
Sunday 18 November 2018

Dream Symbols: C



Communication and connections
Cables can help you to understand how well energy connects to where it is needed; they carry an energy source, therefore, can be symbolic for the energy transference required either between people or from yourself to the thing that you want. Important symbolism can come from what energy type the cables are carrying and if there are breakages or notable damage, this will help to explain your own energy conversion or your ability to convert your energy into action. 
If the cables are computer cables or telephone wires for example, then this will link with communication and the quality of connections with other people. The transference of your energy to where it is needed to create a connection with someone. Underground cables might be highlighting what's going on beneath the surface, being aware that cables are damaged or broken underground in a dream helps you to recognise when someone has hidden their damage away, you might need to work very hard to uncover the issues and repair them. Cables that are up high have a similar message with the emphasis being about something being out of reach or unattainable, perhaps you just don't have the energy or tools needed to repair the extent of the damage. Because cables are often used to carry communication from one place to another I would think about communication being the important symbol in this type of dream. 
Cables that carry electricity can be used to describe a spiritual transference, from the source to the individual for example and breakages or problems with electrical cables might be about problems connecting with the higher source. Electricity is also used as an example of the electric energy between people and the message might be to do with that.  

A cactus can portray a prickly natured person not given to emotional expression, but they can survive for a lengthy period of time without water (unemotional) and could symbolise a person’s ability to cope well in harsh conditions, therefore, both translations might be appropriate.


Fulfilment and change
A Café represents the feeling of needing to be looked after or taken care of; we seek food when we crave attention or the feeling of satisfaction. You are seeking fulfilment from other sources in your life, not always from a person though, because sometimes we need a new job or hobby to help create that satisfaction. You are fed up doing everything required of you and would rather be free to do as you choose.

(Claustrophobic Dreams)
Fear dream about not being able to escape
Dreams where you are locked in somehow and can't get out simply show that you feel confined within your present situation, it is self-explanatory. If you are locked in an animal cage then this would suggest that you are being treated unfairly or that someone’s personality is keeping you enslaved, you feel as though you have lost your personal freedom. If someone else is in a cage then this helps you to understand how they feel, perhaps they feel trapped by circumstance.
Someone being cagey?
Feeling trapped?

Joys and comfort
The pleasant things in life can be described to you in this way but also bring your awareness to the fact that the components you mix together can create something that's pleasant and fulfilling. Baking often symbolises mixing together your talents to create something nice for other people to enjoy. This will help you to understand more about what you are trying to create in your life, anything from a satisfying relationship to a fortuitous business. 
If you are baking a cake it will depend on how the cake turns out because the symbolism can be trying to explain your attempts at being creative, practice makes perfect and your skills and talents will help towards creating a better future, one which will bring contentment. What goes into or on the cake are the raw ingredients that you possess and must be channelled to be of use.
A birthday cake foretells a time of celebration and is used to mark a happy memorable time or a personal milestone.
Having your cake and eating it?

Are you looking for enjoyable experiences to help you feel more contented?

Constant dreaming about being unable to obtain cake?
This is a dream I have had for years and it is becoming more and more distressing. It happens in many different ways, but the gist is that I want or need a cake, and I am unable to obtain it because of whatever reason!
Concentrate on what the cake is actually symbolic of in your life? It's obviously symbolic for something nice, think of the saying 'have your cake and eat it 'meaning you want everything all at once and are not prepared to give up something for it, like not giving up your freedom for a relationship say. Just an example but I guess you have to work out what the cake symbolises or what it is that you actually want. Do you ever want things you can't have? Recurring dreams happen when you haven't resolved an issue. They will continue and change if you have solved it in a small way. Your dream is an obstacle dream where you are always trying to get somewhere or get something, so it is about the things that stand in your way of getting what you want to help you feel contented and fulfilled. You seem to be out looking for the good things in life and the fact that you cant find it could be because you don't know exactly what you are looking for, all you know is it is something nice.

Your skills and abilities

Work out how much something means to you!
Calculate the risks!
Add up the pros and cons of an offer!
Work out a way to balance your finances!
You do the math!


Time and change
If a calendar shows up in your dream it is likely that your attention is being directed towards significant dates or notable events, either from the past or that are coming up. Its for you to join the dots regards dates. 

Did you notice if the Calender was full or empty because this might relate to a busy time or a quieter time of your life? 
Time moves on and brings about change! 
Appreciate the present?


Healing and pain
Hard work is having an effect on your mood and well being.
Hard skin can symbolise that you have hardened to circumstance.
Is someone being callus, or unkind?

Personalities and characteristics
Ironically this is probably presenting you with someone who has the hump, but self-preservation could be an appropriate translation depending on other symbols in the dream.
Perseverance, when no one is helping!

