life need to be learned quickly and others can be learned over a longer period of time. Learning to deal with yourself and your own lack of control and direction is being highlighted when you dream of negative characters who are after you or preventing you from escaping. 
If these characters are symbolic for another person in your life then that person is often shown mixed with the negative entity you dream about, for example your ex is the zombie in your dream, this is helping you to understand your relationship with that person and consider the affect that that relationship has on you. 

Negative entities (ill use this term to cover all the negative or composite beings) which invade dreams or prevent you from moving, often described as an old hag, succubus, black figure etc. have been experienced throughout the ages and are described as sitting on the dreamer's chest and preventing them from moving. 
There is a lot of medical data which describes this event as sleep paralysis, I agree that at the specific time of half awake and half asleep we are both in the physical and in the spiritual realms and can therefore, experience both at the same time.  
These events can have one foot in the medical field and one in the spiritual experience learning field.  When the physical body isn't as healthy as it could be, or the physical defenses are low the energy field that supports a physical body is also minimal, therefore, a person is open to pick up interference. As part of spiritual development a person will also experience these types of dreams to help them build up walls of protection and be able to protect themselves from harm or negativity. Once again the theme of this story is of control, in being able to control ones own spiritual learning and not letting others take advantage, be they dead or alive. 
A point to mention is that people who have had this type of experience myself included find relief and release from any negative clutches by saying a prayer, what greater power is there to hand over to when things are tough. 


Getting caught up in a net


I had a dream a few days ago in which I was swimming in the sea, I was getting into deep waters but I wasn't afraid. Suddenly I realised a net had tangled around my feet. I then got a bit worried that with the speed I was swimming the net could get stuck and cut my feet, so I swam to the shore and took the net out of the sea. Some people helped me with it. I had the sensation that I was doing something to help once again. 

Nets are used to snare or catch what you desire, but they are also a typical symbol which translates the feeling of being trapped. In your case, the scenario seems to express that the symbolism connects to feeling trapped or caught up in something negative. Perhaps someone is trying to catch you and you have concerns about getting hurt if if you get involved in a relationship with them? 

The fact that you are in the sea can help you further with your translation because water is mostly used as a symbol for emotions and vast amounts of water like the sea can help you to understand situations where you feel out of your depth and all at sea emotionally. 

Incidentally, fish are often used as a symbol for a prospective partner and this comes from the old saying that there are plenty more fish in the sea. It would seem that you are the focus of someone's attention and you cope well with this for a short time, but you are being warned that you are heading into deep water and are likely to get hurt if you progress any further. When you realise this you then go back towards safety, where people are happy to help you gain freedom again. 

The feeling that you are helping people in someway could possibly link with the fact that you go through certain things in life just to help other people learn from your mistakes. It isn't always about what 'we' learn from experience as we also go through stuff to help others learn. Another thing to think about is that you are preventing someone else from getting caught in the same trap that you fell into. 

Just writing to let you know the outcome of this dream. The one where I was trapped in a net. I think it was about a toxic relationship I had with someone. He was manipulative among other things. I think that's what the net in the sea was symbolizing.  
When I took the net out of the sea it was that I finished the relationship and I had a feeling of helping someone once again, because I tried to help him with his problems but I couldn't in the end. People helping me on the beach were my colleagues at work who have been really supporting me.


Wednesday 16 July 2014

A ticket to ride in my dreams


(See Journey dreams in J)

Last night I dreamt that I had a ticket to travel by bus with my ex-boyfriend and another girl, who I don’t know. I was trying to find the gate where the bus was leaving from but it turned out we had missed it, so we came back to buy another ticket.

The journey dream often relates to your current life journey in contrast to where your life is heading, these types of dreams refer to different sections of your life and how they fit together, not having a ticket to ride any type of transport describes those situations whereby the journey you thought you were on has changed or come to a dead end. These dreams happen if you need to change direction or find a new path. It is now time to move forward and make changes in your life and learn to incorporate new routes, take a different approach or start again. 
It seems that part of you is considering reconnecting with your ex-boyfriend and that you are scared of moving forward without him in your life, even if he has a new partner.

