
Sunday 18 November 2018

Dream Symbols S

Fear Dream
To dream of being sacked or made redundant from work is rarely a premonition of events but more likely represents the feeling of redundancy you get when you are not needed for a role anymore. This may of course link to your career but can equally link wit
h another section of your life.
A cloth sack also links with suitcases, bags, baskets, and things that carry luggage or more appropriately your baggage, if these things are empty then it represents the emptiness that you feel inside, if they are overfilled then you’re overwhelmed with the weight of the responsibilities you are carrying.
A cloth sack can also be used to portray poverty, not necessarily monetary, perhaps spiritual poverty, the need to give to others to enrich yourself, not because it's required but because it actually does make you feel good.  

Horses represent someone who carries you when you need help to make progress, they usually link with a close relationship and how the relationship itself helps you to move on from the past; the saddle will highlight the comfort which they can offer you, and perhaps gives you clues to the security that is available from this person. 

Saddle up and enjoy the ride.


Emotional journeys
All sailing vessels relate to the way you ride the waves of your own emotional journeys, rather in a yacht than in a rowboat. Boats can describe your ability to uphold yourself when the journey gets rough, they provide protection and carry you forward through-out your current emotionally charged circumstances. The best symbolism will come from both the condition of the boat itself and from the conditions of the water you are sailing in. 


The wind can be used to symbolise help that blows into your life to push you forward but it can, of course, be a destructive force that can cause havoc, so getting the right level of help is important. Sails are a means of catching the correct help available; learn from past mistakes and grow from the experience. Sails on a boat can also describe the determination needed to move you along and the wind is an example of your available energy.
Remember the saying of having the wind knocked out of your sails.

Salmon is often used to symbolise a nice fish to catch in the emotional lakes of life and they often represent a worthy partner. Salmon only spawn once, and can, therefore, help to describe the once in a lifetime love. They can live in salty or fresh water and this means that they can deal with any emotional environment and incidentally they nearly always return home.
Emotional fulfilment. 

If you taste salt in your dream then you are getting a taste of what you need to progress, it isn't always to your liking, but lessons never are. Salt has healing qualities so it can also be viewed as an aid to recovery.
Someone is the salt of the earth.
Rubbing salt in the wound.
Healing is needed.


Time and the wearing down of obstacles
The type of sand that you dream of will help towards the translation, but it is often used in dreams to symbolise time, it is made from a combination of things, e.g. various forms of life, shells, stones, and can explain how time wears down everything into smaller manageable pieces.
Sand can represent dried up emotions or the lack of development that you can make with a project or relationship, nothing grows in the sand because of the erosion of the seawater, although it's not barren of life, it can't produce what you need for growth and stability.
Quicksand describes a situation that can swallow up your energy and overwhelm you.
Sandcastles represent temporary structures that are easily worn away by changing emotions
Movement and unpredictability.

You may come across people who scratch your protective surface, they take away your shine or they wear you down. If you are doing the sandpapering, then you are trying to get to the bare crux of a problem. Look at what it is you are sandpapering to help, if it is wood then you are trying to get rid of an old problem, which you will do if you keep at it.


Satellites enable communications from anywhere and they could be used in dreams to explain communications from the spirit world, or from your own subconscious. You are picking up information from an external source that you need for your spiritual or earthly progress. This type of symbol would be used to help you understand communication from a wider source.

(Rescue Dreams)
If you are trying to save something in a dream then look carefully at what it is you are trying to save in your life, relationships or people who need your help, financial savings or perhaps you need to save time and energy. When you save people in a dream you are trying to save some aspect of their personality or protect them from negativity and harm. The Savior!

In dream language, a saw is used as a symbol to help you understand the need for you to disconnect from something or someone. If you are cutting wood, then you are trying to cut off or get rid of something that is dead wood to you. Tools help you to acknowledge and notice your ability and skills and if they can help you achieve what you need to do.


The structures in your life
Scaffolding gives access to parts of a building that needs up-keep, and because buildings represent the way your life is structured scaffolding would suggest that help is needed to uphold your present set-up. This support could be monetary or moral, you might need to support each other rather than trying to do things alone. 
Is maintenance needed on your home life?
The constructions or structures in your life and how sturdy they are.


