
Sunday 18 November 2018

Dream Symbols: B


(Birth below)
(Baby Dreams) (Dreaming During Pregnancy)(Feeding a baby)
Responsibilities and potential
With baby dreams always think about what you would view as your baby, a baby, a job, a relationship, a project or business, anything that needs to be looked after and cared for long term. Babies describe the growth process and the various stages from infancy too maturity, this isn't always about people and their personal growth but can also relate to business and personal relationships. Babies can help to describe the potential for growth and the need for nurture and safe care to reach success and maturity. Babies also help you to understand that you oversee the outcome of a new adventure and of then seeing it through to maturity. When older people dream of having a baby or looking after a baby it often portrays the care and love they have put into looking after the younger generation and the dream is about passing down experience and wisdom. Dreaming of a baby who isn’t your own could explain how you have taken on a responsibility that belongs to someone else. 
Dreaming of an unknown baby could be a premonition of a new baby within the family set up, but quite often the dream refers to new beginnings or a fresh start in a project that you want to create. 
A small baby will symbolise a small project or task which has the potential to grow into something bigger if you put in the time and effort. 
A large chubby baby represents a project that has already been given time and attention, it is a reminder that you are doing well and to carry on the way you are. Whereas a baby who looks malnourished or fragile will help you to understand a project that needs looking after better, it needs more of your input to become sturdy and robust. This symbol will help to explain neglect and a lack of care and attention as well as situations where you have already worked hard, but it just never seems enough to create growth or success. A baby helps you recognise when you are going to invest a lot of time and energy into something, but this will mean long term care and dedication if you want it to continue to grow. 
To see a baby swimming on its own is a way for you to recognise that something quite small can stay afloat and carry on without too much input from outside. This might be appropriate for a small business that can survive through tough times. This symbol could also be used to portray someone who is treated like a child even though they are more than able to support themselves. If a baby is struggling to stay afloat in water, it can mean that something or someone isn't ready to be independent and still needs a helping hand. This happens when our children think they are grown up but they still need guidance, perhaps you still see them as your baby.
Dreaming about a baby while you are pregnant, happens because you are adapting to the new  responsibility that the new baby will bring, you are preparing yourself mentally for the mega task of bringing a child into the world and then raising them to the best of your ability. It is no wonder many women experience nightmares during pregnancy, your dreams are helping you to adapt and face your fears so that when the time comes you have already begun to toughen up.
Baby clothes and baby blankets are often used to let you know a new baby is on the way. 

(Bones below/Skeleton)
Your strengths and weaknesses
If your backbone is highlighted in a dream this could refer to your personal strength and your ability to remain upright when there are added pressures to deal with. Perhaps you need to get some backbone and toughen up when times get difficult.
Watch your back?

Dealing with life on a basic level
Negative contamination from outside sources, or from negative people whose attitudes tend to overtake everything. Bacteria could be symbolic of negativity but also growth and development stemming from the basics.

If something is going bad or decaying in a dream, then it literally means that something in your life is slowly deteriorating or showing signs of neglect. You will need to look at other symbols in the dream to try and work out what is deteriorating; it could be a personal relationship or perhaps your own actions that need consideration.
To be eating food that has turned bad explains that you are not experiencing good things in your life right now, possibly through no fault of your own. There are always some aspects of decay in our lives and this must happen so that new phases can begin. To change what's on your plate at the present time you must make changes to your usual way of acting or reacting.

Your skills and talent
A badge is used as recognition for your hard work or for something good that you have done, it also helps you to recognise that you belong to a group of like-minded people. 
A badge of honour?
Give respect where it is needed!

(Basket below)
(Excess Baggage)
Contentment or emptiness?
A bag can represent the baggage that you carry around with you. If the bag is too heavy in your dream, then you may need to offload some of the issues or problems that you are trying to deal with. This symbol is presenting the way that you feel so you can try and let go of some of the burdens and de-stress. The contents of the bag can help you with the translation but if the bag is empty it is a representation of the empty feeling or inner loneliness that you carry around with you. 
Remember also, that baggage can be carried from the past and is also symbolic of the things you are holding onto. The condition of the bag should be considered, an old torn or broken bag suggests that the baggage you are carrying around is old and outdated whereas a new bag presents new or unexpected responsibilities. The size of the bag might correspond to the size or amount of baggage you carry on your shoulders. Think about other clues like the colour or style of bag, a rucksack, for example, will link with a journey, possibly the 'life journey' or a journey that you want to take. 
Do responsibilities way you down or prevent you from being able to see the world? Shopping bags can help to describe all the things that you want or need to feel fulfilled or happy, and like I said you can link this with what is in the shopping bag. 
Personal handbag/purse
Because your handbag or purse is used daily and is full of your personal items, it can provide a good example of security, it's full of the items that contribute to you get to work, buying things, your keys for home or the car, as well as all the other collected nonessential scraps that get stored in there. Therefore, to lose your bag in a dream would create fear and dread and the symbolism could be about the fear of losing any of the above-mentioned securities in your life. This will link with the fear of losing something important. I would, of course, take precautions as it would be silly not to.
Consider what type of bag you dreamed about and what it's used for, then link this with your personal situation for a fuller translation.

Fear of loss
A Bailiff will represent someone or something that arrives in your life and intends to take something from you, this could be anything from your time, money or energy.

(Bread below/Food/Cake)
A baker is used as a representation of someone who provides what you need to feel content, on a basic level, this is probably you if you are the baker, bread can be a symbol for money because of the obvious connotations of dough, but a baker can provide a good symbol for monetary nourishment devised from your own creativity. Mixing the different skills that you have can create a different outcome. Also, consider how the baked goods turn out, as it will give you a hint as to your creativity and ability to come up with the goods which other people expect from you. Practice makes perfect, you need failures to have success.
Think about the other symbols as well, like the oven, gas or electricity, problems in those areas will link with your energy and if you have enough to follow through with your creations.
The creator within.

Support and change
A Balcony can present the idea about being on the edge of change, hanging in limbo, or on the edge of an event. Perhaps you need to decide the next step before you proceed with your chosen course of action because there is some uncertainty about how things will turn out. Also, consider any issues with your dream balcony and what you saw below or on the horizon?
On the edge of the unknown?
Being on the precipice of life usually instigates change but it could be you who has to instigate the change. 

