
Tuesday 7 October 2014

The different sections of my life-The puzzle dream


I found myself walking along a dark road late at night, thumbing a lift, a car stopped and the rear door opened, I get in to find 4 rows of seats. On the back seat were two people, one man, and a dwarf woman, they were having sex.
In the next row was a dark-haired woman of about 50.
In the next row was a woman of about 40 who was laughing as if she had just come out of the funny farm.
In the next row was a dark-haired man of about 50 with the most unusual expression on his face. (Bland and expressionless)

The driver asked me where I was heading to and I said, Bedford. (I have no idea why)
I sat next to the woman in the second row. (Dark haired woman of about 50)
About an hour later the driver stopped and said to me, the weather is bad and it would be very late when we arrive in Bedford, but I can stay at their place just up the road until the morning. I agreed though I don’t know why.

In the house I found myself in a room with the two women, they were sitting either side of a table. I looked away and then looked back at them, both of them had aged about 40 years. I looked away again and then looked back to find the older woman had returned back to her normal age but the other younger woman was not there. I looked behind me to see her standing facing a door laughing as if she had a severe mental condition and banging her head on the door. I looked back to the table and the older woman had gone, then I looked back to the door and the younger woman had gone.

The door where she was banging her head had turned into a sort of carpet hung over the doorway. I went through the doorway and found myself in a large room with French windows on the other side. I went through the French windows and found that it was snowing. Then I met my son who was some 10 years younger and we had great fun kicking about in the snow.
Then the dream was over, I have no idea as to what this may mean or why I would have any need to travel to Bedford, as I know no one there at all.

Because the road in your dream is dark and long you realise that you might not necessarily be able to complete this particular journey all by yourself, you will need people to help direct you or help to carry you through this rather unusual stage of your learning. Thumbing a lift is a way for you to acknowledge that you won't be able to go it alone. (This could represent guidance from earthly sources, spiritual guidance or a partner to share the ride with) You are asking for help to move forward. 

The help that is offered to you may seem inappropriate or the wrong kind of help that you want. The learning process that you are going through could take you into uncharted territories, learning new things that you don't really understand, this could affect you personally and at times will overlap with your personal life. Perhaps you do not like to mix business with pleasure, but this new learning curve will involve all of the different sections of your life. The four rows of seats in the vehicle help to back up this idea. You prefer your love life, work-life, friends and spiritual learning in separate compartments but for progress to be made you will have to integrate all of these different sections. 

The characters you mention might all stand to help you recognise the different sections of your life or the different phases of growth that your life and your learning have gone through. It would seem that one particular section namely your love life has been stunted in recent times. Perhaps it was put on hold while you developed other parts of your life or your personality. These dream characters could also represent the different people who have created the present 'you'. The dark-haired women of about 50 might describe a woman from your past or even all the women from your past. 

The people in your dream who are acting crazy will either represent the crazy aspects of your life or the fact that you have managed to hold it all together even though at times you could have quite easily lost the plot. Maybe the things that you have learned on your spiritual journey and also from your past relationships would have been enough to send a lesser man crazy. The bland and expressionless man in your dream could possibly represent the way in which you have had to stand back and detach yourself from the things that you have learned so that you are not affected by them. This is an old trick that helps people to deal with and be able to conquer fear. Detachment is recognised by psychologists as a tool that we use when things get too much to deal with. 
The driver may symbolise the 'drive within' or your 'motivation', it is the force that carries you forward when you don't even know where you are going exactly. The driver can also symbolise another person who pushes you forward, this can be a spiritual guide or an earthly one. 

Telling the driver that you are heading to Bedford when in fact you have no earthly reason to go there has happened purely because you have had to give some expected destination rather than admit that you have no idea in which area or direction your life is currently heading. In other words, you are saying that you are heading in a certain direction but truthfully you don't know why or where you are going, you are simply following destiny if you like. 

The weather is bad in your dream helps you to see that you have no control over outside circumstances, they will affect where you go and how you get there. Outside circumstances will affect your spiritual journey, it will seem as though your learning slows-up, but I have to tell you that it is at these times when you do the majority of your learning ironically. You hear more from the quiet than you do from the noise. 

"In the house, I found myself in a room with the two women, they were sitting on either side of a table. I looked away and then looked back at them, both of them had aged about 40 years. I looked away again and then looked back to find the older woman had returned back to her normal age but the other younger woman was not there. I looked behind me to see her standing facing a door laughing as if she had a severe mental condition and banging her head on the door. I looked back to the table and the older woman had gone, then I looked back to the door and the younger woman had gone."

This part of your dream could be referring to your personal life as I said before, the women represent past relationships and how love can disappear just as memories can, all this can send you crazy or perhaps the relationship section of your life or women in general drive you crazy (No offense to women out there, we drive men crazy just as much as they drive us crazy

The young and old features of this part of your dream seem to want you to take note of how women change over time and how you and your relationship with women have changed over time. If someone is banging their head on the wall it clearly translates as someone who is getting nowhere or making no progress at all, they are getting frustrated by keep repeating the same thing over and over, think about who is doing this?

"The door where she was banging her head had turned into a sort of carpet hung over the doorway. I went through the doorway and found myself in a large room with French windows on the other side. I went through the French windows and found that it was snowing. Then I met my son who was some 10 years younger and we had great fun kicking about in the snow."

The carpet is covering over the cracks, cushioning someone from being hurt perhaps? The large room explains how there is a lot of room in your life for someone else, perhaps someone new. 
As much as you love the time you spend with your son it is snowing and this represents the coldness that you are experiencing from not having someone special to share your heart with. The fact that your son is ten years younger helps you to acknowledge that time has passed and you are not needed as much now as you were then.

This dream is concentrating on both your spiritual learning and your personal life and it is suggesting that you haven't integrated these different sections of your life fully. To be completely contented and fulfilled you must find a partner who will be part of your spiritual journey as well as your earthly life. Easier said than done I hear you say, but this dream wouldn't have happened if there wasn't a possibility of this becoming likely. Perhaps you need to readjust your thinking (which has come from previous relationships) so that you are ready and able to move forward with a different kind of relationship. 


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