
Thursday 15 January 2015

Plane departures and letting someone move on


I've been having problems with my relationship with my sister and I dreamed that we were about to take a plane flight. The plane was about to depart without us (not really sure if I was going too) I managed to press an alarm button a few seconds before the plane was taking off. But suddenly my sister fainted, she looked unwell. I lifted her in my arms and took her to an assigned seat on the plane.
I think my father had to pay a lot of money for something, maybe excess baggage. I can't remember, only that I was ready to push that button to stop the plane leaving without her. Can you help me with this dream, please? 

This is quite simple really, it is about your own confusion as to if you want to share your journey with your sister or not, you are not sure if you want to board the plane and share the next part of your life- journey with her, you realise that if you choose to let her go it alone your father will have to pay in some way, maybe you feel he will be upset or disappointed that you have allowed her to go it alone.

Because your sister fainted or was unwell you feel that she is vulnerable and needs looking after, perhaps you think your father feels this way to and partly expects you to watch out for her, it doesn't mean he does expect this but more likely that you feel as though he expects you to look out for her.

Plane flights symbolise things taking off suddenly and they represent a time when changes happen very quickly, they can also represent the distance between two people and the effort involved in getting them on the same page. Planes are often used to describe the energy that is needed to lift up your dreams into reality, in this case, though the plane didn't take off, you delayed it so that it would wait for you, you were unsure if to share the journey with your sister or to let her go it alone. You are delaying making a decision. 

Departures represent exactly that, saying farewell and letting someone or something go!

An alarm is a warning and in this case the alarm button tells you that it is time to make changes, alarms help us realise when something has to change, you pushed that button because in your heart of hearts you knew your sister had to leave. 
Alarms signify that changes have to happen with or without you! 

Excess baggage is exactly that, it is something that will cost you if you carry it with you, you are trying to carry your sister when she needs to fly on her own. It would be detrimental to your relationship and to her own growth mindset if you try to carry/protect her any further. 
Carrying someone means you see them as vulnerable and needing your help, actually what she needs is to learn to be strong and independent.


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