
Sunday, 18 November 2018

Dream Symbols: D



(See Water)
A dam can represent pent-up emotions that have been held back for a long time, therefore a dam breaking is literally a release of an emotional build-up. Who's at breaking point? Dams are built to prevent floods and because water almost always represents emotions in dream language we can suppose that a dam breaking is a release of pent up anger, fear, worry, or any emotion that is being held back. Dams also have reservoirs or reserves of water and create a balance between the water than can be released and is useful and water that needs to be stored or held back, so think about what is creating an emotional imbalance and what feelings can safely be released.

Feeling Dammed?


Dancing can be a way of expressing your happiness and creativity and in dream language, it can sometimes be used as a symbol for getting closer to someone special. Dance is also used to express freedom and going with the flow, the dance you create links with how you express yourself on a deeper level, and it recreates how you connect with the people around you. A good translation of dancing depends on the type of dance you do in your dream, if you are dancing with lots of other people then the dream is showing you how you get on with and work with the people you associate with, (how in sync you are with each other). Whereas dancing with a partner is more of a private affair and mimics a closer or a sexual relationship. You might also be showcasing your creativeness and talents, putting your work out there for others to see. How well you perform the dance in the dream is merely your own opinion being expressed about yourself or how you think other people judge your performance.
The type of dance will give further information for you to consider in your translation. 
A dance troupe probably represents a group of people and how well they 'perform' together, whereas tribal dances link with your earthly family, or your spiritual group. 
Ballroom dancing, ballet, tap dancing. Think about the attributes and the dedication that any dancer needs to execute the perfect dance. This type of dream symbol could help you understand that to perfect your personal trade you must work hard and dedicate a lot of time and effort. The way you perform your dream dance can help you accept where you are on the journey from amateur to professional, do you need to put in lots more work?
Dancing or performing in a synchronised way with other people describes how you need to get in tune with them so that you can make relationships work or bring them into order. If relationships have been problematic at home or at work you could try to find things that you have in common to help you bond, then things might run smoother between you.
When a dreamer has a detailed understanding of dance and the many different styles of dance there are perhaps because dance is part of their work, then it would be more likely that they would dream of specific dances and would, therefore, understand the symbolism that is connected with a dance type, generally, dream language uses the dreamers own understanding which can relay a message best suited for that person.

(Obstacles/Obstacle Dreams)

(Warning Dreams
Fear Dream
Any kind of danger that you are presented within a dream will usually warn you about the risky situations that unfold around you, the idea is that you are forewarned so you can make decisive and informed choices which will ensure protection for yourself or others around you. These dreams are mostly about working out what is risky and then making sensible informed choices. If danger is the overall theme of a dream its likely to be what is called a warning dream to help you change direction or inform you to help someone else.

(Day and Night below)

(Dream about the Dark)
The dark forces within.
Spiritual ignorance.
Being kept in the dark.
The unknown.
Lack of growth and progress.

Making repairs 
Darning provides a simple translation of trying to patch something up or repair it, maybe a relationship or friendship but you could also be trying to repair mistakes that were made over time. A split in clothing or something else might represent a split or divide between people, perhaps you are trying to repair this and bring people back together.


Your aims
In dream language, any kind of arrow or dart helps to describe the point that you are trying to make or the target that you are trying to reach. If or not the dart reaches its target will be important because this gives you clues to if you can fulfil your objectives. Being shot with a dart might be a representation of being shocked and of something just coming out of nowhere. If the abuse is aimed at you or not should be considered.

The dawning of a new time in your life, the sun coming up expresses happiness and growth for the dreamer.
The dawn of a new era.
New Beginnings.

Day and Night

Balance and harmony
If you are aware of day and night in your dreams then you are being reminded of how one phase of your life moves gently into another one, darkness eventually turns into light. A balance between positive and negative or perhaps opposites attract.

