
Sunday 31 March 2013

Dreams where you don't get what you ask for.


I didn't get what I asked for? 
I have had this type of dream before, I go into my old work place and then go into the canteen, I ask the lady for a tea and a coffee, she puts a tea on a tray and then another thing which I can only make out to be a rice pudding type dish in a bowl. I tell her it's not what I asked for but she ignores me. I take the tea and rice pudding dish as she looks like she has no intention of changing it. 

Returning to an old work place in a dream usually means that you left something of yourself there, maybe you were happy at that time or maybe you feel as though you left your youth or best years there. Work place dreams also tell you that there is further work to be done. You know even retired people have work to do here on earth, your family and friends still need you to play an active role. Anyway when we do not get what we have asked for in a dream it simply means that things have turned out differently from what you expected. In this case you didn't get what you were expecting or asked for but what you did get turned out pretty good.

Food and drink link with how fulfilled you feel in yourself and what is provided for you by the people around you. 
Work of any kind provides us with a sense of fulfillment and is important towards our contentment, in your case this dream seems to be referring to your career or job, perhaps you realise that this particular role even though it wasn't exactly what you wanted, turned out ok in the end. You can use this information to help you if you are looking for an new job or career role. It might not look good on paper but if you give it a go it might just make you happy.  

Nourishment is still needed in your life and feeling fulfilled can come from providing nourishment (knowledge and experience) for the people around you.
The rice pudding symbolises what you have been dished up by life, not what you asked for but not a bad deal overall. Coincidentally rice symbolizes the many different grains of knowledge and attributes that you have. It is also a symbol of good luck and plenty which is why it was thrown at the bride and groom in marriages gone by, replaced by confetti nowadays.


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