Weigh up a situation carefully, measuring the positives against the negatives
Justice and balance.
A Libra personality. (Horoscope)
Make your mind up!

(Baldness/Hair in Body)
The scalp usually links with the mind and any problems with the scalp like itching or losing hair, can help you to understand how your thoughts are being affected by outside circumstances, you are aggravated and frustrated perhaps, or getting annoyed by the trivial things that keep going wrong. In Native American culture to take a scalp means quite simply that you overcome your opposition. 

Do you feel persecuted?

Battle wounds and scars which represent the remains of hurt caused; they can be carried throughout life.

(See Education/Exams/Tests)
(Test and Exam Dreams)
(The Teacher Dream)
What you have learned V what you still need to learn
Dreaming about any educational institutions will link with your learned behaviour, your capacity to learn, and your ability to share what you have learned and be the teacher for other people.

The school of life, where, what you put in creates what you get out. Life is a school of learning and experience, and dreaming about school is a way for you to take stock of how far you have come on a personal level and how far you still want to go. Life's lessons can be hard at times, but it is how we come through and get over the obstacles we are presented with that count towards real understanding and growth. A deeper understanding comes from the realisation that winning is not important, it is the taking part that counts, you cant actually lose at life so there is no judgment from anybody else, but you might be tempted to judge yourself which is when these types of dreams occur. 
Tests and exams in school are another way for you to assess your progress, but ultimately if you keep going you can never really fail, this dream merely highlights the frustration at things not going to your plan. 
Going back to your old school in a dream can happen because you feel a connection with the past, the fun and comradeship were easy at school, no responsibilities and you were all in the same boat, you either crave those feelings now, or you haven't really moved on with your life enough to consider yourself a fully-fledged grown-up, or you just don't want to be one yet.
Spiritual knowledge.
Wisdom from learning.
Who dares wins?


Scissors and knives etc can be viewed as tools, so lookup tools as well. Very similar to the knife translation, a cutting implement which enables you to snip away at a problem or cut the negative out of your life.
Cutting remarks?
Sharpen up your skills.

Dream symbols often use irony to get their message across and you need a sense of humour to translate some symbols, if a screw is loose in a dream then it more than likely relates to someone who acts crazily. (They have got a screw loose) Something needs tightening up to work properly. Tools represent the skills you have and how you use them.


(Giant Wave Dream)
(Tsunami Dream)
Oceans usually help to describe the current emotional waters that you must navigate. The ocean is full of life and this helps to remind you that life is like an ocean, most of it goes on underneath the surface. The sea can sometimes represent the distance between you and another person, perhaps you are oceans apart with your ideas. The sea is used to portray turbulent waters in dream language, it is deep and can show you how deep and vast emotions are. Huge waves are used to warn you that emotions are building up and could land at your feet. The sea also helps to portray what goes on below the surface. The saying 'all out at sea' literally means you are at a loss as to what to do next.
If you are sea fishing this could represent the search for a partner, maybe you need to cast your rod further afield. 

To cross the sea in a cruise ship reassures you that you will cruise through the next part of your journey, this can relate to any section of your life.

The changing seasons help you to remember that whatever phase of life you are in now, it will change eventually. The natural cycle of life provides the whole experience, the good and the bad, the happy and the sad. The complete experience contributes to the overall plan.
Spring symbolises new beginnings, new ventures birth and rejuvenation.

The summer represents the best times of your life to enjoy; it contains much warmth and comfort for you.
Harvest and reap the rewards of your hard work, a time of transition and change from one phase into another.

The winter can represent loneliness and inertia, rest is needed before any more progress can be made. The seasons come and go throughout our lives, one phase passes into another one, this type of dream is reminding you that things will change and then change again.

Any kind of seeds can help to explain that you have the necessary ingredients for growth in anything that you undertake, plant them and see what develops.

To dream of sewing will be to do with something that needs mending, perhaps you have to make do and mend, this can link with your current financial situation, sewing can also be trying to tell you about a relationship that needs repairing. Think about what you were sewing in the dream to help you understand your translation.

