
Sunday 18 November 2018

Dream Symbols: M


Machines can symbolise ‘yourself’ as in 'you are a working machine’ and help to describe all the different roles you 
have to play. Further symbols and understanding can be gained by looking at the function of the machine that you dreamt about. For example, the intricate workings of machinery can stand for the workings of your mind, the energy that is required for a machine to function properly represents your own available energy supplies. A car is often used in the dream scenario because it can help you make progress on a chosen course, therefore it is a good symbol to help you understand the way you are moving through problems or dealing with the road you are on. The car body also helps you acknowledge how your body deals with the battering it takes.
Machinery of any kind uses energy, so it helps when we dream about it to look at the symbolism in contrast to your own or other people's energy stores, we might have the mind to do something but lack the energy and motivation to see it through. For example, if you dreamed about a plug on a kettle not working you know the kettle is fine but its the wiring or plug that is faulty, you would then know that the machine itself is working but there are issues with your energy input and your way of thinking. 
A  kettle cannot do what it was created for without energy input, kettles get to a boiling point when they are working, therefore, it can also describe how you boil over with too much work to do or are lacking in enthusiasm to do any work, or both at the same time. Kettles contain water (emotions) and coldness symbolises a lack of interest, so there you have it, all the ingredients as to why you will find it difficult to be successful. 
All types of machines can help to explain how you are feeling about the role you are playing for other people, not just kettles, so think carefully about the overall function of a machine that you dream about, and link this with your current situation or with your own ability to perform a role. 
A machine can also show you that you are working too hard, you are not a machine, this is especially appropriate when a machine breaks down because this warns you that rest is needed, overusing your energy will bring about an inability to work. Physical or mental maintenance is needed for you to continue at your current rate of output. A well-oiled machine is a team that works well together to create something of value.


(Messy House Dream)
Confusion or chaos around you in a dream is simply an extension of your current circumstances, this can be self-created or produced by other people. This dream can hint at you being angry. You cannot make sense of a situation or the world around you.
What's making you mad?

(Insects in Animals)
Maggots represent decay and degeneration, you will need to work out exactly what is decaying, it could be feelings and emotions or financial decay but maggots also recycle the old and outdated into something new, and so they also signify change. Medically maggots are useful in that they can eat away at the negative and leave the positive alone to regenerate. Remember that maggots transform and turn into flies, so can also describe the change from one thing into another, they may be highlighting a personality that changes from positive to negative. 

To help with your translation consider where the maggots are to help solve what is decaying/changing, they are often linked with something else in the dream to help you with the symbolism.

When magic happens in a dream it is reminding you that good things can happen out of the blue, so expect some magic in your life. If you dream of a magic carpet it will explain an opportunity that arises for you to go on a magical journey and this will uplift you. A magic lantern explains how your wishes can come true with a little effort on your part. The realist part of yourself needs to be ‘open’ to unexplained occurrences for the magic to happen.


Volcanoes erupting usually describe an explosive situation and the magma can demonstrate how the remnants from the outburst seem to be creeping closer towards you. If the magma doesn't reach you or you manage to get out of its way the eruption may not affect you straight away but may alter the layout of your life at some time in the future.


Attraction or repellant 
Relationship bonds can be described using magnets showing you if you and a partner will attract or dispel. Magnets can also symbolise something else that you are attracted to like money or success.
Polar opposites?
The force of attraction?

Magnifying Glass
A magnifying glass can represent the way we magnify a situation into a bigger deal than it really is. It could also explain how you need to take a closer look at an issue or a person to gain a clearer perspective.


To send or receive mail is a way to explain that you have a message to deliver; this can link with a spiritual message and lean towards the idea that you are a messenger to bring enlightenment to someone else. Letters are all about trying to give or receive information and sharing the knowledge which can be of benefit to other people. The size and shape of the mail will be important in your translation because this can translate how you could have a difficult message to deliver.


If you are making something in a dream, then you are trying to create something of value in your life. Think about the message “What are you making of yourself?” Gain further insight by looking at what you are making or creating in your dream and how well you are doing it.

