
Sunday 31 March 2013

Clothes- The tatty dress


My dream is that I went into my garden and there were rails and rails of dresses along the borders where the flowers should be, I went to look through them and I found one that looked my size and it was beautiful but an old style dress so I took it indoors to try it on. I put it on and loved it, it was so elegant and silky, then when I looked in the mirror at myself I saw that the dress had lots of security tags on it and that it was actually ripped, tatty and worn, I was upset because I really thought I had found a lovely dress.

Clothes can represent how we feel about ourselves, they reflect the character we wish to share with the world, this can change on a daily basis and we change it to suit the other people around us, the tatty worn-out dress symbolises how you are feeling at the moment, worn out!
The security tags symbolise that something is 'locked' to you now, this is probably your youth and the fact that you cannot reverse the effects that time and life has had upon you. You have worked hard to provide security for your family and this has taken its toll on you. 
You feel as though all your glamour and shine have disappeared, it happens to us all and we cannot escape the aging process, but with age comes lots of good things like not caring what people think anymore, having freedom, being able to be yourself and not doing what everyone else wants. 
The garden is a way to tell you that nature has taken its course, flowers don't flower forever. In your dream, you have replaced the flower beds with rails of dresses and this is because you think that its clothes that make you beautiful, however, beauty is on the inside and this is what is important, if you feel good on the inside you will look good on the outside. You worry about how you look and about how others see you, when really you should worry about how you feel on the inside and work on that. Let go of your negative thoughts about your image and just be who and what you want to be. 
The mirror is reflecting on how you feel about yourself and even though you are 'beautiful' when you look in the mirror you just see 'worn-out', beautiful clothes won't mend that, or cover it. Be selfish and tell other people you need some 'you time'. 

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and age is but a number.


The rope bridge dream


I always dream that I am trying to walk across a rope bridge that has lots of planks missing, I have had this dream for years and I could never get across it. It was always so scary as it would be breaking apart as I try to cross to the other side. Then out of the blue I dreamed that I actually got across to the other side. 

This is a typical obstacle dream which is shared by many, the bridge simply describes an obstacle to get over or through, they can represent a bridge between people which needs careful handling or negotiation.  
Because it's a recurring dream the obstacle might stand for something that you personally need to 'get over' it is not always an obstacle that stands between you and another person, it could be your own personal obstacle which might take years to overcome.

The rope bridge dream and its fragility can relate to a fear that you have, the fear could be anything from a fear of being alone, a fear of illness or a fear of not being able to get over the bad stuff that happens in our lives, you will have to work out what your real fears are and see if you have managed to come to terms with them, my guess is that you have, hence the dream of managing to cross the bridge at last. 

I cant help thinking of the saying "You will cross that bridge when you come to it!"

Trying to cross an abyss in a dream will help you to understand the void or the emptiness that you can experience, it is a recognisable feeling of vulnerability. I have also know this type of dream to happen when a situation arises whereby you are left hanging or waiting for an important response or change to occur.

The wooden planks symbolise dead wood, which usually links with old issues from the past which still have relevance today, the string represents how we are linked or entwined to our past or to people. The string could also describe a string of events that become precarious or threaten to spiral out of control. The stings snapping or breaking could explain how you are ready to snap or are at breaking point. 

Falling is used to express the feeling of letting go, of dropping the ties that keep you chained to something restricting. You fear that if you do let go you would not cope and possibly die as a consequence. Falling is also used to symbolise the fear of failure, the fear that if you let go of something you have failed somehow. 

The weakness of the string in the rope bridge dream represent your own inability (at times) to uphold everything, or keep it altogether. The links and bonds you have with other people could have become threadbare or weak, this has meant that you have felt unsupported and left balancing precariously on the edge of the abyss.  

Our journey through life can be difficult and paved with obstacles and the rope bridge certainly provides a great symbol to show how we can eventually get over the obstacles that it presents us with, even if we feel weak and vulnerable and as though we are never going to get through it.  

