
Sunday 18 November 2018

Dream Symbols: A

Balance and harmony
A counting frame could be used in dreams to bring your attention to the things in your life that need to be assessed or added up. The beads or counters can represent time, money, or your own personal tools and skills which you have stored away and not used. The beads are framed so the idea here is one of restriction and having ideas without the freedom to express them, for example, having money stored away that cannot be accessed when it is really needed, or to have talents that can’t be used because of circumstances. 
Black and white beads can symbolise the positive and negative aspects of a situation or help you to think about balance and harmony. Colours usually represent having a good mixture of skills and talents, they might be used to describe different lessons and challenges that you have dealt with that have structured your life into what you see today.

Your fears
To dream of being abandoned highlights your fears of rejection and loneliness, sometimes, when you are feeling alone with your problems this filters through as an abandonment dream. This type of dream is used to help the dreamer come to terms with coping alone and to face the unknown in the knowledge that strength comes from within and it is not something that other people can provide you with.
Learning to be your own teacher?
Feeling lost?

Your power and energy
In spiritual symbolism, the abdomen is viewed as the centre of your power source and spiritual energy. Any problems with your abdomen in a dream suggest that there are blockages in that energy. If there is something in your tummy, like a baby for example then this will link with your ability to give life to a project and for it to grow into something of value. 
The abdomen is often used as a symbol to describe pent up feelings that you hold inside, they might need to be released so that you can move forward in a way that will help you feel more relaxed and contented with your life, you just need a good clear-out to get rid of the crap that's been building up.

(Australia below) 
The spiritual journey
These indigenous people link the dreamer with their own basic instincts and perhaps with needing to spend time alone to consider one’s own personal journey.
Going walkabouts?
A spiritual journey!

Lack of growth and guilt
In dream symbolism, if a baby is symbolic for something that has the potential to grow and develop, something that if nurtured could be carried through to completion or success, then you can understand why abortion is sometimes used to represent when you decide (or other people decide) that the time is not right to carry on with the plans that you previously made. 
Babies are often symbolic of a personal adventure in dream language, perhaps work-related, any situation where you must gather all your energy and creativity so that your desires can become everything that you want them to be. Therefore, in dreams, abortion is occasionally used as a symbol to explain how something can’t be carried forward to full-term, for numerous and varied reasons.
Maybe the time just isn't right, you may or may not have known this when you started out with your idea, perhaps you have decided not to proceed for the time being. It is regrettable and sad and no doubt you will spend considerable amounts of time and energy wondering if your decisions are the right ones. 
Dreaming of abortion is unusual because there are many other ways to translate a message about not being unable to achieve the things that you previously wanted, or when you have changed your mind about a course of action.
I guess it's down to the individual and the type of message you need to hear. This type of symbolism will probably connect with guilt at ending something that had the potential to become 'something' if it was nurtured and cared for. The end of a relationship could be shown this way or the forceful end to your previously held dreams.

An abscess will usually represent collective negative energy in dream symbolism, which will eventually need to be attended to, it will require care to promote healing and restoration. An abscess gives us the feeling of something that is festering inside or eating away at us. Emotional pain and anxiety which needs you to instigate healing or cut away at the source of a problem if you want things to get better. 
An abscess in the mouth will probably link with losing teeth, so look-up losing teeth as well. It will be to do with communication and with allowing things to fester, this will eventually lead to a loss. 

Obstacle dream
Any type of accident in a dream rarely foretells of an actual accident but more likely this symbol is used to describe a situation that happens by accident and not a planned event. (You didn’t plan for this) 
It helps you to remember that circumstances are out of your control and you can only watch as dramas reach a conclusion. This doesn't mean that the accident you witnessed in the dream is going to play itself out literally in your waking life, dreams often describe events symbolically. An example of this is when you dream of traffic accidents, these types of dreams will often relate to the life journey you are on or the shared journey, collisions can relate to the clashing of personalities or ideas.
Collisions can represent the colliding of different personalities and this can affect the journey you are on together. It can mean that you try to or avoid confrontation, therefore the accident describes a time when you cannot avoid the inevitable. 
Seeing other people in an accident helps you come to terms with your own lack of power over them, as much as you want to protect them and keep them safe from harm you cannot protect them from themselves or others. This type of dream helps you understand how powerless you feel when things go wrong, it also happens to people who worry a lot. It can be viewed as a face your fears dream where you must harden up and understand the term "What will be, will be." You can’t prevent people from getting hurt, the hurt is often represented in dreams as a physical pain but often the hurt is internal and emotional, this type of dream describes the type of suffering that instigates personal growth.
You can’t protect someone from learning or experiencing life.
A mistake!
Someone is an accident waiting to happen?

If you see an ace card in your dream, then you are being shown a successful outcome for a chance that you take. 
Aces are used to symbolise positive people. 
The hand you are dealt is a positive one.

Journey Dream
These types of symbols will help to explain how fast you can go in the direction you have chosen, it can be used to describe a lack of energy, or when too much effort is needed for you to get where you want to be, you might wonder if it's worth the energy you have to put in to something. It can also express the need for you to 'get a move on' and put your foot down a bit, depending how the accelerator or breaks are used in your dream. 
It can highlight when there is an issue with stopping and starting as it can help you understand that you need to control your own actions and behaviour.
Putting your foot down to go fast in a car in a dream is a way for you to think about if you are going too fast and need to slow down or if you need to be more productive or creative with your time, c
rashes and accidents happen when you rush things. Maybe you need to put the brakes on your plans or on your bad habits. The applicable symbolism should be explained in the dream, depending on the overall dream scenario. 

Acid can be used to represent a problem that can slowly eat away at you; it can cause hurt and damage unless you act or steer clear of negative people. 
Acid can sometimes be symbolic of bitter words spoken; as in an acid tongue.

Annoying stuff
Acne is a symbol that will link with your own personal insecurities and how you feel you are perceived by your peers; it can also represent stress and pressure. Time is the greatest healer and learning to let the small stuff go over your head will help. Spots can also be used to explain small issues that come up and go down quickly. 
Long term minor issues can be resolved with effort.