(Photograph and Camera Dream)
Time and change
Cameras help you to remember specific times or characters from a certain period in your life, there may be information or experience from a certain time in your past that you need to remember now. If you are taking photographs with a camera then you are trying to capture a specific moment in time, and this helps you to take a closer look at a situation and to see it with more clarity perhaps you haven't noticed all the good things in your life and give more attention to the negative things that are going on. Sometimes you are shown a snapshot of the future in this way. What you are taking a photo of could have more significance. A broken camera could explain how you do not allow yourself to appreciate 'the now' perhaps you are always in a hurry to make progress or move on. You can't make lasting memories by rushing things.
A camera taking pictures on its own could describe when you let life pass you by, and you need to get out there and be seen.
Make good memories!
Take a time-out to appreciate the present!
Snap decisions?

A snappy person?


Your abilities, skills and characteristics 
Camouflage provides a self-explanatory symbol, you are either hiding behind it, using it as a form of 
protection or something is being hidden from you.

(Candycane Dream)
The joys in life
The simple things in life can bring the greatest pleasures.
Finding candy could represent when you unexpectedly receive something nice.
A sweet person!


Emotions and journeys
Journey dream, whereby canals are restrictive and convey the meaning of wanting to reach open water so you can create your own journey rather than being dictated to.
The emotional journey, note any obstacles on the canal or your method of transport to help with your translation and gain a better understanding of the emotional journey that you are currently on. 

Certain restrictions apply!


Fears about dying
A fear dream when people generally panic, but cancer could symbolise anything that is draining you of vital energy. It is rarely used in dreams as there are many other ways to show these types of situations and it could be easily misunderstood. Some people have a real fear of cancer and this might penetrate their dreams, in this case, it would be about getting over and dealing with these fears.
On the other hand, it can be used when there is a real risk of your life being affected by a particularly difficult battle. As a rule, cancer will symbolise any negative force that can take control of your life. You need to fight and use your inner strength to win the battle that cancer represents. If you dream of someone else with cancer the translation might apply to them, maybe they need your help to win a personal battle.


Your support
In journey dreams, a walking stick simply supplies the help and support you need to journey on-wards when your strength is low. 
To be whipped with a cane in a dream symbolises being tortured or cut up by events that unfold around you. 
A cane can symbolise someone to lean on.
Available support!

Time and change

A lit candle can symbolise the light within your soul or the light that shines within someone else. A candle is also used in dream language as a symbol of time because a candle burns down and disappears in the same way that time and opportunities can diminish. Therefore, a candle that has burned down in your dream could be warning you that time is running out for you to take action.
If the flame is distinguished on a candle it means you feel like you have lost your sparkle and direction or that the light has gone out of a relationship, it can, of course, be re-ignited with effort, unless the wax is all gone in your dream.
Lighting a candle can also be used as a symbol of remembrance and love, for someone that we cannot be with, but equally, as an idea or notion that we have. Wax itself symbolises being able to model and create your own outcomes.
Spiritual enlightenment!
Moulding thoughts into actions before the time runs out!.


Personalties and characteristics
These flesh-eaters will symbolise people or personal situations that drain you of vital resources and energy, they wish to consume the real you.


The emotional journey
Battling those emotions and learning to ride the waves of life, like an emotional roller-coaster. A rough ride in a canoe could be mimicking a turbulent affair emotionally, or simply a rough ride to endure in the next part of your journey. Remember that a boat offers you the ability to stay afloat in emotional waters but use your own steam to get where you want to be emotionally because other people shouldn't be responsible for your emotional responses.


Structure and protection dream
A canopy offers you protection from the elements, usually extreme environments that you find yourself in. This often symbolises the strength of your own demeanour or your ability to withstand emotional out-pours from other people.

Character dream
Needing to play the superhero for the other people around you? Wanting and needing a superhero to rescue you?


The emotional journey
Everything is being turned upside down and situations need your power and strength to make things right again. Emotional upheaval with someone rocking the boat, but do take note if you are alone in the boat or what is causing the boat or raft to ca
psize if it is an onslaught of water it will symbolise emotions causing the upheaval. If you crash into rocks or something else they will symbolise the obstacles in your life that cause you to lose control. 


(Tunnel Dreams)
Journey dream
A car can be used to represent the resources you have at hand to move along the road that is life. It can also be used as a substitution for our physical body in dream language and translate messages about your internal drives and motivations. The condition of the car should be noted as if there is something wrong with it then this can highlight the way the physical body is ticking over, sometimes we need an MOT in the same way that our cars do.
Petrol can symbolise 
our available energy, drive, and motivation. The brakes of a vehicle represent our stopping ability; being able to stop something if it isn't good for us etc. The engine is symbolic for our mind and its motivation, energy and drive; if it isn't working properly we are tired and worn out mentally. The exhaust literally symbolises exhaustion and the need to release the pent up negative energy that clogs up the system. 
A car is an object that expresses the freedom to get along or to get where you want to be, therefore for a car to be damaged or not working will typically symbolise a loss of freedom or ability to make progress on a chosen route. Obstacles in the road are symbols of external things that hinder your progress. If the car is overheating it will symbolise your emotions getting the better of you and your frustration at not being able to get where you want to go. 
If you are trying to drive a car from the back seat then you are literally trying to take control of a situation that is not in your reach, or you don't have the control you would like and you might need to take a back seat on this one. 


