
Friday 25 April 2014

Recurring dream that I am packing my suitcase!


I've been dreaming constantly about packing luggage.

This is quite simple to translate, you obviously want or need changes to happen in your life, you keep planning to make changes but are unable to see them through. So you begin the process again at another time.

Luggage symbolises travel of course, but is also used as a symbol when you start something new, a new phase of life or a new and exciting journey.
Packing luggage is also used to describe the process of packing up your troubles and moving on from them.
An overpacked suitcase represents the idea of putting too much pressure into something that is already over-filled. You are doing too much and need to release some pressure before you explode. Stop trying to be everything for everyone. Consider what you are putting in the suitcase, clothes represent the character that you show to other people. Or the character you create for the people around you.
Changing your clothes is a representation of who you are 'trying' to be for everyone else, in contrast to who you really are.
An empty suitcase can describe the emptiness you feel inside.

I have also known a case to be used as a symbol for a court case. The symbolism of an empty case can easily explain a situation where there is not enough evidence. Or the other way round of course and the bulging case can deliver the message of lots of evidence.

A fresh start!
Pastures new!
Carrying your problems around with you?
You want to leave a situation behind!
You want to move on!
A desire for freedom!
Pack up your troubles!

Recurring dreams happen when:
You haven’t achieved what is needed!
You haven’t learned exactly what you were supposed to learn!
You have not moved on from something!
You haven’t understood the real meaning of the dream!
You keep making the same mistakes!
You ignore something!


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