
Sunday 18 November 2018

Dream Symbols: E



Listening and not just hearing/communication dreams
Ears are all about listening, perhaps you are not listening to advice or to your own intuition, you are being warned to listen carefully to information that you are given. You are not hearing what is being said and this is hindering your full understanding of a situation. If there is something wrong with your ears in your dream then you have never been good at listening to anyone else's advice.

If your ears are burning then someone is talking about you.
If you have water in your ears then you have been listening to someone talk about their emotions and it has been drowning out your own issues. 
Keep your ear to the ground for important information?
Earmuffs can explain how you wish to protect yourself from hearing what people say about you, likewise, earphones help you to distract yourself from other peoples' opinions. 

Is someone giving you an ear-hole bashing?


(Visiting other countries)
The mother earth might be used as a symbol of creation, reminding us that we are all united in our continued existence on earth. See the whole picture instead of individual pieces of a situation.

What's going on in your little world?
The whole consciousness!
Our natural resourcefulness.
Someone would give you the earth.

The mother!


Occasionally some people dream about earthquakes and can predict their occurrence. Disruption and destructiveness often bring about a shift of consciousness.
Something will shake your world.

Are you on shaky ground?

The Easter symbolism might come from the resurrection of Christ and help to explain the rebirth process. You start again when you have let go of the pain and hurt from the past.
Easter eggs can represent fertility.
Putting all your eggs in one basket?


Fulfilment and satisfaction
In dreams, eating equals fulfilment and the things that are on offer to provide towards your satisfaction and contentment. The quality of the food can explain the value of the people around you who contribute to your happiness. The type of food will always be important to help you with the translation so look up individual food types as well.
Trying to eat in a dream can represent a hunger for something, you could be hungry for success or fame, but equally, it could just be your basic requirements that need to bring you contentment. If the food, you are eating is not very nice or tasteless it can explain when you are not content with your lot, and that your situation does not provide the right kind of sustenance which your soul desires. It can also provide a representation of boredom and a lack of variety in your life.
If you are hungry but cannot find food, it shows that you do not really know what you want from life or how to find it if you did. It can also provide a symbol for when you hunger for something.
Looking for food describes when you are searching for something that could make you happy, and trying different foods in a dream is telling you to have a taste of different scenarios to see what you like and what you don't like. If you are preparing food for other people in your dream then you are trying to cater to their needs before your own, this can mean that you become discontented. Food will symbolise what you are being dished up in the way of circumstance in your life, or what you are dishing up for the people around you.

Repeated patterns
If you happen to dream of an echo then it represents a repeated pattern that you are caught up in, you may be saying the same thing over and over to no avail, or you are dealing with the same problem yet again. Maybe you are not listening to advice that is given to you or you are repeating the same advice to someone else.
A repeated pattern of actions and words?
A cycle of events.
An echo from the past?

An eclipse describes the joining together of emotions and creative energy to form the mix needed for a project, or for the next section of your life. The time has arrived for change and an exceptional set of circumstances can be used to your advantage. The sun is at the centre of our solar system and all other planets and moons revolve around it, when there is an alignment it marks an important event and therefore will mark a time when the planets have aligned to create a balance between people as well as planets. Therefore you should use this time to bring balance and harmony into your relationships. The power of the eclipse will provide energy for anything that needs to be completed or brought to conclusion.

Is someone eclipsing your talents and skills?
What is getting in your way?