(Visiting other countries)
Journey dream
A caravan in your dream represents being able to go with the flow, this is probably referring to your home life. We don’t always know where our chosen road is taking us, and we have no choice but to carry on the way we are being pulled. A caravan being a temporary structure reminds us that our current situation is temporary and should change eventually. A caravan can also show us that we need to take a break from the current situation. Although these translations differ slightly when you think about it, it shows how your current situation is getting you down and you need a rest from it. 
The wanderer and not wanting to settle down.

Birthday Cards

In dreams these link with remembering your milestones and your achievements. Spirit has been known to send birthday cards through your dreams. If you dream of a birthday card and it isn’t your birthday perhaps your dream is prompting you to remember someone else’s birthday or remember how old you are, it might be reminding you to recognise that you are only young once.
Playing Cards 
Games and strategies
There are a few different translations of playing cards and the symbolism could depend on the type of game you are playing. If you are playing a card game like patience I would suggest that you must learn patience as an attribute, you might have to play the waiting game. 
The different suits of cards can have their own translations, the red suits being positive and the black suits being more negative. These things are well balanced in a deck of cards. In dreams, the deck of cards could be giving you a message about the hand you're being dealt in your life at the present time and also about how you play that hand forward.
Balance is needed in all things.
Hearts relate to your emotional self, your love life perhaps.
Diamonds symbolise positivity and quality. A good person.
Spades represent the negative aspects that you have buried in the past.
Clubs will symbolise the outside world and the effect it has upon you.
Jokers symbolise someone who plays no real part in your life now, or simply a joker.


Journey dream and repeated behaviours
Repeated patterns underline the fact that we go over and over or round and round the same ground and changes need to be made. Doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. 

Wasting energy?
The good times will eventually come along again.
Appreciate that all learning is good learning.
Just go along for the ride.
What comes around goes around.


Skills and attributes
Playing catch can sometimes express the idea that you need to catch up with other people, or get yourself up to speed with their expectations of you. You want to balance the responsibilities you have but are occasionally thrown a hardball. Catching a ball successfully is a symbol of accomplishment and achieving success. 

To catch a fish will literally show that you managed to land yourself a worthy partner unless there's something odd about the fish you catch.


Personalities and characteristics
Cats usually link with the feminine and industrious side of a person’s nature. To see a black cat is very lucky and not unlucky like some people think.
Being independent.
Use your psychic abilities.
A woman who only shares affection when she wants to.


 How feelings create the way your life is structured
You are trying to protect yourself from the outside world and do not wish to acknowledge exactly what is going on around you. Perhaps the caveman mindset is what is being highlighted to you, outdated views or ways of doing things and you need to remedy this before you can break down the barriers that stand in your way. 
Rocks and boulders often represent stubborn barriers which you help to create.
Out-dated values and thoughts.

The caveman mentality?


Structure dream
This often links with bricks in dreams: Cement symbolises the material that helps secure the bonds needed for security. This type of dream is bringing your attention to the strength of the bonds that you have. The cement can also represent how you are stuck in the past and this will also link with how your life is structured now. To be stuck in hard cement represents how you feel confined or restricted by circumstance, the need to chip away at a situation to gain freedom from it.


Personalities and characters
(Dreams About Celebrities)


Structure dream
How your life is structured creates your current set up. 
A cellar will be where secrets are held and where you store the things that you do not wish to deal with yet. This dream might be nudging you that now is the time to bring out hidden aspects of yourself.


(Leopard in the cemetery Dream)
Fear dream
If you are in a cemetery that you know and visit in your waking life it can denote the refusal or inability to move on from something or someone that you love. Death in dreams becomes more apparent when a section of life is coming to an end. Something new will inevitably begin, but only if you accept the past and allow yourself to move forward.
Sometimes we visit a graveyard because we wish to converse with people who have passed away and visiting a graveyard is also done to evaluate our feelings about death and our own ability to move forward when something has ended.

To be frightened in a cemetery/graveyard is about your fears of loss and of letting go, don't think this is about the death of someone because it's usually about being frightened of letting go of things and moving on, childhood to adolescence or accepting adult responsibilities, anything that you find difficult to let go of.


Events, strengths and weaknesses
Chains and links can represent our own family and the links that we have with them, we can feel bound to them at times. Sometimes we need to break a chain of events or feel like we are chained up to duty. 
A broken chain will describe a break in the links that you have made, either to people or events, as in a break from the past, or from situations that cause restrictions to your freedom. 
We are all interlinked!

Your tools and abilities
A chainsaw is used to break negative connections or ties to things that need disconnecting forcefully, you might need to disconnect from the past, or from people who have nothing more to offer you. Cutting trees with a chainsaw means that you are bringing an end to growth. Cutting wood into smaller pieces can symbolise the act of cutting things into smaller chunks so that you can deal with them. A chainsaw is needed when things/people are hard to break away from.

The joys of life
A toast to success.
Completion of a project.
Festivities and celebrations.