Sexual dreams often highlight our needs, wants or desires. If you are having sex with someone you know, who you wouldn't in the waking state it is because in dreams you can try out different partners who may have some qualities you desire. If you do not know the person at all it is because you do not understand what you require from a sexual relationship and the sort of person you actually want to love.
Sex dreams are more apparent in people who do not have an active sex life or who don't think they have, they are also prevalent when there is a need to learn more about relationships, love and their connections to sex. Our perception of sex can be challenged through our dreams and any hang-ups or unreasonable ideas can be worked through safely in the dream environment.
An intimate couple will usually dream of each other when they are apart, but not necessarily in a sexual way. Dreaming about sex and intimacy with a husband or wife is unusual though because if there is an intimate relationship in real life there doesn't need to be one in the dream scenario unless there are underlying issues that need to be explored.
Quite often men and women dream about sex with people other than their partner or spouse and this is because of an inner need to explore other relationships and this can be done safely in the dream world. There is often some guilt attached even though a dream was completely random from your perspective.
If a dream is recurring, then you know that there are unresolved issues to be dealt with and until these issues are explored or a conclusion is found, a recurring sex dream will continue to play out. Sex dreams that are repeated about a person from the past can happen because you still have an attachment to them which has not been broken in the normal way.
An interesting point to mention is that dreaming about love and sex increases particularly when it is not available in your waking life. If there is a lack in your life, then the dream world compensates by providing it to help create balance.

Anything shabby in your dream will either describe yourself being worn-out physically or mentally or something else that has become overused or neglected.

Feeling chained to circumstance, people or events.
Chained to the past?

Shadows can represent unknown forces, things that lurk on the outskirts, things that are not understood for what they really are. Depression can be expressed by using shadows especially when the cause of it is unknown.
A shadow of oneself.
A shadow of a doubt.

Shampoo is used as a symbol that illustrates how you need to wash away the negativity that plagues your mind. A clear head is needed so that you can sort through the issues you have to deal with.

(Baldness/Razor/Shears below)

The tools you have to enable change
This symbol tells you to clean up your act or perhaps to try and clear away the negativity that masks your talents.
A clean start is needed.
A close shave. (A close escape from trouble)

Comfort in distress.
Love and warmth will be given to you.
Wrapped in love from grandma x
A new Baby?


The tools you have at hand to enable change
Cutting down hedges in a dream helps you to acknowledge that you want to cut down the obstacles that hinder your way forward.

Are you trying to prevent something from taking control?
Making cutbacks?


Your protection
There are many ways to symbolise a shelter in dream language, umbrellas are a kind of shelter, but any kind of overhead covering will represent your need to find shelter from a theatrical storm. Our family or home will often become our shelter. Spiritual protection or safeguard against emotional downpours, harm or negativity.



Support or the lack of
A shelf is used as a symbol for a support system that you have put in place for you to cope, for example, a shelf that is holding books represents the way you shelve your problems so that you can function in the now. If the shelf is broken it helps you to understand that this self-support system is no longer going to work. To put something on a shelf is a symbol of saving it for later when you do have the energy available to work on it.
To be left on the shelf is to feel unwanted.

Shelf an idea for the time being?

The protective shell.
A shell of oneself.

To retreat into oneself?

Protective forces are at work around you.
Shielded from harm.

Shield yourself from negativity.

(Boat/Journey/Sea above/Water) 
(Visiting other countries)
A ship can be used to describe your ability to withstand emotionally-charged journeys; you are well equipped to make good progress, but you cannot do it alone, you need help from other crew members to navigate a business or family unit in the right direction. A cruise ship, for example, stands to represent your ability to cruise through the next phase of your journey.
If you cannot get on a ship, the dream could be bringing your attention to the fact that a ship has sailed, or you have missed an important opportunity. 

Ships can also describe someone who is a mighty personality, they can navigate the everchanging waters and weather the mightiest of storms. Ships are made of iron and steel which are a symbol of strength. 
Ships that pass in the night represent two people who simply meet and have an emotional connection straight away. How long this relationship can last when you are both on different journeys should be considered.