This is an obstacle dream because it seems that there are obstacles preventing you from moving forward with or without your boyfriend, obstacles can be self-created, in other words, you feel that external things stop you from moving on but really it's you. 

I went to a flat upstairs at the station to wait. On my way to the flat I came across one of my bosses (one I don’t like). He was starting to work and was being served a meal (it looked like a slave was serving him). The man brought him a big pizza and some more food. Incidentally every time I see him in a dream he’s shouting at me and I leave...I left the room and went into the flat to do something, I can’t remember what. There was a couple living there but I can’t remember any more about the flat.  

Perhaps you try to keep yourself busy by throwing yourself into your work, probably to avoid dealing with the fact that you have to move-on minus your boyfriend, its possible you are struggling to accept he has a new girlfriend? Unfortunately, the work you do gives you no satisfaction and turns out to be no substitution for love. You view your boss as a slave driver who just shouts at you. As you can’t remember much about this section of your dream I would guess that there isn't that much else to know, you hate your job and it could be time to move on from this as well. Your dream is indicating that you need new beginnings in all the major sections of your life. 

I had to leave to catch the bus but then I couldn't find my jacket and it was getting late. So I left without my jacket. I rushed downstairs and looked for the gate that the bus was departing from but I missed it again by two minutes. I was upset that the bus driver couldn't wait for two minutes... I thought my ex and the girl had left on the bus. I went to buy another ticket, as I had an interview to go to so I had to catch a bus.
Someone opened a door for me but I then couldn't find the ticket office. There was a queue behind me. Suddenly my ex and the girl turned up again because she had decided she was not going this time, as it was too late.
I think we got to buy the tickets and we only had to wait half an hour, so we were waiting there making sure we didn't miss the bus. My ex told me he had a problem with his phone so he could only send very simple texts. I had deleted his number from my phone so I couldn’t ring him either. That’s the end of the dream.

You are aware that you can’t hang around in limbo forever, therefore you have no option but to catch the bus and move forward, but this is confusing you as you are unsure in which direction you should go. You think that your ex and this girl have moved on and that you have missed your chance to rekindle the relationship with your ex. But then they turn up and you realise that he hasn't actually moved on either. Perhaps you are hoping that you and he will share the next part of the journey together and you are not really accepting the fact that your lives could take different routes. This dream isn't predicting the future but just showing you how your own mind is trying to negotiate your current stand point and make solid decisions about where to go next. 
(Incidentally losing your jacket suggests that you fear being cold and lonely)

Your ex telling you about his phone being unable to send complex texts is a way to help you understand that he cannot communicate his own complex feelings and thoughts to you. You deleting his number is a symbol of your own desire for no contact with him, perhaps you think that if you don’t see him you will not think about him or have to deal with the feelings he stirs up.  

Hi again
I've been thinking about your interpretation, does this dream show what may happen in the future? do I see what my ex is really thinking or is it just what I would like to happen? Thank you

Dreams tend to show us many possibilities at the same time, dreams predict what could happen rather than what will happen simply because there are many possible eventualities and outcomes that all have an equal chance of coming true. And because you and other people have free will and can change an outcome in the blink of an eye. This is why I do not make predictions when translating dreams. Even when doing spiritual readings for people I am governed by the same rules. For example, spirit can say there is a baby on the way and I can tell the person this information, spirit knows that the baby will arrive here safely so they are able to confidently give this information. But when you are dealing with people and their unpredictable behaviour it is impossible to say which way they will jump. 
Our dreams are frustrating I know, your dream is suggesting there is a chance you will get back together with your ex, or perhaps it is saying that you feel as though you want to get back with your ex. Your dream also said that your ex hasn't moved on properly either (at least you got one bit of information that you wasn't fully aware of) But does this mean you will get back with him? Only you and he can decide that with your own free will. 
I hope this helps a little.