(Burial/Dead People below)

(Death Dreams) 
Fear dream and change
Most people are frightened by death dreams, they fear it foretells the death of someone they love, but dreaming of death usually refers to the death of something rather than someone and we need a mini death to occur so that we can start again, so if you view a death dream as a new beginning it will not seem quite so forbidding, other symbols in the dream might give an indication as to what death is referring to. When we have finished with a certain part of our life it can penetrate our dreams as a death. 
Dreaming about death or being dead is sometimes a spiritual reminder that death is a part of life, when we dream we are dead and then realise that we are still in existence in a dream it is our subconscious trying to remind us that the soul cannot die, it is infinite and your ideas of death are all wrong. When you meet people in your dreams who are dead/in the spirit world its not uncommon for the dreamer to say "oh your not dead" or "oh I thought you were dead". This is just a way for you to understand that nothing dies, it just moves to another form of existing.
Lost opportunities!

Dead People

(Death above/Mortuary/Zombies)
Change and acceptance
When you dream about people from the spirit world it is usually because they want to give you a message of some kind, they often show up in a dream to let you know that they are at peace and to bring you comfort in your own distress and to try to convince you nothing really dies.

This symbol will probably mean you're not listening to what someone is telling you, alternatively, you might need to 'cock a deafen'  and ignore someone who is winding you up. 

Very deep water could explain the depth of someone's feelings, or be a symbol for when you are getting in too deep.
You will feel out of your depth with something or someone. 

(Dismembered below) 

Healing the mind
This will be a play on words rather than a literal translation, it could describe someone losing their head or being disconnected from real life. 

Mental disassociation!


Making changes
There is a lot of symbolism that can be gained from redecorating a room although they are very similar to cleaning a room, which in dream language explains the need for you to get rid of negativity and freshening-up your ideas and attitudes, this will help to help create order and structure within your life. You would like to renew and refresh either your surroundings or your personal life, perhaps you wish to replace the old with the new and the effort of decorating is a way to explain the effort you must put into making things happen. Changes for the better need to be worked on, you can't just sit and watch things deteriorate and expect to be happy. 
To be stripping walls is a way for you to understand the need to get to the bare brunt of a problem or to acknowledge that there is a problem to be dealt with. If you are hanging new wall coverings then you are attempting to cover or hide problems away, this is more appropriate when you are aware that the wall you are covering needs repair, but if the wall is smooth and faultless then you are merely improving on what you already have, breathing new life into your homelife perhaps, this will often be appropriate for a relationship that becomes dull and boring and which needs reinventing or dare I say replacing? The outcome of the wallpapering in your dream might give you a clue to if you were better off with what you had already.
Painting is another way to describe these same scenarios although the outcome is more permanent, you are attempting to disguise, repair and rejuvenate the old relationship to make it into something that you can live with once again. Always look up colours if you notice them.
Make do and mend?
Decorating the truth?

What are you trying to bring back to life? A relationship, friendship, or your love for something else like a job or career. Is it time to move on? 

Deformity - Disfigurement

This symbol portrays a distorted way of thinking, but it can also represent suffering that is caused by another person's behaviour, you may, of course, be the cause of your own suffering. Being disfigured in a dream is a way of showing you damage that cannot easily be reversed. 

Changes to the way your life is structured
To see something demolished or knocked down in a dream is a way for you to consider the destruction that can be caused by decisions that were made consciously. The current set up you have could be completely knocked down and you will have to start again. Obviously, if it's someone else's structure that you see demolished then the symbolism could be about their set up, or how their life is structured.

Fear Dream 
These will be a construct of your own fears, you need to fight your own fears so you can be progressive and move forward. 

Dreaming about going to the dentist probably has more to do with the fear of loss than it does with the fear of the dentist. losing teeth in a dream describes the loss of something else, usually, this happens when its time to let something go that has no use for you anymore, something that causes you pain and pressure. The dentist might symbolise someone who can help you through this transition. 

(Drought below/Dry below/Sand)

The desert would suggest the feeling of being deserted and left alone to cope. The lack of water brings your attention to the drying up of emotions when they have been exhausted. Stones and rocks are an example of the obstacles that you must get over to change your relationships or circumstances.
Love can dry up.


How your life is structured
A desk can be used as a link to work, career or learning, the type of desk can help with the correct translation, if for example, you dream of a school desk then the dream might be relating to your spiritual education, It can equally link with lessons you need to learn or have learned in the past and how your education will continue to develop throughout your life. Perhaps you find it difficult to learn from your mistakes?

