
Sunday 12 March 2023

Recurring Dreams about School and Work

Recurring Dreams

Education Dreams 

Schools Universities and Work

Failing Exams and Tests 

Train Journey Dreams 

Obstacle Dreams 

Claustrophobic Dreams

I had a dream, the main theme has been recuring over the last few years, let me just say firstly, that I used to work in education but as I got older I grew complacent and tired of being in school for what seemed like my whole life. I used to joke I would leave and do something completely irrelevant and with no pressure or responsibilities. 

Later, I had decided to move to the coast along with family and so at this time I also made the change and left education and worked part time doing a seemingly mundane and boring role which paid the bills.

I havent really ever regretted leaving my career in education but did feel sad that I was no longer helping young people with their mental health issues and mentoring them to achieve their goals regardless of the obstacles in their lives. This being my only regret, my dreams of going back to work all the time might perhaps be related to this one sadness and regret. 

In my recuring dreams of being at work/school I am always skipping classes and missing days at work. I am totally aware in the dream that I don't want to go to school anymore and have failed my exams anyway. This being another feature that recurs. I know in my dreams that I have failed the course because I have not given in the work needed to pass. Now, when I say work it seems that in my dreams I am a student even though I am also a teacher at the school, so I take this to refer to the fact that in life we are always learning and are always both the student and the teacher. 

The feelings of failure represented by failing exams and courses in my recuring dreams probably comes from not completing my career in education and the feeling that I let the young people down somehow. I was good at helping them cope with life but I wasn't so good at dealing with the way educational institutions care more about how the kids are dressed and behave than about teaching them the stuff they need to grow and learn. At face value it would be easy to assume that these dreams refer to my career but I have learned otherwise, and now understand that the dream creators often use our own earthly roles to help explain our life/educational journey too. 

The many dreams I've had regards the educational journey have been numerous and like I said I am always aware in the dreams that I miss lots of time at school, I go home without telling anyone at work, skip lessons and can't or won't compete the work I am set to do. I fail the tests and exams. I wander out of lessons to go have a break and don't go back. Honestly, I am the worse student you could meet. When I'm the teacher in my dream school I literally cant find the class and wander around till break time. I am also aware in these dreams that I have had lots of time off work and I avoid the head teacher so he can't tell me off. 

So lets assume the dream scenarios are hinting rather loudly that I am lazy, hate work, I don't know if I am the teacher or the student. I procrastinate and cannot seem to finish what I start. I fear failure and my effort score is zero. I'll also avoid the boss because I know ill be in trouble for being all these things 

Actually in my work life I am not like this at all, I work hard, never have a day off and won't leave till I have finished the job at hand. So what's going on here? 

My most recent dream, the one which has prompted me to write this, might help to explain how our dreams reflect our unconscious feelings about living and learning. None of us find it easy here, earth is hard work, its boring, painful, ugly, I could go on and on. I am also totally aware that the opposite of all those things are true. Life is also beautiful, loving and should be cherished. All of us share the same life journey and the obstacles and pains are hopefully scattered evenly between us. 

I hope you can find some comparison with your own learning dreams and understand that none of us know the answers to the tests we face, we can only negotiate whatever we come up against and do our best to work through it. 

The dream began on a coach (the shared journey) we were going on a school trip, a visit to a large university. (lets call this place life/Earth) We get there, there are lots and lots of us, and we go into this huge auditorium, we are waiting for someone to give a speech and a tour of the place. We wait and wait but no one comes, so we get bored and go explore ourselves. Some people still wait to be told what to do, and some of us are so bored we decide to explore on our own. 

We walk to what seems to be an exhibition and we sit on benches to watch. There are many students doing different things, some are painting, some are acting out scenes, some are singing and dancing. Other students are sitting studying, other are doing really difficult calculations.

As I watch the scenes play out I become aware that what I'm watching are people participating in life. I think about the fact that they are all 'creating' they are very artistic and their main goal is to create something out of the skills they have. Like I said their skills and talents were numerous. 

About this time I also realized that earth is a place for people/souls who wish to create anything, happiness, sadness, good feelings bad feelings, art, sciences, math etc. The main aim was not really about learning it was about experiencing and creating experiences. Earth was an artists paradise, it was created for us to be able to see what we can make out of our own imagination. 

