
Wednesday 24 July 2024

Dreaming About an Octopus



I dreamed that I saw a man with an octopus stuck to his arm. I was worried about him and I didn't know what to do to help him. Then all of a sudden the Octopus detached from him and fell on the floor, the man then collapsed and died. The octopus was alive but couldn't get to its natural home. I didn't know the man and didn't know what to do to help him or the Octopus?

Water creatures are driven and ruled by their emotions

Octopus are often depicted in films and mythology as creatures that share a link with aliens, or they are used to describe what kind of alien life we might find on other planets.  This is not surprising when you think about it as they have been around on this planet since before the dinosaurs (the latest fossil data has shown) and its for this reason they can be viewed as creatures whose DNA can store data about the earth from when they first evolved in the sea. Its not too far of a stretch to imagine they can survive in an array of different atmospheres and would probably have evolved on other planets as well, if there is water of course. So its not surprising they are used as a representation of what we might imagine some Alien creatures to be like. 

The Octopus are thought to translate data or knowledge about what they know about the earth to humans via touch and they are often depicted as telepathic in nature and can use vibration to transfer their messages in the same way as humans do. If or not you buy in to any of this is up to you, but they have managed to survive billions of years on the earth without causing any damage and humans cannot say the same. 

Lets imagine that they have surpassed us in spiritual knowledge and that they store information in their DNA which is passed on to their offspring, the parent Octopus then dies when it has mated. Its job is done and is hopefully happy in the knowledge that it lives on through its children and has passed on important information for the next generation. 

Dreams about Octopus can be related to a spiritual awakening and the passing on of knowledge about the earth, life on other planets and the afterlife or alternate dimensions. 

To decipher symbolism from your dream, I would have to consider all the above information in regards to Octopuses. I would like to think that your dream is referring to spiritual matters but the Octopus has attached itself to a man, who then dies from the detachment, it is passing on its knowledge to him but perhaps the knowledge is too much for the man and so it overpowers him. I might be inclined to wonder if a man in your life has attachment issues, either spiritually or physically, has he opened himself up or attempted a spiritual awakening using drugs or without the proper protection? The knowledge is alien to him and causes more harm than good, especially without people around to help him develop in a natural way. 

Looking at it from an earthly point of view sometimes people feel that detachment from others will bring about their own demise, or perhaps they feel that they cant live without drugs, the octopus can also represent how good the drug connection feels but when it is gone the person cannot live without them. 

Drugs are quite often a gateway to a person opening up their third eye or their psychic abilities, but unfortunately this is not the natural way to do it and the person will find that they can't close the gateway and will become overwhelmed by everything they experience, the drugs will also cause paranoia and that does not mix well with an open psyche, disaster often prevails. 

Of course you will hardly be able to help.      


Wednesday 1 May 2024

The Galactic Dream


Galactic Dream

Sufficed to say, what follows is an account of a dream so incredulous in its fantastic magnitude and unmistakable clarity that I personally find it overwhelmingly bewildering. I have thought long and hard as to its presentation and applied my technique of asking the questions; 
Who, what, where, when, why, and how, to find a rational and sensible conclusion to its meaning. So, bearing that in mind, it is presented (AS IS) without embellishments.
First, it is important to bring life and substance into the main characters and their parts played in the dream.

This reminds me of how we often compare life to a theatre and the different characters who are taking part in a particular planned and well thought out life time. People (characters) have their parts to play through-out our lives, they might have small parts to play or bigger more important roles. Think along the lines of planning a life which is actually like creating a play, looking at what you wish to achieve in that life time and the people around you who are in a place to help you create it.

The first character:
Has that ability to bring together the sciences, people, equipment, extra-dimensional thinkers, inter-agency communications, televisual contracts, as well as finance. 
In a nutshell he is Mr Fix-It extraordinaire.

This character would be/or is a representation of the type of character whom you would need to help create a larger-than-life change or experience, he, being Mr Fix it, has the skills and knowledge to link up all the different characters, their skills and the out of the box thinkers, agencies (referring to a collective) Televisual (Referring to shared knowledge and communication)

In the dream I am a world-renowned music composer, who also has a fascination with the human voice in the choral form to produce ultra-magnificent and out of the box vocals, one of which is the spiral-overlapping crescendo. For the performance we were to give I used 10 full orchestras and 5,000 of the best male and female voices.

