
Sunday 18 November 2018

Dream Symbols: F



(The Tatty Dress Dream)
The fabric of life and its intricate design.
Fabrics and materials can be used to represent the quality of something so you should look at what the fabric is being used for and if it's fit for purpose. Worn out or tatty fabric will describe how you feel worn-out or worn-down.  Lovely illustrious fabrics will give a positive spin to any scenario you dreamed of. Fabric can represent the tight-knit community and the family and all that goes into making them get along together.

This image is used to show the facade that we show to other people, or what face they show us. When we look at someone’s face we do not always see what is going on behind the mask, dream images connected to the face can give us an insight as to what is really going on. Disfigurements will portray a disfigured idea of what we look like, or how unreasonable our insecurities are, you might have a disfigured opinion of someone else.
Face your problems head-on!

Poking your nose in?
A nose for business?
What you know!

Hearing news.
Keep your ears open for opportunities.
You are not listening to what is being said to you.
Get noticed.
Keep your chin up.

Fulfilment and satisfaction source.
Keep your mouth shut?

(Excrement in Body/Poo/Toilet)
In dreams, this literally signifies waste or the things that you don’t need or want anymore. 

Rid yourself of negativity.
Used energy!
Don't waste your energy on a lost cause.

(Fairground Rides)
Fairground rides can be thrilling and exciting and can explain an enjoyable time or phase, but they can also be translated as an obstacle dream because most rides are static and tend to repeat the same pattern, therefore they represent an addiction or hobby which although enjoyable stands in the way of your real progress. You are entitled to have fun, but when it gets in the way of making progress it becomes a habit that needs to be broken. To find a balance you must understand the notion of all things in moderation. There are connotations towards an enjoyable sexual encounter through the experience of fairground rides or maybe some other short enjoyable journey.

Your life journey is just going around and around at the minute with a few crashes here and there. 
Ghost Train
(Tunnel Dreams)
Ghosts usually help you to recognise the past or anything that you have moved on from which then resurrects so that you must deal with it again. A Ghost train will represent a daunting section of your life where you are afraid of what is going to happen next. This part of your journey is going to be scary because it might require you to conquer your fears.
Helta Skelta / Roller Coaster
The climb upwards can symbolise your personal climb upwards towards success or spiritual growth, quite often the journey towards enlightenment is fraught with highs and lows, one minute you make progress and the next you wonder why you even started this particular journey.
A rise in status or spiritual awareness mixed with the lows.
The ups and downs of your current journey.
House of Mirrors
(See Disfigured/Face above/Mirror)
The many different faces that we have and how they can become an obstacle in our efforts to move forward. Mirrors reflect the person who we really are and a house of mirrors suggests that we are actually a combination of many facets, some attributes are a benefit and allow us to move forward and some are detrimental to us and hold us back because they stop other people really getting to know us.
False opportunities?
The backward/forward motion can sublimely represent inertia and that you are not moving forward but rather backwards and forwards or repeating the same actions over and over. The journey through life is seen as negotiating swings and roundabouts. 

Swinging between ideas?
Mood swings?

Your wishes and dreams are highlighted.
Nature Spirits.

If something is a fake in your dream, like money or some other object, it warns you about someone who is not the real deal or something that has no real value to you. It could symbolise an enterprise that you are wasting your energy on, you will not get the reward for your effort and no purposeful satisfaction will be gained.
Someone is being fake.
It’s not the real deal!

This dream can happen when we feel that we could fall off the precipice of life at any given moment. You have lost touch with your own coping abilities. Falling backwards can occasionally show that you need to have faith in someone else to catch you, or that you feel there isn't anyone to catch you if you fall.
If you fall in a dream and then wake up it is because the result isn't known. It is never written in stone how you will deal with a situation, much depends on your own response to problems. A fall can symbolise hitting rock bottom, so the outcome depends on your abilities to pick yourself up and start again. If you see someone else fall in a dream then the symbolism is about their journey, you may or may not be able to help them get up.
Are you falling back into old ways?
Heading for a fall?