Friday 11 July 2014

Claustrophobic dreams


Read about Fear Dreams
Dreams that might link with the Coronavirus Pandemic

Dreams where you are restricted for space or confined in a small space: are normally experienced when the dreamer is confined or restricted by circumstances outside of their control. The keyword is 'pressure' and these types of dreams happen when you are under any kind of pressure, either from other people, financial, or self-created. 
The real life restriction can be of any kind, but it's the feeling of not being able to move in any direction that is being highlighted to you. The outcome isn't always shown in the dream, maybe because the outcome isn't necessarily known at this time, you will eventually find a way out, and the emphasis might be on how long it actually takes you to deal with the restrictions you face, either with a single issue or perhaps with the fact that you never really cope well with any problem that comes along and the dream is referring to your overall ability to cope when things get tough. In this case, this type of dream is nudging you to work on your weaknesses and to understand that a problem is merely a chance for you to develop new skills and put things into perspective. If no one is dying then there really is no problem.  (The first rule on developing perspective about problems)
When an escape is found in a dream, you will find a way out of the dilemma you find yourself in, but the purpose of the dream is to highlight your feelings about the obstacles you face and how frustrating it is having to find your way out of a tight spot. The positive will come from how much you learn about yourself and the skills you develop being able to negotiate life and it's many restrictions.  
When a road or path gets narrower you can be sure that in life you are taking a path that leads to constraint, you will have to think about why this is and what this means for your life choices. Making changes to your lifestyle or to 'over-controlling relationships' might help. It might be work, addiction, anything that you know is taking over in a negative way and restricting your sense of freedom.

To feel claustrophobic is to feel restricted, overcome by responsibilities, overwhelmed by your own emotions and withdrawn from other people. You may also hate having to do things that make you uncomfortable or feel under pressure. These types of dreams happen when you feel that everything is pushing against you and you can't breathe. You are literally in a situation that feels like it has no escape.

Many people who have Claustrophobic type dreams say that they know how restricted their life is and why they feel prevented from making progress and don't need their dreams to remind them of the fact, so why do they? Why do dreams sometimes state the obvious and give us cryptic unsolvable clues as to how to actually remedy the situation?  

Dreams often provide an insight into aspects of your earthly situation that you have not considered, and the reason you experience recurring dreams of restriction can be to remind you that things are unlikely to change unless you stop repeating your own behaviour

Your ability to move forward is dependent on different choices. If you want to escape from a situation then you will have to negotiate a different route within yourself, if you can't make difficult decisions or change yourself, then you will stay in the same restrictive, repetitive situation. 
Therefore, the clue within these types of dreams is that repeated behaviour creates repeated dream scenarios and it's down to you to find the courage to change yourself and what you accept from other people.  

A common dream of restriction is when you are climbing upwards through narrow passages, and then obstacles show up to block your way, this type of scenario helps you understand that now isn't the time to try and move up, (the career ladder, the property ladder, the spiritual climb) this isn't to say that things won't change in the future. Time is a great instigator of change and movement, and sometimes time needs to pass before you can make changes. You are not always responsible for restriction, responsibilities can restrict you as well. As frustrating as it is to be reminded that you are currently in a tight spot it is useful when your dream scenario changes because this will nudge you into action when the time is right. 
When you find a way out in your dream it is a hint regards your ability to get out of a situation, it might not have been easy to find the exit in your dream which helps to describe when you find it difficult to find answers to your problems. You get there in the end though even if you take the long route and go all around the houses. 