You are concerned with Vibration and energy along with communication. Creating a vibrational energy  like no other. (You need a lot of souls to do this, 5000 different vibrations would create quite the powerful vibration needed) The ripple effect comes to mind, perhaps you need to take note of the power of the collective. One person sharing information nowadays can soon reach 5000, therefore if you make a small change in a positive way, it will soon grow into something substantial. Or if you put out one positive thing it will soon reach the masses.
I think this section is about the ripple effect and positive energy and sharing it with others.
I’m wondering what you are planning or wanting to achieve with your work or with friends/Colleagues. I need you to take note of the fact that a Galactic reach wouldn’t necessarily show up in its entirety until you viewed your life from afar where you would see the ripple effect of one action or intention. I am not of course trying to piss on your parade.
Of course, you are capable of a Galactic reach with your actions and positivity, I’m just being practical and trying to help you see that from acorns, oak trees grow and you probably don’t realize that what you view as a seed thrown out into the wind has started to develop into something bigger. The internet is a great resource for reaching other people but you might not be aware of the people who you actually help.  But you’re not in it for the adulation so its here nor there.

The venue is a brand new 150,000-seater stadium in Madrid, Spain.
The occasion is the FIFA World Cup Opening and Closing ceremonies. The stadium was ultra-special, first, the stadium itself was constructed as a perfect oval, then completely covering the  stadium was constructed a crystal pyramid from a crystal of the purest kind mined from the crystal mines in Brazil. Two special crystals were strategically placed, one in the apex of the pyramid and the second and largest, some 20 feet tall, was set under the centre spot of the pitch at precisely the correct depth so that the measurement of the tip of the crystal in the ground to the tip of the crystal in the apex of the pyramid was exactly matching the Golden ratio of 1.618 (phi). Also, under the big crystal in the ground was constructed an aquifer, just like the Pyramids of Giza. The capstone of the pyramid was created from the purest gold from the four corners of the earth. 
One could feel the intense tingling of electricity in this incredible space. The resonance of the crystal pyramid accentuated the music and the choral vocals most perfectly. Myself, as the musical director, had worked for 4 years creating an operatic spectacular, both vocally and musically. The music encompassed the music styles from all nations.

The real venue might be earth. Football is a team game which requires everyone to play their part in order to reach goals. All the characters aiming for the same goal like changing the resonance of earth perhaps, through vibration, energy and meditation etc. The capstone is probably a representation of the god head or the source, The crystals will represent pure energy from the characters in your play, or our  play. The aquifer is needed to take the energy below and out to the masses. Remember, water always links to emotions it is a pure life source.
The special crystals are probably used to represent special people who have been strategically placed to share that special energy with the world. And we all know the power of the pyramid and all that it entails. We also understand the importance of the golden ratio in nature and the earth, so that doesn't  need much explaining.
Music is a brilliant representation of vibrational energy and what we create for others.
Individuals singing are giving out their own unique energy and as a collective the energy blends into harmonious beauty. Even negative energy actually creates and blends to create different hues and  harmonies that wouldn’t be possible without them. What we view as bad is actually needed for balance. You know the teaching of no pain no gain. Unfortunately, we only grow from the dirt.

I still think it’s all referring to the world/Earth as a whole. The United Nations.

The opening ceremony and musical and vocal performance were incredulous, and all television, radio and print media gave the spectacular the most incredible reviews. That was only the opening ceremony and performance, something 1,000 times more unbelievable was to come at the closing ceremony and performance. For the closing ceremony, character 1,  had organised 5,000 spiritualists  who were masters of meditation were to be organised in the top tier, encircling the stadium, and their job was to create energy going anti-clockwise around the stadium to really ramp up the energy and to push it as far as they could.

Like I said I feel that this dream is referring to spreading the energy far and wide, to ramp up the energy of the world as a whole. Our hearts’ beat with toroidal energy so why not the earths energy too.