Experience and learning
Educational institutions remind us of the need to acknowledge the things we must do to make progress. Life's lessons can be hard to learn at times, but it is how we come through and get over the obstacles that it presents us with that will count towards a complete understanding of life itself. 
People often dream about schools when they are on their own spiritual journey, and rather than represent life learning, these dreams can be used to describe your spiritual inner learning, you may be the teacher or the student or both, and the dream refers to the help you give to other people. Teachers often have school dreams long after they have left education, their work is never done, once a teacher always a teacher. If you are a carer you'll always be a carer and the same applies to anyone who works for the betterment of others.  
Experience comes from experience
If you dream that you fail at school or college its because you fear that you are failing at something, the pressure to succeed at everything can become too much and you should give yourself a break. Look at things differently, the school of life is about the experience, success wouldn't exist without failure.
Infant/Junior School
Revisiting infant school hints at regressing towards infant behaviour and the need to grow up. If you are at infant school with your kids in the dream and they are grown up now, then you miss the time when they were young and in your control, you wish that their learning was simple like when they were infants, you probably wish this for yourself as well.
Secondary School
Are you stuck in a phase of life that you want to move on from? There is still more you need to learn. You haven't managed to overcome an aspect of your own character, think about your character weaknesses, can you forgive, are you kind?  Do you want 
to go back to the past because it feels safe?
You have moved on to the next phase of life's learning but things can get complicated or difficult to understand.
Hard work but also a time of enjoying your freedom.
Spiritual graduation!

Eating or catching eels in a dream can present the cycle of life, incorporating beginnings and endings. Catching an eel instead of fish can warn you that a new partner is not all you wished for.

A slippery person?

Eiffel Tower 
(Visiting other countries)
This will link with romance and the structure itself will symbolise the strength and longevity of a relationship.

Elastic describes something that will spring back; this could be a quality that you should try to adopt. Elastic can also represent a relationship that expands or has the benefit of falling back into place no matter how much it is stretched.
Elastic could also symbolise money that returns to you, or perhaps money is tight, and the elastic describes how finances are over-stretched. Therefore, you will need to consider your own situation to gain a true understanding of elasticity.
Be flexible!


A creative energy source that is at your disposal, but it can be destructive if it isn’t harnessed correctly. If you are electrocuted in your dream it can show how you could get your fingers burned if you play with forces that you do not understand.
Spiritual power.
Harnessing available energy.
The physical chemistry between couples?

The essentials of life and the way we mix the different elements to create something else of value. This can help you understand that new things come from challenging and mixing different elements, this will help you to create new dimensions to a relationship or to an idea that you are working on. An electrical element can be used to symbolise the different elements required for a romantic relationship to ignite. 

Try not to create a monster!

(Energy/Equipment below/Lift)

(Claustrophobic Dreams)  
How the elevator performs in your dream will simply represent the way you are feeling right now, up, down, stuck, etc. The ups and downs that you experience throughout your life!
Going up in the world?

This will link with communication and has replaced sending a letter for the most part. It will be important to look at all the symbols that you get in your dream regarding the email as this could be used to explain complications with communications. Not being able to send an email highlights an inability to communicate what you want to say or that the person you wish to communicate with is unresponsive. This is very similar to not being able to talk on the telephone. Dreams use new versions of technology to get a message across because they are more appropriate for today's dreamer. When you dream of trying to communicate using old fashioned methods like an old-fashioned telephone switchboard or telegram it is to help you understand that your communication methods are outdated and that if you wish to be understood you will have to develop new and interesting ways of getting your message across. Perhaps you are trying to communicate to the younger generation using outdated methods and you must get on their wavelength to be understood by them.
Receiving an email in a dream represents receiving information, you may or may not want this information, but get it you will! Sometimes we get too much information and it clogs up our mind, in the same way that the inbox of email gets clogged with junk mail. Junk mail can also help you understand when you are hearing rubbish from someone or when they are talking crap so to speak.

Embroidery represents creation in the making; it can express the vibrational pattern that you are creating with love, patience, and hard work. Embroidery portrays how the finer details combine and build a bigger picture for you to understand, it takes time and patience to get a greater understanding.

The little gems in your life
These jewels represent growth and new beginnings, intensified by the green colour. They are called the stone of successful love. They have a healing quality and can heal the heart of the previous hurt.

How you feel inside
If something is empty in a dream it usually represents how you feel inside or your own lack of energy stores. Empty purses express that common situation where you have no money or are financially under pressure but always translate 'what' is empty in your dream for a better translation.