(The Ex-Partner Dream)
Dreaming of our family is the most common dream scenario and most of our dreams will be based in and around the family unit, this is because our own happiness and contentment are dependent upon their presence and continued participation.
The role our family plays in our life ensures that we reach important milestones; they help us to play out situations for us to develop and grow as an individual. The relationships we have with our family members can be both positive and negative, but they style the person we become. The separate roles themselves can provide a symbol in dream translation and back up whatever else is happening in a dream scenario.
When you are translating dreams about different family members it is wise to consider the positive and negative aspects of the role that they play in your life, even if a family member is no longer with you the message can still be understood. If there is a problem with your relationship with a family member it can be unpicked in your dreams and solutions may be found.
The Family
Positive Role: Your security blanket or support network.
Negative Role: Demanding, selfishness.
Positive role: Nurturing and loving, helping you to advance.
Negative role: Controlling and demanding, holding you back.
Positive role: Protective and supportive, helping you to be independent and powerful in your own right.
Negative role: Authority and conforming.
Positive role: Protection.
Negative role: Bullying.
Positive role: Kinship, sharing.
Negative role: Jealousy.
Unconditional love no matter how trying.

Unconditional love without being responsible, grandparents are there because they want to be.
Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins
These family members provide support from the outskirts or partial support.

Family and illness
If you dream about a family member being unwell it is usually because they need your help, it doesn’t always mean that they are ill physically more likely they are simply vulnerable. Sometimes we have premonition dreams about our loved ones to help us understand what is happening in their life, we are being given information that we may not otherwise have, family illness can be used to help you face your fears about your family members especially when your own peace of mind is dependent on them being fit and healthy. Fear stands in the way of enjoyment and so your dreams will help you to conquer unreasonable fears.


(Dreams About Celebrities)
If there is someone famous in your dream then the symbolism of who it is maybe more relevant and apt for your situation, think about the character that they play perhaps they have qualities you need to adopt. They could, of course, represent someone around you who wants to be noticed. If you are famous in a dream, then your talents and attributes will be noticed and admired, just make sure it's in a good way.


(Getting a ticket to ride dream)
The price you pay to get ahead
Having to pay a fare in a dream reminds you that you must pay to get where you want to be, eg when you are offered a brilliant job but it will take all your free time away from you, you are literally paying a forfeit to get where you want to go. 

You can pay the price for mistakes that you have made as well. This type of symbol can also relay the message that ‘it’s not fair’ and it can help you to understand that if you want the rewards you will have to work for them.
Play fair!

Being self-sufficient, providing for the family and the craziness of family life can be portrayed by a farmyard. Animal characteristics help us to acknowledge the many different personalities and characters living together and making things work even though everyone is different. 

The family growing from strength to strength or not?

The speed which things move forward or backwards
To be moving fast in any way in a dream shows you that you are making substantial progress with something important, you are learning quickly from past mistakes and are getting along much better. To be moving too fast shows how you cannot keep up with the demands of life or that you want everything to happen quickly. You do not appreciate the experience if things move too fast. 

Moving too fast in a relationship?

Respect and challenging yourself for growth
If you are fasting in a dream it highlights how you need to make spiritual sacrifices.
Starved of love and affection?
To go without is to feel divine!

Being fat in a dream can help you to understand that too much of something isn’t good for you. This dream could also highlight your own insecurities about the way you look and feel. Being fat is also a way to describe contentment and a carefree approach to life. It could describe a person who enjoys life and doesn't worry too much about the consequence of overindulging in whatever makes them happy. Someone else being fat might be helping you to understand that contentment doesn't always come from where you expect it, perhaps you feel that other people seem to find contentment but you struggle to maintain it for long.  

Dream about a fat man
There was a fat man outside my house who happened to transform into a nice-looking guy. This man has appeared in my previous dream. When I saw him transforming, I whispered that he looks familiar. ( I don't know him in real life) He was trying to get inside, so I was trying to close all the windows and doors, but I failed to close the window in my room. Finally, he came in and even changed his clothing into my pyjamas. I tried to confront him and almost saw his face closely, but I woke up.

The man being fat and then turning into a nice looking man will probably be about your first thoughts about someone, maybe you will be unsure if you like him or not. But after a bit of time, you'll change your mind about him. This is probably a description of someone who you don't know yet, perhaps he is someone who you will meet because he was familiar to you. Him attempting to get inside your home is trying to explain how he will try hard to become part of your family, like a new partner or something like this. You, on the other hand, will have your defences up and try to shut him out. He gets in any way eventually an
d wants to get comfortable with you, (putting his Pjs on) which could be a symbol of him wanting to get in your bed if you know what I mean. You'll have to just wait and see what happens. 