In my dream I understood that I had got it wrong, it didn't matter what I learned or didn't learn. It didn't matter if I failed or succeeded at something, it didn't really matter if I finished what I started.  The actual journey itself was creative, regardless of what happened during the journey. Participating still mattered more than the outcome. I had always believed I needed to succeed, to win or improve myself. Be a better person, be kinder, be helpful, stick to the path, look after everyone else around me. Always failing in my dream school 

I decided I wanted to leave this university of life and I started upon my journey home, always hard in a dream to find your way home. I tried to find the train station with no shoes on my feet. (Typical symbolism for the feeling of vulnerability being naked or bare) The station itself represents the connection between phases or the beginning/ending of a stage of life. I was trying to get home so I guess I wanted to return to the safety of what I know best. 

Maybe its the souls yearning to get back to our real home, earth being a long way from there. 

The station in my dream provided the usual obstacles for me to get through, the turnstile was stuck, the attendant wanted a ticket I didn't have. The person in front of me was stalling, not wanting to go through it. I told him we never want to go through stuff and the best thing to do is just go. I pushed him through. I told him its harder thinking about it than just doing it. 

When I did get through the turnstile it led to a shear drop. I just jumped knowing it was the only way home. The train was somewhere and I knew I had to catch it. 

Then started the process of going through tight spaces and squeezing myself into small holes just to get on the train. 

The obstacles in life always present like this in our dreams, to start a new journey you have to first negotiate a way through all the crap on the current one. 

When I actually got on the train I realized it wasn't going where I wanted to go. Well of course it wasn't the next part of my journey is unknow as yet. 

To sum up I would say these dreams refer to my own attitude to life, Just get through it the best you can. I'm at that stage in life when I don't want to participate in the tests trials and tribulations that come my way. Being unable to escape them I just get them done as quick as possible. Perhaps I am supposed to understand that they are not tests to endure but are just experiences to experience. 

Friday 28 January 2022

A dream about a new job, and being told I have cancer


I was in a new job, everyone there was old, a lot of men were in the higher jobs like the CEO and all the managers. The women that worked there seemed nice but were all in their own click. 

They had a doctor and a nurse there and the doctor was doing a test on me, he said to the nurse that he had finished the test, he pointed out two spots on my back and my elbows. He said I had cancer! Then the nurse went on to tell me in a rather horrible way that I had very bad breath, apparently the security man on the front desk smelt it when I had come in that morning. She also said my hair was greasy and she was getting ready to send me to hospital. 

Lets take into consideration your age when doing this translation as I know you are past working age.

A new job often translates as a new stage of life, new circumstances, new opportunities etc. When you are past working age we can assume this will relate to your new role in life rather than in your career. A job can also be referred to as a spiritual role that you play, which can mean new spiritual learning or experiences. 

We equate being old with experience, and the male dominance in the work place although hopefully outdated now, will also be a hint at the older viewpoint of looking up to your elders and respecting their experience. In days gone by when you were working, it was the norm that the higher managerial positions were held by men, this probably always bothered you and you have found it hard to be comfortable with the inequality.   

All the male characters in your dream play the dominant roles, the bosses, the doctor, the security man, and in contrast, the women play the nasty roles, being clicky and excluding you, and the nurse being nasty. I don't think you would have liked having a female boss either and I think you would have fared better being your own boss to be honest. All these things give the impression that you have always disliked authority and have resented being told what to do by people you didn't respect. Understandably of course, as no one wants to be controlled by a character who doesn't deserve respect.

Since retirement you have been your own boss, which has suited you well, as you have been in control of every element of your life. Now, your dream has another component to it which relates to your health and this is where you lack control. The doctor being someone of authority has diagnosed you with cancer, which would be a situation whereby you cannot control what your body does, everything would be out of your control again. 

Getting a diagnosis through a dream doesn't necessarily mean you will get the same diagnosis in your real life, rather it's hinting that you feel as though your health and body are taking away your quality of life, bad health can mean that you feel as though you cant live a good life because your body just won't let you. Therefore, you are not in control once again. You are powerless to over-rule your body, cancer takes away someone's power to live, it is used in dream language to describe a situation whereby something else is taking control and you are required to fight and take back control in order to live a better life. 

