
Sunday 18 November 2018

Dream Symbols: R



Communication and information
A radio or transmitter can describe communications from unheard sources, maybe your own subconscious or from people who are not around anymore. Spiritually you are receiving messages, it is difficult to understand in dreams exactly what the message is, but there is certainly a message of needing to listen, you could listen to your own inner voice or to sensible advice from the people around you.
If the radio is transmitting music or a song, this may have significant meaning because the words of a song can carry a message that you need to hear. 
Consider if a song you heard is important or transmitting a message you need to hear? 

Love and passion
This could describe warmth or a lack of warmth depending on the dream scenario. A radiator would replace a fireplace or heater in modern dream symbolism, and as always will be used to represent how somebody feels about or how you feel about them, this will also link with the home and family.
Heated situations?

Pot luck and random chances, they say we cannot always choose what we get. Hopefully, you won the raffle and can translate the prize as well.


Your emotions, strength and coping strategies
If you have built any kind of raft in your dream it will represent your strength and ability to keep things together when emotions run high. If the raft you have built breaks up and isn't water worthy, then it helps you to understand that you need to work on your own coping mechanisms and find strength from the people around you.
Generally, any water raft is a symbol of yours or someone else's capacity to stay afloat emotionally, and the condition of the raft gives you clues about the ability to cope under pressure. Leaks in the raft help to highlight weaknesses and a lack of coping strategies. More symbolism can be gained from the water conditions as well. 


(Tunnel Dreams)
The Journey Dream

Railways provide a common dream scenario because there is so much dream symbolism available which is appropriate to help explain everyone’s journey through life. In spiritual terms we are all here to experience and learn new things, we are training if you like, and the first symbolism can be taken from this expression, trains relate to what we are learning as we move forward on our journey. It is a shared experience and in dream language, the people we meet on a train or who share our journey are the people who we share life-changing or important experiences with. If you don't know the people they probably represent a spiritual guide and helpers.
The rail tracks help to explain that some parts of your life are predestined and planned, but if the train comes off the tracks in a dream it can be because you have de-railed, missed an opportunity, or derailed.
The carriages of a train describe the different sections of your life and how they all link together. Moving through the train's carriages in a dream happens because you are trying to move away from the current section of your life and find a new one. You want to move on and make changes and are attempting to do this by closing the door on one section of the train and opening the door to another. You have experienced or learned enough and want to move forward. 

The carriages of a train can also represent your past lives and resemble how they link together and how you move through the whole process from the past and into the future.
Trains stop at stations and this offers you another chance to change direction, but these changes do not come along often enough, if you miss a stop then this describes how you missed a chance to change direction, the opportunity has now passed. If the train stops before it reaches the station and you can’t get off, it is because the time isn’t right for you to change direction, even though you feel ready for change, circumstances are such, that it just can’t happen at this precise moment in time.
Not having a ticket to ride the train is simple to translate because it means you are trying to get a free ride and want to make progress without having to pay, this links with karma and that for you to make real progress you will have to work hard and pay your dues like everyone else. For balance you must give as much as you take. 

If you have a ticket for your dream train but can’t find it at the appropriate time, then this is because you feel that the work you do is wasted and you feel as if life is unjustified, it takes more from you than you get back. There are always times when we feel this way, but this is when we are making real progress because we are learning that life isn’t fair! Life seems unbalanced most of the time because examining small sections of your life doesn’t give you the bigger picture, the life you are living now may seem heavily weighted against you, but eventually, the balance will be redressed.
Taking very sharp bends on a train will highlight when you find it difficult to stay on track, perhaps you are the personality type that takes detours on your journey and find it difficult to stay on the straight and narrow or keep going with your plans. 
Trains and tracks that go uphill or downhill explain when your journey becomes difficult or easier, or a combination of both. The climb upward creates the slope downwards and this happens when you can't find or create balance in your life.
Tunnels express times of darkness that you have to go through, you need to remember that you will come out the other side. This also explains times where you feel shut off from the world and when you don't feel able to share your problems with other people.
Steam Trains will probably warn you that you have to get along using your own steam, a little bit more work is required from you. The steam engine can symbolise someone who works hard and creates employment for other people as well. All the different valves in a steam engine have their own job to do and must work together to move something forward. Good old fashioned hard work will bring about progress.