Another common dream scenario is being stuck or trapped within a small space or moving into an ever decreasing space, this is self-explanatory in that you know your options are becoming limited and you will need to consider in what section of your life the dream is referring, but remember that when we are faced with having no options it is then that we know we have to make changes. For example, being in a car that is trapped or prevented from moving forward will link with your inability to move forward on your chosen route, to confuse you, even more, this journey could be an actual travelling journey or something like a spiritual journey. It could also describe the journey from immaturity to adulthood, young people start to feel restricted as they take on new responsibilities. You should know in which area you want to make changes or need to make progress. The car is a symbol of your ability to make quick and easy progress but only if the energy is available, petrol is often symbolic of your own energy stores and the brakes of a car can represent your ability to stop something if and when you need to. 

Being stuck in a house or any type of structure will link with how your life is structured and represent the support you have in place to help you make changes. When you are confined or trapped in a crumbling house it is because you feel that everything is falling apart around you and you are unable to do anything about it. This could possibly link to your home life and to your personal relationships. It's helpful to understand how you're feeling because it might encourage you to make changes towards improvement. Sometimes a house is used to symbolise feelings of restrictions because of the financial burden a home can put on you, to keep a roof over your family can mean that you are restricted from doing anything else that's fun. 

Narrowing hallways, paths and roads help you to understand that the path you have currently chosen is not the right one, it will become harder and harder for you to get anywhere until eventually, you will have to give up or retrace your steps and begin again in another direction. This could link with any area of your life. Dreams mostly refer to what is on your mind for a large proportion of the time.

Being in a tight situation in a dream, like climbing through very narrow gaps is a way to help you understand when you might have to 'get through something' I know we mostly have to get 'through and over' all number of obstacles, but the dream is trying to show you that you might find it harder this time around, after all there comes a time when you get fed up having to get through stuff all the time, when you just want a break from any type of problem cropping up. Tight situations can sometimes refer to tight financial situations. If you have recurring dreams about restricted spaces it is because you might have to go through a similar situation again, you are reminded that you got out of it last time and you will this time. Getting stuck in a tight spot does not mean you will be restricted forever, as time naturally changes things for us, as does other people's decisions.

Climbing through a small gap can also explain how you have outgrown a situation, you are to old to keep trying to fit in and your maturity should have armed you with the skills of not caring what other people think of you. 

Stuck in an elevator 
How the elevator performs in your dream will represent the way you are feeling, up, down, stuck, etc. The ups and downs that you experience throughout your life! An elevator is a mechanical object so in dream language, it is used to represent something that can serve us and take us to a level that we want to be on, therefore it can often be used in spiritual dreams concerning our level of thinking, to rise up is to achieve a higher level of thinking and to go down is to go back to the earthly thought processes. 

Think about where the elevator is situated, was it at work, a shopping mall, an airport? This is another clue for your translation. At work, the dream probably relates to your career and the ups and downs going on at work, going up the career ladder or going down? It can also explain being stuck in a job that you hate or not getting promotions when they are deserved. 
An elevator in a shopping mall will link with what you are trying to find to make you happy, shopping is about getting things that make you happy, so a lift going up could be telling you to aim higher or to lower your expectations.
An elevator at an airport will link with your ability to take off and to reach heights beyond your aims. In this scenario, you would look up airports and planes as well. An elevator at work will link with your job or career and might be used to explain which direction you feel you are heading. Going back to a previous workplace and being in the elevator will link with the past and how you felt then in contrast to how you feel now regards your work life. It could be reminding you to look at how far you have come or how things have changed. Perhaps you loved your old job and wished you hadn't made changes, you are not a tree and can revaluate your current standing at any time. In other words, the other floors that the elevator stops at symbolise other opportunities that you can try out. 

Any elevator/lift that is not moving will represent inertia and a lack of energy on your part, not making progress but at the same time not digressing either. 
A lift that falls fast will remind you that events and/or your chosen direction can suddenly change and can fall flat, the falling elevator dream is also used to describe situations where you are 'dropped' unexpectedly. 
Think about the buttons in a lift/elevator, were you choosing what floor or level you want to go to? your choices can be explained using the elevator/lift dream, consider if your choices will take you up in the world or down, or if someone else is making the choices for you? 

Read: Falling in F and High in H to understand highs and lows in our dreams.