Obstacle dream
This might be an obstacle dream that requires you to find ways to overcome your own personal obstacles. Trying to accomplish anything in a dream is usually quite difficult, these types of dreams fall into the obstacle dream category where you must try to complete a task and overcome the obstacles that you are presented with. The obstacles will be symbolic of a life challenge that you are faced with, the challenge itself could be anything that requires your strength and determination.  
If you experience the same dream scenario repeatedly then you haven’t yet accomplished what you need to, 
If you link the individual test or task that you are trying to accomplish in your dream with a personal challenge you can get an idea as to what the dream is referring to. It is not always possible to complete a task or complete challenges because they are also reliant on other people to play their part. It might be that it isn’t the right time to accomplish what you are trying to do, and you will need to return to it later, this dream stands to help you understand this message. 
If in your dream you manage to accomplish what you are trying to do then you can use this information towards being secure in the knowledge that you can now achieve your goals, whatever they are. 
Sometimes, we just can't accomplish what we are trying to do in our dream, this happens so that we remember life is more about the experience than what we can accomplish, every experience is equally important and valid. Failure to achieve can be helpful on the road to success, learning to accept failure can be described this way in your dream. 
Do you have the energy to accomplish what you want to do?
Growth and potential
Acorns often represent spiritual growth and personal fulfilment. Ideas can also be described using acorns in dreams, from little acorns, big oaks trees grow, worth remembering if you have been considering starting a new venture or have a small business idea. 
Acorns are often used to describe development and achievement and if it links with your career or a personal relationship you will have to decide. 
An Idea!

Personalities and characters
The spiritual symbolism of an actress or actor will link with the notion that we are the actors of our own play, our earthly life is thought of as the stage where we act out all our desires and challenges to see how we will respond in any given circumstance. Part of o
ur character is built from what we experience while on earth, how we react and play out the many distinct roles we have created for ourselves and others depend on the conscious choices that we make every day. 
Our personal circumstances are not completely reliant on other people and it helps to remember that, you cannot really blame other people for the state of your life, you have allowed things to develop. Just like an actor, you can 'react' differently to create a new scene, you really are the producer of your own story.  
In dream language being an actor or an actress simply reminds us that we have choices and can direct our play in any way we want to. Freewill ensures that we can choose how to play our part, choose how our character should react, making conscious choices that we can live with rather than living a life scripted by other people. 
If a famous actor/actress turns up in your dream they are being used to represent a character who you can relate to, maybe they have character traits you should notice or develop in yourself. Remember they might be symbolic for someone else around you, negative characters can be described to you in this way. The dreamer must try to think about who the famous character is portraying in their life and what the message is about. Consider that sometimes famous people play a bad character but in real life, they are a good person, so you might be dealing with someone who has two different characters rolled into one, or many different facets to their personality. Also, remember that we are all inherently good but we must play a bad part sometimes.
A celebrity is a person who is celebrated, so this type of dream can be symbolic for a person in your life who has positive attributes and could be a role model.  
Acting out of character?
Take a closer look at a character around you!

Pins and needles can describe getting ‘needled’ or annoyed with someone. Pins can also help to remind you of the importance of getting your point across. Acupuncture is used as a symbol when you need to find an alternative way to get rid of the pressure and stress that builds up inside you, it needs to be released safely.

Finding balance
An acrobat can represent agility and balance of the mind, depending on how well you perform the gymnastics in your dream. This type of symbol could be used to explain how you are expected to pull off amazing feats with the energy that you have available to you, it also helps you to acknowledge that some people expect too much from you. 
The moves that you must implement to complete a challenge. 
Are you bending over backward to please someone else?
Clinging on to the high bar with no net below you?
Have you got the energy to perform and overcome your personal challenges?

Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve represent life’s lessons and all that there is to learn regards relationships, temptations, and growth as a person. This will relate to something that you need to learn and experience for your own spiritual growth and development. Adam is viewed as the first man and can be used in dreams to symbolise the first love. Eve often portrays the temptress and the first woman t
hat you loved.

Your bonds
This sticky substance can help to describe the bonds that keep people together and the strength of the glue in your dream is important and can explain the strength of the bonds that you have with other people, or perhaps the strength of your ties to the past. 
Glue can also explain being in a sticky situation!
Are you feeling stuck?

Any addiction is used as a symbol to show you that you are dependent on something or someone and this is detrimental to your overall well-being. Sometimes addiction is present in your life and it manifests into a dream to make you aware of a problem that you are ignoring, maybe because you do not feel ready to let something go or because you are close to someone who has addiction problems. This dream will recur until the addiction is accepted or dealt with.
Addiction dreams use symbolism like being unable to use the brakes in a car to show how you are unable to stop what you are doing, this way the dream is expressing your lack of control over your life. Addiction is one of life’s cruelest obstacles and can only be overcome when a person is ready. Mostly, addiction dream symbolism will link with an inability to take control of a situation and if addiction is becoming life-threatening or too out of control your dreams will try to warn you about this, but these types of dreams are tailored to the individual, using whatever symbolism works best.

Personalities and characters
An Admiral might be used to describe a person who should take charge and steer the family towards calm waters. This type of symbol will usually link with the journey dream and the existing emotional journey you are all on. This symbol reminds you of your own power and energy so that you can take charge of the helm and guide you and your family in the direction that you want to go.

Fear dream
Dreaming of committing adultery might happen because you are looking for qualities in a partner that you think are missing from your own personal relationship. You can explore other relationships safely within your dreams. If you dream that your partner commits adultery it will link with the ‘fear dream’ scenario and your own insecurities about the relationship, this happens when you need to deal with your insecurities for a relationship to make progress or find balance. This type of dream might occur when there are relationship issues but doesn't predict adultery, it's more about understanding the different qualities people have and how they share them with each other rather than with other people.

