
Saturday 17 November 2018

Premonition and warning Dreams


Premonition Dreams 
Premonition dreams happen to all of us occasionally and only really become such after an event has happened, and if an event doesn't happen then the dream will just become a regular one. The future is fluid and not running along a line of precision, so premonition dreams have the ability to turn out correct or just be translated in the usual way.
Precognitive dreams are usually wide scale before big events like earthquakes, tsunamis or worldwide events and disasters, after the event many people talk about the fact that they dreamed about it before it happened, some even talking about the dream to friends and family before the event which gives a better proof of premonition dreams.
Coronavirus Dreams
When many people share the same types of dreams at the same time it is because we all receive our dreams from the same energy source, or the shared consciousness' information is passed on collectively as well as singularly. When you have a dream that stands out as being important or your instincts tell you the dream was predictive, it's wise to jot down any of the finer points for future reference. These dreams are easily remembered and contain lots of sublime messages and if you translate the symbols in the usual way you will find that there was plenty of information provided about an event and even the smallest symbol had some significance.

For some reason dreams use metaphors and puns with a pinch of irony just for good measure, and when you look back on a dream diary and compare it to the events that have come to pass you will notice how the information you were given in your dream ‘story’ has played out, you can create your own dream-dictionary by using hindsight. The story being relayed in your dream has an added benefit of being able to show you hidden aspects of a situation that you are not aware of in the waking state, the symbols within a dream are the extra information that you are trying to piece together. 

Premonition dreams about friends and family
These dreams are more common than the larger-scale disaster dreams, they are more sublime and easy to mistake for a normal dream, it's not uncommon in my family for us to tell each other when we have dreamt about each other, then give details of the dream as it played out, mentioning any symbols as we go along. Then like detectives, we decipher what it is trying to say. Families often dream of each other, because they talk to each other, and if a message is not noticed in one member of the family it is then given to another member of the family to pass on, this is especially so if they are close and open to chatting about their dreams.
Siblings often get messages for siblings and parents for their children, partners also have dreams about each other, perhaps because one person takes more notice of their dreams than the other person they can tell them about the dream and get a message over that way. 
When you examine premonition or warning dreams you can see how they are usually trying to tell you something of importance about a family member because either you can help them or at least be aware there is an issue and instigate a conversation with them. Starting a conversation where you say "I had a dream about you" isn't that unusual nowadays and most people are receptive to hear what you have to say, a lot of warnings have been given this way and a lot of problems have been ironed out as well. 

Warning dreams 
In a dream I translated recently a man was on a long pier, he was trying to get to his child but there were barriers between them, no matter what he did he couldn't get over the barriers to reach his child. He said the sea was rough and deep. He woke up without seeing the ending. 
Without going into detail he was being warned that if he didn't get over and through his personal issues he wouldn't be able to see his child. The ending is left open because it is not known if he can or will overcome his personal obstacles. 
These types of warning dreams are common and quite self-explanatory, they are meant for the dreamer only. A pier goes out to sea, which is a dead-end road, so it leads nowhere really, just out to sea (sea=turbulent emotions) its made out of wood which is also viewed as dead once it's been cut down from a tree. So basically he is on a dead-end road which leads to nowhere except towards turbulent emotional waters, his child is out of reach unless he changes or gets off the road he is on. Obstacles can be explained in a dream using anything that gets in your way and stops you from moving forward. In this case, the man lived by the sea, so the dream used symbols he will relate to, or that are familiar to him. 

Helping others using our dreams
Dream creations are very clever in my experience, they include as much detail as they can no matter how short and sharp they are. A short sharp warning is sometimes all that is needed to show something as traumatic as not being able to see your child. Dreams are truthful as well, they don't dance around an issue or a problem, they don't lie to you and you cannot argue with them. Warning dreams are especially to the point, they are not created for entertainment purposes, they are created to explain the hard facts. 

In the dream above the warning was for the dreamer but sometimes it is for the person you are dreaming about, it depends who is suffering in the dream, it shouldn't be too hard for you to work out. Most dreams are warning us in some way or preparing us, they are also trying to help create a level of understanding for us to work from. Dreams have the benefit of showing us things that we are unaware of, and this is why they are perfect to aid us in helping other people, they can help us open up a conversation with someone who might not talk about their issues otherwise. 


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