
Sunday 1 December 2019




Vibration the creator! Watch on YouTube 
To understand energy in its many different forms you must first consider that the whole universe is devised from energy. Vibration assists energy to create everything, energy is carried in waves throughout the universe, as it vibrates it becomes a self-creating energy source, therefore, it is infinite! Vibration is balanced and/or chaotic and gives rise to the creation of life itself, from the smallest forms of life to the greater more complex life forms.
Humans can create positive and negative energy in the way that they think and react, the environment or the people around you also create a negative/positive vibration which models surroundings to be balanced or chaotic. Because we draw our energy from the environment it depends on what we have put in as to what we will get back. This is where the idea comes from about what you give out is what you get back. If you create positive energy by being positive and doing and thinking positively then the energy you get back is restorative, it recharges and re-energises you with positive energy. Thinking negatively and doing negative things creates a negative vibration that absorbs the same from the environment and from the energy stores of the people who are in your vicinity.
Most people balance precariously between the two states of vibration and swing naturally too and throw between being positive and negatively inclined. This information is important when you translate your dreams because the energy that you have available to you at any given time will depend on your own state of mind and the way you allow negativity to overpower the positive energy vibration. If for example, you wanted to make progress with a work project, its success will be dependent on the available energy stores from yourself and the people who are there to help you, the energy would need to be a positive one to be creative. Negative vibrational energy does not produce positive creativity or positive outcomes.
Your dreams can help to explain this process and let you know if the correct energy is available for you to use for the things that you want to do. You are the creator of the energy source and you can make adjustments at any time to address an imbalance, but it will mean changing the way that you think, and this is not always easy because of the energy created by other people, therefore, you must learn to block negative energy coming in from others. 

In dream language, many symbols could be used to represent your own energy levels and/or the energy that you attract back to yourself. The symbols used to express energy are ones which you will recognise, for example, petrol and diesel are the energy sources used as symbols when you wish to make progress, the real energy source is you of course.
Gas and electricity provide a symbol for the energy needed for your home life, your home comforts, and your right to feel loved, which is often described in dream language by warmth, which of course is also provided by these types of energy sources. Incidentally, light is seen as a source of positive energy and a dream where there is a problem with electricity or light is often trying to tell you about an issue with your positivity towards something. When the light has gone out it means something has lost its sparkle, or that it can't grow anymore, this can represent many different situations or relationship issues. 
The sun provides another energy source that revitalises and instigates growth, it is often used in dreams to help you understand how you feel about your relationships or any situation that needs input to create growth. 
Nuclear energy is powerful but it comes with the negative consequence of leaving waste, so in dreams, it can be used to represent when power and energy have consequences that will linger for a very long time if not used correctly.
Your own aura can help to describe your energy levels and the colours and vibrancy give you information about your spiritual and physical well being, as well as your moods and feelings. 

Unseen energy forces literally help you to understand the hidden forces that can have power over you, even though you can’t see them, things like negative entities, attitudes, thoughts, and ideas which have been developed from your culture, religion, or family upbringing. All these types of invisible forces have power over the way that you think and the current choices that you make, these things affect you even though you cannot physically see them. Learning to control and recognise negative thinking will help you gain control over any deep routed idea or belief which is the result of nurture. 


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