(Aircraft below) 
Life's journeys
Travel and journey dreams help you to acknowledge the existing juncture that your life is at, and the means of transport you use in a dream can give you a clue as to the energy at your disposal to get where you want in the future. Planes need you to have faith in yourself and the pilot to be able to take off into the unknown. Perhaps you should put your trust in someone else to help you make progress and complete a life journey successfully. Or perhaps not if the plane in your dream takes a dive?
Planes lift you up and exhilarate you while taking you on long and exciting journeys, and this helps you to become aware of the distance that you need to travel to get where you want to be. A plane can describe a project taking off and making great progress, lots of energy is needed to reach the heights and distance that you want to go, and if you dream high and have faith then you can reach your goals. You can't always go it alone and quite often success needs everyone to play their part, travelling on a plane is an ideal symbol of this scenario.
Any problems with the plane or flight in your dream warn you about obstacles that could get in the way of success. In dreams, a plane crash can warn you about several precarious situations, basically, you have put your faith into flying high with your dreams and this takes great courage, crashes explain how you have lost faith in yourself or in other people and also lost faith in your overall chances of success. 
Remember to give some thought to your own experience of flying because this dream might link with your personal fears of flying, in which case the dream could be prompting you to face your fears so that you can travel further afield or widen your horizons.

(Airplane above)
The tools and skills you possess to help you take flight
The type of aircraft in your dream can help to describe the extent of power that is needed for flight or for a project to take off, this can link to the power of your dreams and the work involved getting them into reality. You need to learn the craft before your ideas can take flight.
When you dream about problems with the aircraft it’s a way for you to get an idea about the problems/obstacles that stand-in your way of being successful. Machinery of any kind uses energy, so this helps us to understand our own or someone else's energy input. If there isn't enough energy produced, then you won't get off the ground and it's often shown through aircraft not being able to take off.  
Laziness or lack of enthusiasm can be presented using grounded flights. 
Army aircraft will link with the battles and obstacles you need to overcome before you can be successful, whereas passenger aircraft will have more to do with the people you share your journey with. 
Holiday aircraft are often used in dreams to help you understand the need for a break from the norm, there is a personal need to be lifted out of the everyday mundane duties that weigh you down and keep you grounded or prevent you from flying with your dreams. 
Fear dream?

From one phase into another! 
An airport is a convenient symbol that helps to inform you when you are at a crucial stage of change in your life, or you are moving from one phase into another in an exciting grand way. If you are stuck at an airport, then you do not have the means as yet to take flight or move forward in the way that you want to. 
Obstacles at the airport represent delayed progress regards your dreams and wishes. Arrivals and departures are often used to describe the arrival or departure of something, be it negative or positive. A new start or the ending of something, this could also be a symbol for a spiritually transformative time. 
Where is your life going next?

(Archery below)
Your aims
Any dreams about aiming or scoring will be used to represent the things that you are aiming for in your life, the outcome is not always known because it depends on the energy and motivation that you have at your disposal and your own ability to keep trying. 
Practice and hard work will help you to hit the target.

Warning dream
Alarms are usually used in dreams to prepare or warn you of upcoming notable events, perhaps it is time that you got up and made a start on plans that you made previously. When alarm bells are ringing in a dream it could mean you are suspicious of someone’s genuineness.

Alarm Clock
Alarm clocks remind us that it is time to ‘rise’ and do something worthwhile; the time has arrived for you to act. Only you personally can know what it is you should be doing with your time to make it more productive. 
When you dream that your alarm clock doesn't go off and you are late for work it expresses the idea that you miss opportunities because you rely on others to do things that you should do. 
You can’t get back the time you waste or the opportunities you miss,
Perhaps you lack the energy needed in order to give everyone what they want from you, in this instance, it’s time to tell them that you are unable to be as productive as usual.
The start of a spiritual journey?
Take more notice of what's going on around you!
Wake up to what's going on!

Dependency on other things for your own happiness
It depends on your own attitude to alcohol to fully translate this dream, guilty pleasures, excess, or just letting your hair down occasionally. Alcohol needs time to fully mature and this can help you understand that it is time that you developed a mature approach to your life, you will inevitably do this anyway eventually. 
If you are offered a drink in your dream but you are unsure of the actual contents of the drink then this will represent how you are unsure or uneasy about what is being offered to you, you are not confident it is a genuine offer and worry about the effect on you if you accept. 
Food and drink in dreams equal the nourishment you receive from other people or how fulfilled you are with your situation. If you are given a celebratory drink it could be that you are in for a merry and successful time to celebrate.

The unknown
Aliens can be used in dream language to represent the unknown, a new situation or person is alien to you; perhaps you need to gain a better understanding of what you are dealing with. This dream can also be spiritually translated and symbolise the journey into the unknown and the discoveries that you make while on that journey. 
Being abducted by aliens simply explains how you feel as though your life has been taken over by outside forces or that unfamiliar responsibilities have taken over your current set up, this situation is unique, and you need to adapt quickly before you are consumed by the negative fear which is created by dealing with the unknown. We only fear the things that we do not understand!
Alien abductions are a topic on their own and if you feel that your alien experience was more than a normal dream you should do some research regards this. A note to think about is that the subject has been studied by many credible researchers and many of them conclude that most extra-terrestrials reside in other dimensions that overlap with the spirit world or our greater consciousness if you prefer that term. 

Growth and nurture
An allotment portrays spiritual growth coupled with fruitfulness, this will help you to understand if a current situation, relationship, or project can grow and become something of value, but only if you are prepared to make an effort.
An allotment needs tending to produce food, which is the basis for our contentment and comfort, and this doesn’t just happen on its own, it requires extra effort and care to become something worthwhile. 
This dream is reminding you to nurture something if you want it to grow into something of value. 
Hard work brings the results that you want! 
Tend to relationships for growth.