When a dream type is repeated over and over its because of two things, the first being that you haven't got the message yet or understood what the dream is trying to tell you. The second reason is that you may have understood what the symbolic meaning is of the repeating dream but you haven't got to grips with dealing with the issue. When you eventually do, the dream will change and let you know that you have succeeded with the challenges you faced. 


Dreams where you don't get what you ask for.


I didn't get what I asked for? 
I have had this type of dream before, I go into my old work place and then go into the canteen, I ask the lady for a tea and a coffee, she puts a tea on a tray and then another thing which I can only make out to be a rice pudding type dish in a bowl. I tell her it's not what I asked for but she ignores me. I take the tea and rice pudding dish as she looks like she has no intention of changing it. 

Returning to an old work place in a dream usually means that you left something of yourself there, maybe you were happy at that time or maybe you feel as though you left your youth or best years there. Work place dreams also tell you that there is further work to be done. You know even retired people have work to do here on earth, your family and friends still need you to play an active role. Anyway when we do not get what we have asked for in a dream it simply means that things have turned out differently from what you expected. In this case you didn't get what you were expecting or asked for but what you did get turned out pretty good.

Food and drink link with how fulfilled you feel in yourself and what is provided for you by the people around you. 
Work of any kind provides us with a sense of fulfillment and is important towards our contentment, in your case this dream seems to be referring to your career or job, perhaps you realise that this particular role even though it wasn't exactly what you wanted, turned out ok in the end. You can use this information to help you if you are looking for an new job or career role. It might not look good on paper but if you give it a go it might just make you happy.  

Nourishment is still needed in your life and feeling fulfilled can come from providing nourishment (knowledge and experience) for the people around you.
The rice pudding symbolises what you have been dished up by life, not what you asked for but not a bad deal overall. Coincidentally rice symbolizes the many different grains of knowledge and attributes that you have. It is also a symbol of good luck and plenty which is why it was thrown at the bride and groom in marriages gone by, replaced by confetti nowadays.


Wearing uncomfortable or strange shoes


I have had this dream so many times over the years that I have lost count, the theme is always the same although other things in the dream change. I am always wearing shoes that are either inappropriate for what I need to do or they just don't fit.
Sometimes the shoes are weird or misshaped or ridiculously high so that I wonder how I am going to be able to walk. 
Then out of the blue, I dreamed the other night that I was wearing trainers (sports shoes) they were so comfortable, even though they didn't really go with the dress I was wearing, I didn't care though, I was just so glad to finally be wearing shoes that fitted and were easy to get along in.  

Recurring dreams can go on for years and even though you have now found some shoes that are comfortable in your dream if your circumstances change again, you might find that the shoes once again change in your dream.
Firstly I feel that you have at last become comfortable with yourself, with who you are as a person and with the choices you have made in your life. Shoes are symbolic of how you move forward and for the comfort in which you do so. It is basically a journey dream and refers to your journey through life. Some parts have been difficult or uncomfortable for you, there are times when you felt as though you were not making any progress or that circumstances were holding you back from getting where you want to be. 
Shoes represent how you respond and feel about the circumstances you are in, and how you utilise your own energy to push forward, they are all about the energy you have and how comfortable you are with the progress you are making.
Shoe dreams can link with money and can portray how much or little you have available, unfortunately, money does dictate how much progress we can make and symbolism can be gained from the condition of your dream shoes.  
This dream might be about the spiritual path because I have known people in the spiritual movement to dream of being barefoot, in this case, it's about being humble and connecting with the whole consciousness, the earth, and their own spirituality.
You will be the best person to decide which area the shoe dream is referring but remember it might be all explanations at once because wearing two shoes is also useful to present the idea of two things, like your spiritual side in relation to your earthly more grounded side. 