Your insecurities, confidence and the way you express yourself
Baldness can express wisdom but is sometimes used as a symbol to explain a lack of vitality, this can, of course, be a fear dream-like losing one’s teeth: Perhaps you feel that you are losing something of importance to you, something you cannot do without. You are in fact gaining in knowledge and wisdom from the experience of letting things go. Stress is often linked with losing your hair and this type of dream might be helping you to understand your stress levels.
Shaving your hair off in a dream is a way for you to acknowledge that it is time to grow up and take on the responsibilities you have been neglecting. Shaving your hair is also a feminine way to kick back at the world when the world hasn't been kind.
Hair growing back provides a reminder that anything that is lost can be regained and if your hair grows back differently this helps to back up this idea by saying that what you have lost will be replaced by something new and different. 
A close shave?

Your skills and attributes
A ball can represent the ability to bounce back and still go far even when you take a knock. The spherical shape denotes completeness and a person with all-round talents or abilities. When we say someone is an all-rounder, we mean they can put their hand to anything.
What you give out, often comes back to you!
Going to a ball reminds you that you need to enjoy yourself and that celebration is likely to be on the cards, you will have a ball!
Cinderella and the handsome prince?
Better late than never!

Your skills and abilities
A dancing ballerina represents gracefulness and spiritual balance, they have worked exceptionally hard to master their craft and perhaps you can learn from that.

Your dreams and wishes
Balloons can signify your hopes and dreams rising to the heavens, if you lose sight of the balloons in your dream it is because you have lost sight of the dreams and hopes that you once cherished. Balloons also link with celebrations and happy times, so enjoy them while they are around. Translate the colours of the balloons to help with the symbolism.
A balloon bursting can symbolise how your hopes and dreams can be extinguished quickly and without warning. 
Going Bust!

Hot air balloon 
Riding in a hot air balloon is a way for you to rise above your current problems and see them for how small they really are, but if there is a problem with the air balloon in your dream then you fear crashing back down to earth even when you do manage to escape from your problems. This comes from the feeling that if you don’t worry about something then you won’t be prepared, so you constantly worry just in case.
Rise above it!

Your skills and abilities
A Ballroom is a place of creativity, where people can show off their artistic talents and share the results of their hard work and labours. This place could be used as a symbol to show you that what you create with your talents should be showcased and shared. It doesn’t matter what your talents are, the point is to get out there and be noticed.
Ballroom dancing can have sexual connotations because dancing closely with a partner can be symbolic of a close physical relationship with them. You are in sequence with that person and you effectively complement each other. Unless the dance is chaotic or haphazard then I would suggest that you practice some more.
Express yourself!

Healing your pains
Bandages can help you to acknowledge that you are trying to heal wounds. You cover them up to protect yourself from further hurt or to hide your hurt from other people.
Covering up how you feel underneath the surface.
Healing needs to take place!
Time is the greatest healer!

A wealth of knowledge
A bank is typical for a place that we go to get something that we need; this could be money but could equally be a store of something else like motivation or self-satisfaction. A bank could also translate spiritual richness and the good things that you have ‘banked’ by the good deeds that you have done.
A hefty bank balance can point towards improvement for your finances, but it can also be relating to your own spiritual worth. The reverse is true if you dream that you have nothing in the bank, being bankrupt is a way for you to accept that care must be given to your finances or to your spiritual awareness. Being bankrupt can also express the feeling of being physically exhausted or mentally drained.
Have you got anything left to give?
You have nothing if you don’t have love!
Karmic balance?
A reserve of energy!

Wash away negativity
The cleansing away of old ways of thinking and doing, fresh new ideas are required for your progression. Baptism clears away previously held ideas and sins; it introduces a new way of life. Meet with your spiritual side and learn about who you really are.

Your contentment and satisfaction
Maybe there’s a need to socialise and connect with other people, or at least put yourself out there with other people in a sociable way. A bar is a place that we go to get something that we need, usually company and social contact. Incidentally in dreams drinking and eating is used to represent how we fulfil our basic needs, a thirst that isn’t quenched acknowledges the fact that you cannot find basic contentment with the things you have available to you, and drinking too much will never help you feel content or replace companionship and friendship. Consider what you are doing at the bar, the drinks, people, and the situation to help you with your translation.
A thirst for fun and social contact?

The emptiness inside
To help you translate this type of dream you will need to translate what is bare, bareness represents the feeling of vulnerability and exposure that is experienced throughout life. This type of dream needs you to examine the defense systems you have in place, which protects you from being hurt by external negativity in its many forms.
The truth laid bare for all to see!
Feeling exposed?

(Bare above/Feet)
(Shoes in Clothes)
This symbol will occasionally represent poverty but is also used as a symbol to express spirituality and being humble. The shoes you wear in a dream are a symbol of how easily and comfortably you can move forward on the path that you have chosen. Therefore, to be without shoes explains that you are vulnerable and less protected from the harsh ground you may have to tread.
The spiritual journey!
Tread carefully!

Think about what is in the barn to help you understand the symbolism, also think about the condition of the barn. Because it's a structure it will be used to represent the way your life is structured at the moment, farms are often useful to describe a crazy home life and all its different characters, animals are helpful to describe people's nature so look at animal symbolism as well. If the barn is dilapidated or in need of repair think about what needs some TLC around you because the structure you have in place needs maintenance.

Warning dream
To hear dogs barking in your dream is a way for you to understand that you are being given a warning, dogs are protective and will tell you when someone is around, this might happen so that you are on your guard against people who intrude into your life. Dogs are occasionally used in dream language to represent a spiritual guide, as in the protector.

The bark of a tree 
The bark of a tree could be a representation of your outer layer shedding to reveal what's going on inside of yourself, the tree being a symbol of strength and maturity. It could also describe the shedding of old beliefs and ideas, time is a great healer, and its good for getting rid of the old so the new shines through.
Shed that rough exterior!

Your feelings control the way your life is structured
In dreams, a basement will hold all the things that go on underneath the surface or the things that you do not wish to share with the rest of the world. A basement is part of a larger structure and this reminds you that what is going on underneath the surface is part of the reason that your life is structured the way it is, in other words, the issues that you keep hidden from the outside world gives rise to the patterns that your life seems to follow. What is in or going on in the basement will help you to understand what is really going on underneath the surface of your own facade, (or someone else) it's usually where we store our junk or the stuff we do not wish to deal with. Because the basement is the lowest part of a building this explains how it is the junk that we store away that makes us feel low or depressed. Sort out all the mess from the past to create a better future.