Your emotions
Rain in dreams is often used to represent tears falling, it could refer to tears that have been shed in the past, sometimes it is a reminder of the cycle that you are caught up in, and the dream is a prompt for you to change the current cycle. D
o not re-live the same experiences that have caused you pain, you need a more headstrong approach to relationships.
If it is raining but you do not get wet, then this could show how the tears you have shed previously, or the experience that caused those tears no longer affect you and you are unlikely to make the same mistakes again. 
An emotional downpour.

More often than not people who dream of rainbows have had a good outcome, so I tend to view rainbows positively. Rainbows are visible when there are rain and sun together and emotionally they tell us to take the good along with the bad.
The colours are important to this translation because a rainbow contains every colour to some degree, which helps you understand the theory of 'everything in its own time', the complete experience must contain everything. Rainbows are used as a symbol to remind you that after an emotional outpour a new phase of peace will begin.
There is gold at the end of a rainbow!
Chasing rainbows?


Tools and skills
This is often used to symbolise the help that you have at hand to prepare the groundwork for a new project. It helps you to remove obstacles and instigate growth.

It depends on how the razor is used in a dream and what for, but if you cut yourself then the dream could represent the feeling of being 'cut-up'.
Cutbacks are needed if you are shaving.
Cleaning up a messy situation.
A razor-sharp tongue?


Information and communication
Quite often in dreams, we cannot understand what we are trying to read, this is the point because it helps to explain when you are not really understanding the message that you are given. It could be written in black and white, but you would still miss the point. When you are reading in a dream you are trying to understand information that you have, think about what type of book it was rather than the words or pictures inside it. The genre might offer clues, for example, a book about travel will link with your life journey or literally about travelling, a cookbook will link with your home comforts, your family and your own satisfaction, etc.

(House of Mirrors in Fairground)

How you feel about yourself
To see your own reflection in a mirror reminds you to take a good look at yourself, do you like what you see? If you see your reflection in water then you are attempting to understand yourself on an emotional level, the reflection will be distorted so it can help you understand that you have a distorted view of yourself and your emotions are in a muddle too. 

Religious Characters 
(See People in P)


Personalities and characters
The thick skin and cold bloodiness of a personality might be indicated by any type of reptile. A reptile can also symbolise a person who is very old fashioned in their views.

Untrustworthy character?


Are you satisfied?
If you go to a restaurant in your dream then perhaps you need to go outside of your usual circle to find people who can provide you with confidence and contentment. You may well be fed up with having to provide emotional nourishment for everyone else and need or want someone to look after you for a change.

Ribbons can help you to recognise how you are putting your mark on something, the colour will be important in your translation as will the object that the ribbon is tied to.
Tying up loose ends in the best way you can.
They say when delivering a difficult message you should put a ribbon on it.

The many different particles of rice can symbolise the many blessings you have to give or will receive, people used to throw rice at newly married couples for this reason.
Plenty and fulfilment.

Rings usually relay commitment to another person and in dreams represent this same idea. The spherical shape symbolizes feeling whole or complete.
Full circle and wholeness.


Your emotions
Rivers represent the flow and ebb of your own or other people’s emotions and how they change the overall experience and the layout of your life. Rivers connect to larger sources of water and this symbol helps to explain that everyone’s feelings are interconnected and are drawn from each other’s responses. Over spills change the layout of one’s life, the way your life is mapped out will change because of your own or other people's emotional input.


Obstacles and your life journey
In dream language, roads help to give you details about the choices you have previously made, and they lay out the consequences of those choices, roads represent the current road you are on, and where it could lead you.
It is common to dream of being on a road that you have travelled before, this is a simple way to understand that you have been down that road before, and here you are making the same choices again but expecting different results. Some aspects of the road might change in your dream but there hasn’t been enough effort made to change the overall direction you are taking. People often say that they are unable to make changes in their life because circumstances won’t let them, and this is when this type of dream is experienced. It serves as a reminder that you can change things but fear of the unknown holds you back from doing so.
Obstacles on your dream road will help you to understand the things that prevent you from making changes and in many ways, they also serve to help you see if you can make change happen. Anything that makes a road impassable tells you that the current route you want to take is blocked, and this blockage will need translating, water, for example, tells you that it is your own emotional mindset that is stopping you from making progress. 
Trees that have fallen in the road represent dead wood or past traumas that still prevent you from moving forward. Disassembling the obstacle will, therefore, take time and a lot of emotional effort.