Video about Energy and Vibration
To understand energy in its many forms you must first consider that the whole universe is devised from energy. Vibration assists energy to create and energy is carried in waves throughout the universe, as the energy vibrates it becomes a self-creating energy source, therefore, it is infinite! Vibration is balanced and/or chaotic and gives rise to the creation of life itself, from the smallest minute forms of life to the greater more complex life forms.
Humans can create positive and negative energy in the way that they think and react, the environment or the people around you also create a negative/positive vibration which models surroundings to be balanced or chaotic. Because we draw our energy from the environment it depends on what we have put in as to what we will get back. This is where the belief comes from what you give out is what you get back. If you create positive energy by being positive and doing and thinking positive things then the energy you get back is restorative, it recharges and re-energises you with positive energy. Thinking negatively and doing negative things creates a negative vibration that absorbs the same from the environment and from the energy stores of the people who are in your vicinity.
Most people balance precariously between the two states of vibration and swing naturally too and throw between being positive and negatively inclined. This information is important when you translate your dreams because the energy that you have available to you at any given time will depend on your own state of mind and the way you allow negativity to overpower the positive energy vibration. If for example, you wanted to make progress with a work project, its success will be dependent on the available energy stores from yourself and the people who are there to help you, the energy would need to be a positive one to be creative. Negative vibrational energy does not produce positive creativity or positive outcomes.
Your dreams can help to explain this process and let you know if the correct energy is available for you to use for the things that you want to do. You are the creator of the energy source and you can make adjustments at any time to address an imbalance, but it will mean changing the way that you think, and this is not always easy because of the energy created by other people, therefore, you must learn to block negative energy coming in from others and make good use of your own energy when you have it. 

In dream language, many symbols can be used to represent your own energy levels and/or the energy that you attract back to yourself. The symbols used to express energy are ones which you will recognise, for example, petrol and diesel are the energy sources used as symbols which express progression or digression, gas, electricity, nuclear energy, and even the weather can also represent energy, they all help to explain 'power' which can be used negatively or positively 
Gas and electricity provide a symbol for the energy needed for your home life, your home comforts, and your right to feel loved, which is often symbolised in dream language by warmth, which of course is also provided by these types of energy sources. Incidentally, light is seen as a source of positive energy and a dream where there is a problem with electricity or light is often trying to tell you about an imbalance that has been created. The sun provides another energy source that revitalises and instigates growth, it is often used in dreams to help you understand what you need to do to feel happy and content. Nuclear energy is powerful but it comes with the negative consequence of leaving waste so it can symbolise situations when using power and energy has consequences that will stay around for a very long time.
Your own aura can help to describe your energy levels and the colours and vibrancy give you information about your spiritual and physical well being, as well as your moods and feelings. Unseen energy forces literally help you to understand the hidden forces that can have power over you, even though you can’t see them, things like negative entities, attitudes, thoughts, and ideas which have been developed from your culture, religion, class or family upbringing. All these types of invisible forces have power over the way that you think and the current choices that you make, these things affect you even though you cannot physically see them. Learning to block out negative forces is a skill that is useful in anyone's life.

(Cars/Energy above)

Any kind of engine provides the energy to move forward on life's roads or on your personal journey towards growth. The engine keeps us ticking over and ensures we have the power to do the things we need to do or get to where we want to be. It will therefore often describe when advancement can be made. If there is a problem with the engine in your dream or it isn't working properly then there is an issue with the energy you have available to make progress on your present chosen course. The mind, body, or spirit is lacking in motivation or physical energy, maintenance needs to be done before you can move forward.

(Elevators above)

Any type of equipment in your dream will possibly link with equipment that you use in your everyday life; dreams deliver symbols that you recognise to help you understand the meaning better. For example, if you are using sports equipment in a dream and you do this regularly in the waking state think about what the equipment is used for to help yourself understand what the dream is trying to say.
A running machine would be showing you that with all the effort you are putting into something you are not really making much progress. You are however building up your stamina which will pay dividends when you do eventually choose a path to take.
Lifting weights requires energy and hard work and might represent the effort you must put into projects or relationships before they will pay dividends. Weights can also symbolise the weight or the pressure that you are under.
Machinery requires an input of energy and action, we are working machines especially our working selves, so consider your own energy, drive, and motivation and if or not you are getting the results that you want in contrast to the effort you are putting in. Any problems with the equipment you are using in your dream might suggest that other obstacles are getting in the way of progress.