If the desk is a work or office desk, then the dream symbol probably relates to your physical work or occupation. The size and condition of the desk will help to relay your current workload. A desk that is too large will tell you that you find the workload heavy or that it is taking up too much room in your life, too small and you feel dissatisfied with the work that you do, or that there is not enough work to provide for your monetary needs. It may also be that you need to move on to bigger ventures or that you have outgrown your current role. 
The effort you need to put into your spiritual progression. 
Your work-life needs to be reassessed.


Your fears
A force to be reckoned with and overcome, the devil can portray the fight 'within' regards the facets of your own personality. There could be someone else leading you astray or tempting you with detrimental things. The devil is sometimes used as a warning not to dabble with the unknown, he will also represent any negative force that you must overcome.

The devil is in the detail!
Get rid of your fears!


Diamonds can symbolise a few different things in dream language, a person who is a diamond, the durability and permanence of a relationship, the clarity of a situation and the many different facets of the personality. A diamond can represent the attributes we work hard for and the rewards that we receive for that hard work. Fake diamonds, however, express the idea that you are not actually getting what you expected, what you thought was a good thing might turn out to be worthless.
The time it takes to create perfection!
Diamonds symbolise the rewards for the enlightened.
The many facets of a strong personality!


Take a chance or stop chancing it; you are the best judge of which personal translation is appropriate.
Probability and chance!

(Archaeology/Dirt below) 

Uncovering the truth
If you are digging in a dream then you are looking for something that you or someone else have covered up or buried away, maybe you feel that something is missing in your life and you are trying to recover it. You are subconsciously looking for what is missing, this is especially true if you are unaware of what you are digging for. Spiritually you may be digging up information for your own progression or alternatively digging up the dirt on someone. If a dog is digging they are seen as the protector so will be trying to protect you from the truth or uncover the truth.


Fulfilment and contentment
What you are eating is important when translating this type of dream; food provides the nourishment that is needed for personal contentment. The type of food that you are eating will help to show you if you are fully contented or not, if you are enjoying the food then you are fulfilled, if there is something wrong with the food in your dream then you feel dissatisfied with what's on your plate right now.

A balanced diet equals a balanced contented life in dreams, so all variations of eating, food, and dining will be informing you of what is provided for you spiritually or in your day to day life.
Balance in all things brings true satisfaction!
What's on your plate?


(Digging above)
(Messy House Dream)

Negativity and positivity
It depends on which way dirt is used in your dream for a good translation but if something is dirty it can help you acknowledge when something needs care and attention to get rid of the negative energy that has built up. If you are dirty then negative energy is building upon and around you, but because dirt also symbolises growth it helps to explain that by learning to deal with negative energy you are also growing in alternative ways. Your ‘self-defences’ are expanding as you learn to negotiate the challenges that negative experiences or negative people bring you.
Dirt or soil is used as a template for growth and holds within it all the potential that is available for spiritual or personal growth. Mud is a mixture of dirt and water and can explain a mix of emotions and negativity and how you can get stuck in those feelings. Mud can also relay the situation of when you throw mud at someone, it usually sticks. 

Dirty hands show that hard graft or a certain amount of essential maintenance is needed to get a job done, are repairs needed?
Doing the dirty work that no one else wants to do?
Digging the dirt on someone?
Clean up your act?
Spiritual growth comes from learning to overcome negativity.

Disaster Dreams
Disaster Tsunami/Tall Building Dream
Tsunami Dream
Giant Wave Dream
Plane Crash Dream
Sea Wall and Giant Wave Dream
Premonition and Warning Dreams


To reach a true understanding
To dismantle or to break something up in a dream can describe when you need to break something down into smaller and more manageable pieces, then 
you might understand the finer details and intricate workings. This sort of symbol will be used to represent a situation or relationship that needs further understanding. 