Animal fat could be used to explain the situation whereby you feel like your always left with the fat and somebody else gets the lean (meat) not a fair situation to stomach is it?
An excess of something?
Getting rid of excess?
Be the bigger person?


A fax is another symbol of communication and will be used to explain circumstances about giving or receiving information, this might link with the work that you do or with your family. 

Problems with connections highlight obstacles and hindrances that slow down communications, perhaps someone is impossible to get through to. 
You need to network and make important connections. 
Good communication moves things along!

A feather is said to be taken from an angel’s wing to show the living that their loved one is at peace and looked after by the angels.
A message of peace and love is being sent to you from heaven.

If you lose your footing in a dream then you are making mistakes or taking the wrong steps towards progress. Your feet can show how grounded you are and your ability to move forward. Problems with your feet express a lack of progress on your chosen course.
Being tripped up by mistakes.
Put your best foot forward.

If something or someone is fenced off it shows that they are not available to you at this time. A fence can also represent your personal 'defences' or the lack of and the condition of the fence will help you with the correct translation.
Obstacles and barriers in your way.
Protection from external sources.
Stuff to get over, large or small!

A field can describe the expanse of your own dreams and wishes, the condition of the field will help explain if your ideas or dreams can materialise or grow into something worthwhile. A field full of wheat, flora or vegetation expresses fruitfulness and fulfilment but the vegetation will need to be strong and healthy. This could be about your field of work.
Field of dreams?

A fight can be symbolic of an internal fight, like beating your own demons, or for a problem that needs to be overcome.
Fight for a cause!

Do you have the energy to fight?

If the image of a film presents in your dream, then you are being shown an example of events, it might be about you or somebody else. You might not understand the message at all but your subconscious will absorb the information and make use of it later. Films are a way to capture events and save the information for later, but you can also project your inner thoughts and feelings outwards, creating a scene that you can process easier than trying to sort through your own thoughts. You are processing smaller chunks to gain a clearer perspective, dreams actually work in the same way and are like watching short films being played out.
Being aware that you are watching a film in a dream is another way for you to understand that you are ultimately a mere observer of everything that goes on around you, you don't always feel able to change events or steer them in another direction. Consider if there could possibly be some symbolism taken from the film title or genre. It's often the case that you don't remember much about it, or only remember a few things. If the film is unconnected to a movie but a composite of stories and events being played out, then this type of dream can be likened to a life review where you are 'watching and learning' merely to try and understand experiences. They might not even be your experiences but are experiences of other people. 

To be filming or using a recording device in a dream is a way of reminding you not to ignore important moments in time; Do not let time pass without seeing the importance and value in events that happen around you. 

If someone is filming you then the symbolism could be warning you to be aware that someone is watching you closely.
Value the experience!

(Hands in Body)
If there is a problem with your fingers or a finger in your dream, then it will denote small problems that although annoying, seen in the bigger reality is less important than you are imagining. Your hands link with your creativity and also with the things that you do to earn a living, so pay more attention to your actions. 

To burn your fingers is to have been meddling in affairs or to have been playing with fire. 
To have a finger stuck in something is to be ‘involved’ in some way, perhaps a situation that you would like a release from. Fingers can also count as digits in dreams and be used for counting reoccurrences of events. 
You may have been struggling to put your finger on a problem?
The wedding finger will serve as a reminder of unions made or vows taken.

Fire can help to describe destruction created from overheated passions, but out of the ashes, new shoots begin to grow.
Regeneration comes from destruction.
Passion and love can be expressed using heat and fire.
In the heat of the moment?
Clouded judgment?
There is no smoke without fire!
An old flame or new flame.

Has the flame gone out?

If fireworks are going off in your dream then it can warn you that someone is ready to explode, it will soon pass.
A time of celebration?
Beginning or the end of a successful time.
A meeting of two forces of energy.
Explosive situations!


(Fish and Boat Dream)
The image of a fish can be used to represent a partner, as in 'plenty of fish in the sea'. To be fishing symbolises that you are looking to find someone new in your life, and to be eating fish in a dream symbolises feeling fulfilled with emotional attachments.
A fish in a tank can sometimes be used to foretell pregnancy, but ultimately explains the restrictions created from responsibilities.
A Pisces in the Horoscope.
Emotional situations!

