
Wednesday 24 July 2024

Dreaming About an Octopus



I dreamed that I saw a man with an octopus stuck to his arm. I was worried about him and I didn't know what to do to help him. Then all of a sudden the Octopus detached from him and fell on the floor, the man then collapsed and died. The octopus was alive but couldn't get to its natural home. I didn't know the man and didn't know what to do to help him or the Octopus?

Water creatures are driven and ruled by their emotions

Octopus are often depicted in films and mythology as creatures that share a link with aliens, or they are used to describe what kind of alien life we might find on other planets.  This is not surprising when you think about it as they have been around on this planet since before the dinosaurs (the latest fossil data has shown) and its for this reason they can be viewed as creatures whose DNA can store data about the earth from when they first evolved in the sea. Its not too far of a stretch to imagine they can survive in an array of different atmospheres and would probably have evolved on other planets as well, if there is water of course. So its not surprising they are used as a representation of what we might imagine some Alien creatures to be like. 

The Octopus are thought to translate data or knowledge about what they know about the earth to humans via touch and they are often depicted as telepathic in nature and can use vibration to transfer their messages in the same way as humans do. If or not you buy in to any of this is up to you, but they have managed to survive billions of years on the earth without causing any damage and humans cannot say the same. 

Lets imagine that they have surpassed us in spiritual knowledge and that they store information in their DNA which is passed on to their offspring, the parent Octopus then dies when it has mated. Its job is done and is hopefully happy in the knowledge that it lives on through its children and has passed on important information for the next generation. 

Dreams about Octopus can be related to a spiritual awakening and the passing on of knowledge about the earth, life on other planets and the afterlife or alternate dimensions. 

To decipher symbolism from your dream, I would have to consider all the above information in regards to Octopuses. I would like to think that your dream is referring to spiritual matters but the Octopus has attached itself to a man, who then dies from the detachment, it is passing on its knowledge to him but perhaps the knowledge is too much for the man and so it overpowers him. I might be inclined to wonder if a man in your life has attachment issues, either spiritually or physically, has he opened himself up or attempted a spiritual awakening using drugs or without the proper protection? The knowledge is alien to him and causes more harm than good, especially without people around to help him develop in a natural way. 

Looking at it from an earthly point of view sometimes people feel that detachment from others will bring about their own demise, or perhaps they feel that they cant live without drugs, the octopus can also represent how good the drug connection feels but when it is gone the person cannot live without them. 

Drugs are quite often a gateway to a person opening up their third eye or their psychic abilities, but unfortunately this is not the natural way to do it and the person will find that they can't close the gateway and will become overwhelmed by everything they experience, the drugs will also cause paranoia and that does not mix well with an open psyche, disaster often prevails. 

Of course you will hardly be able to help.      


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