The security guard character could have been used to represent your security and how you feel in regards to your health and your security, he tells the doctor that you have bad breath. This is quite funny but it does have its base in fact, did you know that diabetics have been known to have pear like fruity breath and many other health conditions can be spotted by the breath, animals are often good at noticing this. Also, our breath can be used to hint at what we are taking into a our body is not very good for us, therefore, it creates the bad odour.

As we have spoken, and I know you are diabetic I will summarise  by saying that your dream is urging you to take control of your diet in order to improve your health, do not give over your control and accept that it's all down hill from here. You need to fight your urges. xxx

Thursday 26 August 2021

Fair ground rides


Fairground rides 

(See Fairground in F)

(See Claustrophobic Dreams) 

"I keep having dreams that are detailed and seem long, but I forget a lot of the details. I do remember that every time this dream happens I’m getting in a carnival ride that traps me, or I'm in an enclosed water slide. This adds to my anxiety in the dream. Why am I always having fun when it happens?" 

Fairground rides are often used in dreams to describe the times when your journey is supposed to be fun, but in your case you allow worries to take over and spoil the enjoyment. 

Water rides will be used to incorporate your emotions and the way in which you deal with them, the ups and downs you experience emotionally decide how much you can actually enjoy this time in your life. 

Any type of ride will symbolise the journey, be it in a car, train or even a fairground- ride and describe either an individual situation or an ongoing theme you are faced with and in this case I would suggest that the ongoing theme is of anxiety and stress.

Being anxious when you don't really have anything to be anxious about means that you are missing out on enjoying life. I know it's easier said than done, but don't let anxiety take over your life, deal with the anxiety itself rather than the problems that come along on your journey because problems will always come along. 

Rides that go round and around typically describe the scenario of repeated patterns of behaviour or thoughts. 

Rides that are on tracks relate to keeping you on track or to staying on track when you go off course. 


Sunday 24 May 2020

Things crawling under my skin


I had the most horrible dream, I noticed that things were crawling under the skin on my right hand, I watched them walking around under my skin and it made me feel sick, I thought that I had better go to the doctor to see if he knew what it was. For some reason, I couldn't get in to see the doctor but meanwhile, I noticed a gap under my nail and it looked like something was trying to crawl out. I watched as this black fly type thing came out from under my nail, there were still others crawling under the skin on my hand and every now and then another one would come out from under my nail. I kept telling myself it was a dream and to stop panicking but then I would think 'but this isn't a dream because it's too real'. Whenever one of these things came out I would kill it by squashing it, at one stage my hand looked like it was going rotten, but then it repaired. All I wanted was to stop these things from being under my skin. 

This dream seems to be referring to what goes on under the surface of your own facade. (deceptive outward appearance) It could represent the things that you let get under your skin, and therefore the fly type insects describe situations/people who are negative, annoying or that you just don't like. In contrast to this, they could also be describing the things about yourself that you don't like or trust. You kill them as soon as they emerge and maybe this is because you do not allow your own negativity in its many forms to survive on the outside. You quash any negative part of yourself to create the perfect person, perhaps you have ideas that don't allow for being bad or acting out.  Because the symbolism seems to be linked with your right hand I would say this also links with the work you do and your creative side. It may also link with writing. You seem to be acknowledging your inner darker side in this dream and the rotten bits you don't want to deal with will come out if you want them to or not, better out than in I say, and let's face it we all have them, no one is perfect and you shouldn't expect yourself to be either. 
The reason I feel that the dream refers to your own inner demons is that the flies were 'in you' and trying to get out, rather than the other way round. 


Saturday 18 April 2020

Dreams that might relate to Coronavirus


Image credit Creator: wildpixel Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

People have been asking me about their dreams more now than ever before, and lots of their dreams seem to relate to the Coronavirus pandemic, the theme of the dreams differ but the overall messages are very similar. Some of them are disaster dreams, although these were more prevalent a month ago, some have been journey dreams, incorporating roads, obstacles, and crashes. Some dreams have been bad weather and disaster dreams and these types of dreams have often included great storms, giant waves, catastrophes, and invasions of locusts or bugs.  