The best symbolism will come from what the flag is used to represent in your dream, they are normally used to represent countries, loyalties to organisations, and a sense of belonging. 
A signal that is used to mark an important event or place in time. 
A white flag signifies submission and peace.


(Fire above)
Fire can translate as passion in dreams and heat will represent the strength of that passion, a flame will usually link with an old or new flame. (Partner) The intensity of passion is often represented using fire, this can be both negative and positive because fire can be destructive and overpowering, as well as giving us warmth and providing sustenance. A flame can also portray spiritual enlightenment and spirituality igniting within the soul.
Fire can warn you about overheated tempers, flaring up usually driven from passion, flames and fire are used to describe the power of internal energy in its destructive form.

(Insects in Animals)
(Flea Dream)
Bloodsuckers usually relate to people or situations that drain you of energy, small annoyances or minor frustrations that require your attention to eradicate.

(Skin in Body)
Protection from outside influences.
Flesh wounds symbolise hurts that will heal with time.

Flesh eaters represent issues, people, situations that eat away at you over time.

(Insects in Animals)

Flies are used in dream language to help you understand that there are decay and degeneration in an area of your life. It is used as a symbol to show that a relationship has broken down for example or that a phase of life is coming to an end.

To be floating on water is to rise above emotional issues and cope well with feelings that surface. To be floating on air is a way to express happiness, excitement, and freedom for the soul.

A flood describes a torrent of emotions and overwhelming feelings. The power and energy involved when things get too much will create a flood of emotions.

(Messy House Dream)

The floor is the lowest part of a room and might be used as a symbol to explain feeling low. To be picking things up from the floor is attempting to pick yourself up and tidy a particular situation. 
To wipe the floor with something or someone means you have had enough of them and don't want anything to do with them anymore.
Feeling floored by circumstance?

Flour provides the basic ingredient needed to create anything of value, so if there is lots of flour in your dream then you have the basic talents and attributes to create something worthwhile, this will eventually provide satisfaction for you and other people.
In the past, flour was traded for other useful commodities and can be used as a symbol to explain how you can trade the talents that you have for something, like money.

Flowers can be used to represent the talents and assets that we can cultivate within ourselves. They always bring a message of love and connect us with happy times and they remind us that we too can reach our own full potential.
Meanings as follows:
Wild untamed beauty.
Finding beauty in barren places.
An enemy, but not always a person as anything negative will be your enemy.
Scarcity, you have something rare.
Lucky, happy and successful.
Springtime of life.
Begin again.
Young and cherished.
Sometimes a message from the spirit world not to forget love.
Temptations and growth from learning to overcome.
Sweet success.

(See Poppy in P symbols)
Remembrance and respect.
The colour of red and black symbolises lost love.
Love, respect, and adoration.
Black or dark blue roses link with mistakes that you/someone else would like to take back; they are an emblem of sadness.

(Aeroplane/Flying Dreams)
Flying dreams are experienced when there is a need to escape the drudgery of everyday life, spiritually you can fly wherever you want to; there are no obstacles in your way. If you have been unwell or in pain the soul can step out of the body during sleep and experience the freedom and peacefulness of flying and take a break from the pain.
Remember who you really are, a spiritual soul first and then a physical body.
Freedom for the soul.
Moving quickly through obstacles.
You are the pilot of your destination.

You cannot see the way forward at the present time; you need to wait for the fog to clear before progressing or making firm decisions.

(Getting different food to what you asked for)
Food can help to explain our level of fulfilment, this should be something that we maintain ourselves but often we want to get it from other people. Food is used as a symbol of sustenance which provides contentment for us so that we can grow and develop as human beings. Finding the right balance of personal contentment and giving to others is important and a balanced diet is simply a term to explain the need for inner balance, which we all thrive on.
If there is something wrong with the food that you dream about then there is a problem with the source of your own contentment. Rotten food suggests that you feel as though you are getting a rotten deal from situations or from the people around you, they take more than they give you and perhaps some relationships have passed their sell-by date.
Food that isn’t cooked properly informs you about a relationship or project that isn’t ready to work out, it needs more time and understanding to be practical or enjoyed more thoroughly. Raw food explains how you are getting a raw deal.
Tasteless food helps you to understand that a relationship or project will not provide anything enjoyable so you might end up feeling dissatisfied with the outcome in relation to the work you have put in, tasteless food can also be used to describe boredom and lack of vitality but if you dream of nice tasty food it translates the feeling of happiness and contentment from relationships and ventures that you undertake.
Food for the soul.
Food for thought.
Something leaves a bad taste in your mouth?

