
Wednesday 27 May 2015

Buildings in dreams



A lot of symbolism can be gained from buildings in dream language; they can help you understand the strength of the things that you are building around you, they can help to explain how your life is structured and the support network that you have in place.  Buildings have also been used in dreams to explain the past and your connections to specific times of importance or how your life was structured then, in comparison to now. 
Buildings require care and attention to stay upright and protected from the elements and this will help you understand your own defense systems and your ability to be unaffected by outside interference.  
Buildings are used to emphasize restrictions like when hallways become narrow or when you have to climb through shrinking gaps. The type of building often links with a section of your life eg, your home with your home life, or a workplace with your job, etc so you may need to link up the building with the section of your life the dream is referring to and they may overlap just like they do in life, 
Overall, buildings will be used to explain how something is structured and how strong and sturdy that structure is. Damaged buildings or buildings that are falling down provide a good example for when you feel that a part of your life is run down or falling apart, these types of dreams help you to incorporate new ideas so that you can upkeep and support your own future. Dreams about decay need you to consider if something is falling apart through neglect or if time has worn down somethings' viability. In contrast to this, new and elaborate buildings show a positive outlook for you, with things improving and changing for the better. 
Your home is your castle and it needs to be at the forefront of your motivation for success. It represents your defenses and how well you protect yourself and your loved ones from negativity or attack. You should take note of the condition of the castle in your dream and its ability to withstand battle should it commence. The walls of a castle are built to defend from intruders, to protect the inhabitants from the outside world or from real life and what it throws at you. Castles link with strength and protection from the outside world. 
Places of worship can symbolise the spiritual journey that you are on. There is a need to start recognising that you should develop your spiritual self which is equally important as concentrating on the materialistic side of your life. 
To seek the divine or the higher power you would visit a place of worship and also gain help when all else has failed.
·          A sanctuary for solace and prayer and a place to begin a spiritual journey.
·          Your body and mind are a temple.
When you dream of your own house the dream is referring to your own personal environment and the way it is structured at any given moment in time. Dreams can bring information to your mind that you haven’t considered.
The state of the house is important and helps you to process and recognise your current situation. A messy house, for example, is a simple way for you to understand that you need to clear up chaotic situations that become a burden to the setup and layout of your life.
Houses are often used in dreams to show us obstacles that can affect our home life, the doors are too narrow or the windows won't open for example and this is so that you realise there are certain restrictions for you to negotiate before you can become content with your lot. 

People often have a dream where they are exploring different rooms in a house, in this case, the symbolism might be about your own different experiences, ones which you have been through before and are revisiting for some reason. Houses can present as some sort of obstacle course whereby you have to go through something specifically just for the experience itself. The ups and downs, the easy bits and he difficult bits all connect with your life experiences. 
Sometimes rooms contain scary manifestations of negative experiences that you have had in the past, and you might do an about-turn and not enter that room again. In a way, you are saying I've been through that before and I'm not about to do it again. You are actually acknowledging the fact that you do not plan on making the same mistakes again. 
Visiting a property from the past happens because you feel as though you have left something of yourself there, it might be happy or sad memories which changed your life and forced you to grow up. You will also visit a childhood home in a dream because you need to find the child within you once again; it was a time when you were not bogged down in responsibility. Perhaps you wish to recapture a sense of freedom that your childhood contained. 
An empty house can represent the emptiness you feel inside, the loneliness or a lack of physical comfort. Lots of people in a house or home helps you acknowledge when your life is overcrowded, you might crave time alone. 
The rooms in the house can symbolise the different sections of your life and how they all fit together. You might notice that there are obstacles between one section of your life and another, perhaps your work life does not merge very well with your home life.
An old house will be used to represent the past or past situations.
A new house will be referring to the future and new situations. 
Living room
How you live now and where you are supposed to relax. 
Problems with this room in your dream relate to your everyday life.
The relationship room, rest, sleep and your personal space and who you choose to share it with.
The kitchen is viewed as the workroom and can be used to symbolise the work that you do for others and what you create in the way of fulfillment, and if or not you can keep up with the demands of family life. It is here that you clean away the negativity that builds up and where you cater to the family as a whole.
The kitchen symbolises the way families work together and the energy you all contribute to create order.
This room links with the emotions and getting rid of negativity. Flushing the toilet symbolises getting rid of waste and negativity. This type of symbol could also highlight problems with your physical plumbing, your kidneys, etc.
The walls in your house are built to protect you from the outside world and the condition of them in your dream can help to explain how well you are protected from the environment created by other people, and how secure you feel within that environment.
Other types of walls simply represent barriers or obstacles to overcome, the condition of the wall might give you some clues as to how easily you will break down or overcome the barriers that you face. A wall that is crumbling or broken reminds you that defenses can be broken down; time itself wears down stubborn barriers. It may, of course, be your own defenses that are wearing thin.
Windows and Doors
Windows also create a barrier to the outside world and are sometimes used in dream language as a symbol for what you can see from your own perspective. If there is something wrong with the windows or they are dirty then you do not have a complete and clear view of what is going on in the outside world, perhaps you fear to leave the safety of your private and protected cocoon. Widen your horizons and do some research before taking new routes. Dirty or broken windows can also help to explain how your view is obscured by the passing of time; you are not seeing things clearly because time has obscured your clear thinking regards relationships.
Doors also create a barrier and can be viewed as an obstacle, particularly so if there is something preventing you from opening or closing a door in your dream. If the door is open then you are being shown a way out of a situation, you are being reminded that the door is always open for change to begin. If however, you cannot close a door it will represent the fact that you find it impossible to close the door on someone who you feel ‘needs you’. Or perhaps you find it difficult to close the door on the past and move forward.
Doors help you to understand how the different sections of your life integrate, how you manage to combine your work life, love life, and family life, they can also represent the past present and future. Interactions between all of these things can be described using the door scenario. Locking windows or doors is done to keep intruders at bay; you are protecting yourself from negative people and their actions, or perhaps you wish to be alone and are locking life itself outside.
The condition of the house
Problems with the house in your dream can help you to acknowledge problems that you are currently experiencing; mending, redecorating or cleaning brings your attention to the fact that you need to spring clean your life, get rid of old and outdated ideas or anything that has a negative impact on you and your home life.

A house that looks beautiful and is full of nice things reassures you that times will change and you are heading for a more comfortable and secure time at home. 


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