
Sunday, 24 May 2020

Dreaming about 'things' crawling under my skin


I had the most horrible dream, I noticed that things were crawling under the skin on my right hand, I watched them walking around under my skin and it made me feel sick, I thought that I had better go to the doctor to see if he knew what it was. For some reason, I couldn't get in to see the doctor but meanwhile, I noticed a gap under my nail and it looked like something was trying to crawl out. I watched as this black fly type thing came out from under my nail, there were still others crawling under the skin on my hand and every now and then another one would come out from under my nail. I kept telling myself it was a dream and to stop panicking but then I would think 'but this isn't a dream because it's too real'. Whenever one of these things came out I would kill it by squashing it, at one stage my hand looked like it was going rotten, but then it repaired. All I wanted was to stop these things from being under my skin. 

This dream seems to be referring to what goes on under the surface of your own facade. (deceptive outward appearance) It could represent the things that you let get under your skin, and therefore the fly type insects describe situations/people who are negative, annoying or that you just don't like. In contrast to this, they could also be describing the things about yourself that you don't like or trust. You kill them as soon as they emerge and maybe this is because you do not allow your own negativity in its many forms to survive on the outside. You quash any negative part of yourself to create the perfect person, perhaps you have ideas that don't allow for being bad or acting out.  Because the symbolism seems to be linked with your right hand I would say this also links with the work you do and your creative side. It may also link with writing. You seem to be acknowledging your inner darker side in this dream and the rotten bits you don't want to deal with will come out if you want them to or not, better out than in I say, and let's face it we all have them, no one is perfect and you shouldn't expect yourself to be either. 
The reason I feel that the dream refers to your own inner demons is that the flies were 'in you' and trying to get out, rather than the other way round. 


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