The day of the closing ceremony within the Crystal Pyramid and the 150,000-seater stadium was now in full swing. I had a surprise up my sleeve. I had chosen the song Barcelona; as sung by Freddie Mercury and Montserrat CaballĂ©, only myself, the 10 full orchestras and the 5,000 choral voices knew that this was to be the final song, and we had practiced and practiced until the spiral-overlapping crescendo was pitch and tone perfect, along with the orchestral accompaniment. The 150,000 crowd went absolutely crazy with a crescendo of cheers never heard before. But, that was nothing compared to what happened next. There was a massive flash of golden light between the apex of the pyramid and the centre spot of the pitch, and a branch of that light shone onto the spot  where we were both sitting. Then, from that beam of golden light walked a man, in a one-piece grey suit, he walked up to us and offered his hand, we shook it, he said "I bring greetings from the people of the Pleiades, you constructed it, you called, we heard, we came, and now we greet you;. But I have something else for you both, please look into the golden light." We both looked, and from the golden light appeared a relative, in all his finery, and was smiling madly and he greeted us with a handshake and a big embrace, then following him came Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Sir Isaac Newton, Freud, and a plethora of other notable greats, all of whom waved at the crowd and seemed extremely happy.

All the greatest minds from the past are helping to increase the earths and its inhabitant’s vibration along with the souls who presently reside here. Why do we need to increase earth and its soul’s energy vibration? did I hear you ask? Well from what I remember regards this, when I planned my own life, it was with the purpose of doing exactly this. To bring love and enlightenment etc etc to make other people kinder and to help them understand that a life of service is more fulfilling and rewarding than being a self-centered self-interested character.
Also, I remember that the time was fast coming where some souls would not be able to use earth as their learning playground, because earth was transitioning into a higher vibration, where only higher vibrational souls would fit, if you know what I mean. I’m sure you do.
Now, the next part of the dream refers to the extraterrestrial souls who I am pretty sure are to be outed within the next few years, I’m positive that disclosure is going to happen at some stage, if not drip fed  into the wider media and social media. When this does eventually happen the enlightened probably won't bat an eyelid at the news, but the ignorant/uneducated in these matters will probably not have the skills to cope. And then we will have to try and sort them
out, wont we?

Quick story:
When I was very young, about 12, I dreamed that I was taken on board this massive craft, it was huge. I was told that the time would come when I would be needed to help people on earth come to terms with the news regards the extra-terrestrial beings.
Years later, when I was 35, my husband and I and my two friends witness this huge football stadium sized craft above our houses. It was enormous and I kid you not. It had orange and red lights spinning.
I knew why they were there, having never forgot my childhood dream. But I never said anything to the others.
I also had another dream quite recently where my spiritual guide took me to visit these alien beings that were being kept underground in some government place. Let me tell you they stunk to high heaven and I commented such. These beings were possibly of the reptile type and I said why didn’t you take me to see the nice ones?

A character in your dream said, "There is something you need to see, and we invite you to join us, and not to worry as you will be returned promptly. We followed these greats into the golden light and
immediately found ourselves in the Pleiades, amongst all the greats who called themselves the children of the stars. We were shown all the experiments that they were working on with instruments and unknown technologies, and we were told, ;One day you will be collected and taken to this place of freedom and peace for all eternity in perfect happiness. Then, in an instant, we were back in our original place in the stadium as if we had never left. We looked at each other in a manner that expressed our surprise."

I hope you understand most of this explanation.

The galactic dream refers to the galactic federation, the galactic community, communication, energy vibration, sharing knowledge, the individuals on earth who have the knowledge and experience to cope with it all and spread the word in any which way they can, no matter how small, as it spreads like wild fire like all the best gossip does. The energy and vibration of this planet and the souls who reside here must and will become more tuned and refined as spiritual beings before disclosure can happen.


Recurring dreams about riding a bicycle and trying to get to a place of study?




Please could you translate my recurring dreams about riding a bicycle and getting to a place of study.  

They all contain myself on a bicycle, on a difficult road for me to get from A to B. The bicycle always, either, gets a puncture, or the lights fail. I find myself having to follow other roads and tracks that take me miles out of my way. 

The life journey dream

Bicycle = The cycle you are in and going around and around the same cycle and not feeling able to change it. 