To go without is to be divine!
If you have lost a shoe in your dream then you are trying to find the other half of what you feel is missing in your life, of course, this idea could be used to explain how you feel about not being with the right partner or being single, or trying to find fulfilment and comfort from a role that leaves you unsatisfied at work. Losing a shoe can symbolise feeling like part of you is lost and you can't move forward with your life. 
When translating a dream about shoes always consider the type of shoes you are wearing, are they your usual sort of footwear or are you wearing something completely different to your usual style? Sometimes a dream where you are wearing unusual shoes happens when you need to change some aspect of yourself in order to get where you want to be. The same way as we change our personality to carry out a role, being a boss at work and a parent at home for example. If you want to make progress in some area of your life the shoe dream is trying to convey a message to help you do that. Unusual shoes also represent an unusual set of circumstances, a path that's not tread very often. 
Matching shoes can provide an ideal symbol to express how two things match up or get along with each other. But if you are wearing odd shoes then two aspects of something just don't match up or get along well together, this will create an imbalance and hinder the progress that can be made. It can be used to explain when half of you feels one way and the other half feels another, being in two minds about something or feeling half-hearted about the direction you are taking.
Broken shoes symbolise the fact that you need to make amends or repairs before you will be comfortable with yourself, progress can only happen when you have mended something within yourself or mended a situation. 
Wearing training shoes reminds you that life is a training ground where you are learning and growing every day, you seem to be comfortable with this idea and accept that it might not fit with your earthly life completely. The training you are doing is probably 'life training' where you accept life's obstacles as a route to graduation as a human being, all learning is good learning. Previously you have found life all too difficult to wear/bare but for the time being you have found a place in your life where you are quite comfortable with who you are and you are getting along easily. This can link with training you must undergo to gain more skills in your job and career and it can also be a hint to being more health-conscious to improve the next part of your journey.
Badly fitting shoes symbolise a time when you are hindered by restrictions, when you are walking in circumstances that you find uncomfortable. A time when you wish to change what you have and swap it for something else. Perhaps you are being reminded to walk a mile in someone else's shoes before complaining about your own life. 
Time wears away at uncomfortable shoes, time wears down most things, the symbolism being translated to you might be to give it time and if things are still causing you pain in a month then make changes.
Shoes that are too big can symbolise when you are trying to fit into someone else's shoes and feel that you cant live up to the expectations or high standards set by someone else. 
Shoes that are too small convey the idea of having outgrown your circumstances and needing to find something new to keep you occupied, it can relate to any section of your life because shoes are a personal thing and require that you change something about yourself in order to make the progress that you want, you might have to change your attitude in order to change your circumstances. 
You have outgrown your environment.
Shoes that hurt represent the pain experienced unless you make changes, it might be more painful in the long run to carry on how you are than it is to make changes.
Shoes that are too high explain when you are putting yourself above others, or are looking down on others, you will struggle to maintain this stance as none of us are perfect, but if you can walk well in very high shoes then the symbolism will be about reaching higher in your goals, and about having confidence in yourself, walk tall and be proud. 
If you can walk fine one minute and fall and trip the next in your high heels, then his dream might be about both things and help to remind you that your own self-esteem will not be replenished by looking down on others. You will fall if you do not help and respect other people and feeling like you are better than other people will only trip you up.
It will depend if you wear boots regularly as to the symbolism you can take from them, work boots are worn to protect you, but at the same time insisting that you just get on and get the job done. The message could be to muck in, stop moaning and do what needs doing. Other types of boots like cowboy boots can symbolise how the wearer is being a cowboy, pretending they can do something that they can't. 
Wellington Boots link with water and will probably be used to link how you feel about yourself with how you deal with your emotions. Having a low self esteem means your are emotionally venerable. The wellie boots can describe how you try to protects yourself from being emotionally involved. If you trust yourself to deal with emotions well you would put yourself out there more ad take a chance on relationships. Build your confidence up and trust your ability to be hurt and recover.