The past and how it affects your future
In the past charcoal was used as a good luck charm and can symbolise this for the dreamer, it represents 'plenty and warmth'. In contrast to this, charcoal can also be used to symbolise remnants from the past that still linger today.

(A dream about being chased)

Journey dream
Being chased in a dream is a way for you to understand that situations are catching up with you, or perhaps you are trying to escape from something, destiny catches up with you as do responsibilities.

Chasing someone else? Perhaps you need to catch up with them or have a catch-up, as they say, they might have news to tell you. 
Romantically you might be trying to catch a partner.
Are you chasing your dreams? 
Chasing shadows?
The thrill of the chase!


Fulfilment dream
If you dream you are at a checkout of any kind, it can mean that you are trying to ‘check out’ of a situation and check into a new one. You wish that this phase of life would hurry up and pass so that you can begin a new phase that is more to your satisfaction.
Paying money at a checkout for goods that you have helps you understand if you have the means available to start a new phase of life, not having the money to pay shows that you don't, as yet. If the goods come without having to pay for them, it explains how you can move easily into the next phase without much effort on your part. If you pay for the goods, then you will have to pay in some way to get the results that you want.
Paying in dreams can symbolise trying to keep the karmic or spiritual levy balanced, (we impose karma on ourselves by our thoughts) or it helps us understand that we can only get out what we can put in, consider what you were buying in your dream to help with the translation.


Fulfilment and happiness
Cheese can symbolise a lesson to learn that is tough but needed. Maturing growth and progress is being made even if it certainly doesn't feel like it right now.
Food for the soul?
Hard cheese is a symbol of tough luck or tough love!


Healing and remedies
Help is at hand for the problems that you encounter, you may need to seek help from someone who has the correct medicine for your problem.


Financial gain and balance
If you find a cheque in your dream then you might find that someone is going to help you out with money, it will probably come from an unexpected source. If you have to write a cheque or give someone else a cheque then you may be the one having to cover unexpected costs. 

Is someone checking out of a situation?
Check your finances!


Strategic games
They say that life can be like a game of chess, consider your moves carefully. The black and white can symbolise the ups and downs or the positives and negatives. Being strategic in your endeavours and using your intelligence to win. Consider if someone is trying to outwit you or win you over?

The positives and negatives of opposing sides!


Emptiness or fulfilment
A chest will hold within it your dreams, wishes, and secrets from the past, it may be time to open the chest and establish if those dreams came true or are still valid today and if those secrets have held you back.

A treasure chest will link with what you have gained spiritually, or perhaps you have talents buried away? 


Personalities and characteristics
Chicks nearly always represent new beginnings and fresh starts; they can also represent children and bring your attention to their vulnerability and innocence.


Personalities and repeated behaviours
To dream of a chicken could explain how you are wandering through life aimlessly, these creatures could also remind you of the chicken and the egg scenario, what came first, your negativity or the negative things that happen?
Eating chicken in a dream could symbolise feeling fulfilled with work that you have done but under-cooked chicken symbolises that a project is not ready to bring you fulfilment and satisfaction yet. 

Pick at the bones of a problem?


Fragility of preciousness
China cups and plates symbolise how fragile the precious things in your life are, care must be taken to ensure longevity. Any cracks in the china can represent the cracks in a relationship. 


Blessings are sent your way from any Christmas dream

Time and celebration, forgiveness and acceptance
Generally, if you dream it is Christmas then you are being shown that you have much to be grateful for. Gifts that you receive in a dream do not necessarily translate as gifts that you get in the material sense but gifts or talents that you have. You have attributes that are worth much more than money and you should give these freely to others.
Value what you have!
(Angels in A) 

Characters and healing
Angels can show you that you have help at hand; unconditional love will surround and protect you. They bring you a unique message of love from someone who you cannot be, with especially at Christmas time.
Christmas Cards
Blessings are being sent to you.
Remembering those that you love and cherish because they are remembering you.
Christmas Tree

Growth, beginnings and endings
Dreaming about a Christmas tree has a similar meaning to dreaming about Christmas and links to your spiritual growth and celebrating all the personal treasures you have. In dreams Christmas trees are used to highlight the fact that you have come full circle, the new year would suggest starting afresh. A Christmas tree has also been used to symbolise how people recognise their own true worth, it is ordained and decorated with all the different attributes we have, and these personal qualities are what make us unique.
Evergreens can highlight the longevity of relationships or projects. They are fast growers and can represent something that grows very fast.
Continued growth and strength!
Christmas pudding
Lucky and fruitful for the dreamer, a wish coming true.
Christmas Decorations
Decorations symbolise the effort we put into creating an aura or atmosphere around us for other people to appreciate, this also links with our spirituality because it is what we create for others that helps towards our spiritual growth and development. 
The decorations can also be used for a symbol of what we have achieved in the past, if the decorations are old or worn then it is time for a fresh approach, changes need to be made to the way you apply yourself.
Baubles can symbolise the whole picture or the soul in its completion. Smashed baubles could help to translate the feeling of being shattered. 
Tinsel can symbolise a time of commemoration for all your hard work, its an appreciation of your effort.