Shooting a target successfully in a dream tells you that you will get the thing that you are aiming for, whatever that is. If you shoot someone you know in a dream then there is a need to let them know how angry you are with them before things become un-repairable, if they are killed then this can explain the feeling of wanting to bring an end to what they are doing, either to you or to someone else. You may be trying to bring an abrupt end to a relationship or to a situation that you cannot tolerate anymore.
Rather than looking at the killing that takes place in a dream as a literal process, you should look at what is being killed off in your life. When people move from one stage of life into another it can be described by a death in a dream scenario, especially when it's sudden or against you will.
Murder in dreams takes place when you are ready to let something or some
one go, or when you want to make them pay for their wrongdoing.  A gun represents a weapon that you have which can cause harm or bring about irreversible change to another person. A weapon can represent information that is damaging or anything that you use against someone else, children can be used as weapons as can love, so think about what the weapon symbolises and note the damage that can be done to you or another person. 

(All about Shoes)

Shopping is the act of looking for something that you want or need, if or not it is available is often explained by if you have the money to pay for the items or if what you are looking for is in the shop. The items you are buying can offer some more information about what it is you need or want.  You could, of course, be trying to find someone who will be good for you or simply trying to find a better meaning to your life. The type of shop you are in will help with your translation as well as what you are buying, and you could consider if you are looking in the right places for your desires.
Food and Drink- Looking for essential mental or physical nourishment and contentment, your basic human needs need to be taken care of and you are attempting to achieve this.
Clothes- Searching for a new identity or a cover for your true self, you wish to reinvent yourself and change what people think of you. Clothes relate to how you feel about yourself e.g. worn out, confident, under scrutiny, etc.
Vehicles- You are trying to replenish your own resourcefulness, the old ways of thinking do not get you anywhere, you are trying to make progress in some area of your life, but you know what you need to do to start afresh.
House- The way your home life is structured needs to be addressed. Do you wish to change location or change your present family set up?

Buying practical goods or products that have a purpose like furniture, kitchen appliances, etc. can be translated by looking up individual items in the A-Z dictionary.

A shovel will be a symbol for the tools or the skills that you have at hand to help you make progress in whatever you want to do, this might relate to physical or spiritual work. Shovelling snow helps you to see when you need to clear the way forward, this will link with cold emotions. Digging explains the effort you must make to either cover something up or bury it away or you might be trying to dig up the dirt on someone. You want to find out what is being hidden from you, this may also relate to spiritual learning.

If something is getting smaller it can show you how problems can diminish over time, they shrink away to nothing, usually replaced by new ones, of course. This can help you come to terms with the way you deal with problems and anxieties, it is helpful to remember previous problems that went away on their own, or recall how you got over obstacles previously.
Translate the object that is shrinking in your dream to help with the translation, if it is a person then the symbolism could relate to how they have become a lesser part of your life than they once were. Consider what is diminishing in your life to understand what the symbolism is referring to, feelings can diminish, your self-esteem can shrink or you can feel small in comparison to your problems, money can dwindle but so to could money problems, so translate this type of dream with care and pay attention to the finer details. 

Don't be a shrinking violet!

Dreaming of illness can happen when you are sick of something, you might need to toughen up and fight to feel better. Don't always assume this type of dream is warning you of sickness or illness in the literal sense. Physically being sick is also a way to recognise how you must get rid of negative tension, or a build-up of harmful feelings.

Silence can be symbolic of the information that you do not have available to you.
Quiet times.
Peace and tranquillity.
Silence is golden.

Metals can be used in dream language to describe the strength or worth of someone or something to you. Tarnished silver will help you to understand when something has been tarnished or spoiled and it needs a bit of effort to bring it back to its full glory. Translate the object for a clearer translation.
A jubilee or anniversary.


Vibration and energy
Singing and songs can be useful for dream message delivery because there are many songs that are already created which express a message perfectly, and because songs stay with us throughout our life they are usually recognised by the dreamer, even if a very small section of a song is heard in a dream. It is not uncommon to wake up with a song in your head and this is when it is helpful to think about the words of the song because it is likely there is a message for you held within those words.
Our own actions, words and the way we choose to live our life is supposed to create a vibration that can be translated as music for the heavens. To hear singing is divine and a way for us to hear the heavens and the message it brings. Perfect pitch is needed to create the right kind of tone and this can symbolise the way you need to create good vibrations.
Creating the perfect vibration.
A divine message.

Sinking in a dream usually translates as feeling overwhelmed and bogged down by the weight of troubles or responsibilities in your life. If you are in a boat that is sinking, then you need help to overcome your emotional issues as your usual support system has failed you. 