(Bag above)
Emptiness vs fulfilment
It depends if the basket if full, overloaded or empty for a clearer translation. A bag or basket can represent the resources that you have available to you or the baggage that you carry around which has become a burden. Look at what the basket contains to help you understand the meaning further, but if you don't know, then you are unaware of how to utilise your own assets. A full basket will denote abundance and an empty basket the emptiness that comes from feeling alone.
A basket case is known as a crazy person!

A winged bat could represent someone or something that sucks you dry emotionally or drains you of vital energy in another way.
A sports bat and ball of any type is used to help you understand the energy available to achieve the things that you want to do, dreams where you are hitting a ball with a bat usually need you to understand how far your energy can take you.

Cleansing away negativity
Washing away problems and clearing away the negativity that builds up around you. A fresh approach is needed in matters that are concerning you but don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.
To be in the bath with someone else can sometimes mean you are both in the same boat, you both need to clean up your act to feel better about yourselves. To be in the bath with someone who you wouldn't particularly choose to bath with might be a representation of matching behaviours,  rather than the symbolism coming from the person themselves. You both need a fresh start in any case and can help each other to create positivity.
Cleansing old beliefs!

(Battle Dream)
A personal battle
To dream of a battle will be a representation of any battle that you must fight, it could be a battle of the wills, you may have a battle to pick with somebody else, or they have a battle to pick with you. This symbol usually means that you have a battle on your hands in one way or another.
A battle against the odds!
A health problem?

Rejuvenation and recuperation
The beach is somewhere that we go to rejuvenate and refresh our inner self. It is a place where our emotions meet our earthly and more grounded self. Therefore, standing on a beach and looking out towards the sea is symbolic of assessing your own emotional standpoint, taking a time-out to consider your way forward with your emotional dealings. You might need a holiday away from your own feelings. The beach reminds you that in the long run hard rocks are ground down into tiny pieces, problems are like this too.

Counting your blessings
This symbol might link with prayer beads and counting your blessings and achievements. Stringing beads together is a way to understand how you piece together the many different facets of a personality to create the whole person. This symbol has also been used to represent the many lives you have had and how they all string together to create the completed journey or soul. The colours are important in this instance because they can represent the negative and positives of a life that was lived. The colours also describe the many experiences you have had in this life or have created for yourself and other people.
Beads breaking apart or breaking off from the string could be a way of explaining that you have been trying to keep things together but ultimately you can't prevent things from falling apart. Clothes are often used for this type of symbolism, but beads might be used as a representation of all the different things that can come apart, a break-up might cause other links and ties to fall apart as well.
A chain of events!

(Dream about a bed)
Love and comfort
To dream of a bed can give you clues as to how you really feel about your love life, a bed is where you rest and share time with a partner. An empty bed symbolises an empty space in your heart or the feeling of loneliness. A sparsely covered bed can help you to acknowledge the fact that you feel that the cold is creeping into a relationship, this must be addressed to bring back the warmth. Whereas a broken bed helps you to understand when a personal relationship needs repair. A big plump bed will denote warmth, contentedness, and happiness in your personal relationship.
Overall, a bed will represent your private, personal space, and how you share it with a partner.
Find peace within yourself!
Rest is needed!

Warnings and change
Bells signify a time for action and a time to rest. They help you understand that it is time to begin or time to finish something. Bells are also used as warnings and to help you realise that something is wrong in some aspect of your life, it's time to make it right.
Church bells ringing will link with marriages, or the beginning of a spiritual journey or any other symbol you personally would link church bells with.

Support and comfort
Clothes provide the facade that we show to others; we wear them to hide our true inner self. A belt might be considered as support or of reinforcement regards an idea that you have about yourself, for example, you might think that you lack confidence and situations have helped to back up this idea. Therefore, if you do up a belt in your dream then you have been letting your guard down and wish to protect yourself from further intrusion. To loosen a belt is to loosen up your opinions about yourself. To be hit with a belt will link with the pain you have felt from other people's opinions about you, it is time to stop caring what other people think and be your own judge.
Tighten your belt and stop spending cash!
Belt up!
Help and support are needed!

(Books below)
Support and spiritual learning
To dream of a bible or any religious book helps you to connect spiritually with God or the highest source of energy available to you. You may be aware that you need spiritual advice or help while on life’s journey.
Sometimes, when we do not know which way to turn our dreams point us in this direction. The Bible brings you hope and understanding; you are not alone in this life even if you feel that you are. The lessons that we learn along the way are what make us complete and an all-round spiritual being, no learning is ever wasted, and it is the overall experience that counts. Unconditional love and support are sent to help guide you on your way.
Spiritual Knowledge.
Spiritual Guidance.

The journey dream
A bicycle offers an alternative way of getting along during the next phase of your journey through life. You need to put in a little extra effort to move forward, increase your motivation, and drive to propel yourself in the direction you wish to take. A bicycle is a single passenger mode of travelling and requires you to use a separate set of instincts than driving a motor vehicle, this helps you understand that the next part of your journey needs to be done alone and requires you to be stronger and more organised than you have needed to be in the past. The next phase will also require that you find an inner peace so that you can ride smoothly over and through any obstacles that you meet on your way.
There is a certain amount of freedom and enjoyment that can be gained from using a bicycle as a means of transport, in the same way, that there are benefits to being single or working alone. Travel dreams occur when we want to move forward with our life and the transport that we use in a dream represents the help we need to make that progress; a bicycle requires you to use your own energy. Transport also helps to explain how quickly you need to move things along and if you are moving too fast or not fast enough, a bike is an ideal symbol to explain this situation to you. Think about if you were going uphill or downhill or if the ride was smooth etc. Did you have the energy to move forward or did you find it hard work doing it all by yourself, also consider if there were any problems with the bike in your dream?

(Baby above/Body below)
(Dreaming during Pregnancy)
Love and nurture

In dream language, a birth will often describe new beginnings and the potential for growth for the things that you have created. Sometimes a woman dreams of giving birth when the time has arrived for her to deliver what she has been working on. Any complications that you experience in your dream birth will represent obstacles in the way of your success. For example, a baby that is too big for delivery will tell you that you have taken on too much for it to go smoothly. Your project might create more work than you can cope with.

