(Being lost at school or work)
I was watching myself as a child at school, in particular, one day that I was presenting a ceremony in front of the rest of the school. While I was on the stage, a teacher was next to me helping me with the microphone. My voice was very low, people could barely hear me. I looked like a pale, very serious child, never smiling. I felt lots of attention at that moment that made me feel a bit nervous. This moment really happened in my life and was quite similar to my dream. The only difference was my hair that looked dark and I had a different colour then...strange, isn't it?
Going back to school means that you are still learning. The lesson you seem to be learning all over again is having confidence! You feel insignificant in comparison to other people, perhaps you feel like everyone is judging you?
A ceremony
A ceremony symbolises a celebration, it highlights a time of importance or when you learn something of value. The spotlight is on you and and the dream is nudging you towards being able to stand up and take a stand against others who seem to judge you. You have value and your opinion matters, but it must be heard.
Doing a presentation at school is really scary, it means that you need to develop skills of confidence and communication and these skills will develop the more you practice. Going back to school just brings your attention to the fact that you are always learning and that its never too late to learn. Having confidence in yourself is important on your journey through life and will help you overcome many of the obstacles you come up against.
A Stage
A stage can describe a stage of life, or the stage that you are at in your life, it also represents the idea that you feel vulnerable and scrutinised. You feel like everyone is looking at you and you don't think you are good enough. Remember that life is a theatre and we are only acting our parts, you can make a difference by being seen and heard.
A school is where we go to learn things, we learn how to relate to people and about different personalities getting along together, we learn much more than maths and English. School is also about what we can teach others.

A school represents spiritual and life learning.
A teacher is someone who guides you on the right path, they teach you all about the things you need to know in order to make progress, they are symbolic of someone to help you on your way. Your teacher (or spiritual guide) is helping you with the microphone, therefore she is trying to help you with the way that you communicate with other people.
A teacher is someone who guides you on the right path, they teach you all about the things you need to know in order to make progress, they are symbolic of someone to help you on your way. Your teacher (or spiritual guide) is helping you with the microphone, therefore she is trying to help you with the way that you communicate with other people.
You need to be heard.
Microphone/ Low voice/Sad and serious
Be heard, your voice is important and you must say how you feel, keeping quiet means that you will end up having to put up with things that you don't like.
You stay quiet for a quiet life, but that just means that you will be unhappy, to ensure good healthy relationships you must speak up, you don't have to offend anyone just say it how it is, if people don't like that then that's their problem, real friends will value your opinion and your confidence.
Pale and nervous
This links with your own feeling of insignificance and your lack of confidence. Don't worry about what other people think of you because they are actually too busy worrying about their own insecurities.
Hair was a different colour
Your hair was a different colour because you have to change the way that you think, have confidence with who you are, be vibrant, be daring and most of all be happy.
Microphone/ Low voice/Sad and serious
Be heard, your voice is important and you must say how you feel, keeping quiet means that you will end up having to put up with things that you don't like.
You stay quiet for a quiet life, but that just means that you will be unhappy, to ensure good healthy relationships you must speak up, you don't have to offend anyone just say it how it is, if people don't like that then that's their problem, real friends will value your opinion and your confidence.
Pale and nervous
This links with your own feeling of insignificance and your lack of confidence. Don't worry about what other people think of you because they are actually too busy worrying about their own insecurities.
Hair was a different colour
Your hair was a different colour because you have to change the way that you think, have confidence with who you are, be vibrant, be daring and most of all be happy.
The colour change could describe the new you after your transformation.
Un sueño en el que volvía al colegio
Me observaba a mí misma de niña, un día en particular en el que presentaba un acto frente al resto del colegio. Mientras estaba en el escenario, había un profesor al lado mío ayudándome con el micrófono. Mi voz era tan baja que la gente apenas podía oírme. Me veía pálida, era una niña muy seria que no sonreía. Sentía toda la atención puesta en mí en ese momento, lo que me hacía sentir un poco nerviosa. Este momento realmente ocurrió de forma bastante similar al sueño. La única diferencia era mi pelo, se veía obscuro en el sueño mientras que, por aquel entonces, lo llevaba de otro color. Extraño, ¿cierto?
Volviendo a cuando eras una niña en el colegio
Volver al colegio significa que aún estas aprendiendo de cosas que te ocurrieron por aquél entonces. No aprendiste una lección particularmente importante aquella vez. ¡La lección que pareces no haber aprendido es tener confianza en tí misma! Te sientes insignificante frente a otra gente, sientes como si todo el mundo estuviera mirándote y juzgándote. La única opinión que es importante es la tuya propia.
Un acto o ceremonia
Una ceremonia simboliza una celebración o marca un acontecimiento en el que deberías tomar nota de algo que es importante para tí o de alguna lección valiosa que aprendiste. Presentar un acto en el colegio puede ser atemorizante. Para ello tienes que desarrollar habilidades de autoconfianza y comunicación. Estas habilidades mejorarán con la práctica.
Un escenario
Simboliza una etapa en la vida o la etapa en la que te encuentras actualmente en comparación con dónde quieres estar. También representa la idea de que te sientes vulnerable y escrutada. Todo el mundo te mira y no te crees lo bastante buena para ellos.
El colegio es el lugar donde vamos a aprender. No sólo aprendemos Lengua, Matemáticas y Ciencias, también aprendemos a relacionarnos con la gente y a convivir con distintas personalidades, mientras crecemos juntos. Una escuela o colegio tambien simboliza nuestro aprendizaje espiritual y terrenal.
Un profesor es alguien que te guía por el buen camino. Te enseña todo lo que necesitas saber para progresar, te ayuda en tus metas. Tu profesor (o guía espiritual) te ayuda con el micrófono, por tanto te está ayudando con la manera en que te comunicas con las demás personas. Necesitas hacerte oír.
Micrófono / voz baja / triste y seria
Hazte oír, tu voz es importante y necesita ser escuchada. Debes aprender a comunicar cómo te sientes. Quedarse callado significa que terminarás aguantando cosas que no te gustan. Te callas para tener una vida tranquila, pero eso sólo te traerá infelicidad. Para conseguir relaciones saludables tienes que hablar alto. No significa que tengas que ofender a nadie por decir las cosas como son. Si a alguien no le gusta, ése es su problema. Los verdaderos amigos valorarán tu opinión y capacidad para expresar lo que quieres.
Pálida y nerviosa
Esto va ligado a tus sentimientos de inferioridad y tu falta de autoconfianza. No te preocupes por lo que los demás piensan de tí, ellos están demasiado ocupados preocupándose por sus propios problemas.
Cabello de diferente color
Tu cabello era de distinto color porque necesitas cambiar tu manera de pensar, tener confianza en tí misma, vibrar, atreverte y, por sobre todo, ser feliz.
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