(Warning Dreams)
Sirens are usually used as warning signals; look at other symbols in the dream to understand what you are being warned about. They can, of course, help to advise you that help is on the way. 

Caution is needed!

(Backbone/Bones in Body)
Seeing a skeleton in your dream could be bringing your attention to look at the real bones of a problem or it could be warning you that old problems will rise again.
Skeletons in the closet.
A support system.
The bare bones of a problem.

Skin can be used to describe your own outer protection and any problems with your skin in a dream can refer to a problem with your usual defence system. You are open to being hurt or are putting yourself in situations that might cause you to hurt.
If something is penetrating your skin, or burrowing into your skin, it is a way for you to understand the annoying things that get under your skin or aggravate you. Some afflictions are only skin deep. You need to develop a thick skin so that you are not affected by outside circumstances so easily.


(Sky Divers Falling from the Sky)
A clear blue sky helps you to acknowledge that the future is clear and bright. Storms clouds help you understand passing troubles, storms do not last forever, the blue skies will eventually return. The sky can also be used to represent the heavens or your own dreams and wishes and reaching for the sky. 

The sky’s the limit.

(The Slave Dream)
(Slaves in a Battle Dream)
Dreaming of slaves could be because you feel like one, or because you are a slave to your own vices. You can be a slave to money or something similar. Having a slave will be more about the way you take advantage of other people or a person in particular who deserves better.


Slides can translate the message that your mood is up and down, swings also relay a similar meaning, slides can also mean backsliding, sliding morally, or immature behaviour, the point is that you pick yourself up and then do it all again. 

Fun is important but so is growing up, find a balance.

(Running away in slow motion)
If something is moving slowly in your dream, then it is probably translating inertia or slow progress. Things are not moving at the pace you would like but at the pace that is needed.

Slow progress.

In dream language, smells are given as reminders of positive or negative feelings and the type of smell will give you a better translation. If the smell isn't very nice, then it represents the stench of a festering situation. Nice smells bring happy memories and predict lovely times.

There is no smoke without fire.
A clouded judgement?

(See Animals in A)

To see everything covered in snow in a dream explains the notion of a frozen heart. Perhaps you feel completely overcome by the lack of emotional warmth in your environment at this present time; it will change eventually as this phase is only temporary.
Snow has also been used to describe
 sadness. A time when you are sad about something that perpetually and periodically comes back into your heart and mind. 
A sadness that comes and goes?
The crystallisation of your own or somebody else’s emotions.
Lack of progress.

Washing away negativity.
Clean up your act.
A fresh start.


(Soldiers Dream)
Soldiers represent fighters in dream language; they fight for just causes and so may represent something worth fighting for and they help to explain situations that require your inner strength to be able to overcome and beat the opposer, or to fight anything that has the power to defeat you.
Soldier on.
Fighting your own feelings?

Food creates your own contentment and the level of fulfilment available for you, therefore soup can help to explain that you are getting a bit of a mixed-up deal. Soup is often given to aid healing.
To be in trouble.
To be in a muddle.


Sparks are the result of combining different energies and this helps to explain how the sparks can fly when two different people get together.
The magical spark between lovers.
Great ideas begin from a spark.
Bright spark.

The spiral effect is a process by which we think we are travelling in a circular motion, i.e. going around and around the same ground or over and over the same learning, this is just a perception from your own viewpoint, in actual fact, you are participating in the spiral effect.
Life is about creating the experience, for yourself and for the people who you share the experience with, progression is gained from any experience, positive, negative or benign. You could sit at home and do nothing at all for your whole life, but this would still provide a profound experience, one which if viewed from afar or from a higher perspective was still progressive.
Therefore, upward spirals help to explain the notion of moving up when you feel that you are going round and round and over the same old ground. People often comment that they feel like they are getting nowhere, the spiral dream is helping to remind you that you are attaining progress, it’s just that you only view the positive movement as progress, the spiral effect helps to explain how inertia or lack of movement is still an experience, one with equal validity and value.
The downward spiral is often used to describe backsliding or reverse movement, but negative actions, although abhorred and detested by most also create the experience, it is easier to learn something from the negative aspects of life. When we have a positive experience we rarely sit back and ask what we have learned from that, but we always ask this question when we experience something negative or even when we do something negative. If you put your hand in the fire you learned that it will get burned, so you don’t do it again, whereas positive experiences tend not to teach us things as profoundly.
The overall point is that all experiences including positives, negatives and even neutral experiences provide towards progression in the long run, it's an inescapable consequence of being alive. Most people get caught up in the ‘now’ and the spiral dream whether it be a staircase, a slide or even a spiral pattern will relate to the way your life is structured now, but you must remember the bigger picture.
Where you are situated on a spiral is only a matter of the ‘now’ perspective, your dream can be prompting you to be aware of the direction you are taking but do not let the current situation be a confirmation of who you really are, and do not think that this is where you are on your spiritual path.
Spiralling out of control?