Other elevator dreams 

Claustrophobia can also be used as a 'face your fears' dream to push you into dealing with something that you would rather just avoid, this may, of course, be a literal fear of confined spaces or represent spiralling problems and overwhelming fears. Being confined, restricted, or unable to escape can also symbolise the dreamer’s inability to escape from circumstances because they seem out of their control. But are they really?
This brings me back to the beginning because although you feel that you are well aware of your own inability to change the restrictions you face, your dreams can provide you with an alternative route or with a tiny glimpse of a possible escape, you must then start to move forward with the knowledge that you have received a sign, however small. The opportunity is there but you must overcome your fears of change.
Remember, that when you don't know the ending of a dream it's because the ending is not known, you must contribute and design your own outcomes. 

A claustrophobic dream:
I have a nightmare and I've had it a lot now, where I'm trapped in a vent or a pipe. I am unable to move due to my size and due to the space being so small, I am also unable to breathe. I always wake up in a panic. My heart is pounding just thinking of these nightmares. Could this be happening because I do feel claustrophobic in small spaces in my day-to-day life?
Absolutely yes, but there might be more to it than that, 'facing your fear dreams' happen so that you try to face your fears in your life, and if your only fear is about being in confined spaces then yes these dreams might be prompting you to try and overcome that fear, especially if the fear gets in the way of your everyday life. It can affect your life more than you realise or accept, perhaps you avoid situations where you know you have to go in an elevator or be in a small room under pressure, like say, at a job interview. Therefore you have missed opportunities which could have helped you progress in your career or visit places where you would have liked to go. 

Even with one fear like being in confined places, it can have a knock-on effect on all number of different experiences in your life. I want to mention that sometimes our fears have their roots in a past life and that it has carried over because you still need to overcome the feelings of not being in control. If you don't feel like you can acknowledge the existence of past lives or you know that the root cause of your issues has their foundations in your current life, like not having control over your surroundings, then it's easy enough for you to trace back to where your fears began. This is important because knowing why you have the fear is halfway to overcoming it. 

Most fear dreams will link with 'loss of control' you are not in control of what is happening around you, or in where you are in your life. To overcome your obstacles you must relearn a basic fact, you are in control of your life full stop. Many people say "I have no choice, I have to live like this because there is no way out." The reality is it's hard to change things, it's hard to change ourselves, it's hard to stand up and say I am not living like this anymore!
That's why people continue on in an existence that is confining and unbearable especially when it involves people who we love. But saying you can't change it is incorrect, you can, but you fear change so you carry on being unhappy. 

Most fear dreams relate to the fear of change, this is why you are not in control, because you have fears that stop you from changing anything. Therefore, although your recurring dream might only be about being in confined spaces, it is also about taking control of other things and facing your fears about making changes that mean your life will be more content for you. 

You said you feel trapped, I would lay money on it that you feel trapped by circumstances, your dreams are using your fear of confined places to prompt you to overcome all your fears and take back the control which you let other people have over you. 
Pipes (water=emotions) and vents will be symbols to help you understand when your circumstances stifle you, do you lack freedom or breathing space from the people around you? not having the freedom to move means you are living a restricted life dictated by other people, perhaps a lack of money that means your life seems boring and restricted. 

Acknowledge your fears, learn where your fears started, admit that you can change things if you really want to, learn to make changes, start by making small ones and then you will learn to make bigger ones eventually.    

A claustrophobic dream:
I had a dream that I was climbing a narrow spiralling staircase, with open windows close to the stairs where I could fall out. I got past these and ended up at the top of an apartment block. I went into the flat and it felt unsafe, I was afraid of heights. I started crying in the dream and had to get down the narrow spiralling staircase again, then it gets weird because I was having a bath outside when people walked past and someone said I owed them money. My current situation isn't good as I'm stuck in a flat where I don't want to live, I'm surrounded by my partner's mum who isn't very nice and causes my partner and me to argue. I think she doesn't like me because I'm showing him that he doesn't need his mum anymore.