A bicycle offers an alternative way of getting along during this phase of your journey through life. You need to put in a little extra effort to move forward, increase your motivation, and drive to propel yourself in the direction you wish to take. (Getting out of the same old cycle)
A bicycle is a single passenger mode of travelling and requires you to use a separate set of instincts than driving a motor vehicle, this helps you understand that the next part of your journey needs to be done alone and requires you to be stronger and more organised than you have needed to be in the past. 
The next phase will also require that you find an inner peace so that you can ride smoothly over and through any obstacles that you come up against on your path.
There is a certain amount of freedom and enjoyment that can be gained from using a bicycle as a means of transport, in the same way that there are benefits to being single or working alone. Travel dreams occur when we want to move forward with our life and the transport that we use in a dream represents the help we need to make that progress; a bicycle requires you to use your own energy. Transport also helps to explain how quickly you need to move things along and if you are moving too fast or not fast enough, a bike is an ideal symbol to explain this situation to you. Think about if you were going uphill or downhill or if the ride was smooth or difficult?  Did you have the energy to move forward or did you find it hard work doing it all by yourself, also consider if there were any problems with the bike in your dream?
Paths simply refer to the chosen path you are on, the issues with the bike or the path itself are a representation or the obstacles you might come across before reaching your destination. 
Following other roads is an easy translation of trying out different things to see if they make sense to you, if they don't its because they do not lead to your chosen destination. Having said this it's all learning and nothing you see and learn on a path is wasted, even if you feel that your not on the right path sometimes we need to be on the wrong path to actually know its not the path you want. 
It feels like the paths and tracks you have been on have wasted your time and taken you far from where you want to be, but, you would still have learned something.
A spiritual road is always a difficult road to travel, what you learn and gain from traveling it can not always be understood while you are on it. 
Fixing a puncture or trying to, will describe how you feel deflated or let down.
The lights on the bike can represent being guided, if they are not working you probably feel alone and without support and guidance, I say it again, sometimes, you have to go it alone and trust your own instincts, being able to find your way through obstacles when they arise on your own is a test of your own faith in yourself, trusting you are strong enough and wise enough to know when something isn't working and starting again on another path. 

I seem to be going to a place of study, and I do not know my age, but I see many other (Unknown) people from 18 to about 30 years of age, so, I therefore presume that I am in that age range. The place of study seems extremely confusing and it is very difficult to find the correct room for the study period, and I have no idea as to what I am studying. 

Life learning is always confusing, life is confusing, its frustrating and that's not only for the young, by the age of thirty we are supposed to have it all figured out, right? Know what we want to be, who we are, where we are going etc etc 
Paths change, we change, we grow then regress, digress, grow some more, move forward, go back. We stagnate or move forward quickly, we move forward slowly and we hide under a rock as well as shine. 
All these states of being are not reserved for the under 30s. 
We never stop learning, if you don't know what you are studying in your dream its because you don't know what you are supposed to be learning. Don't worry about it, you'll learn something by just sitting under a rock. You are a student of life on earth. 

I try to find the toilet at this place, and find that the toilets are being renovated and temporary toilets have been provided. Naturally, I find a urinal and can't seem to stop peeing, only to find a female standing behind me telling me to hurry up as she is busting to pee. (At a men's wall mounted urinal?)
These dreams seem to be repeating, although slightly different in minor detail. 
My feelings whilst in the dream; Confused, frustrated, lack of rationality, disappointment, and lost.

The toilet part of this dream is probably symbolic of you trying to get rid of negativity that builds up, urine will actually link with water and emotions and getting rid of emotions that weigh you down and need to be expelled. Not being able to stop urinating happens when you don't get your emotions out and then when they do come out they don't seem to stop.
The fact that a lady is waiting behind you will probably link with the fact that as a man you feel that emotions are not a man thing, or you're confused that emotions are specifically for women? 
Men and women both have a right to shed their emotions, it will be a relief if you do. 


Sunday 12 March 2023

Recurring Dreams about School and Work


Recurring Dreams

Education Dreams 

Schools Universities and Work

Failing Exams and Tests 

Train Journey Dreams 

Obstacle Dreams 

Claustrophobic Dreams

Trying to get to a place of study

I had a dream, the main theme has been recuring over the last few years, let me just say firstly, that I used to work in education but as I got older I grew complacent and tired of being in school for what seemed like my whole life. I used to joke I would leave and do something completely irrelevant and with no pressure or responsibilities. 