Death and dying dreams have also become prevalent at this time, probably because of the fear attached to the global pandemic, fear dreams happen when you need to face your fears and move forward, these dreams are designed to help you do that. Fear can be your enemy far more than a pandemic can. Trying to negotiate a new way of living can trigger a death dream, the old way of life has died and a new way of life is born. 
Dying dreams encourage you to negotiate your fears about loss and change, remember that the fear of loss and change do not necessarily describe a physical loss, they most likely describe the situation we are all in now and the death dreams are about coming to terms with change and a new way of living. The death dream is probably about the loss of our old lives and the acceptance of the new life we will undoubtedly face in the future. 

Other dreams scenarios and symbols have been new and unexperienced before. I had a couple of dreams last month where, in the dreams, I couldn't cough, people were telling me I needed to cough but no matter what I did I was unable too. At the time I had no idea what those dreams related to and I had never experienced that kind of dream before, on first thought I wondered if it linked with my health, but I have been well and still am. The dream makes total sense to me now, it wasn't about me but rather about the many people around the world who are in that position when they are on ventilators. I never knew then that people on ventilators are unable to cough even though their lungs need nothing more than to clear the build-up of congestion, medical carers have to remove it manually to help save their lives. These new types of dream symbols are prevalent because the Coronavirus pandemic has not been experienced before, not on such a wide scale, and therefore dream symbols have changed to try and explain and describe a wide variety of new experiences that collective society is going to experience.  

Dream creations are very clever in my experience, they include as much detail as they can, but a short sharp warning is sometimes all that is needed to describe something traumatic. Dreams are truthful as well, they don't dance around an issue or a problem, they don't lie to us and we cannot argue with them. Warning dreams are especially to the point, they are not created for entertainment purposes, they are created to explain the hard facts, which is why they often describe experiences that scare us. Dramatic events in dreams usually represent big changes in our life which require us to find strength and the will to fight our own fears about change. We are not going to be able to help other people with their fears, and help face and fight a global pandemic if we can't face our own basic fears.  

Disaster dreams that many people are experiencing now are often filled with tsunamis and giant waves, we know that water nearly always describes our emotions in 'dream language' and can translate the immensity of emotions that have risen and 'washed up' by the effects of the new virus. Tsunamis, when they hit can destroy lives and change the foundations of the way our lives are structured, therefore this is the perfect symbol to describe the situation we all find ourselves in as a collective. Dreaming about a tsunami usually relates to our individual life getting turned upside down but when many people dream about the same thing we can assume it relates to a collective experience.  I can confirm that many of the dreams I translated months ago described Tsunamis and I did wonder about the significance of this and also entertained the idea that it was a collective tsunami of emotional turmoil, but there was no way I or anyone else could have predicted the true devastation that we would succumb. 

Other types of dream scenarios that have been very common at this time are about; hoards of locusts, maggots everywhere, or flying bugs, which the dreamer can't escape, and in the current collective crises these dreams are self-explanatory. People have also been dreaming of 'things' coming out of the sky, things that they had never seen before, this description matches perfectly with what we are all experiencing now, dealing with things we haven't had to face before. 

These link with biblical stories which describe a time when plagues and epidemics are prevalent, the scale and scope can be described by how many locusts there are in your dream, they will also represent things or people that are plaguing you, or worrying you.

Alien Dreams
Aliens are often used in dreams to represent the unknown, a new situation is alien to you; these dreams are about getting a better understanding of what we are dealing with as we haven't had an experience like this before. This dream can also be spiritually translated and represent the journey into the unknown and the discoveries that you make while on that journey. 

Being abducted by aliens
simply explains how you feel as though your life has been taken over by outside forces and unfamiliar circumstances have taken over your current set up, this situation is unique, and you need to adapt quickly before you are consumed by the negative fear which is created by dealing with the unknown. We only fear the things that we do not understand!

Asteroids and Crashing Comets
(Alien above/UFO)
What's passing through your life and the after-effects
You are dealing with unknown aspects of life which you haven’t had any experience of before. Events that can have a major impact on your life.
Unusual circumstances!

Fight to win
Being attacked in a dream is not often an omen of imminent violence but can be used to describe a situation that is attacking your own defenses, it could be an attack of the nerves where your own fears are attacking your strength and creating weakness. An attack could be used to describe an illness where your immune system is under attack.
An external attack would be where other people or other situations are pushing their will onto you; they are attacking your integrity, invading your space, or ruining your peace and security.