To dream of giving birth to twins can symbolise a project that will require help and support from other people, or perhaps you have two projects on the go at once and will need to juggle the two so that both get an equal chance of success. Seeing a smaller more vulnerable twin will mean that you will struggle to give both projects an equal amount of energy and time. 

Giving birth to something strange, i.e. something that isn’t a baby is a way to understand that either you haven’t got a clue what you are doing and are putting your energy and time into something that hasn't got very much chance of developing, it depends what you gave birth to. This type of dream has also happened when you need to deliver something that someone else needs, it could be anything, and therefore the symbolism can only be worked out yourself. I know a lady who dreamed she gave birth to a kidney; she was later in a situation where she was asked by a close family member if she would donate a kidney. Therefore, dreaming of delivering a body part can be used to describe a situation where you have to provide or deliver something that someone else needs. Essential organs might be taking it a bit too far but it’s generally about someone needing something from you that you need yourself. 

If you give birth to a monster or to a composite ‘being’ then you are being shown how you can create a monster by your own actions, and then must deal with the consequences of those actions.
To dream that a baby dies during the birth helps you to understand that the time isn’t right for you to do the things you want to do, your dream has died for the moment but there is always the possibility of bringing that dream into reality again in the future.

A milestone
If you dream that it is your birthday this can help you recognise a milestone that you have reached in your life, it is a time to reflect upon all the work that you have put into being successful and celebrate how far you have come to reach the present stage in your life.
Your special day!

Life's trials and tribulations

To dream that you are bitten in a dream can show how you are open to getting hurt by the words of other people. It can also be a play on words in that you have bitten off more than you can chew. If you are bitten by insects or animals, it can represent how you are being aggravated by people or circumstances that are around you now. When animals bite us in a dream it usually helps us to acknowledge how we can be troubled by another person’s hurtful character and their spiteful remarks. Being bitten by an animal that wouldn't normally bite helps you understand when someone is pushed to their limits and bites back. 
(See Venom in V)
A snake bite symbolises the beginning of a time of learning, you must go through a certain amount of pain before you can gain anything of value, the snake often represents the cycle of life and of learning from experience. Snake bites can also be a warning of being hurt by a sneaky person.
Bitten off more than you can chew?
Someone has left their mark on you.

Black Figures
(Invisible forces)
(Black Figures Dream)
Fear of the unknown

Black figures usually represent anything negative, perhaps you are not fully aware where the negativity is coming from or who it might represent, there is also the possibility that it is collective negativity or a variety of different aspects, even from yourself. 
Negativity collects from many different sources and the black figure can be used as a representation of that, they are often cloaked as well, which gives credibility to the fact that this creation is cloaked and therefore its identity is hidden from you. What the Black figure is doing in the dream should be considered, most likely it is frightening you in some way and this is viewed as a fear dream. In conclusion, the black figure represents all the things that you fear, self-created or otherwise. The real fear is dealing with what or who created all the different aspects of negativity and finding a cure.
Black is also the colour used to present the void or the between state of the conscious mind. In its purist form it will be seen as the blackest black and rather than viewing it as negative, it is a place of peace and rest before the next part of the spiritual journey.

Warmth and love
Blankets are used to get or give warmth and protection from the elements. (Outside circumstances) Consider if the blanket is fit for purpose and look at things like colours and materials. Where do you normally get your security from? because it's likely the blanket will represent that source.
A security blanket?

(Eyes in Body below)
(Blindness in Nightmares)
Fear dream and ignorance

Blindness is an obstacle dream showing you how you need to open your eyes and see the true picture. Perhaps you do not have all the information that you need to see your next step forward. Blindness can also show spiritual ignorance and the need to widen your horizons and increase your knowledge regards spiritual growth. 
Blindness can also explain how you are sometimes blind to someone's faults. 
If you can't open your eyes in a dream its because you are refusing to see the truth of a matter, think about what stands in the way of you being able to see your way forward. Try to accept that you are ultimately responsible for how people treat you; you are the one who chooses to allow it. 
Being lost!

Boa Constrictor
Characters and characteristics

This tropical snake will represent a person or situation that becomes overbearing, suffocating the dreamer. 
A hot-headed person with a cold heart.

Boa (Feather)
Having fun
A feather Boa informs the dreamer that they should let themselves go and relax the strict routine that dominates life. The feminine charm.

The journey dream

In dream language, boats link with our emotions and represent the way we get over them or ride the waves that come along for us to deal with. The boat itself provides a symbol for the balancing mechanism that we need to stay afloat when we are on an emotional journey. Think about how well equipped you are when dealing with your emotions, do you need to make changes or reinforcements? The journey you make in a boat represents how well you deal with the current emotional phase and the boat itself represents resilience and buoyancy. 
A boat can also present the shared emotional journey especially if other people are in your boat; you are all in the same boat! The type of boat you are in can help with the overall meaning. If it is a rowboat then you must try and understand your own emotions and guide them in a forward direction, rather than letting them carry you along aimlessly. If the boat has an engine, then you tend to ignore your emotional attachments and power on-wards regardless of the ripples that you cause.

All about you, your strengths, weaknesses and your ability to keep upright under the pressures of life
The way in which our bodies function in our dreams can help us to acknowledge how we feel about ourselves concerning our physical and mental health. The physical body can be overwhelmed by the daily grind of life and this often manifests in our dreams as physical manifestations that can be weird or strange. This is a way to get you to understand that you are dealing with issues that are strange or weird to you personally, its not something you have dealt with before. Different parts of the body might give a clue as to what the dream is trying to bring your attention to, and the body parts can be linked with different scenarios to help you understand a situation better. For example, a dream where one’s legs are stuck in cement will happen because there is a feeling of not being able to move forward, the dreamer can identify the cement as providing a symbol for the obstacle that you are dealing with, and the obstacle will often be understood by the dreamer because they know what's happening in their life at that time. In this type of dream, you should also interpret legs as well as cement for a complete translation. When the inner feeling has been acknowledged the dreamer can start to identify ways in which to free themselves from the cement and work towards freedom. 
Body parts can help towards a more informed translation and are useful to describe how you or someone else feels, especially when its hard to put it into words. Dream symbols using body parts can also hint at a health issue so its for the dreamer to decide which translation suits them best. 
The abdomen is seen as the source of your energy stores, the solar plexus is where energy is filtered and delivered to where it is needed. If there is something wrong with your abdomen, then the dream is reacting to changes in your energy availability. Something in the tummy would suggest there is an issue that you are keeping to yourself and it will cause an imbalance or upset if you don’t deal with it. 