Church altars can be used to represent marriage or other types of unions between people. They can also represent the spiritual bonds and pledges that you have made in the past. 
Bells signify change!
Play on words? Alter/Change

Fear of loss
If you lose a limb in a dream it can represent 'the experience of loss' sometimes we lose things like our motivation and drive which can affect how stable we feel.
Being dismembered or torn apart in dreams remind us that we can be hurt because we are torn between people or torn apart by a profound experience. This type of dream is probably symbolic for the fear of loss rather than an actual physical loss, it is highly unlikely in the dream scenario that you experienced a limb being cut off, what you felt was the fear of this happening, you probably woke up before the amputation occurred. This explains your own fears of losing the people that you love; without them, you would not feel complete. 
When the outcome of this type of dream is not known it is because it is not yet understood how things will turn out.

Anchors are a symbol of stability and explain your wish to put down roots, they provide balance in emotional waters and help to remind you that you can find balance and stability through rest and recuperation, and by letting things calm down. 
Learning to accept a new emotional standpoint.

Spiritual helpers
Angels help to show you that you have help at hand; unconditional love will surround and protect you. Angels have been known to visit while in the dream state or whilst people are wide awake, more commonly they are seen or allow themselves to be seen when we are at the in-between state of waking up or going to sleep, this is our twilight if you like when we are at our most connected with our subconscious and connected with the whole consciousness, we are highly receptive to receive messages in this twilight or overlapping time.
In times of great suffering or grief angels can be seen without the need for exceptional circumstances because the suffering and grief provide the same or similar vibrations that allow contact. Angels have also been encountered during near-death experiences; often an encounter with an angel is described as a vision.
Angels come in many forms and it is for the person receiving them to decide if the visitation is from an actual angel or not. 
There are many descriptions and different accounts of angels throughout history; the most important thing is that you trust your own instincts and feelings towards acceptance of an angel visitation, sometimes an encounter might be considered later, after an event.
Angels and their roles:
Angels are said to fulfil many roles in heaven and on earth, it is said that there are nine types of angels.
As follows:
Each angel has specific roles and duties, but it is widely accepted that they are ministers for God; 
There is a lot of information available on the web of the different angels and their individual roles, but angels are usually called upon to help when all other attempts have failed. Angels administer comfort in distress and deliver messages and prayers between God, spirit, and humans. They take care to ensure that through the work they do they do not interfere with a chosen pathway or learning that an individual is destined to walk, although they do have the power to intervene if it is in a divine way. (In a way that is not against God or man and the balance of humanity) They assist souls into the next world and into earthly life and they ensure that occurrences that are preordained or arranged come to pass. They are also said to take upon themselves the work that neither man nor spirit wants to do or can do.
Often angels simply want the observer to share their angel experience with other people so that it brings hope and comfort to them as well, they want the message given to others that there is life after death and that there is a divine source of power that loves and watches over us all. It is said that Angels hear the suffering of souls that both man and spirit cannot, and they answer the calls in ways we don’t always understand.
Guardian angels or guides as they are known in spiritual movements are attached to humans to guide and help them on their chosen spiritual journey and oversee the soul’s experience. They usually stay with the same person throughout their life and ensure that the person stays on task as much as is possible. Guides that work with people who are on a spiritual path usually make themselves known to their charge. Even guardian angels cannot protect against your own free will, the choices you make will always be yours ultimately and their guidance can at times be sublime and easily ignored. If you have dreamed of an angel or angels I would suggest that they have brought you comfort in your distress or to help you understand your own spiritual journey.

Anger can manifest in our dreams as an expression that needs to be released in a safe environment, perhaps because you do not deal with your inner anger appropriately, or perhaps you don't deal with problems when they arise. Anger is one of those emotions that if not dealt with it will fester and explode without warning.
If someone else is angry in your dream then you should take note of why, we are not always aware of other people's anger and this can be shown to us through our dreams, you could have picked up on it on a subconscious level and it has filtered into your dreams for you to take more notice of it. 
If you do not know why someone is angry then maybe they are not angry with you specifically, but angry with injustice or imbalance.