The green and red contrast might be important, green is earthly and red symbolises love and passion. The berries look nice but are not edible therefore think about someone who is beautiful but not easy to understand.
A prickly person?
Religious imagery connects us with our spirituality and sometimes Jesus turns up in a dream to show us that we have help and healing available to us.
Jesus always brings the highest help available!
Unconditional love and support!
Strings of lights represent the beauty that comes from having a family and friends, linked together and supporting each other, ensuring that everyone's light can shine bright. 
Light provides a good pure source of energy to draw from.
You are all equal!
A beacon to guide you on your way.

The lights in your life and how you are all linked together.
Presents and Gifts.
The joys of life
Opening presents symbolises getting thanks for all the things that you do for others; you are receiving spiritual gifts and blessings. You are being presented with something of greater value to you than material gifts.
Rewards for honourable deeds.
Live for the present!

A nice surprise?
A figure of wisdom that can help you to understand the need to share happiness with others, to give without receiving and to share your personal gifts, whatever they are!

Emotions and feelings
If everything is covered in snow then you might feel completely overcome by the lack of emotional warmth in your environment, it will change, as this phase is temporary and will pass into a new and warm cycle for you to enjoy, we need the quiet and still of the winter to ensure that we are rested enough for the summer. T
he seasons help to remind us that emotional situations change, and for personal balance, we must experience all of them. 
Hardening of emotions.
Inflexible situations?
Emotional coldness?
Reach for the stars!
A guiding light!
A spiritual guide!
You are a star!
(Candy above/Food)

The joys of life
To be eating sweets can symbolise sweet memories and contented moments. Enjoy the sweet tender moments when they arise.
The pleasant things in life!

A sweet person!
Reindeer and Sleigh
Journey dream
These wonderful animals symbolise the help available to you on your spiritual journey, they provide the energy and magic needed to lift you up and carry you on your way. The sleigh will symbolise the physical help being offered to you to carry the baggage which has become a burden. The gift they bring is help for your own spiritual progression and a way forward in life.


Your tools and skills and how you utilise them
Look up what it is you are chopping to help you with your translation, but if you are chopping something into smaller pieces then you are literally trying to cut something down to a manageable size. Think about what is getting out of hand or too big to handle, you might have to take your time to get through certain issues. Wood that has been cut is often used to represent dead wood, in other words, something isn't going to grow anymore or produce fruit/flower, this might be true of a relationship or job.
Chopping wood for a fire is done to keep your family warm, therefore the symbol can be taken from being the carer or provider for the family, this takes its toll on you and requires a lot of your energy. Your ability to chop wood in the dream will provide a picture of how you are coping with responsibility. Chopping food will also link with what you do to care for your family and how much of yourself you have to give to them, maybe they are grown and still expect you to be at their beck and call. You might feel that you have to chop yourself into tiny pieces and give each of them a piece of you. 

Getting the chop?


(Messy House Dream)
Regeneration and recreation
The best translation will come from what it is you are cleaning in your dream but basically, you are attempting to clean away negativity, you wish to get rid of anything that can cause you a problem or taint your positive attitude. 

Other translations might be that you need to clean and polish your skills, or clean up your act and stop doing things that mess up or hinder your own plans. 
If you are cleaning your home, then you are attempting to create order or keep things running smoothly. 
To ‘clean up’ can sometimes mean that you are financially for your hard work, but to be taken to the cleaners means that you are at a financial loss.


Living on the edge
Being on a cliff edge obviously highlights your fears about being tipped over the edge, what is sending you 'over the edge' is for you to consider. A cliff is a typical symbol which is used to show you that you have reached the end of the road, you need to do a turnaround because there is no way forward in the direction you are taking. Because cliffs are made from rocks it can symbolise being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
The precipice of life requires a change of direction.


Journey dream 
If you are climbing in a dream it explains how you are attempting to move up at work or maybe climbing the property ladder. If in the dream you are trying to climb over obstacles it can explain how you need to clear certain obstacles out of the way before real progress can be made. Often in dreams, we do not know the outcome, like if we reach the top or manage to get over our obstacles, this is because the outcome is not set in stone, you must decide how it ends. Trying to connect with the spirit world is also shown by climbing upwards.

Going up in the world?


Your ability to keep going
Trying to cling on to something literally means that you are trying to hold on to someone or something that you feel you cannot do without.
Clinging onto the past.

Let bygones be bygones? 
Barley coping?

(Alarm Clock/Time/Watch)

Time and movement
When we see a clock in our dreams we must remember that time changes everything and will move forward even if we are not ready.
If a clock stops it is warning you that something is coming to an end, it has run out of time. If the hands are going backwards, you would like to turn the clock back and change the things that have happened. This can explain how you tend to look backwards and not forwards, maybe there is someone or something in your past that you have not let go of.
It is time!
Movement and change!