If a baby is growing in your tummy then you are nurturing something that has the potential for growth, but only if it is nurtured and cared for. Your prospects will start off small but then grow and mature, if they are given enough attention. Pregnancy can be shown in this way.
The navel or belly button is often used to describe things that you are attached to, it can describe situations whereby an attachment is broken or lost. Because it is where we were attached to our 'mothers' before birth, the symbolism might link with the mother-child relationship. 
I translated a dream for someone who dreamed that they had a hernia type swelling on their navel, it grew and grew and changed into different shapes, even into different body parts, at times the growth type 'thing' was sore and swollen, hard and soft, and then suddenly it dropped off and left a gaping hole in their tummy. 
The dream was about the relationship she had with her mum over the years, the relationship grew and developed over time, sometimes easy, sometimes hard, occasionally there were sore moments in there too. 
The things that the growth changed into described the different dynamics within their relationship, for example at one stage the growth turned into a penis looking shape, which made sense because mum had brought her daughter up herself and had to be both mum and dad. It changed into arm type shapes, which would symbolise being her right arm and someone to support her. The relationship changed shape over the years and it changed the daughter and it changed her mum. When the appendage dropped off it left a gaping hole and this is when the daughter acknowledges that she may have found their relationship difficult to understand, hard and uncomfortable at times, as well as supportive and loving, but when it is severed it will undoubtedly leave a massive hole inside of her. The growth represents the growth process, of both of them and their relationship. Now, on first viewing the dream was ridiculous and very weird, one of those dreams where you wake up and think what on earth was that about, but when it is translated it all makes perfect sense.
Our arms can represent our personal strength and power; they are also used to show passion or welcoming.
Being armed is to be prepared!
To give your right arm for something?
A backbone also represents your strengths and weaknesses, it keeps you upright and provides a symbol of support.
Have some backbone!
Blood is our internal life force, therefore if you lose blood in a dream it can denote losing vital energy when there is a need to preserve it. Blood can symbolise the hurt and afflictions that we have had to endure and how they can drain us and make us feel below par. Blood can also be used in dreams to help you understand the need to put blood and guts into a project/relationship to ensure it can survive.
(Backbone above/Skeleton)
Bones provide a symbol for our support system; our skeleton keeps us upright and moving as we should be and therefore may symbolise your ability to stay upright when times are difficult. Any problems with your bones in a dream will highlight your own weaknesses and your ability to keep going under intense pressure. Broken bones remind you that wounds will heal given time. Bones can represent the past and how it sculpts the present day.
Bones of contention.
Break from the past.
Picking at the bones of a problem?
Breasts often represent the nurturing aspect of a person or their need to take care of others.
Someone wants mothering?
The expelling of the things that we do not need anymore. But if it is someone else’s excrement you must deal with in your dream, then it is their negative behaviour that affects you.
Getting rid of negativity.
Getting rid of waste.
Clearing up another person’s crap?
Constantly dealing with crap?
(Blindness above)
(Blindness in Nightmares)
In dream language, windows are sometimes used as a substitute for your eyes and for your seeing abilities, not in the physical sense but more in the way that you see things logically. Windows are used because it is easier to translate sublime messages this way; broken windows, for example, explain how you are not seeing the reality of a situation or that your way of thinking is broken or obscured by other people and their beliefs. These types of dreams are more about your outlook and the way you feel about the world around you. Many sayings link with our eyes and you should consider if any are appropriate for the type of dream you have had.
An eye for an eye.
To catch someone’s eye.
See eye to eye.
Have a keen eye for something.
In the public eye.
This image is used to demonstrate the 'face' that we show to other people or the face they show to us. When we look at someone’s face, we do not always see what is going on behind the mask. Dream images connected to the face can give you an insight as to what is really going on. If your face is distorted in some way in the dream, then you have distorted views. Disfigurements in dreams portray a disfigured idea of what we look like, or think like, that includes our insecurities, etc.
Face your problems head-on.
Face your fears.
Face facts.
Face the truth.
(Barefoot above/Shoes)
Our feet link with our stability and ability to get along on our own merit. The feet are also used in journey dreams to represent personal progress, the type of shoes you wear in a dream highlight the comfort and ease in which you move forward at your own pace.
Put your best foot forward!
(Baldness above/Brush below)
The symbol of hair can be interpreted in a few separate ways in dream translation and it is for you to decide on the appropriate meaning. Feelings about your looks are often portrayed by your hair and losing your hair in a dream can highlight your insecurities and fears about your own attractiveness.
Hair is viewed as a symbol of vitality and strength and baldness is used as a symbol of wisdom. Having long or thick beautiful hair in a dream is a way for you to recognise your own self-confidence, power, and worth, these things can grow over time.
Combing your hair can describe untangling a mental dilemma or getting your thoughts in order, but you could also be straightening out your financial affairs or anything that needs bringing back to order.
Cutting your hair can help you to acknowledge that making cutbacks will help to bring order and that you need to re-establish a refined approach to finances and your financial stresses.
Cutting or shaving all your hair off in a dream is a way to show your disapproval or anger at a situation or person who has wronged you or treated you unfairly, it is done as a protest.
If there are insects in your hair in a dream then most likely they will represent the minor aggravations that you have to deal with mentally, those small but annoying problems that are difficult to eradicate.
Washing your hair is a way to get rid of the negativity that builds up in your mind. Tying your hair up is linked with getting on with things and being ready for action.
Mentally de-stress.
Let your hair down.
Hands represent your ability to 'create' and therefore can help you see what you can achieve using the natural attributes that you possess.
Washing your hands symbolises the washing away of negativity that prevents you from using your talents. You could also be washing your hands of somebody or of a situation that you can do nothing more to help.
The right hand is the giver and the left hand is the receiver.
To shake hands is to forgive.
Lend a hand.
Shake on a deal?
Don't let the left hand know what the right hand is doing?
The thinking and logical part of us.
Use your head.
Intelligence and problem-solving.
To lose your head is to throw all caution to the wind.
The heart has obvious connotations of compassion, understanding, and love, so to dream of the heart in any way will often link with these things. Any problems with the heart in your dream will bring your attention to problems relating to the heart and its capabilities to love and be loved, wounds and afflictions that have caused hurt and damage either past or present which now need to be acknowledged and dealt with.
The heart of a problem!
The kidneys are used occasionally in dreams to show a filtering system, for example filtering the negative from the positive and therefore cleansing. Sometimes kidney dreams are literal and highlight a problem with the waterworks.
Cleanse yourself of impurities.
The means at your disposal of getting along or making progress. Any problems with your legs represent obstacles regards your ability to move forward with your plans.
Do the leg work?
In dreams, your lips will link with personal fulfilment and expressing the sensual side of yourself towards others. Wearing lipstick is a way of having your sensual side noticed.
The lungs are another symbol used in dream language to help you understand the process of cleansing and of getting rid of negativity. Breathe in the good and exhale the bad, you will have a clearer understanding of what’s going on when you take time to contemplate.
Any problems with your breathing in a dream simply imply that there are difficulties with taking in positive energy and letting the negative things go. The lungs can also be used to express the feeling of suffocation either by your circumstance or being trapped by responsibility. You do not feel that you have freedom or your own breathing space.
(Teeth below)
(Common dreams losing teeth)
The mouth will often link with the things you say!
If you have problems with talking in your dream it helps you to acknowledge that you are not communicating the things you want to say in the right way, other people do not really understand you. We also use our mouth for eating and this links with how fulfilled we feel. Any dream symbol that involves the mouth will be linked to communication and self-fulfilment.
Being strangled is to have your voice suppressed or your vital energy cut off, perhaps being overcome by someone else's personality. A broken neck means you cant keep your head up straight, therefore, you need to look at why you can't hold your head up high, this will link with self-esteem or shame.
Keep your head on your shoulders and be savvy.
Poking your nose in or using your intuition to sniff out what is going on around you, you might need to find the cause of a problem or acknowledge current ideas to help you make progress. A nose can also be used as a symbol for the things that you ‘know’.
A nose for business.
In Native American culture to take a scalp means quite simply to overcome your opposition. The scalp connects with the mind and any problems with the scalp can show how you are being affected mentally by outside circumstances.
An itchy scalp is used to represent things that get on your nerves.