(Amputation/Decapitated above)
To be dismembered in your dream, or to lose a limb describes that feeling when you are missing someone or something. It comes from the saying "I feel like my right arm is missing". It often symbolises a
 severance of some sort. 
Afflictions in dreams usually represent hurts inflicted by other people's actions or words. 
A need to get over a loss and heal.
Being torn apart!

How it plays out
Seeing or watching a display might link with a display of feelings, perhaps a display of affection. The type of display will help you with your translation. A firework display can translate as a display of heated actions or feelings that erupt; sometimes all you can do is stand back and watch. Fireworks are also used to mark an important occasion or to celebrate an event.

If something or someone disappears in your dream and you are searching, then you may get frustrated at the silly games some people play with your affections. Especially if its a person who keeps disappearing, they are doing a disappearing act, and not there when you need them. 

The disappearing dream could also be used when your problems disappear like magic, though look at other symbols to decide. If you dream your money disappears then I guess it's self-explanatory. If people disappear underwater its because they keep getting overcome by their emotions and you can't seem to pull them out of it, how deep they go will simply link with the depth of their emotions. You will need to ask them what's going on underneath the surface.
Are you wondering why someone doesn't stick around for long?
Do you feel invisible?


Doctors are regularly used in dreams as a representation of someone who can help us, like a chemist or a nurse. The reason for this type of symbol is to make you aware that there is always a remedy for any given problem, you might have to go out there and find it, but generally, you will discover the help you need. (Not always the help you want, unfortunately)
Looking for a remedy.
Spiritual help to aid growth and healing.

When you are aware of any kind of documentation in your dream then perhaps the dream is attempting to bring your attention to legalities or paperwork that needs to be completed for an issue to be settled. Give further thought to the small print or to the quality of the information that you are given. When information is documented it is being saved for future reference, consider if your own actions were reflected upon, would you do things differently?

Personalities and characteristics
Protectors and friends
Dogs are faithful friends and can also be viewed as protectors, so they are often used in dreams to describe the protection that is available to you from faithful companions or spiritual helpers, whereas vicious dogs can describe the vicious side of somebody’s nature. A pack of dogs or wolves represents the group soul working together to reach a goal or alternatively the pack mentality, where if one leads they all follow. Wolves at your door explain that feeling when everyone is after you for something.

Our psychic abilities are sometimes highlighted by Dolphins, communication, and using your natural instincts to help you deal with the emotional journey you are on. 

Psychic communication?
The higher self.
Shared consciousness.
The guardian of your emotions.

(Windows and Doors in Buildings) 
Structure dream
A door in a dream is sometimes used as a signpost to show you the ‘way out’ of a situation or to inform you that as one door closes another one opens. If something is stopping the door from opening (an obstacle dream) then this helps you to acknowledge that something is stopping you from moving forward or making progress with what you want to do. If there is someone behind the door so it can't open this will be the person who stands in your way. You may or may know them? Open doors are obviously more positive than closed ones, but remember that sometimes you have to close the door on something or someone because it is time to move on.
You feel trapped by your present circumstances?
Blocked opportunities?

(Birds in Animals)
The Holy Spirit.
Peace, love, and harmony.

If you are dragging something along in your dream, then you are trying to drag along unwanted baggage. Dragging someone along usually requires effort on your part and this dream suggests that they do not want to come along, so your efforts are wasted.
Being forced to move on.
Trying to remove obstacles.
Someone is dragging you down!

Dream Catchers
They are handmade Native American objects based on a willow hoop, on which is a woven web decorated with feathers and beads. They are believed to allow good, happy dreams through to us while protecting us from bad dreams or nightmares, which get caught in the web. In dreams, they symbolise a protective shield that we create to keep us safe from negativity or harm. If you believe in their powers, you have helped to create the power that it holds by sending out thoughts that you do not accept negativity in your dreams, these thoughts are the protective force that binds to the dream catcher and is weaved into its being, and therefore making it capable of doing the job which it was designed to do.
To dream of a dream catcher would mean that you need to sort through your ideas and motivations to separate the negative forces from the positive ones and reevaluate your life's true vocation or direction. Your dreams can be realised when you sift out the negatives from your life in the same way as a dream catcher filters out the bad dreams. You have protection from external negativity, but you must control the internal negativity that you create.