(The Tatty Dress Dream)
(Clothes and a job interview)
(Colours Below)
How you feel about yourself and the facade you present to other people

In dream language, clothes are used to express the character that we create for other people. We can change our character daily and be the person expected of us, we can dress ourselves up, dress down, become any character to fulfil everyone's needs. The real you is underneath wondering who you really are? 
If you are naked or semi-naked in a dream this will link with how the real you are on show, vulnerabilities and all.
Nakedness in dreams is fairly common, and to translate its personal meaning consider where you were naked because then you have an idea to what part of your life the dream is referring, where exactly you feel vulnerable or lacking confidence. Its common in dreams to be naked at work and therefore you can link your vulnerabilities with your workplace. Being partly naked in a dream simply means that you feel confident in some areas but not in others. 
Old clothes
If your clothes are old or tatty in a dream then your ideas and attitudes have become outdated, sometimes poverty can present this way but usually, this will link with the fact that something has become un-cared for, it might be yourself you have neglected. Wearing worn or torn clothes also link with how trials and tribulations can wear you down and tear you up, old clothes symbolise the feeling of being worn out and tired of the character you have to play. 
New clothes 
New clothes symbolise a new approach and reinventing your character, new clothes can also symbolise a new set of circumstances. Wearing nice clothes can show improvements in your finances and if you smarten your appearance in your dream it is explaining how you should create a new approach to old problems  
Beautiful clothes 
Wearing beautiful clothes in a dream can reflect the attention and care that is put into one’s own spiritual progression. 
Consider if the clothes you are wearing in a dream could be referring to your physical body or your spiritual one, as well as representing how you feel you are viewed by other people. The real you is the soul beneath the character that you present to the world, the spiritual ‘you’ cannot be worn out. 
When you translate dreams about clothes always consider the colours as well as the condition of them, are they fit for purpose? if not, then the message is about your ability to fit in and feel comfortable with your friends, peers, work colleges or family.   
A coat offers protection and warmth from the elements, it offers protection from other people's coldness and from circumstances that bring about loneliness. Cold in dreams usually symbolises a time of inactivity or a phase in life that is lacking in affection, so to be warmed by a coat could help you to see that you are held in warm affection by someone around you. If you are not happy with the coat, then maybe you do not feel satisfied with the affection you get, or unsure if a person offering warmth is right for you. Basically, a coat is sometimes used to show how you are feeling about the protection and warmth you get from the people around you. Spiritually it could be used to represent the protection you receive from your guides.
In spiritual movements, the physical body is referred to as an overcoat, and when we pass into the spirit world we are said to shed the overcoat (the physical body) and swap it for a spiritual one that vibrates at a different energy level, therefore the coat could be used for a symbol of a spiritual awakening.

(The Tatty Dress Dream)
The condition and style of the dress will help to get the message across if you are wearing an unusual dress it could mean that you are being shown various aspects of your own personality that you don't make use of. Wearing a dress that is shabby or worn out can be easily translated as it portrays how you feel physically worn out and undervalued, you just can’t dress it up anymore. 

Dress to impress!
Think about the type of gloves you dream about and what they are used for, gloves are used for protection from heat, cold and dirt etc, work gloves will link with your work, rubber cloves will link with cleaning, or cleaning up the mess people make of their lives, oven gloves protect you from heat, and woolly gloves are designed to keep you warm. If you are wearing gloves to keep you clean then the symbolism will come from not wanting to get your hands dirty, in other words, you don't want to work hard on something or perhaps do the dirty work for someone else. Oven gloves might be warning you not to get your fingers burned which is what happens if you play with fire. Woolly gloves can be used to tell you to warm-up your talents and skills as they may be needed, or warm hands, warm heart, is someone going to thaw that icy interior? 
Hats can protect the mind from negativity and help you to understand your own thoughts and feelings better by blocking negativity from other people, this will stop you from being influenced by their opinions. Respect your own resourcefulness and have faith in your abilities to work things out for yourself. A hat can also cover or hide our thoughts from other people. The type of hat you wear in a dream might give further explanations.

Don’t cap your own potential!
Party Hat
A party hat refers to enjoying the present and ignoring people who wish to spoil your fun. 

Stop negative thoughts and just have fun.
Party time?
Woolly Hat
A wool hat helps to provide warmth and protection from negative influences or thoughts. Maybe you feel woolly-headed and are not thinking clearly. Warm-up that brain of yours because it might be needed?
Wanting or needing rest and comfort. You might need to try and get out of the slump you are in.
Shirt and Tie
A shirt and tie can symbolise that you need to make more of an effort and put yourself over in a professional way; it can also show you that you need to be smart or clever, roll up those sleeves and get on with it, smarten up your act for success. 

