
Wednesday 1 May 2024

Recurring dreams about riding a bicycle and trying to get to a place of study?




Please could you translate my recurring dreams about riding a bicycle and getting to a place of study.  

They all contain myself on a bicycle, on a difficult road for me to get from A to B. The bicycle always, either, gets a puncture, or the lights fail. I find myself having to follow other roads and tracks that take me miles out of my way. 

The life journey dream

Bicycle = The cycle you are in and going around and around the same cycle and not feeling able to change it. 

A bicycle offers an alternative way of getting along during this phase of your journey through life. You need to put in a little extra effort to move forward, increase your motivation, and drive to propel yourself in the direction you wish to take. (Getting out of the same old cycle)
A bicycle is a single passenger mode of travelling and requires you to use a separate set of instincts than driving a motor vehicle, this helps you understand that the next part of your journey needs to be done alone and requires you to be stronger and more organised than you have needed to be in the past. 
The next phase will also require that you find an inner peace so that you can ride smoothly over and through any obstacles that you come up against on your path.
There is a certain amount of freedom and enjoyment that can be gained from using a bicycle as a means of transport, in the same way that there are benefits to being single or working alone. Travel dreams occur when we want to move forward with our life and the transport that we use in a dream represents the help we need to make that progress; a bicycle requires you to use your own energy. Transport also helps to explain how quickly you need to move things along and if you are moving too fast or not fast enough, a bike is an ideal symbol to explain this situation to you. Think about if you were going uphill or downhill or if the ride was smooth or difficult?  Did you have the energy to move forward or did you find it hard work doing it all by yourself, also consider if there were any problems with the bike in your dream?
Paths simply refer to the chosen path you are on, the issues with the bike or the path itself are a representation or the obstacles you might come across before reaching your destination. 
Following other roads is an easy translation of trying out different things to see if they make sense to you, if they don't its because they do not lead to your chosen destination. Having said this it's all learning and nothing you see and learn on a path is wasted, even if you feel that your not on the right path sometimes we need to be on the wrong path to actually know its not the path you want. 
It feels like the paths and tracks you have been on have wasted your time and taken you far from where you want to be, but, you would still have learned something.
A spiritual road is always a difficult road to travel, what you learn and gain from traveling it can not always be understood while you are on it. 
Fixing a puncture or trying to, will describe how you feel deflated or let down.
The lights on the bike can represent being guided, if they are not working you probably feel alone and without support and guidance, I say it again, sometimes, you have to go it alone and trust your own instincts, being able to find your way through obstacles when they arise on your own is a test of your own faith in yourself, trusting you are strong enough and wise enough to know when something isn't working and starting again on another path. 

I seem to be going to a place of study, and I do not know my age, but I see many other (Unknown) people from 18 to about 30 years of age, so, I therefore presume that I am in that age range. The place of study seems extremely confusing and it is very difficult to find the correct room for the study period, and I have no idea as to what I am studying. 

Life learning is always confusing, life is confusing, its frustrating and that's not only for the young, by the age of thirty we are supposed to have it all figured out, right? Know what we want to be, who we are, where we are going etc etc 
Paths change, we change, we grow then regress, digress, grow some more, move forward, go back. We stagnate or move forward quickly, we move forward slowly and we hide under a rock as well as shine. 
All these states of being are not reserved for the under 30s. 
We never stop learning, if you don't know what you are studying in your dream its because you don't know what you are supposed to be learning. Don't worry about it, you'll learn something by just sitting under a rock. You are a student of life on earth. 

I try to find the toilet at this place, and find that the toilets are being renovated and temporary toilets have been provided. Naturally, I find a urinal and can't seem to stop peeing, only to find a female standing behind me telling me to hurry up as she is busting to pee. (At a men's wall mounted urinal?)
These dreams seem to be repeating, although slightly different in minor detail. 
My feelings whilst in the dream; Confused, frustrated, lack of rationality, disappointment, and lost.

The toilet part of this dream is probably symbolic of you trying to get rid of negativity that builds up, urine will actually link with water and emotions and getting rid of emotions that weigh you down and need to be expelled. Not being able to stop urinating happens when you don't get your emotions out and then when they do come out they don't seem to stop.
The fact that a lady is waiting behind you will probably link with the fact that as a man you feel that emotions are not a man thing, or you're confused that emotions are specifically for women? 
Men and women both have a right to shed their emotions, it will be a relief if you do. 


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