Emotional turmoil
An avalanche represents a sudden onslaught of feelings and emotions that dominate everything else around you. Perhaps you feel as though problems are building up on top of you and you must escape before they push you over the edge.
The coldness will represent cold feelings, and cold is sometimes used to describe fear, and ice is usually used to represent rigidness.
Snow is often symbolic for pent up feelings, therefore a sudden avalanche is obviously a release of all of those things.
Overpowering feelings that create instability.
A new level footing will eventually be found.

Bacteria and Viruses 
These types of symbols in dream language are often used to represent negative contamination from outside sources, so these types of symbols might be prevalent in your dreams right now.  

Deserted towns
A recurring dream I have been having is where I'm walking around my town and the streets are absolutely void of people. Every time I have this dream the streets are always empty but the roads always look as though they have been sprinkled with rain.
These types of dreams describe the isolation and loneliness people are experiencing and water is also symbolic of the emotions that are linked with this. 

Disruption and destructiveness often bring about a shift of consciousness as the world changes around you, you must change as well. The level that you are on will be shaken-up and you must work towards finding a newly balanced life. 
Drowning and Water

With all these seemingly negative dreams being experienced at the moment it might help you to read the dream that someone had very recently, it incorporates many different obstacles and personal challenges which we're all experiencing, but it has a message of hope and change for all of us. At a time when we need to have some reassurance regards the future, this dream, although simple in its creation and delivery, expresses our hope for the future, when we have learned to live with love and compassion. We are in the springtime of our spiritual development, a time where we are all preoccupied with what we have and what we look like, and soon, thankfully, we will enter the summertime of our spiritual journey, through adjustment and experience, things will be different for young people especially, they can enjoy a time of love and warmth where there is less injustice in the world, where they work together to overcome problems and issues that they face. A world where they know that division and anger accomplish nothing. It will not be comfortable making changes to get there, the road we walk will have obstacles and pain. There is a need to scale down the way we live, the take-take-take attitude has damaged the environment and the spiritual wellbeing of our society who have forgotten that the basics in life are all we need, and all we really want by our side at times of great sorrow is our family and friends, times like now will help you to remember that only love for each other is worth anything of value. 

The builders of our new tomorrow are already creating the new path towards being kind to each other and creating a new city of wealth and understanding, this won't come from what we have but rather from what we have learned and what we do with that knowledge. The older generation has paved the way for us, they are our biggest loss at this time and we should thank them for preparing our new future. They have tried and tried to make us treat each other better, but we were too busy on our iPhones to listen. 

This elderly lady told me about her dream:

I came out of a house into a street and as I'm walking along there were shops, they were not big superstores, they were small shops packed full of goods, they were beautiful little shops, someone told me that all the shops were open because it was spring. 

I was pushing a baby in a big old fashioned pram and I wanted to explore the shops and the old city which was huge with roads going everywhere.
There was one particular building that caught my eye, so I went over the road to get a better look, the reason I noticed the building was because it was all black, like you would see in the old cotton mill towns. It was a beautiful building with lots of character even though it was black, it was also like a church with lovely windows and tall chimneys. After I had looked at the details of that building I went to explore more shops, and I went into another one to look at shoes, the shoes were not appropriate for me, they were odd or didn't fit, they were all unsuitable. 
When I came out the shoe shop I was trying to cross a really big junction, it was like a six-way junction and there were cars and lorries everywhere, I was still pushing the pram and I thought the only way I can get across the road is to stop the traffic. The drivers all cursed me and shouted at me but I managed to get across the road with the pram and my baby. Once across the road, I came to another wide road and on the other side of that was a brand new development, it was a beautiful new city, there were workers still laying the road, builders were building new buildings and shops, everything was so beautiful and new, the sun was shining. I woke up not knowing if I got to the new city or not, but I know I got the child there. 

