
Tuesday 19 August 2014

Problems with shutting the spirit world out.


Please can you help me, I keep having nightmares and my little dog keeps staring at things in my room when there is nothing there, I see and sense all sorts of things and its really getting me down. In my nightmares I see snakes, and demons and things like this, I have tried all sorts of different things to stop all of this but nothing works. I also get really down because I can always feel other people's pain and suffering. I'm like a sponge just sucking up everything around me. I also call on Jesus to take these things away but it still carries on. 
What can I do?

Ignorance is bliss, that’s why people who are closed off to the spirit world or perhaps other dimensions are unaffected by what goes on around them. There are all number of people, animals, angels, good souls, bad souls, even alien energies, etc, and they all have different energy vibrations and they are all around us all of the time. These unseen energies come and go if and when they want to (with some restrictions here and there) and for many different reasons, not just because they want to interact with us, what I mean is they don’t necessarily want to communicate with us personally, they are just there, or passing through. If you are not-sensitive, all this coming and going is still going on, but because non-sensitive people don’t see, sense, or hear anything other than what they can physically see and hear, they are therefore protected by their own ignorance. 

Unfortunately, people who are ultra-sensitive or open-minded are not protected by this ignorance and this means that they try a number of weird and wonderful ways to protect themselves from seeing, hearing and sensing all the unseen energy vibrations. Children and animals are naturally very much connected to these vibrations because they haven’t been disconnected from their own natural psychic abilities. As they grow they disconnection from this ‘knowing’  because the adults around them tell them it's in their imagination, the children who see everything also find it difficult to make sense of the world around them and so they begin the process of blocking it out, most are quite successful, but some do not let go of their abilities and carry them through to adulthood, usually because they intend in later life to use their gift to help other people. In this case, they do eventually get used to it and are not phased by anything that they see or sense anymore, it just becomes normal. They have acclimatized and adjusted over time. 

The difficulty starts when things get too much, it all feels scary and weird especially if you developed your gift later in life, you haven't acclimatized yet, so you just want to turn it all off, and who would blame you; after all, there are some pretty strange things out there. 
The on and off button in our mind is not some weird and wacky chant that you have to use, it is not visualizing a white energy force surrounding and protecting you, it is not splashing holly water all around a room and doing handstands in the corner. There is no secret or a special way of protecting yourself from seeing what your eyes see, from hearing what your ears hear or from sensing what your senses sense, no more than you can stop yourself from tasting food, or burning yourself if you put your hand in a fire. Actually, the secret is quite simple for creating protection around yourself and I will try to explain how.

Before I get messages from anyone saying that their method of creating protection by sprinkling holy water all around the house does work, let me say that the water or the sage or the salt is merely a physical blocking device that would never work on its own, it is actually the prayers that are said when arranging these gimmicks that provide the protection from what you view as negative energy. 
Negative energy will withdraw or back-off when a person asks for protection from the most divine positive power that there is. God or the light, or whatever name you prefer to use, is the purest most divine and the strongest power that exists because God is all that is, or everything is God. To be protected by God you have to actually ask and prayers are a way of asking. But, and here is the annoying bit, let’s just think about what you are asking God to actually do. You are asking to stop hearing everything, to stop seeing everything, to stop having your innate sixth sense. Would you ask not to taste anything ever again, not to be told the truth ever again, to be blind and stupid? I doubt it. Perhaps, what you are asking for is to just see some bits, the nice bits please, take away the truth and give me a half-truth that is warm and comfortable, one that you can live with. Somewhere in the middle (balance) is the best place to be. Therefore what I am trying to say is ask properly, be precise and say what you mean and mean what you say. 

Do this whenever you see, hear or sense anything negative, just say “Dear God, please protect and keep me safe from negativity” when that’s done move on, and do your washing-up, do normal everyday things and do not fear because you have protection all around you. Just put your mind in the ignorance is bliss zone, where you just get on with your day without fear. Fear and stress is an energy that adds to and energizes negative energy, so being able to walk away and control your mind enough to move on to something interesting and less stressful is part of the secret to being able to turn off your psychic tuning.

An interesting and important thing to mention here is that I have found quite often that negative energy is actually built up from your own response to what you see or sense, you might consider something scary or be convinced that there is something negative in your home, in actual fact it could have been an innocent visitor but your fear compounds and takes over, so, therefore, you are actually dealing with your own built-up fear energy.

Poltergeist is a phenomenon whereby an energy will build up and up and then disperses randomly in the atmosphere around the people who created it. You add the fear energy to the pent up energy being released (usually by a young person) this creates an even stronger volatile energy which will need an outlet. Add to this, the fear of anyone else in the family who is privy to the poltergeist activity and you can see why it is difficult to control and dispel.   
Many people often think that poltergeist energy is a demon or someone bad from the spirit world, creating chaos around them but when you explain what's really happening and take the time to explain the logic to them, their fears diminish immediately which then brings harmony and balance back to the energy around them. Spirit manifestations can of course connect and use the created energy to do things like throw objects around but take away the fear energy and they cant use it. Therefore take away the fear and you take away the power! 

What you are learning to do is not be bothered or affected by anything that you see, hear or sense, if you see a demon 20 times a day, in the end, you just say god bless you demon and carry on doing the washing, a monster is only such because of your own fear of it, to someone else the monster will be a composition of something else that they fear. 

Overall, the combination of prayer and an attitude that isn't frightened or bothered about anything it sees, hears or senses, combined with the ability to simply ignore the spirit world when they get too much, this will eventually create a balance. Honestly, the more you stress over these things the worse they get, the living world is important too and concentrating on that will provide the peace that you want. I know it will seem wrong for me to say this but you have to stop caring to some degree, just remember that all those scary things were already there before you looked and noticed them, they couldn't hurt you then and they can't hurt you now, only your fear can do that.
As spiritual people we are always training, the experiences you are having are helping you learn to take control and manage all the things that you see and hear, as the manager you will and must become accustomed to seeing everything, and being able to carry on your normal life without fear. Your dreams about snakes and demons literally represent your own fears and being able to overcome them. Face your fears and these dreams and experiences will diminish. Like I said if you meet a monster every day, in the end, you will get to know that monster and come to realize it's not scary anymore.


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