Personalities, characters, and characteristics
Animals are usually used to describe a person's nature/character type: 
When you dream of a certain animal the dream is trying to make you more aware of the type of person and their characteristics, these types of symbols are self-explanatory. For example, dreaming of a snake warns you of a slippery person who could have a negative effect on your life. You may or may not already be aware of who this person is, but this dream happens to help you fully understand the nature of the individual in question.
Another reason for using animals as symbols in our dreams is because they can help us develop our own character so therefore, the snake could be symbolic of the forbidden aspects of your own character that you need to either tame or suppress. Only time will tell which type of translation is appropriate, but most people are already aware of the personality that is being put under the spotlight by an animal dream scenario.
Animals can bring positive energy into your life and they can also translate feelings of vulnerability and the need to care for somebody. Animals are viewed as protective, loving and helpful and they can also be used as a representation of your inner fears. Animals also provide an ideal symbol to explain the conditions or environment in which you live. If you are overcrowded within your living conditions for example or penned-in and lacking in freedom etc.
If you are afraid of the animal in your dream then this tells you that you should be wary of a personality that has the capabilities of causing you trouble, but the fear could also be symbolic for your own fears, so it is important to acknowledge the person or situation that is being represented.
Being trapped by a wild animal is a common dream theme that is helping you to acknowledge the fact that you feel trapped by someone or something, perhaps you are frightened to move forward, you might also be mentally trapped in the past. Further important symbolism can be gained by noticing how the animal is acting in your dream, if a wild animal is acting loving in your dream then the symbolism could be about your expectations of a person, you expect they are wild and unpredictable but really they are soft and cuddly, but it might be a symbol of a personality who is apt to change from one to the other.
Use animal dreams to help you think about an individual character and their nature, the dream should give you an idea as to who the animal is referring to if not, it can often be worked out after an event, unfortunately. 
Character descriptions can contain a lot of information, for example, a polar bear, someone who is cold and unfriendly, although they are white, so they are not a negative person, they are just going through a rough time. Because they are large it probably portrays someone who has spent a large amount of time with you, or that their problems are larger than they can deal with, or perhaps that the issues you have with them are too big to deal with. Think about all the different symbolism you can get from an animal, their behaviour in your dream, their temperament, their size, and colour, etc. 
Birds are symbolic of freedom for the soul and for the ability to fly above your problems in a natural way. Birds can bring us news of new beginnings or of changes to come because they can gain a wider view of what is going on, they transcend the earthly realms and provide a bird’s eye view of the bigger picture. It has been said that birds can bring us a message from loved ones in the spirit world that a soul has been released.
Birds of Prey 
These types of birds could be used to represent someone who is preying on you or a situation that is preying on your mind. 
Caged Birds
Caged birds symbolise the fight for freedom from restraint, maybe your own personality is being suppressed or held back. Your Spiritual side needs to be released.
Water Birds
Water-birds will describe personalities that cope well with emotional ups and downs and deal with their emotions and feelings positively. Water birds are often used to represent the family or brood and the emotional ties we have with them.
Wild Birds 
Wild birds can portray freedom coupled with a need to understand that you belong to the whole as well. This will link with the cosmic consciousness where you are free to think for yourself or to tap into the shared consciousness if you need to. Spread your wings and learn to rise above the commotion that is life.
Flocks of Birds
Flocks of birds represent the family unit working together and reaching heights because of each other. Like attracts like, birds of a feather flock together.
(Chicken in Food)
A chicken can describe someone not having the courage to take matters into their own hands or to deal with problems when they arise. 
Cowardliness or a careless attitude?
A Cockerel is often used in dream symbolism to bring your attention to the importance of time; they can represent endings, but they can also announce new beginnings. Cockerels can also be used to portray a show-off or someone trying to ruffle your feathers with their thoughtless behaviour.
Cuckoos lay their eggs in another bird’s nest, leaving the chick to be hatched and looked after by a different species of bird. This might correspond with a situation of responsibility being passed on to someone else for them to deal with.
(Dream about crows pecking me)
Crows would have been viewed as ominous omens in the old type of dream translation, nowadays they link better with unwanted mothering or a bossy controlling woman. 
An old crow is viewed as a woman who pecks at you until she gets what she wants. 
Ducks cope well with water (emotional states of being) and they teach you to stay afloat emotionally, to learn this technique you must understand the need to let the minor aggravations pass you by. 
Ducks can also symbolise the family unit sticking together through emotional situations. 
Think about the saying water off a duck's back?
Eagles are often used as a symbol to remind you to keep an eye out for opportunities or for obstacles that could get in the way of those opportunities. They also explain how you need to rise above the mayhem to see a situation for what it really is, thus enabling you to see how to instigate positive change.
Look out for opportunities!
These water birds might symbolise your children and the emotional attachments that you have to them. Children grow up and leave home, but they always return when they want or need something.
As with an Eagle, the translation is similar, keep an eye out for opportunities and do not let them pass you by.
A quick thinker is often symbolised by a Hawk.
There is a rhyme that portrays the symbolic meanings of magpies and I would consider if any were appropriate to you, but a magpie could also represent a character that takes what isn’t theirs as they are often thought of as thieves, but in contrast to this, magpies are usually seen in pairs because they choose a partner for life.
These birds are often used to portray wisdom through contemplation and patience.
Parrot in P
A Peacock could describe a show-off, or someone trying to get your attention. In contrast to this, a peacock symbol could be telling you to be proud of yourself because you have come a long way.
Pelican in P
The symbolism might be gained from recognising and adopting their unique skills, their ability to survive in the coldest regions of the earth, their ability to climb the steepest icy slopes. The mums go out to work and the dad's stay at home looking after the kids. I'd say you feel lonely and lacking in love, but you have skills that can't be equaled, and you need to remember your total value. 
Coldness often represents cold emotions, fear, and inertia but time will change things and the ice will melt within your soul. 
A penguin can provide a symbol for a devoted partner but who doesn't show their emotions. 
A Sparrow often symbolises innocence and raw beauty.
Swans represent grace and devotion and they are also used as a symbol to explain how you have progressed on a spiritual path. Swans help to convey the transition from innocence to experience and explain the transformation.
A robin is a bringer of love because of the redbreast that he has. The colour red is often used to symbolise love and passion. If the robin is singing, then a declaration of love is being made. Robins have also been used to describe the pain that you must first endure to truly understand love. Robins show up to the living to bring a message from the spirit world, a message of love, and to let you know that the person in spirit you have been thinking about is at peace. 
A friend's visitation.
(Things crawling under my skin)
Insects are viewed as intruders and can represent either a person or a group of people who intrude into your environment. They are also used to describe situations that are intrusive and need irradiating, especially if they are abundant in a dream. We usually find insects an annoyance and therefore they help to describe anything annoying that you must deal with. 
Perhaps a multitude of different aggravations is being brought to your attention if you dream about different types of insects together. Consider if the insects you dreamed about have a positive or negative connotation for you, how people feel about different insects must be considered in the translation, as it can be different individually, which might change the meaning and symbolism.  A good example of this is when spiders are used in dreams as they could represent a personal fear which needs to be understood, in this case, the dreamer will need to decide if the spiders are a representation of another type of fear they have?
Bees remind us about the importance of working together for the overall betterment of society or for the family unit.
To be stung by a bee isn’t necessarily an omen of doom but backs up the idea that for you to reap the rewards that are available to you now, there is a certain amount of pain or hard-work to be experienced first. When bees sting it is done to protect themselves from harm and for no other reason, y
ou might have to protect yourself from outside influences so that you can concentrate your efforts towards progression in work. 
There is work to be done and money to gather, reap the rewards of your hard work after a certain amount of time.
Beetles symbolise protection from evil or negative influences, your own method of protection is being highlighted, you must decide what needs protecting and from who.
A butterfly can represent the fleeting beauty that we sometimes take for granted, they remind us to appreciate the good things when they come our way. 
The fight of the butterfly as it emerges from its cocoon is what enables it to take flight. 
Freedom, peace, and a message from the spirit world that the soul is released.
These insects describe passing aggravations if they are noticed singly in your dream, but if there are a lot of flies then they are there to help you understand that there is decay in some area of your life, this needs to be dealt with for you to find peace and harmony again.
The breaking down of negativity.
(See Web)
People don't usually like spiders let alone having them turn up in their dreams, but the outcome has always been good when people have dreamt about them. Spiders symbolise good luck and prosperity because they are creators and have the substance within them to catch what they need. The web is a symbol that helps you to understand that you can catch what you want if you take the time and make the effort. 
In some circumstances, a spider dream can be viewed as a fear dream and require you to face your fears so that you can move forward and receive the energy they bring. They chase you to move you forward and help you to act quickly where it is needed.
Money is produced when it is needed!
Wasps could describe somebody with a sting in their tail. Passing aggravations that won’t stay around for too long, if you stay away from them that is.