Tuesday 25 February 2020

A dream about crows pecking me


The dream starts with me sleeping outside my grandma's driveway in the backyard. I went to move my left arm down by my side and I felt something there, but it hobbled away and I felt something warm on my leg and when I sat up and looked at it I saw it was blood. Then beside me I saw 2 crows pecking at my leg. One had a bloody beak and I shooed him away. Then I got up and walked to the backdoor to go in the house. The crows started to follow me in the house, and the one with a bloody beak I kept outside. The clean crow flew in with me, but I left it in a different room. As I investigate my leg, I see a large wound, but it had stopped bleeding. In the house, I'm now looking for someone to fix up my leg. After searching I find a woman who I think is my mom and she goes looking for medical supplies, after a minute or so she returns with a box of stuff and goes through it. She finds gauze and bandages, and some jell stuff. She rips open my pants where the wound is, and I see 3 wounds. One is a small surface wound from the pecks the 2nd is like a hole that has another hole inside it where it was bleeding from. And the 3rd was a large open gash where the flesh was not closed. The woman with the medical supplies fixes up the 2nd wound and demands money for the supplies. I get annoyed and leave to find more supplies. After looking around I find some stuff and dress up the 3rd wound to keep it all held together. I wrap it in gauze then a bandage. Then I woke up.

Here goes, I think you sleep outside your grandma's house because it's with her you feel most at peace, (is she still around?) as being in the backyard suggests she isn't able to provide you with the support you need any more, you feel like you've been left out in the cold, have you heard the saying "I'd give my right arm to have someone back?" well perhaps she was supportive and protective of you although you didn't rely on her too much, just when you needed her, maybe she was by your side if and when you needed her to be. (she was your left arm) The thing that hobbled away which we can assume was a crow managed to hurt you without your knowledge, so shall we say that the crow symbolizes a woman, who hurt you without you even realizing it was happening? The two crows were probably used to represent two people who peck at you or nag constantly, and this constant pecking wears you down and has created damage to your ability to make progress in a new relationship. The crow with the bloody beak you left outside, this explains how you shut out the person who caused you damage, you let one crow in, the one with the clean beak but you left them in another room, so there are walls between you, the walls represent the wall you have built around you to protect yourself. 

You inspect the damage done by the crow, the large wound left by their pecking, (the damage left when someone puts you down all the time or brings you down) The blood has gone, which means this happened in the past and you have healed a bit, obviously not completely or it wouldn't still be prevalent in your dreams now, maybe past relationships have tainted your ability to understand that a new relationship will not be the same as an old relationship. Maybe you are defensive and think that as soon as someone says something to you it is criticism. 
In the house, you are looking for someone to repair the damage to your leg, but really you are looking for a person who will help you heal from past hurt. You can’t expect a person to do that for you, you have to do that yourself, a new relationship should not be based on what they can do for you, no one can make you feel better about yourself, only you can do that. If you enter a new relationship it should be from ground zero with no expectations of them, good or bad.  Yes, people can help us feel good about ourselves but until you feel good about yourself you are not ready for a positive relationship. Heal past wounds yourself, don't think that every relationship you have will be with someone who treats you badly. And don't expect anyone else to mend you, it's not their job to do that, it's yours!

You said yourself that in your dream you find a woman who you think is your mum, you are looking for a replacement mum or grandmother who will care for you and mend your wounds, women of today do idolize their children and grandchildren, I'm guilty of that, but for a loving relationship to work, you will have to acknowledge that a partner isn't going to idolize you and cater for your every whim. You must re-learn what real good lasting relationships are about because your past experiences have messed up your expectations.
A partner will not love you in the same way as your mum or gran, they won't wipe your arse for you and put a bandage on your wounds but equally, they should never put you down either or make you feel bad about yourself. They should be your equal and you both treat each other with love and respect. 

At the end of your dream when the woman/nurse/mum wants payment for dressing your wounds you get irritated; this is because you feel that women always want something in return for whatever they do for you. Then you decide to finish it yourself, good for you because like I said it's you who must get over the past hurts yourself, stop expecting other people to do it for you, it’s not their job. You have been hurt by relationships; everyone has! If you don't put it aside, your future relationships will suffer the same types of scenarios. 
Establish a thought process that means you are not looking for a replacement mother/grandmother or someone to make you better. Forget past relationships because they have absolutely no bearing on future relationships unless you keep choosing the same type of person that is. Your dream is trying to help you break previous patterns and re-learn what a relationship should be like. No pecking at each other, no power struggles, no mending each other, no blaming each other, just loving and supporting each other. You will find the right person when you stop designing who you want.