(See Sex Dreams in S)
Sexual dreams often highlight our needs, wants and desires. If you are having sex with someone who you know, who you wouldn't in the waking state it is because in dreams we can try out different partners to see if they have some qualities that we desire. If you do not know the person at all it is because you do not understand what you require from a relationship or from the type of person that you think you need to be with.
Sex dreams are more prominent when there are things that you need to understand about relationships, love and their connections to sex. These dreams are also experienced more often when there is a lack of sex and sharing yourself with another person.
Our own perception of sex can be challenged through our dreams and any hang-ups or unreasonable ideas can be worked through safely while in the dream environment. Sometimes sex and love dreams persist and recur because an expression of love is unable to be made in the waking life. 

Sexual organs
Dreaming about your sexual organs will probably link with how you feel and think about sex. If there is a problem with your physicality in a dream it might well be getting to you to think about a problem with your sexual health, sexual identity, sexual preferences, or issues that you have regards your sex life. These types of dreams often link with masculinity and femininity and happen when you need to find balance with sexual relationships and your own ideas about being accepted for who you are.
The skin provides a shield and defence against the outside world, but it is also our receptor for being touched; allowing others to touch us signifies that we allow them into our personal space. Hard skin will help you think about the way you have been hardened by circumstances, and rough skin can symbolise feeling rough.
Problems are only skin deep.
(Common Dreams/Teeth)
Making life changes and transitions.
Loss and fear.
Poor communication.
Lack of nourishment and fulfilment.
Decay and growth.
If something gets stuck in your throat in a dream, then perhaps you have information that you cannot give out; you feel gagged or suppressed.
Choking can explain a blockage in communication, you cannot 'live' with something that is bothering you.
If your tongue is too big for your mouth, then you can be tactless with words or you are not speaking up when you should. Use it or curb it, whichever is more appropriate.
The womb usually represents a woman’s ability to give and sustain life, looking after and nurturing the best in others as well as herself. A responsibility that requires care and attention from the dreamer.
The mother!

Anything that is boiling in your dream will most likely link with something that is bubbling away below the surface, emotionally speaking, heat can be used to describe passion and love as well as overheated tempers or underlying anger. You should think about what is being boiled in your dream, water always symbolises emotions, but if there is something else boiling in a pot then look up that symbol as well. 
Thermostats replicate the act of trying to access someone's feelings for you, are they hot or cold, etc. 
Another translation might be when something is 'hot' or stolen, it's not yours to have. 
Is something too hot to handle?

(Lightning Bolts)
What or who keeps things together
In dreams, any type of nuts and bolts can be used to portray security and the idea about keeping things together. Loose nuts and bolts warn you about the risk of things falling apart. It depends on what the bolts are being used for in your dream to gain a clearer interpretation. The nuts and bolts of a problem can be assessed to help you solve issues to keep things together.

Bombs signify an explosive situation or disruption to your plans; these types of situations are generally brought about by outside circumstances or other people. 
Do you need to put a bomb under someone to get them moving?
Dangerous information?
Who is going to drop a bombshell?

(Bible above/Computer/Library/Reading)
Knowledge and learning
There is information available to you that can help you make progress in areas of your life where you feel stuck. Books help us learn, they teach us things that we need or want to know, they transcend time and offer knowledge from previous experience. Bibles or holy books refer more to your spiritual outlook and learning, the message might be to consider all the information that is ‘out there’ and if it could help your own understanding of spiritual matters.
If there are lots of books in your dream then its a way for you to understand how much information is out there, or how other people's experiences could help you to understand your own. Dusty books are telling you to dust up your knowledge and learn something new.
A wealth of knowledge!
Spiritual direction.
Learning from experience.Information that you need.

Potential and growth
There are many meanings of bottles in dreams depending on the type of bottles seen. Baby bottles link with the nurturing side of people and the need to look after something for it to grow and develop.
Bottles of alcohol can link to dependency and the need to consider or acknowledge the amount of alcohol you drink. Alcohol can also be used to show a time to let your hair down and a need to enjoy the social aspects of life occasionally so decide which sort of translation is appropriate for you or somebody around you. Bottles, jars, and alcohol are used to ‘preserve’ so you should consider what you are trying to preserve it could be your energy, your health or your integrity.