Formal occasions? 
(All about Shoes)(Walking)
(See Socks below)
The journey dream
Shoes often help to portray the way you are getting along on your current chosen path. If the shoes you are wearing in a dream are inappropriate for the activity you are doing, it can explain how you do not have the correct ideas or attributes to succeed in a venture, and must change some aspects of yourself to continue making progress. It could be your attitude that needs adjusting.
In dream language wearing unusual shoes describes walking in a new role or treading a new path that you haven't experienced before, the dream is trying to describe how you will feel doing this. If the shoes are too tight then the road you are walking is not particularly comfortable for you, this can relate to home, work, money or relationships or to your current spiritual journey. 
Shoes that are not a good fit can also represent a couple that doesn’t fit together well, making for an uncomfortable journey together.
Shoes are mostly used as a symbol in dreams to make you think about how grounded you are as a person and how you can adapt to any situation. The type of shoes you are wearing and their comfort will give you clues to your ability to move forward regardless of the situations that you find yourself in. 
Holes in the shoes can mean poverty, or previous poverty has left a lasting mark on you, you don't want to walk that road again. Holes can also represent the hole that was left in your life when you walked a certain path or walked away from something or someone, just don't revisit that path again, it will wear you down.
If the heel comes off your shoe consider the saying 'to be well-heeled' which means to have plenty of money and security, so if your heal comes off in your dream it represents the instability you are feeling with your current situation, but if you are prepared and take precautions now, you can prevent that situation. 
To get your heel caught in something will mean you are at risk of getting caught up in something that will mean you lose stability.
If your shoes are falling apart the meaning will come from how everything seems to be falling apart and you can't go on in that situation. 
To kick off your shoes is a way of admitting that you need to get off the journey you are on and take time out, you can't walk another step without a break. Kick back and have fun!
The sole of the shoe can occasionally be used to portray the 'soul' and how you are spiritual, grounded and earthly all at the same time. If the sole comes off your shoe then the dream is telling you that to make progress you must reconnect with your spiritual self.
Wearing someone else's shoes in a dream simply reminds you to walk a mile in their shoes before making judgments, it can literally be making you consider other people and their chosen road in life, in comparison to your own, they may also have attributes that you need to try and adopt.
Trainers or sports shoes relate to training that you need to do, this can link with the spiritual journey and developing that side of you or to help you with your career choices. If you are comfortable in the trainers then you are comfortable with who you are and where you are going.
For a woman, it can show that you need to 'wear the trousers' and be a bit more forceful to get the things you want. For a man it can show the type of personality you need to adopt, i.e. cargo trousers would translate how you need to soldier on with demanding work. Smart trousers show that you need to smarten up your act and act more responsibly or maybe you need to be more informative and 'upfront' with people. 

Very similar translation to shoes but if the socks are unravelling or something like this, then take the symbolism to mean that a situation or drama is unravelling around you. Socks will also link with the warmth scenario and might be used to explain your home comforts or perhaps someone to keep you warm at night. Any holes in the socks or shoes could symbolise the holes left from walking this road before, it was a rough road and it wore you down!


Health, obstacles and breaking down barriers
You must decide what is clogged in your life, perhaps information is not getting through, it could be a message or idea that isn’t getting through to someone, but it could also be a physical manifestation and your body or mind is not getting all that it needs to function happily.

Blood clots give the image of hurt that hasn't healed and it will cause further problems if it is dealt with.


Emotions and thoughts
Storm clouds warn of rain and rain symbolise tears falling, whereas a few wispy clouds can symbolise passing thoughts and ideas. 

A clouded judgement!

Lucky you!

Coat Hanger
(Clothes above)

Your hang-ups
A coat hanger can symbolise how you are attempting to keep up appearances, this isn’t always possible to maintain. Just hang your coat upon the people who judge you. 
Get over your hang-ups!


Your environment
A lack of warmth in your life will translate as cold in your dream. You must decide who is being cold? Winter is also a time of inactivity so consider what or who is inactive or not showing the love. The good thing about the seasons is that they change and move into another phase or cycle so the coldness and the loneliness that winter brings will pass into spring eventually.

Cold can also be used as a symbol to express fear, this may link with your own fears, you might want to consider if other dream symbols are trying to encourage you to think about your fears and how they can change over time. Remember that as you overcome your old fears there might be new challenges to conquer, as we go through life our fears will change and this helps us to develop our coping strategies and develop new ways of overcoming obstacles. 

(See Aura/Energy)

(Dream about Colour)
Energy and vibrations
The use of colour in your dreams is important and can give you added information for your translation. You should use it to help you work out the meaning along with the other symbols that you remember. Colours are universally recognised as having meaning attached to them, for example, 'green with envy' or 'feeling blue' but spiritually the meanings are subtler and for dream analysis, it is probably better to refer to and use the interpretations healers use.

Show your true colours!
Black can be a negative colour and symbolise overwhelming negativity, but it is also a spiritual colour that offers within it a mix of all colours. It can, therefore, represent the ‘whole’ or completeness and progression from experience.
Healing, sensitivity, peace and understanding.
A spiritual colour.
The earth, growth, and nourishment.
Hard work.
A reward for effort.

