
Monday 24 March 2014

Dreams about visiting other countries


I dreamt that I was with my family and we flew to Italy. It was snowing as we flew and I was scared. The snow was gripping onto the wings of the airplane. Then we landed and walked around Italy. In particular a food market. Then we got back on the plane and flew to Russia. In Russia we hired a car and got overtaken by an Austin Allegro with four black bears in it. One was driving!! and the other three were being aggressive to us.

When we dream of going to other countries it can describe the journey into the unknown, especially if you haven't been to the country before, you are treading a road that you haven't travelled before. Countries are used to represent unknown aspects of yourself or of experiences that are new and perhaps exciting. 
Travel dreams mostly relay the earthly or spiritual journey and dealing with new obstacles or making headway in other areas of your life. Your dream describes how you are starting out on this new journey and luckily your family are on board which is always a good thing. 
Food represents how fulfilled you feel from what you are getting out of life, it is a symbol for the things that are available to help you feel happy and contented. Being presented with a huge mix of food is a way of telling you that you have a lot of different choices available right now and you are on the market for something new. You can choose to buy-in to these offers or pass them by if you want to. 
The market is used as a symbol when you are searching for something to help you feel complete or more satisfied, this can relate to work, perhaps spiritual work or in finding a new direction or role in your life that helps you to be happy and contented. We can feel happy with our family and our relationships but discontented with our work life for example.  
The snow is another symbol of inertia, the cold represents a lack of feeling and this will also link with the discontentment you feel with a section of your life, most likely work as I said.
Italy should represent a warm place to be, but alas it is snowing, so in places where you should be content, you are actually lacking in warmth and sunshine. Then you go to Russia where it's even colder, this shows how if you do nothing to change your current direction it will only get worse. You must make new choices and instigate changes to the things that have lost their ability to keep you happy, perhaps you get no satisfaction from your work and it is time to take a different route. Your family will be on board if you include them. 
The Austin Allegro car does seem to have been added to provide some humour to your dream, in other words, if you don't get a move on and kick start these changes there will people who will take over and you will lose your ability to make your own choices.    
Animals are often used in dreams to represent people's personalities and the four bears might have been chosen specifically to symbolise aggressive people who are overbearing and playing a part in your life at the moment. 
Bears can sometimes symbolise aggression, that's why they were angry bears and they are also used to describe the dominant mother type personality. 


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