Something could be hidden from you, or at least it has been put away until you can deal with it. If you see what is inside the box, then translate that as well.
Boxed in?
A gift box represents a gift you are given, not always of monetary value but perhaps a spiritual gift. This type of dream can also be used to represent the 'now' or the 'present'.
Appreciate and value what you do have!
You are gifted so don’t hide it!

A bracket of any kind is used to describe a support system that holds you up when you are under pressure, but if the bracket is broken or not doing the job it was designed for then this dream is reminding you that there are issues with your usual form of support. Translate what the bracket is being used for in your dream to get further information.

Creativity and potential
Bread can provide a symbol for money which you might need to feel content. It explains how the raw ingredients you have available to you can be mixed together to create something else of more significance and value or simply provide you with the money you need.
Hot bread or buns tell you that something is now ready or has become fruitful, but stale bread tells you that something has lost its value or become stale, this could be your own enthusiasm, or a relationship has become stale.

(Buildings below/Cement/Walls)
Support and protection
Bricks represent the building blocks that you have available to you which can potentially build something of value and eventually provide security. Bricks create structures that ensure future success for whatever it is you are trying to build, home and relationships or financial security. Your investments must have a well-thought-out and secure base to start from and then each brick you lay down will all fit together to create something of strength and longevity.
If bricks are loose or broken in your dream then this is prompting you to make repairs wherever they are needed, so that problems do not eventually affect the way your life is structured. It might be a relationship that needs repairing to uphold the structure or layout of your life.
Bricks can also symbolise anything that is built up over time, hard feelings and thoughts for example so consider how the bricks are being used in your dream to get a clearer idea of the translation. If they are not being used to build and they are being used in a negative way like being thrown or used as a weapon, then the symbolism will link more with how negative actions will eventually affect the way your life is structured.

Love and relationships
You may be trying to unite two sides of your own personality or make different ideas blend in a way that will work.

(The Rope Bridge Dream)
(Bridges and Tunnels)
The structure and support you have to help you reach your goals
A bridge is used as a symbol for connections over emotional phases; they help you move onward without having to be emotionally involved. Spiritually, bridges can represent the contact made with our spiritual selves and the need to get over obstacles that stand in the way of progression or enlightenment. They can also connect us with loved ones who have passed into the next phase of life.
Building, or repairing bridges helps you to understand how you need to repair relationships before you can move forward. Being under a bridge simply implies that you do not wish to make a transition or move forward and that you hide from the challenges that you are faced with. Being stuck on a bridge tells you a little more effort is needed on your part to go further and cross the bridge from one place in your life into another.
A rope bridge is typically used in dreams to represent the fragility or the strength of your own resolve. Consider how strong you feel when having to get over the obstacles that you are presented with.
A bridge links two phases of our life.
Support during transitions.
Bridge over troubled waters.

Feelings and emotions
If something is broken in a dream then it brings your attention to the fact that something in your life needs repair, you will, of course, have to work out exactly what needs mending, but this dream merely wants you to think about if this is possible for you to do. Sometimes we are shown that something is broken beyond repair; this is so that we can accept this and move forward in another direction.
Breakages in a dream could symbolise breakups or picking up the pieces left behind by broken bonds, you could be trying to reassemble the remnants of a damaged relationship. Cracks help us to understand how cracks can appear in relationships and if left unchecked will continue until there is a complete ruin.

(Tidying up Dream)
Your tools and abilities
A broom represents the tools that you have at hand to clear away negativity when you are presented with it in its many forms; these tools are skills that you have developed over time to deal with hurt or hindrances that are in your way. Dust, for example, describes remnants from the past, so you are attempting to use the skills you have acquired to clear your space of all the negative things that have built up over time.
A clean sweep.

Pain and healing
Bruises can symbolise small hurts that are caused by other people’s actions or words.
A bruised ego.

Your tools and skills to repair and mend
It doesn’t really matter what you are brushing or combing in a dream you are basically trying to unravel a situation or untangle your own thoughts and feelings. If you are brushing your hair, then perhaps you are mentally attempting to work out a solution for an ongoing problem that you have in your life. You are untangling what has happened so that you feel at your best and can carry on.
To be brushing an animal is to try and untangle somebody’s nature or personality, you are trying to understand them or help them understand themselves, and it could be that their own nature or personality has put them in their current situation.
Knots and tangles are viewed as problems that need to be straightened out, but when you can’t untangle knots in a dream then the dream is helping you to understand that you can’t straighten out every problem that comes along.
Unpick problems one by one.
Knots of contention.