Later, I had decided to move to the coast along with family and so at this time I also made the change and left education and worked part time doing a seemingly mundane and boring role which paid the bills.

I havent really ever regretted leaving my career in education but did feel sad that I was no longer helping young people with their mental health issues and mentoring them to achieve their goals regardless of the obstacles in their lives. This being my only regret, my dreams of going back to work all the time might perhaps be related to this one sadness and regret. 

In my recuring dreams of being at work/school I am always skipping classes and missing days at work. I am totally aware in the dream that I don't want to go to school anymore and have failed my exams anyway. This being another feature that recurs. I know in my dreams that I have failed the course because I have not given in the work needed to pass. Now, when I say work it seems that in my dreams I am a student even though I am also a teacher at the school, so I take this to refer to the fact that in life we are always learning and are always both the student and the teacher. 

The feelings of failure represented by failing exams and courses in my recuring dreams probably comes from not completing my career in education and the feeling that I let the young people down somehow. I was good at helping them cope with life but I wasn't so good at dealing with the way educational institutions care more about how the kids are dressed and behave than about teaching them the stuff they need to grow and learn. At face value it would be easy to assume that these dreams refer to my career but I have learned otherwise, and now understand that the dream creators often use our own earthly roles to help explain our life/educational journey too. 

The many dreams I've had regards the educational journey have been numerous and like I said I am always aware in the dreams that I miss lots of time at school, I go home without telling anyone at work, skip lessons and can't or won't compete the work I am set to do. I fail the tests and exams. I wander out of lessons to go have a break and don't go back. Honestly, I am the worse student you could meet. When I'm the teacher in my dream school I literally cant find the class and wander around till break time. I am also aware in these dreams that I have had lots of time off work and I avoid the head teacher so he can't tell me off. 

So lets assume the dream scenarios are hinting rather loudly that I am lazy, hate work, I don't know if I am the teacher or the student. I procrastinate and cannot seem to finish what I start. I fear failure and my effort score is zero. I'll also avoid the boss because I know ill be in trouble for being all these things 

Actually in my work life I am not like this at all, I work hard, never have a day off and won't leave till I have finished the job at hand. So what's going on here? 

My most recent dream, the one which has prompted me to write this, might help to explain how our dreams reflect our unconscious feelings about living and learning. None of us find it easy here, earth is hard work, its boring, painful, ugly, I could go on and on. I am also totally aware that the opposite of all those things are true. Life is also beautiful, loving and should be cherished. All of us share the same life journey and the obstacles and pains are hopefully scattered evenly between us. 

I hope you can find some comparison with your own learning dreams and understand that none of us know the answers to the tests we face, we can only negotiate whatever we come up against and do our best to work through it. 

The dream began on a coach (the shared journey) we were going on a school trip, a visit to a large university. (lets call this place life/Earth) We get there, there are lots and lots of us, and we go into this huge auditorium, we are waiting for someone to give a speech and a tour of the place. We wait and wait but no one comes, so we get bored and go explore ourselves. Some people still wait to be told what to do, and some of us are so bored we decide to explore on our own. 

We walk to what seems to be an exhibition and we sit on benches to watch. There are many students doing different things, some are painting, some are acting out scenes, some are singing and dancing. Other students are sitting studying, other are doing really difficult calculations.

As I watch the scenes play out I become aware that what I'm watching are people participating in life. I think about the fact that they are all 'creating' they are very artistic and their main goal is to create something out of the skills they have. Like I said their skills and talents were numerous. 

About this time I also realized that earth is a place for people/souls who wish to create anything, happiness, sadness, good feelings bad feelings, art, sciences, math etc. The main aim was not really about learning it was about experiencing and creating experiences. Earth was an artists paradise, it was created for us to be able to see what we can make out of our own imagination. 

In my dream I understood that I had got it wrong, it didn't matter what I learned or didn't learn. It didn't matter if I failed or succeeded at something, it didn't really matter if I finished what I started.  The actual journey itself was creative, regardless of what happened during the journey. Participating still mattered more than the outcome. I had always believed I needed to succeed, to win or improve myself. Be a better person, be kinder, be helpful, stick to the path, look after everyone else around me. Always failing in my dream school 

I decided I wanted to leave this university of life and I started upon my journey home, always hard in a dream to find your way home. I tried to find the train station with no shoes on my feet. (Typical symbolism for the feeling of vulnerability being naked or bare) The station itself represents the connection between phases or the beginning/ending of a stage of life. I was trying to get home so I guess I wanted to return to the safety of what I know best. 