A splinter is a small irritation or minor discomfort; remove the source of the problem before moving on.

Being stabbed or stabbing someone else in a dream helps you to acknowledge the damage and pain that can be inflicted by negative actions and words. In dream language, any type of weapon provides a symbol for the power or the weapons that people can use against you. Actions, feelings or information that can cause irreversible damage.

Someone causing trouble.
A stab in the dark.


We are all actors on the stage of life
The world is a stage and you are the director of what goes on in the show, what you are doing on the stage can give you clues as to your achievements and attributes and how they pertain to other people.
The audience can be symbolic of the people who are around you and seem to judge your personal abilities. This could be appropriate in the work situation where your progress and achievements are monitored and assessed but may also relate to how you feel about yourself. Singing and dancing literally represent your many varied skills and that you can transcend negativity and create harmony.
A stage will be used to represent your current stage of life or the stage you are at in your progress. and what is happening on the stage represents what you are trying to achieve. The performance you give on a stage will be the best that you can do now, it might not be what your audience appreciates but that’s their problem to deal with, they can always go elsewhere for their entertainment.


(Spiral above/Structures below)
Moving upstairs or levels will often describe the effort you put into going up in the world, coming downstairs in a dream is a way for you to recognise that you are coming back down to earth. Stairs are often used as a symbol to explain the process of the move upwards towards spiritual enlightenment, which is achieved by going down into your own subconscious and learning to negotiate the varied experiences of life. 
Steps are used to show you the steps that you must take in your life to make progress, going down steps can explain when you retrace your steps or go back over the same experiences again. Consider where the steps you are taking are going to take you.


(Planets/Sun below)
Reach for the stars.
You are a star.
A guiding light.

A statue can symbolise a stagnant situation or someone who you cannot seem to get through to. Perhaps the statue is symbolic for a person who has no intentions of moving forward, they have no motivation or drive.
Inertia and lack of motivation and movement.
Situations are stationary.

Look at what you are taking or stealing in the dream because it will link with what you feel isn’t available to you freely. Stealing food, for example, will remind you that you are getting love and affection from people who are not necessarily able to give it freely. 

Stealing clothes will link with trying to make yourself look better than you are, you don't think you have what it takes to live up to other people's standards. You do, of course, and its the company you keep that you should update.
If someone is stealing from you then they are taking something from you that they are not entitled to, they could be taking your time, energy or money, anything that you need to have available for yourself. Psychic vampirism is just a term used to explain people who steal and drain your energy.

Using your own steam to move forward in life.
The extra energy it takes to do the things that you find difficult.

Let off steam before you explode?
A steamy relationship.

Symbolic for a cold or hard-hearted person. As hard as stone, means that they are tough.


(Giant Wave Dream)
(Tsunami Dream)
Raging emotional situations.
Stormy relationships.

The storm will pass!

(Killing/Suffocation below)
Strangulation is often used in dream language to describe the act of wanting to stifle or curb someone from talking or effectively having a place in your life anymore. Killing is a way to bring about the ending of your relationship with them or escape from a situation that overwhelms you. If you are being strangled then someone wishes to stop you from being able to have your say, or from making progress in your own right. The fact that a weapon isn’t used explains how they do not have a valid reason for trying to stifle your voice or prevent your progress.