Eruptions quite simply translate as heated outbursts of anger or frustration. There is a need to release pent up anger or overwhelming feelings that can cause outbursts and can change the way your life structured.

(Elevators above/Energy/Equipment above)
Things that escalate 
Escalators carry us up towards our destination and down again, so, they can be used in dreams to present the ups and downs of trying to progress with a course of action. This type of dream usually links with the journey dream and simply plays out how you feel your current journey is progressing.
Most machinery requires an energy source to work and this type of dream can relate to your own energy stores and if or not they are sufficient for you to make progress.
A situation that escalates.
Help is available for your current journey.
The ups and downs of life.

The freedom to be happy 
Making an escape in a dream represents your own need to escape or break free from the problems that your life presents you with. Managing to escape whatever is trapping you in a dream just shows you that there is a way out for you if you are prepared to put in the effort. We don't always know the ending in the dream and that just because the ending of a situation isn't known in your waking life.

(Exams below)

Trying to write an essay in your dreams links with acknowledging what you have learned so far and getting it out there for other people to share. This is more of a spiritual dream and relates to your own understanding of the whole point of life. You are here to experience and pass on what you have learned from that experience. Your writing should be thought about as well, small writing describes when you feel small in comparison to other people and that you feel like your experiences are not as important in the greater scheme of things. Not true of course. Big handwriting describes someone confident and outgoing, taking pride in their achievements. 

The need to express yourself freely.
Share what you know!

Everlasting spiritual growth.
Lasting love.


When evil presents itself in a dream it is warning you that there could be an attack on the good things you have built up around you. An evil force attacking you can represent how your endurance is tested along with your ability to overcome negativity. There is a need to protect yourself sufficiently against negative forces. The fight of good against evil goes on inside everyone at one time or another.

Ex-Partner Dream

(Education above/Essay above)

(Test and Exam Dreams)
In dream language, exams relay your own thoughts about your progress in any section of your life. Not being able to do the exam or overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of completion provides a way for you to acknowledge that you are finding it difficult to be successful or to get over obstacles when they arrive in your life. You feel hindered against progress because you haven’t recognised the fact that life isn’t really a test, failure is equally as valuable as success. Sometimes it is hard to make sense of the test or exam you are trying to complete and this explains how you find life difficult to understand.

Failing exams can be a fear dream, overcome your fears or they will stand in your way, learn relaxation, meditation anything for you to control your fears. 
Exam results will represent your own feelings about what you are good at and what you are not so good at, you should think about your strengths and weaknesses, your exam results might be a representation of them. There is no judgment from others, you are simply exploring your strengths and weaknesses to think about if you would like to change them and work on them for yourself.
Live to experience and learn to love!
Tests of endurance?

(Energy above)

You may need to work out which translation fits better with your current situation but doing exercises can represent the effort you put into being attractive and fit, but you can also use the power that you create for your self-improvement spiritually and not just for the physical benefits, exercise the mind as well as the body.
Doing exercises can also be used as a way to help you understand obstacles and illustrate how the energy you put into something isn't always equal to the success you get out, treadmills are an obvious example of this, this happens because even though you have a good store of positive energy it is being transferred onto people or things that do not give it back, they become a drain on your energy.
Exercise your rights as a person.
Exercise your mind.
Use your energy wisely for the best results.


Journey Dream
To see an exit sign in a dream should bring your attention to the fact that it is time to get out of a situation. There is a way out available to you, you just need to look for it.

Trying to release negativity.
Getting rid of someone negative from your life.
The expelling of negative influences.

Bombs describe explosive situations that have probably developed from a build-up of negative energy, the situation is volatile and can have a devastating effect on the layout of your life unless action is taken to defuse a situation.


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