Theives and robbers could reflect your fears about having something taken away from you, you might dream that they steel physical things but look at the symbology behind those things, for example, if you dream robber is trying to steal your communication devices, the symbolism could be about the fear of someone taking away your social contact or friends. Starting a new relationship means giving up some aspects of your life that you don't really want to give up. Therefore, always think about what a robber is stealing from you, to help get a better understanding of the dreams meaning. You must also consider what things are dear to you because this could be different for everyone. If they are stealing money it could be about someone taking away your freedom and independence rather than a financial loss, the dream could of course still have a literal meaning and you will need to have a close look at your finances or keep an eye on your handbag or wallet. 


Personalities and characters
This symbol is sometimes used in a dream to remind you that you are not a robot and you have human needs that require attention and care. Alternatively, you are trying to deal with someone who lacks an emotional grasp on reality.


Your journey
The power and energy that is available for you to reach the heights that you want to achieve, in any of your endeavours, but you will have to move out of your usual comfort zone.
You will visit territories previously unknown to you.
Your destiny.
Moving up fast.

(Obstacle Dreams) 

The obstacles you face
Rocks can be used to represent stubborn obstacles in dreams, the size will relate to the stubbornness of something that is standing in your way. Rocks can also describe the hardness of someone’s personality, and they can also stand to show you that you feel caught between a rock and a hard place. 
Solid as a rock!
Trying to get through to a rock?
Is someone being your rock?


The structures in your life
The roof of your own house provides a protective barrier for you and your family from the environment outside, (what’s happening outside of your personal space) this can be used to portray your own protective nature and its ability to withstand a symbolic battering.
Problems with a roof in a dream will help you to recognise your own weaknesses in being able to keep it together when other people or situations start to affect the way your life is structured. The roof is at the very top part of a building and it can be used to symbolise the mind and how your thoughts are influenced and affected by outside circumstances. It can also describe being at the top of your game, or the top of your profession, so think about the building being described in your dream.

(See Rope Bridge in Bridge)
(The Rope Bridge Dream)

Your strengths and weakness
The entwining of a rope can help to make you aware of the strength there is to be gained from being linked with others; a family, for example, can be tight-knit as can groups of like-minded people, strength comes from working together. Further symbolism can be gained from understanding what the rope is being used for in your dream, for example, a rope that is tying up a boat will explain the emotional ties that you have with someone, are you tied to them or relying on them for emotional support or emotional stability?
To be climbing up a rope will describe your climb upward in any situation, the strength of the rope will always be important to help explain your own strength or the strength of the ties that you have made with other like-minded people, this can help you progress or move upwards quickly. This type of symbol could help explain any situation where you wish to move upwards, in a job, the housing market or spiritually. It is not always easy to climb ropes, and this is why they provide a good representation of how hard it can be to move up.
Ropes are also used to prevent progress and in this case, they would be used to tie you up or prevent you from moving on, perhaps you feel tied to responsibility or chained to duty.


The crap you deal with
Anything that is rotting away in a dream will bring your attention to the fact that decay is occurring in some area of your life, things rot away to make way for the new. Rotten food describes the rotten deal you seem to be getting lately, and how discontented you feel. 

Someone rotten to the core!


(Messy House Dream)
The crap you deal with
Rubbish is depicted in all different forms in our dreams, but when you have rubbish to deal with the symbolism is quite self-explanatory, basically, it means you have to deal with crap!

Ruins represent the base that you must build upon.
Acknowledge if something is beyond repair, make do and mend or start again.

(Running in slow motion)
(Running Dream)
Your progress, fast or slow?
This can be used as an obstacle dream because it is unusual to be able to run in a dream, more often than not we try to run but do not actually get anywhere, the reasoning behind this is so that you realise you have to be able to walk before you can run, therefore you need to slow down and take your time with a project or relationship. This type of dream helps you to come to terms with the frustration or anxiety that occurs when you want to make faster progress than you can.
If you are running to get away from someone or something then the symbolism will come from who or what it is you wish to escape from, running simply means you need or want to do it very quickly. You could also be running away from the responsibilities or problems that you have.
If you are running in your dream and managing it well it shows that you can run with your ideas or dreams as they are viable, and things will advance quickly.


Your strengths and weaknesses
Translate what is rusty to help you understand exactly what is suffering from neglect, this type of symbol is often used to explain how things deteriorate and weaken, time corrodes most things. Consider if they can be salvaged or polished up like new. Maybe a friendship or relationship needs working on or perhaps your skills have become rusty, could you get training to improve your employability? Metals can translate the strength of something so if the metal is going rusty in your dream it is a way to describe weakness or your lack of inner strength.


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