Maybe its the souls yearning to get back to our real home, earth being a long way from there. 

The station in my dream provided the usual obstacles for me to get through, the turnstile was stuck, the attendant wanted a ticket I didn't have. The person in front of me was stalling, not wanting to go through it. I told him we never want to go through stuff and the best thing to do is just go. I pushed him through. I told him its harder thinking about it than just doing it. 

When I did get through the turnstile it led to a shear drop. I just jumped knowing it was the only way home. The train was somewhere and I knew I had to catch it. 

Then started the process of going through tight spaces and squeezing myself into small holes just to get on the train. 

The obstacles in life always present like this in our dreams, to start a new journey you have to first negotiate a way through all the crap on the current one. 

When I actually got on the train I realized it wasn't going where I wanted to go. Well of course it wasn't the next part of my journey is unknow as yet. 

To sum up I would say these dreams refer to my own attitude to life, Just get through it the best you can. I'm at that stage in life when I don't want to participate in the tests, trials and tribulations that come my way. Being unable to escape them I just get them done as quick as possible. Perhaps I am supposed to understand that they are not tests to endure but are just experiences to experience. 


Friday 28 January 2022

A dream about a new job, and being told I have cancer


I was in a new job, everyone there was old, a lot of men were in the higher jobs like the CEO and all the managers. The women that worked there seemed nice but were all in their own click. 

They had a doctor and a nurse there and the doctor was doing a test on me, he said to the nurse that he had finished the test, he pointed out two spots on my back and my elbows. He said I had cancer! Then the nurse went on to tell me in a rather horrible way that I had very bad breath, apparently the security man on the front desk smelt it when I had come in that morning. She also said my hair was greasy and she was getting ready to send me to hospital. 

Lets take into consideration your age when doing this translation as I know you are past working age.

A new job often translates as a new stage of life, new circumstances, new opportunities etc. When you are past working age we can assume this will relate to your new role in life rather than in your career. A job can also be referred to as a spiritual role that you play, which can mean new spiritual learning or experiences. 

We equate being old with experience, and the male dominance in the work place although hopefully outdated now, will also be a hint at the older viewpoint of looking up to your elders and respecting their experience. In days gone by when you were working, it was the norm that the higher managerial positions were held by men, this probably always bothered you and you have found it hard to be comfortable with the inequality.   

All the male characters in your dream play the dominant roles, the bosses, the doctor, the security man, and in contrast, the women play the nasty roles, being clicky and excluding you, and the nurse being nasty. I don't think you would have liked having a female boss either and I think you would have fared better being your own boss to be honest. All these things give the impression that you have always disliked authority and have resented being told what to do by people you didn't respect. Understandably of course, as no one wants to be controlled by a character who doesn't deserve respect.

Since retirement you have been your own boss, which has suited you well, as you have been in control of every element of your life. Now, your dream has another component to it which relates to your health and this is where you lack control. The doctor being someone of authority has diagnosed you with cancer, which would be a situation whereby you cannot control what your body does, everything would be out of your control again. 

Getting a diagnosis through a dream doesn't necessarily mean you will get the same diagnosis in your real life, rather it's hinting that you feel as though your health and body are taking away your quality of life, bad health can mean that you feel as though you cant live a good life because your body just won't let you. Therefore, you are not in control once again. You are powerless to over-rule your body, cancer takes away someone's power to live, it is used in dream language to describe a situation whereby something else is taking control and you are required to fight and take back control in order to live a better life. 

The security guard character could have been used to represent your security and how you feel in regards to your health and your security, he tells the doctor that you have bad breath. This is quite funny but it does have its base in fact, did you know that diabetics have been known to have pear like fruity breath and many other health conditions can be spotted by the breath, animals are often good at noticing this. Also, our breath can be used to hint at what we are taking into a our body is not very good for us, therefore, it creates the bad odour.

As we have spoken, and I know you are diabetic I will summarise  by saying that your dream is urging you to take control of your diet in order to improve your health, do not give over your control and accept that it's all down hill from here. You need to fight your urges. xxx