The structures in your life
In dream language structures of any type are used as a symbol for your present set-up or circumstance, the way your life is structured. Structure dreams can help you to notice any changes that are occurring in that setup, caused either by internal or external forces. You may unknowingly cause changes to happen to the way your life is structured because of your attitude or behaviour. Structures can give you information about the likely outcome of changes you or someone else have made.
External forces of change are instigated by other people’s attitudes and behaviour, or by circumstances brought about naturally like the passing of time or the greater power of the environment or society. Health is often viewed as something that you have no control over, this can be argued of course but it is something that can change naturally over time and will, of course, change the way your life is structured.
The energy and power involved in making changes to your life’s structure or set up are often portrayed in dreams using symbols that help to explain the force and timing of changes, for example, the weather is used to symbolise external forces that can bring about changes very quickly and with great force.
Water which is used to represent emotions is both an internal and external symbol of how your own, or other people’s feelings and emotions can change the layout and environment of your life. Most people are driven by their emotions and therefore water provides an excellent symbol for the way your life can change because of varying emotional characters in your life.
Structure symbols can be used to explain how temporary or permanent a situation is, and how things have become worn out over time. They help you to understand how much room you have to manoeuvre within a predicament, and they help you to find solutions by helping you acknowledge that there is a problem in the first place.

There is a need to go down into the depths of your own emotions and explore them more thoroughly to understand how to make progress with the relationships that you have.

(See Strangulation above)
Overwhelming feelings and problems can suffocate you, as can overly possessive people who drain you of vital energy.

(Rescue Dreams/Warning Dreams)

Healing and starting from scratch
Any dream that includes suicide can represent how you wish to bring an end to a situation that you are in but do not know how to do it positively.
If you see someone else who you know attempting to commit suicide in a dream then the symbolism applies to them, perhaps you can offer support or help to prevent them from being overwhelmed by their problems. If you do not know the person in the dream, then the suicide could represent a venture that is unlikely to be strong enough to be successful. Social Suicide? This type of dream scenario could also happen if you are assisting in a rescue dream where you help another ‘soul in need’ by astral travelling to them in a time of crisis. 
A cry for help!

Wearing a suit in a dream helps you to understand that to make progress you will need to smarten up your act, consider how you present yourself to other people, this might relate to your work and career. 

Well suited?

The sun is our life source and provides energy and rejuvenation for us all and it can be used to represent God and the power of love in dream language. Warmth and heat are also used to symbolise love in dream language and light symbolises spiritual enlightenment, the sun provides all these things and is vital for growth which is why this type of dream usually has a spiritual message. The sun naturally replenishes depleted energy.

You are attempting to rejuvenate and recharge your batteries, soaking up vital energy, love, and spiritual learning.
Basking in the delight of light, love, and happiness.
Spiritual growth.

(Checkout/Shop above) 

Fulfilment and contentment
Shopping requires you to make a choice between the different things that are on offer for you, a supermarket explains how there are many great choices and opportunities available for you. The product that you buy will help towards a fuller translation, clothes create the facade that you show to the world, therefore you might want to change the image that other people have of you, they also provide warmth so also translate as love and comfort, maybe your current supply of these things need renewal or updating. Buying food provides towards your fulfilment and satisfaction and which area of your life needs these things should be considered. 

Shopping for something new in your life.

This is an obstacle dream and explains the feeling of being swamped with work or being dragged under by the pressures of life.
Swamped with work.


(Messy House Dream)
Sweeping is used to portray the act of clearing out the rubbish you do not need in your life so that you can make a fresh start.
Dust particles symbolise remnants from the past.
Sweep you off your feet?

A clean sweep?


(Candycane Dream)
Enjoy the sweet moments in life.
A sweet person.

Your ability to swim in your dream gives you a reminder of how well you deal with your own or with other people’s emotions. The different stokes that you have to pull to survive. To be enjoying swimming in your dream is a way to understand feeling nice positive emotions.

A swing is a symbol that is used to explain the backward/forward motion which occurs when you feel that you cannot make progress, perhaps when you are stuck in the same rut going over and over the same ground. Because it is not a particularly horrible experience it is one which is difficult to change, this dream is more about inertia and not having the inclination to change the current phase because it isn’t too demanding of you. 
People only change their thought processes or their situations if and when they become too much to bare, but when they are easy to deal with people tend to go with the flow, this means that no real progress is being made and you are accepting the situation that you are in simply because it is easy to tolerate.


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