If there is a maggot in the apple in your dream then there is something that is eating away at the good things that you have worked hard for, or maybe something is eating away at you. To be eating a fresh juicy apple reminds you that the good things in life can come after a period of waiting and to enjoy the good things while they last, but be careful and make sure you trust the person offering you a juicy apple in a dream.
Fruit usually symbolises a fruitful time.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree?
Sustenance both spiritually and monetary, the basic ingredients we have available to us can be mixed together to create something else of better value.
Bread is used as a symbol of the body of Christ in the Christian faith and brings blessings to you with the need to accept help when it is offered.
Eternal life.
Like cake and sweets, we need some moments of fun and enjoyment mixed in with the hard work that we do to feel more contented. 

Create a balance!
You need some enjoyment in your life.
Having your cake and eating it?
A piece of the action?
It will be a piece of cake!
A carrot can be viewed as an incentive, consider the saying ‘dangling a carrot’ this might be appropriate when you need encouragement to do something that you have been putting off, or when you need something to aim for. This dream is reminding you to find some inspiration if you are not happy with what you have.
To be eating chicken in a dream could express feeling fulfilled with the result of the effort that you have been brave enough to put into a project or creation. As long as there is nothing wrong with the dream chicken.
Raw fish can show that spiritual and emotional nourishment may be needed but not readily accepted, you are not ready for the experiences you are dealing with.
Fish (Living) can symbolise the search for a partner but this is more appropriate with fish that are alive and swimming around (in your dream) and not one which is being eaten, as in this case, it can symbolise your need for nourishment or physical, mental, or sexual stimulation.
The fruits of your labour, enjoy the rewards of your success and hard work. The ripeness of fruit will help you see if a situation, project, creation or relationship is ready to work. If the fruits decay or are spoiled, circumstances out of your control can affect your efforts and hard work.
The bitter-sweet taste of success.
Bitter words spoken.
Bitterness in general.
If the meat you see or eat in your dream isn't cooked or is raw it can show that you are not getting what is good for you or that the time isn’t right to enjoy success, more work is needed. Raw meat can also show that you feel undervalued and raw.
If you are a vegetarian and are eating meat in a dream it can explain how some things are forced upon you against your own will. The intention of this type of dream will link with your own contentment and that other people often enforce their will over yours, therefore, you must take control of your own choices. If however, you enjoy the meat you are eating even though you wouldn’t eat it in your waking life, the dream could be bringing your attention to your health and that you need to find other alternative food that can give you the iron needed for your body to function at its best.
Cooked meat can foretell prosperity and contentment.
Our basic nourishment and needs will be taken care of but if the milk is sour it shows how past satisfactions are outdated or past their best. We need the essentials in our life before we can get our luxuries.
Nourishment for growth.
To dream of mustard could warn you to watch your words or the way you deliver those words to other people.
Hot and saucy?
Mushrooms can symbolise the growth process and the fact that they can grow without light might cast a spiritual translation over the dream because to be able to flourish in the absence of light can mean that even in the worst circumstances a person is capable of spiritual growth and enlightenment. Magic mushrooms might also link with enlightenment because they create an induced state of meditation.
Storing away the things that you need for later, saving money perhaps, or using your skills and talents to increase your finances. Dreaming of nuts in some circumstances could also be symbolic for someone who is nuts. (Crazy)
Onions are recognised for their healing attributes and the fact that they can absorb negativity and impurities. 

The multilayered personality or situation!
It depends on what is in the pie, but pies can symbolise the things we create and put together using our own skills and talents, either spiritually or actively. Being creative and then being able to apply that creativity to everyday life and the people you mix with. If the pie is misshaped or under-cooked etc. it just highlights that you need to practice your skills and put more effort into a project to create success.
A pie is often used to describe what you have on your plate at the moment, consider if it is overfilled, underfilled or overcooked/under-cooked and if the symbolism is appropriate to describe your financial position or your personal circumstance.
To get a piece of the pie is to get a piece of the action!
Eating salad in a dream can translate as feeling unfulfilled or undernourished emotionally or spiritually.
Variety in all things brings balance and a healthy attitude.
'Salad days' is an expression which symbolises the carefree nature of youth.