Bathing in B
Nakedness in N
Your dream is self-explanatory, the spiral staircase in your dream represents how you think you are making progress and getting somewhere, but then you reach the top only to discover that you don't like being there. And who would? living with your partner and his mum must be very hard, especially if they are close. Try to be extra nice, that's what someone once told me, I thought it was a really stupid idea but I did it anyway, and my relationship changed with my mother in law. That was when I was young, and when my children came along later she was the best nan ever and we ended up very close.
Anyway, it seems like you are both in that age-old situation of when mum has to let go and you have to realise that its hard letting go of your own children, even if they are adults. When you have kids you will get it. But I totally remember that feeling of sharing him with his mum. 
In your dream you are frightened of falling out the windows on the staircase, that is because you are frightened of being pushed-out by them both, its that emotion of when he doesn't take your side, etc. he is probably just trying to keep the peace. You feel pushed out/left out and in fear of being dropped. (fear of heights) You probably want to move forward with your partner but feel like all the issues that you are having are going to prevent that from happening. Honestly, and I say this without judgment but if you don't try and make an effort then it could come between you both. 
Having a bath outside is simple to translate as well, it's about your own insecurities and how you feel everyone is judging you. Owing someone money is symbolic for owing a debt, perhaps you feel like you have to be good and say nothing to your partners mum because you are living in her home. You are indebted to her. 
You are obviously not happy in this situation and the only remedy is to try and get yourselves your own place. In the meantime, if you really want to stay with your partner you will have to make a real effort to keep the peace, and if that means pretending to like her and be nice then fake it till you make it. I did it, you can too.  

"I keep having dreams that are detailed and seem long, but I forget a lot of the details. I do remember that every time this dream happens I’m getting in a carnival ride that traps me, or I'm in an enclosed water slide. This adds to my anxiety in the dream. Why am I always having fun when it happens?"

Fairground rides are often used in dreams to describe the times when your journey is supposed to be fun but you allow worries to take over and spoil your enjoyment. Water rides are used to represent your emotions and the way in which you deal with them, the ups and downs you experience emotionally decide how much you can actually enjoy this time in your life. Being anxious when you don't really have anything to be anxious about in the greater scheme of things, means you are missing out on enjoying life. I know it's easier said than done but don't let anxiety take over your life, deal with the anxiety itself rather than the problems that come along, because problems will always come along. 

"I had a dream of climbing down stairs and vertical ladders, they just seem to lead to more stairs and vertical ladders and it is all enclosed by four walls. Doors that were present, open into more stairs or ladders going downwards. Eventually, I was able to get out through one of the doors and went home to my wife waiting outside my home. I did not recognize the house but in my dream I accepted it as my home."

This type of dream is very common, I have experienced it myself through the years, its like a game of snakes and ladders where you are either going up the ladders of going down the snakes. Quite often this dream scenario expresses the need to escape, or get out of a situation. Everyone will have their own types of restriction to deal with, so the dream symbolism can cover a multitude of life experiences. 
Id like to add that many people have created their own experiences only to find that they feel stuck within it, the need to escape can present itself in this type of dream scenario. We often want the easy way-out with arrows pointing us in the direction we need to take, unfortunately there is no easy way and we have to negotiate all types of obstacles to find the exit. Having said this, your dream has shown that there is a way out and you will find it eventually, it just takes time and some ups and downs.  
You need to think about the part of your life that the dream is referring, it can be anything from feeling trapped in a job you hate, to being stuck in a place that you hate living. When you finally escape in your dream you are at a new home that you don't recognize, could this be a clue to the restrictions you feel at the moment and an insight about a new home in the future? 
Perhaps your accommodation situation is linked to your work situation, hinting that you feel that you will have to go up the career ladder in order to improve your home security or see improvement in your accommodation. All of these issues are linked to your finances and the changes you want will happen step by step. (forgive the pun)