If you are thirsty in a dream it can be because you are thirsty and need to wake up and drink because sometimes our physical needs transcend into our dreams. Symbolically you may have a thirst for something else like knowledge, money or just plain old fun. Thirst dreams show us that no matter how much we receive sometimes we just cannot quench that thirst. Thirst and hunger can also show you how you are not getting what you need from life. 

An Emotional thirst!

Emotional release
Information about emotions is filtering through to you slowly. Maybe someone is afraid to let you know everything now. 

An emotional energy leakage!


If you drop something in your dream, then you are basically saying "I cannot hold on to this anymore and I am going to have to let it go." Maybe this is what you are saying in your present situation, you need to drop something and let it go. If the object you drop breaks it is because you need to break from the 'thing' that is causing you the problem, or that being dropped will cause hurt. Look up the object that is dropped to help you with the translation.

(Desert above/Dry below) 

This helps you to understand that without water (emotions) nothing can grow or develop. You can wait for the drought to pass if that is what you want, but an emotional downpour might be what is needed to clear the tension. Drought can also symbolise a time of going without essential comfort, support or nurture.
Emotional wasteland.
Lack of enthusiasm?
Feeling unloved?


(Drowning and Water Dreams) 
You feel like you are drowning in your own emotions, perhaps you are overcome by responsibilities and pressure and the feeling of trying to stay afloat when everything is getting on top of you is being explained by the drowning scenario. To see somebody who you know drown in your dream will relate to their ability to cope and survive when times get tough. If it is a child who you know that is drowning, then the dream is making you aware of their difficulties because you are in a position to support and help them. They are learning to cope on an emotional level, usually at times like starting school or dealing with family issues.
Learning to cope and survive emotionally with life.
Sink or swim!


To be given drugs in a dream against your will shows that you have not got control over a situation and that your own ability to make informed choices is dictated by someone else. If you take illegal drugs in a dream, then you are attempting to find a substitute for happiness which will be detrimental in the long run. Ironically drugs can also be used to represent a spiritual journey that we have no control over. Whereas taking medicine or tablets can help you understand when you need to find a cure for a problem before healing can begin.

(Dancing above/Energy/Music) 

Drummers are said to lead and dictate the pace that is needed to move you forward towards success.
The natural rhythm of life.
Dancing to somebody else's drum.
Creative energy.
Drum up some enthusiasm.
Spiritual vibration.

(Desert/Drought above) 

If something is dry in your dream then it is showing you the lack of emotional commitment from someone, dryness can also describe when the tears have dried up, perhaps it is time to move on from a situation because it has nothing of value left for you. Without water, nothing will grow therefore dryness could symbolise a lack of ability to grow or develop.


The family unit
Ducks can symbolise your emotional dealings and how well you cope with emotional ups and downs, the family can be symbolised by ducks, any birds that flock together usually represent a group who look out for each other. Remember the saying ‘water off a duck's back’ and birds of a feather stick together!

What goes on inside of you
A dungeon can be used to symbolise the hidden aspects of the personality, the dark secrets that are hidden away, it can represent depression and negative thoughts that you do not wish to acknowledge. It is where you store the information which you don't wish to deal with. Being locked in a dungeon helps you to acknowledge feelings and thoughts that are locked away, you cannot move on from them.

A prison cell?

(Darkness/Day/Night above) 

Feelings and moods
Darkness will link with depression or negativity and perhaps spiritual ignorance. Dusk is a symbol that is helping you to understand being on the edge of darkness, your positive thoughts are often overtaken by the negative ones.

(Broom/Cleaning/Dirt above)

Remnants from your past experiences
To dream of dust over an object may be showing you that your talent needs dusting off, it could mean that you have let something gather dust and now is the time to polish it and start using it again. Dust could also symbolise an idea that has turned to dust through a lack of motivation. 

Dust is all that is left when something has 'gone'. 
Let the dust settle?

Growth and development
Something is stunted and unable to grow any further, it may be spiritual growth and development, but it could also explain a situation or project that is unable to develop. An idea or a relationship that has not reached its full potential.


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