(Candycane dream)
Be careful when translating dreams about sweets or sugar because our bodies help to inform us through our dreams that we are taking 'in' too much of them literally, but it depends on the other circumstances in the dream.
Time for the pleasant things in life.
Sweet success.
Everything in moderation is the key to true spiritual fulfilment and vegetables can translate this message easily in a dream. Big vegetables symbolise growth and nourishment or anything 'big and positive' that is on the horizon.
Rotten vegetables show how things can decay and turn bad. Odd shaped vegetables represent an odd or mystifying set of circumstances.

Being in a Forest Dream

(Fridge on Fire Dream)
A fridge is a preserver so it can be linked with preservation, saving what you have, making it last longer, etc. This would also link with food, which is symbolic of satisfaction and fulfilment in dream language, or what's available now for you to feel content and happy.  Other symbolism can be gained from the fridge symbol, for example, a broken fridge might be helping you understand that you don't have the energy to keep everyone happy, or that someone else doesn't have the energy to keep you happy, whichever fits. Because a fridge is cold it will also link with the feeling of being left out in the cold. Perhaps it is a lonely time, where no one feels particularly content. 
A fridge has also been used in dream language as a representation of someone who is quite frigid and cold. It's really worth looking at other symbols regards the fridge to help you understand the full meaning because fridges often portray duo meanings, dreaming of a fridge on fire, for example, is a way to understand that coldness can be replaced by passion rather quickly but it might end as fast as it started.
A fridge with no light inside or a light that isn't working is a way of explaining that you don't know what you need to feel content, and can't see anything that takes your fancy. On the other hand, a fridge full of yummy food is a way for you to see when there is plenty on offer, and that there is time to make a choice about your future happiness.

Freezers are sometimes used in dream language to translate the idea of being frozen in time when a person doesn't wish to move forward, or they are stuck in the past. They might have memories from the past that prevent them from being warm and happy now, and a certain amount of heart thawing is needed before they can feel happy again.
Take note of what was in the freezer, was it full or empty? Emptiness is an easy feeling to express. To be full and cold is a way of understanding when someone feels that they don't have enough room in their life for anyone else. 
Freezers are preservers but give us the idea that something is static and rigid, people often let their heart become frozen and rigid to preserve themselves.

Development and growth.
The frog that turned into a prince?

People hate funeral dreams for obvious reasons but attending a funeral can show you that you have buried a part of yourself, or that you need to say goodbye to a part of yourself that has no real function anymore. This is a common dream when young people become adults with responsibilities. A time of mourning must pass before you can accept the changes that have occurred. If you attend the funeral of someone whom you know then the symbolism may be appropriate for them.
Your fears are highlighted by death dreams in the sense that you fear the loss of something or someone that you want to keep, the unknown is terrifying, and you fear how you will cope if you have to let something go. To truly move on in life you must first bury the past and mourn all the past hurts but then let them go, sometimes we mourn the loss of a friendship or partnership.
Letting go of the past and moving into the future.

A place to put all the past hurt and negativity, once and for all.

The furniture of our lives, sometimes it needs repairs, renewing or just moving around to fit in better. Furniture being a structure like buildings can provide a symbol for how we structure our personal or working lives and the condition of the furniture gives clues to how stable the structures are.
To dream of a bed can give classification to your own thoughts and feelings about your love life; if the bed is empty you may be feeling lonely or neglected, alternatively, it could depict that a space in your life needs to be filled. 
If the bed is broken it suggests that there is some part of a personal relationship that is broken and in need of repair, it may well be relating to intimacies. You may also feel 'broken' about a relationship.
A big plump bed can denote or foretell happiness, warmth, and contentedness in love, whereas a sparsely covered bed can represent how you feel that the cold is setting in and you need to address this to bring back the warmth to a personal relationship.
The ability to find comfort and rest, the condition of the chair will help you see how you manage to take time out for yourself, consider how comfortable a chair is, does it offer support? A chair can also be used to explain one’s place in society, for example, a chairperson is someone who controls or oversees how a society runs. A chair can represent a manager and the size and type of chair will symbolise a hierarchy arrangement and where you are placed within that system.
If the cupboards are bare it usually shows a lack of monetary resources or the emptiness you feel inside. Wardrobes or dressers will be more about your personal belongings and what you feel you have achieved on a personal level.
The stuff we shut away and hide from others.
The tables are turning!
Home comforts.
Link with, home, work, social and recreational pursuits where appropriate.


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