
Friday, 28 January 2022

A dream about a new job, and being told I have cancer


I was in a new job, everyone there was old, a lot of men were in the higher jobs like the CEO and all the managers. The women that worked there seemed nice but were all in their own click. 

They had a doctor and a nurse there and the doctor was doing a test on me, he said to the nurse that he had finished the test, he pointed out two spots on my back and my elbows. He said I had cancer! Then the nurse went on to tell me in a rather horrible way that I had very bad breath, apparently the security man on the front desk smelt it when I had come in that morning. She also said my hair was greasy and she was getting ready to send me to hospital. 

Lets take into consideration your age when doing this translation as I know you are past working age.

A new job often translates as a new stage of life, new circumstances, new opportunities etc. When you are past working age we can assume this will relate to your new role in life rather than in your career. A job can also be referred to as a spiritual role that you play, which can mean new spiritual learning or experiences. 

We equate being old with experience, and the male dominance in the work place although hopefully outdated now, will also be a hint at the older viewpoint of looking up to your elders and respecting their experience. In days gone by when you were working, it was the norm that the higher managerial positions were held by men, this probably always bothered you and you have found it hard to be comfortable with the inequality.   

All the male characters in your dream play the dominant roles, the bosses, the doctor, the security man, and in contrast, the women play the nasty roles, being clicky and excluding you, and the nurse being nasty. I don't think you would have liked having a female boss either and I think you would have fared better being your own boss to be honest. All these things give the impression that you have always disliked authority and have resented being told what to do by people you didn't respect. Understandably of course, as no one wants to be controlled by a character who doesn't deserve respect.

Since retirement you have been your own boss, which has suited you well, as you have been in control of every element of your life. Now, your dream has another component to it which relates to your health and this is where you lack control. The doctor being someone of authority has diagnosed you with cancer, which would be a situation whereby you cannot control what your body does, everything would be out of your control again. 

Getting a diagnosis through a dream doesn't necessarily mean you will get the same diagnosis in your real life, rather it's hinting that you feel as though your health and body are taking away your quality of life, bad health can mean that you feel as though you cant live a good life because your body just won't let you. Therefore, you are not in control once again. You are powerless to over-rule your body, cancer takes away someone's power to live, it is used in dream language to describe a situation whereby something else is taking control and you are required to fight and take back control in order to live a better life. 

The security guard character could have been used to represent your security and how you feel in regards to your health and your security, he tells the doctor that you have bad breath. This is quite funny but it does have its base in fact, did you know that diabetics have been known to have pear like fruity breath and many other health conditions can be spotted by the breath, animals are often good at noticing this. Also, our breath can be used to hint at what we are taking into a our body is not very good for us, therefore, it creates the bad odour.

As we have spoken, and I know you are diabetic I will summarise  by saying that your dream is urging you to take control of your diet in order to improve your health, do not give over your control and accept that it's all down hill from here. You need to fight your urges. xxx

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