Baby Animals
Young or baby animals usually refer to young personalities or immature characters. They can represent your need to be the carer in the family, but sometimes this means that people don't learn to do things themselves.
Domestic Animals
Your own pets are often used to present the fact that you are relied upon for everything, and in return, you receive unconditional love. Domestic animals bring us love and adoration; perhaps you need a selfless companion to bring you comfort and support and are being shown a symbol for an appropriate person who can do this. 
Tame animals represent people who are laid back, but if in the dream their nature changes it helps to remind you that even docile personalities can turn nasty. Pets who have passed away often return to their owners in their dreams, to say thank you for the love and care that you gave them.
Wild Animals
Wild animals help you to understand the wild side of your own or of other people’s nature or temperament. The side of a personality that acts of its own accord without consideration for everyone else. Wild animals can also help you to understand your own fears in the face of hostility or opposition and to help you prepare a way forward when you are faced with these things in your life. 
Animals display characteristics that help you to understand the type of person you must deal with; they also help you to develop and understand aspects of your own personality.
Wild animals acting tame in a dream merely represent a personality who is judged as wild and unpredictable but can also be a big softy and calm natured. You might just need to evaluate your presumptions about a person and try to see their whole nature rather than just aspects of it. This also works for tame animals that act wild in your dream but it's then about the presence of anger or unpredictability coming from a usually mild and meek person.

(Crocodile Dream)
These reptiles can represent someone’s snappy and unpredictable nature; you should be wary of the dangerous temperament of emotional people that are around you.
Reptiles are often used to represent the reptilian part of the brain which is connected strongly with power and an abuse of power.
An ape could be used to describe copied behaviour or a mischievous character getting up to no good.
These animals symbolise majestic grace or someone with these characteristics. The antlers are held high and are used to win battles from the opposition.
Donkeys are symbolic of personalities who carry a lot of baggage around with them, but they are also hard workers. Someone could make an ass of themselves.
Cows can sometimes be used to describe a spiteful woman, but they can also represent the source of your own contentment and how likely it is that you will get what you need, especially so if it is a milking cow.
Opposition comes from a bull, it can also symbolise a personality or represent characteristics needed by the dreamer, stamina for example.
A stubborn character.
A Taurus (Horoscope)
Bull in a china shop.
A bully.
Consider the type of bear in your dream and use the colour to help with your translation:
A white bear could be used to symbolise someone who has good intentions even though you judge them by their wild unpredictable nature. Polar bears are also from the cold regions so you could assume that this person is cold natured, or perhaps lonely but they may just be fearful of their own feelings. 
A brown bear might represent the mother or father's character, they strive to protect their cubs and are perceived as strong and protective with a measure of authority.
A black bear could represent a character to be feared but with the other mentioned characteristics as well. Maybe you are witnessing the whole character rather than aspects of a character.
Something is larger than you can deal with?
The mother type.
Destructive and loving.
A bear with a sore head.
Over protectiveness.
Something you must bare?
A bear hug from a loved one?
A big cuddly strong character?
In dream language the cat is often used to represent the feminine charm, they are viewed as independent and industrious. Wildcats symbolize the wild unpredictable side of a woman’s nature.
The cat that got the cream?
They are the fastest terrestrial animal in the world so its symbolism might be about what a fast worker someone is, also think about the wording, a cheater?
Crabs remind you not to walk sideways in life and the shell symbolises your own hard shell, you will not listen to advice and feel the need to protect yourself from other people. Consider if this applies to someone else that you know.
A Cancerian person. (Horoscope)
In dream language dogs are nearly always used as a symbol for the protector, they are often thought of as a source of unconditional love and for this reason, they make an excellent symbol for your own spiritual guide and the invisible part they play in your life. If the dog in your dream is acting violently, they may be portraying a predator type of character.
Dolphins are spiritual creatures that highlight a carefree nature, they express freedom for the soul. They spend their lives in small protective groups, therefore they help you to understand the importance of belonging to the whole but of developing your own individuality as well.
Dolphins communicate using vibration and this will link with spiritual communication.
Protection comes from the group soul.
Emotional courage and grace.
Spiritual communication.
Intelligent learning.
In dream language the elephant represents protection and wisdom, they are ‘all-knowing’ and they never forget. They could be used to represent a situation that seems bigger than the dreamer. A situation that needs talking about and recognising for what it really is.
A fox can be used in dream language to represent cunning and slyness; unless she is with cubs then she is being the independent and self-reliant protective mother.
An ambitious person who can be stubborn. Capricorn is the sign of the mountain goat, a high climber who takes their time to get where they want to be. 
They love to wallow and they can't swim, so whoever they represent cannot deal with emotions at all, they will wallow and stew for ages.
In the past a horse was used as a symbol for the personal or spiritual journey, it helps you to make progress in your life; nowadays it is more symbolic for someone who helps you to get along, usually a male influence. There are some sexual connotations because this symbol can also hint at the sexual experience with a partner who can help you move on from the past. Consider the colour of the horse to help with your translation.
A Sagittarius person.
Kangaroos portray the protective mother type of personality. The kangaroo's pouch is a way to represent someone who needs looking after or who still needs protection from the outside world. 
Perhaps someone is overprotective?
A jumping Kangaroo can help you to acknowledge someone who can make progress in leaps and strides or someone who jumps around aimlessly and cannot find direction.
The symbolism could be taken from their strength as they are the strongest of the cat family. Other symbolism could be taken from their spots and the saying that a leopard can't change its spots.
Strength and courage can be described to you by a lion, but it depends if you feel threatened or hunted by it in your dream. If you are cornered or trapped, then you feel trapped by an external source of power that you do not know if you can match in strength.
To overcome a lion in your dream is to overcome a powerful opponent or perhaps your own fears need to be dealt with. 
A female personality if it was a Lioness. 
A Leo.
Mice could be used in dreams to help explain situations that go on quietly under the surface. You may only get small clues to warn you that something is happening but eventually you will have to deal with it. Mice will often represent small annoyances that if left alone will multiply.
This could possibly be a play on words and describe a minx or someone who gets into a bit of trouble because of their emotional immaturity. Emotionally driven and childlike their choices are not always made from an experienced standpoint which means they can be easily led. These type of people are often lovable but immature.  
Monkeys can help to characterise people who have not developed their own personality, and so act thoughtlessly. 
Monkeying around. 
Childishness and trickery.
Pigs are often used in dreams to bring your attention to a person who is pig-headed and inconsiderate. Because pigs like to wallow in mud, they are also used to portray somebody who likes to wallow in self-pity. 
Rabbits usually represent fertility and growth within the family unit. They can also be used in dream language to represent anything that can multiply rapidly, perhaps this will help you to understand that things can quickly get out of control if left alone for too long.
A Ram can represent someone who rams themselves ‘in’ where they are not actually needed. A person who is headstrong and a little self-interested.
Rats would be a typical dream symbol to represent someone who acts with little moral judgment. If there are a lot of rats in your dream, then they could describe a group or association of people who do not have your best interest at heart.
Reptiles will often be used to symbolise the thick skin or cold bloodiness of a personality that you encounter. They might also symbolise people who have not moved into the current era and are old fashioned in their way of thinking.
The idea of a serpent being the deliverer of tests for the human soul, to bring enlightenment. Tests of endurance and of mind over matter, the idea that without these tests the soul would not be open to learn and grow. The challenges we face in our life are what help us to become more spiritually aware and enlightened in knowledge. 
Loan sharks or predators.
Nasty people who should be avoided.
Slugs can represent an irritant, perhaps something that is eating away at the progress you have made so far. The size and amount may be important to your translation.
Slow movement or slow progress.
A slimy character.
A protective but fragile shell.
Something is moving at a snail’s pace.
Moving home.