The structures you have in place to create a stable life
There is a lot of different symbolism available from buildings in dream language; they can help you to understand the strength of the things that you are trying to build around you. Buildings can help to explain how your life is structured and the support network that you have in place. Buildings have also been used in dreams to explain the past and your connections to specific times of importance or how your life was structured then, in comparison to now.
Buildings require care and attention to stay upright and protected from the elements and this will represent your own defence system or ability to be unaffected by outside interference. Overall, buildings will symbolise the structure of your life at home or work and help you to incorporate current ideas so that you can upkeep and support your own future.
Different types of Buildings
Your home is your castle and it needs to be at the forefront of your motivation for success. It represents your resilience and how well you protect yourself and your loved ones from negativity or attack. You should take note of the condition of the castle in your dream and its ability to withstand battle should it commence. The walls of a castle are built to defend from intruders, to protect the inhabitants from the outside world or from real life and what it throws at you.
Places of worship define the spiritual journey that you are on and how this combines with your home-life. There is a need to start recognising that you should develop your spiritual self which is equally important as concentrating on the materialistic side of your life.
To seek the divine or the higher power you would visit a place of worship and gain help when all else has failed. A sanctuary for solace and prayer and a place to begin a spiritual journey.
Your body and mind are a temple.
When you dream of your own house the dream is referring to your own personal environment and the way it is structured at any given moment in time. (Past present or future)
Dreams can bring information to your mind that you haven’t considered and when you are taken to a house that you used to live in it's because there was something there that you need to remember now. It might be the feeling associated with that time and place, like security, people anything which you might need you to compare to how things are structured now. Visiting a property from the past also happens because you feel as though you have left something of yourself there, it might be happy or sad memories which changed your life and forced you to grow up. You will also visit a childhood home in a dream because you need to find the child within you once again; it was a time when you were not bogged down in responsibility. Perhaps you wish to recapture a sense of freedom that your childhood contained.
The state of the house is important and helps you to process and recognise your current situation. A messy house, for example, is a straightforward way for you to understand that you need to clear up chaotic situations that become a burden to the setup and layout of your life. Houses are often used in dreams to show us obstacles that can affect our home life, the doors are too narrow, or the windows won't open; this is so that you realise there are certain restrictions for you to negotiate before you can become content with your lot. Making changes to your set up will make life easier for you.
An empty house can represent the emptiness you feel inside, the loneliness or a lack of physical comfort. The rooms in the house can be used to explain the different sections of your life and how they all fit together. You might notice that there are obstacles between one section of your life and another, perhaps your work life does not merge very well with your home life, or you are struggling to help personalities get on at home.
The rooms of a building can describe the many different sections of your life and how you keep them all apart from each other or integrate them, for example, keeping your working life separate from your home life or finding a balance between the two. The different rooms inside a house can also help to explain how you are feeling on the inside. Sometimes it is difficult to put your feelings in order and these types of dreams help you sort through and organise your thoughts and feelings about a current situation or issue.
To dream of an old house that you used to live in happens when there is a wish to return to a time that holds something important to you, perhaps you feel that something is missing right now that you had back then, or you miss the people or the security that you had at that time. You might be looking for a part of yourself that you have lost, like youth, freedom or happiness.
Houses are a responsibility and sometimes we dream of them because we struggle daily to deal with the responsibilities of home or home life.
Dreaming of a messy house is a common theme when you feel that everything is a mess in your personal life and no matter how quickly you tidy up one calamity surpasses another. An empty house will help you to understand how you feel uncared for or lacking in all forms of comfort.
To dream of problems in any of the rooms helps you to understand the area or the section of your life that requires attention or remedy.
Living room
How you live now and where you are supposed to relax. Problems with this room in your dream relate to your everyday life and how you feel about living right now,
The relationship room, rest, sleep and your personal space and who you choose to share it with.
The kitchen is viewed as the workroom and can be used to explain the work that you do for others and what you create in the way of fulfilment for them, also if or not you can keep up with the demands of family life. It is here that you clean away the negativity that builds up and where you cater to everyone's needs. Are your needs neglected? The kitchen helps to portray the way families work together and the energy you all contribute to creating balance and harmony in each other's life.
This room links with the emotions and getting rid of negativity. Flushing the toilet symbolises getting rid of waste and negativity. This type of symbol could also highlight problems with your physical plumbing, your kidneys, etc.
The bathroom and toilet are used to clean away negativity and get rid of all the waste that you no longer need in your life, a form of self-cleansing and rejuvenating so that you can carry on with your daily grind.
Floors can sometimes be used to symbolise when you are floored by something or get knocked down by life. Floor coverings like carpet, lino, or hardwood floors help to give an example of what is available to cushion your fall. The condition of the floor often contributes to this type of symbolism, a threadbare carpet might give the added meaning of feeling worn-out or worn-down.
Being floored by something?
The walls in your house are built to protect you from the outside world and the condition of them in your dream can help to explain how well you are protected from the environment created by other people, and how secure you feel within that environment.
Other types of walls simply represent barriers or obstacles to overcome, the condition of the wall might give you some clues as to how easily you will break down or overcome the barriers that you face.
A wall that is crumbling or broken reminds you that defences can be broken down; time itself wears down stubborn barriers. It may, of course, be your own defences that are wearing thin.
Repairs to a relationship to uphold the security of a home?
Windows and Doors
(Windows in W)
(Doors in D)
Windows also create a barrier to the outside world and are sometimes used in dream language as a symbol for what you can see from your own perspective. You do not have a complete and clear view of what is going on in the outside world, perhaps you fear to leave the safety of your private and protected cocoon.
Dirty or broken windows help to explain how your view is obscured by the passing of time; you are not seeing things clearly because the distance of time has become a barrier to your clear thinking.
Doors also create a barrier and can be viewed as an obstacle, particularly so if something is preventing you from opening or closing a door in your dream. If the door is open then you are being shown a way out of a current situation, you are being reminded that the door is always open for change to begin. If, however, you cannot close a door it will represent the fact that you find it impossible to close the door on someone who you feel ‘needs you’. Or perhaps you find it difficult to close the door on the past and move forward. Doors help you to understand how the different sections of your life integrate, how you manage to combine your work life, love life and family life. Interactions between all these things can be described using the door scenario.
Locking windows or doors is done to keep intruders at bay; you are protecting yourself from negative people and their actions or perhaps you wish to be alone and are locking life itself outside.
The condition of the house
Problems with the house in your dream can help you to acknowledge problems that you are currently experiencing; mending, redecorating or cleaning brings your attention to the fact that you need to spring clean your life, get rid of old and outdated ideas or anything that harms you and your home life.
A house that looks beautiful and is full of wonderful things reassures you that times will change, and you are heading for a more comfortable and secure time at home. You have created a warm and welcoming place for people and your payment is a place in their heart.

Your power and destructiveness
A bulldozer is used as a symbol for any situation or person who pushes their way into your life to cause destruction or upheaval. Bulldozers are also used to remove obstacles that stand in your way, I would say that you are well equipped to deal with people who cause destruction in your life and you will be able to start building something stronger when the dust has settled. Make sure it's not symbolic for your own destructive nature, perhaps you tend to self-destruct or knock down your own creations.

Fear of loss
A burglar dream is trying to warn you to be careful with people who can take something from you, what they are taking in the dream may need translating as well, but they could be taking your energy, time or money.
An energy thief.

This dream isn't an omen of death but more about letting go of the past and of buried feelings. Letting something go that has died or ceased to be valid anymore.
Trying to bury or hide problems!
Saying goodbye to a certain time of life!
Feeling buried in problems!

Love, power, and destruction
Heat are fire are used as symbols of passion and anger, or any inflamed emotional reaction, therefore, to get burnt in a dream can help you to understand the extent of hurt caused by other people’s anger or misguided passions. The extent of the burn will represent the extent of hurt and pain caused.
To see buildings burn is to watch the destruction of the structure or set up of your current situation, changes will happen quickly, but they will make way for the foundations of a new more secure future. Fire can symbolise being consumed by your own fear.
To put a fire out is to quash and dilute overheated feelings.
If you play with fire you will get burnt!

Count your blessings
Buttons can be used to express the many different notions and ideas that you have.
Button it!
Make connections!
Lack of Money!


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