Down to earth!
Mother Nature.
Cultivation, potential, and growth.
Healing and understanding. 
Dull, confusion.
Feeling here nor there.
Moving from one phase into another.
A grey area!
Magenta and Purple
Psychic and knowing.
A productive colour which helps you to be creative, often artists, writers, sculptors, dancers, and singers are surrounded by their orange aura.
Artistic and creative.
Happiness and contentment.
A happy loving colour.
Good health and prosperity.
In the pink?
Tickled Pink?
This colour has more to do with the strength and depth of emotions.
Passion, love.
Intense deep-felt emotions.




Your skills and attributes
A situation needs untangling or straightening out mentally.

Journey dream
You need direction!


Knowledge, learning and communication
A computer nowadays often replaces a library in dream translation; it stores and shares information in the same way that books have always done. The earth itself is considered a planetary library. 
In dreams, the computer and library symbols are used to help us understand that we are interlinked and spiritually connected to each other, our experiences are stored and the accumulated knowledge can be shared with each other. Therefore a computer can help you understand that any problem has already been experienced and remedied so there is always help out there for you when you need it.  
Dreaming of the Internet also sends you a strong message that there is not one experience that hasn’t been experienced already. If you are having trouble dealing with your own set of circumstances and you don’t know how to move forward or solve an issue, there is a huge collection of experiences that are very similar or the same as your own,  a computer or library is the ideal place to search for answers or assistance. A database can symbolise the store of knowledge that you can tap into, you are looking for answers and guidance.
If there is a problem with the computer in your dream then there is an issue with you understanding the knowledge that you have been given, there is a processing error.
Processing information!
You need to understand the information that you have.

Ask for help from people in the know. 

(A dream about cooking for my grandma)
Fulfilment and happiness
What you cook-up in a dream symbolises the nourishment that you give to others, if it is nice food then you do your best to create a satisfying home life for them. If you cook and it is ruined, it seems that no matter what you do other people are still not happy, therefore it is time that they find their own fulfilment or contribute more to help make improvements where they are needed.
Food is used to describe any situation that you are dished up, and how you might react to it. Under-cooked food means that you are not ready for certain experiences and overcooked food means something is past its best. (It has had its day) To overcook the pudding is to put way too much effort into something that was better off as it previously was.
Spiritual nourishment. 

Remember that real happiness comes from within.
Who is cooking up a storm?


Growth and potential
Conkers are lucky and they are like being handed a wealth of opportunity and possibilities for growth, you must realise though that you are required to make things happen, And also remember that for something to grow strong it takes time and patience. There is also an element of protection from the conker symbol so whatever you develop now could be successful in the long run, but remember to protect and care for your creations.


How you view yourself v how you think other people see you
Covering our own imperfections or trying to make an effort with yourself. Just like clothes, cosmetics help us to hide our true self or put on a front for others to see. 

Paint a smile on where there isn't one. 
A problem is only cosmetic, it is easily wiped away. 
Makeup with yourself. (Forgive yourself)


Weighing up the cost
When the cost of something is a feature in your dream the symbolism can come from thinking about how much something is worth to you. You can sometimes get the things you want but at what cost?


Characters and characteristics
If you dream of fake money it shows that you or someone else are not getting the real deal. Something is worthless, or it has no real substantial value to you.
Someone is fake!

(Visiting other countries)

The journey dream/travel and adventures
Countries are used in dreams to describe new experiences or places in your life that you haven’t visited before; the idea is that a country can represent a situation or environment that is new or alien to you. You haven’t been in this situation before. If you dream of countries that you have visited previously consider if there are any other clues that you can get from the place to help you understand the dreams meaning. For example is it hot, cold, faraway etc. The place may simply hold happy memories which will be recreated for you now.

(Wallpaper and Walls)

The structures you have in place
Something needs repair; it could be relationships that need patching up, or you may feel that cracks are developing in the security or the set up of your life. What exactly is cracked in your dream will help with the translation.
Cracking up mentally?


Journey dream
A crash represents an occurrence that is waiting to happen; there is no way to avoid the outcome of a certain situation.
A collision of different personalities.
A crash course in learning.

A crossroad in your life.
Support is given during testing times or demanding situations.
Spiritual help, protection, and awareness.


The journey dream
Different roads are available to you right now and deciding which one is best creates stress, therefore remember it doesn't matter which one you choose as all have equal opportunities. The dream scenario might show you the correct road to take and the ones to avoid, but ultimately the dream is reminding you that the roads we choose to follow are what create the experience. Roads are all about the journey and not the destination.
Your available choices? 
At a crossroad? 


Feelings and your environment
Feeling overcrowded and needing some space.
Too many people in a relationship, space is needed.


Healing and support
Someone reliable to lean on to help you along when you need support, this could be monetary support but any kind of aid or help that is available to you will be shown this way, all you need to do is enlist that help.


To see someone else crying in a dream will be to do with them letting out their emotions in front of you, they might not do this in real life, they are experiencing sadness and might need someone to support them. If you are crying it might mean that you experience a loss, although the tears shed might be for something you have lost in the past. This type of symbol is self-explanatory and is not usually symbolic for anything other than sadness.

Situations become crystal clear.
Clarity of mind and purity of the soul.
The longevity of relationships. 
Crystal Healing?
Direct your power in the right place for success.


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