(See Venom in V)
(Black snake dream)
Beware of people who have sneaky poisonous tendencies, similarly a situation that requires your endurance. Snakes are often used to represent opposition, a lack of control and the need to develop your ability to notice when temptation is taking over, this may be appropriate for you or for someone around you.
Snakes can sometimes be a symbol of eternal life.
Storing away what you need for later.
Hiding away your talents.
Perseverance and tenacity.
Insecurities and developing faith in oneself.
These wild animals can represent anything that evokes fear within you. Tigers are dangerous and the appropriate symbolism might come from working out what it is you are frightened of; you have to face this fear. Another possible translation is that there is a scary character on the loose, they are changeable and can cause you pain. Tigers can also be used to describe your own unpredictable nature or perhaps a situation that tests your perseverance and ability to withstand opposition. 
Tigers never back down!
Hibernation from society.
Progress is slow-moving.
Dreams about Turtles
Driven by emotions.
Think about the saying "the wolves are at the door". This means people are out to get you. Dogs are normally protective but wolves are hunters, so therefore probably represent the feeling of being tracked down. 
Keep the wolves at bay by using your instincts and dealing with issues before they turn into bigger problems.
A wolf is also used as a symbol for your protective spirit guide.
The type of whale you dream of might have significance, for example, the sperm whale could symbolise increased fertility, a killer whale would represent a larger than life personality with the ability to cause harm in your emotional affairs.
A pilot whale is a symbol of you taking a new and meaningful direction in your life. 
The blue whale is a symbol of emotional healing, its vast size can explain the power that is available to heal emotional pain, whereas a black and white whale can be used to represent the positive and negative aspects of your own emotional personality, and how this creates a balanced character, even if you do not feel particularly balanced. 
A humpback whale might represent someone who is moody and easily riled, they are over emotional and more importantly, they take up a lot of your time and energy.
Overall a whale would be used as a symbol to represent your own profound feelings which occasionally rise to the surface. The whale symbol may, of course, be used to represent someone else and their feelings, someone who you would find it difficult to understand completely. The whale is often viewed as a solitary mammal.
You might have a whale of a time!
A zebra's black and white stripes represent the negative and positive nature of someone that you encounter. The symbolism is very similar to a horse, but you cannot ride a zebra so although this person is adventurous, the relationship cannot progress because of their wild nature, they are not suited to staying in one place for very long.

Destiny and opportunities
Your attention is being drawn to the fact that there is somewhere you need to be or something that you need to do. Sometimes, this can be an obstacle dream because in the dream scenario you are late or cannot get to an appointment. 
Obstacle dreams tell us that there is something in our way and we will need to get over it before we can proceed with our plans. 
An appointment with destiny?

The mother
An apron sometimes represents the inability to grow-up or to break away from childish behaviour. It could also be used to describe when someone is tied to the role of the mother and is trying to combine the different roles she has to play for other people, perhaps career and motherhood.
Work needs to be done to fix a problem.
The feminine and nurturing side of a person.
Protection from negativity.
The mummy's boy?

In dream language archways show us the transitions that we need to make from one stage or phase into another; the energy needed for this transitio
n isn't an obstacle because you can slip easily from one phase into another without much effort. 
Occasionally, archways will represent the entry from one realm into another, they connect you with your spirituality. Archways are often used to support structures and can, therefore, be viewed as support through change, keeping the structure of your life secure when changes occur. 
Making Connections?

The past
An archaeologist could be used to describe someone who brings out your own hidden talents. Alternatively, perhaps the old you must resurface. You will need to translate other symbols to understand the meanings better.
Fossils can represent parts of yourself that have long since expired, but these aspects of your learning and experience have helped to craft the person that you have become.
Digging up old memories?
Remnants from the past?
The past has helped to create the future.

(Aim above)
Your aims
Firing arrows usually link with Eros and are said to cause the bonds of love to form. This type of symbol might be helping you understand if or not you are likely to get what you are aiming for.
Arrows are also used to give direction and might be used in your dream to point out that there are alternative routes for you to take.

Your home life and the structures that uphold it
Your home comforts can be explained by an armchair, the condition of the chair will help you with the translation and explain how comfortable you are with your home life. Chairs are often used in dreams as a symbol of comfort and stability and they help to portray your current set up and how you adapt to the changes that occur over time. Chairs are also a symbol of support, think about the fact that they get more comfortable over time because you have molded them to your own shape, perhaps this links with someone reliable that is supportive and who you will grow more comfortable with as time goes by.

Army/Air force
(Attack below/Battle)
Fight to win
These forces can stand to represent the people who we need to help us fight a personal battle, they can also represent the opposition who we are fighting or defending ourselves from. The battle you are fighting in your life can be of any denomination, it is an individual thing that you alone will understand. When the armed forces are brought into a dream it is often because the battle you must fight demands more than you alone can provide, you may have to employ the help of other people who are more adept at dealing with the type of problems that you are currently dealing with.

Love, fear, and anger
Someone starting fires in your dream can warn you about heated situations that erupt without warning. Fire often links with passion in its disruptive form. There is a possibility that someone is trying to light your fire or ignite your inner passions, but fires can sometimes describe your own fears becoming all-consuming.
If you are unsuccessfully trying to light a fire it will represent the fact that the passion or the flame has gone out of a relationship, or that it wasn’t there in the first place. Remember the saying 'light a fire under someone'? You do this to break them free from inertia.

Your creativity
Art helps you to appreciate beauty and highlights the need for you to find the beauty in your life and recreate the same for the people that you value. Any form of art like painting, sculpting, writing, acting, singing or creating music is highlighting your ability to create harmony and a sense of oneself being transferred towards other people for their satisfaction.
Artistic Creations.
Master the art of creating a positive energy vibration.
What we create is what we shall live.

(Arsonist above/Fire)
What's left after the fire
The remains of something that has long since passed its value in your life, there is nothing viable left.
From the ashes, new shoots will grow.
The remnants of past experiences.

(Alien above/UFO
What's passing through your life and the after-effects
You are dealing with unknown aspects of life which you haven’t had any experience of before.
People or events that have a major impact on your life. 
Unusual circumstances that can change the current set up. 

The finer details
Dreaming of atoms could show you how you need to look at things in more detail, you are so intent on seeing the bigger picture that you are missing the finer details.

Your Journey
An atlas can present the world and all that it has to offer you, perhaps you need to examine the opportunities that are available to you and choose a direction to go in so that you can start your next adventure.
Sometimes this symbol can represent the need to travel further afield to reach your destination, not necessarily in distance but widening your horizons to increase your chances of getting where you want to be. Change the direction that your life is taking.

Fight to win
Being attacked in a dream is not an omen of imminent violence but can be used to describe a situation that is attacking your own defenses, it could be an attack of the nerves where your own fears are attacking your strength and creating weakness. An attack could be used to describe an illness where the immune system is under attack.
An external attack would be where other people are pushing their will onto you; they are attacking your integrity, invading your space, or ruining your peace and security. 
Is your good name under attack?

Emotions and relationships
Fish in an aquarium or fishbowl can symbolise inhibited or overly controlled emotions, they do not flow freely.
Seeing lots of fish in an aquarium can explain the overcrowded and emotional environments that you feel unable to find a way-out from. Fish are also used as a symbol of trying to find the right man, from the saying 'plenty of fish in the sea', maybe you feel like you have a smaller pool to choose from.
Spiritual dream
If you are aware of someone’s aura in a dream then you are becoming more spiritually aware, sometimes we can only see these things while we are dreaming. Look up individual colours if they are noticed. Everything has an aura even inanimate objects because everything is made up of vibrating energy frequencies, some people are gifted with the ability to see auras around things and people including the aura around plants and flowers.
The base colour of an aura is white, and this is because pure energy is white, it is made up of all the colours of the spectrum, different vibrations create different colours. Therefore, you can look at the white aura as the base of all possibilities.
The energy force that surrounds everything.
A spiritual person.
Energy and healing.

(Aborigine above/Countries)
Your Journey
Australia might symbolise your world being turned upside down, but it could also explain the distance that has been created between you and another person. 
Dreaming of other countries that you haven’t visited will help to explain how your current circumstances are new to you, you haven’t experienced this before, you are in unknown territory.

Emotional turmoil 
An avalanche represents a sudden onslaught of feelings and emotions that dominate everything else around you. Perhaps you feel as though problems are building up on top of you and you must escape before they push you over the edge. The coldness will symbolise cold feelings and ice is usually used to represent rigidness.
Snow is often symbolic of built-up feelings; therefore a sudden avalanche is obviously a release of all of those things.
Overpowering feelings that create instability.
A new level footing will eventually be found.

Fear dream, take back control of your life
False awakenings happen because you are trying to gain control of your dream; quite often because you do not want to be in it and are trying to escape the dream scenario, this can overlap onto real life as there are usually some circumstances that you wish to escape from. Only you have real control over your life and the direction it takes, you are being reminded that now is the time to take that control.
A spiritual awakening.
A rude awakening.
A wake-up call.

Your winning
To be given an award in your dream is to be acknowledged for your hard work. 
You are being given credit for the work that you do.
Badge of honour!

Your tools and skills
An axe will help you to chop things into smaller chunks, perhaps you can deal with things better that way. If you are being chased by someone with an axe, perhaps they are trying to break the connection that you have had with them.
Breaking problems down into a manageable size.
Something is getting the chop or needs to be disconnected.
Cut away the negative around you!