If you know the man in your dream, then other symbols will help with the meaning but he may have a connection with you or be important to your current journey. Dreams about people are usually about your relationship with them and if you dream of a man that you don’t know then he could be bringing a spiritual message to understand, especially if it is an old man as he will often represent wisdom.

Growth and your fulfilment
A situation around you requires more energy and effort to grow and progress. Turning the rubbish in your life into something more positive, this is what helps you to grow as a person. Manure can also describe the effort that one must put into a business for it to expand, you must toil the soil to bring forth growth.


(Visiting other countries)
Journey dream
If you look at a map in your dream, then you are trying to decide your next move or the route you should take next.
The journey is more important than the destination.
A map of your life.
The choices you have made and where they have led you!
How things will map out!

Marble could represent someone who is cold or hard-hearted, unbending in their beliefs and ideas. Stone has a very similar meaning. Rigidness but with the strength to stand the test of time.

Believe it or not, marbles can represent the mind in dream language. If you lose the marbles in your dream, then it is a way to relay that you feel like you are losing your mind. If you are playing a game with marbles it can link with silly mind games that some people play. The spherical shape can also symbolise the ‘whole’ or the soul in its completion. Mental expansion and spiritual development come from understanding your own mind.
The world is seen as a big blue marble.


Looking for what you want
If you are in a busy market in your dream, then you are looking for something to fulfil your needs. You are on the market for something new in the way of a relationship, career or property, etc.

Occasionally dreaming of a marriage foretells a proposal of marriage but more often it represents the joining of resources or a union of a different kind.

Someone is hiding their true self; the type of mask you see in a dream might help you translate the meaning better.
Concealed or disguised truth.
Masked thoughts.
A guarded personality.
Masked pain.

Help and assistance can come from a matron, but it may feel like interference at times. Doctors and nurses enter our dreams to provide a symbol for healing and assistance for us at a time of need, sometimes this is symbolic for spiritual assistance.


Your home comforts
If the mattress is soft and plump in your dream, then this can represent a contented love life or marital relationship. The opposite applies to a sparse or damaged mattress. Lumps and bumps in a mattress describe the hurdles and bumps that you hit in your love life. 

Material comforts.

A maze represents how you are feeling lost and trying to find the way out of a situation. You are using your skills to work your way through a perplexing situation, you may or may not know the outcome in your dream. Think about who else is in the maze and if you can't find them, because this will happen if they are lost to you and also if you can't seem to meet up because of other responsibilities.

Being amazed?


Adjustments and change
To be measuring in a dream can translate as measuring time, measuring someone’s feelings or trying to work out the finer details of a situation. You might also be working out if you can measure up to what is required from you.

Does someone measure up to your requirements or standards?

Courage and honour for you or the wearer.
You deserve a medal!

Help is given to you but it isn't always to your liking.
A remedy for a problem is needed.


Contacting your loved ones
If you visit a medium in your dream then perhaps you feel as though you need some help deciding your next move, it can also show that you wish to connect with someone who has passed away or even someone that you do not see any more who is living. You need someone else to make the connections for you because you are unaware of where or how to start.
Making spiritual connections.

The melting away of cold feelings.
Problems can melt away.

To lose blood in a dream even in this way shows that you are lacking or losing energy and vitality, you are being drained by life in general. This dream might link with a physical issue regards your gynaecological health. 

(Cleaning/Madness above)
(Messy House Dream)

This is an obstacle dream and easy to translate, a messy house is one which requires you to work hard to tidy it up. The mess could be symbolic of any chaotic state. Sometimes we need to tidy up our family’s problems and create order. Confusion can also be described using mess in a dream, or mental predicaments that need unravelling.

Any metals in our dream represent the strength of someone or something, metals can also represent their worth to you. Think about the type of metal that you have dreamed about, gold, for example, would suggest something or someone worth their weight in gold.

Consider if the symbolism is that you need to be made of stronger stuff? To test your metal' means to see how strong you really are.
Copper is used for transporting energy to where it is needed, therefore problems with copper wiring will represent the issue of not being able to connect, with who or in what way may be explained in a dream. Copper is also used in wiring so it can help to explain when someone isn't wired right! (They are not mentally wired up correctly)
Copper could also represent a copper/policeman.
Iron and steel provide a steady and sturdy base to build from so will describe a strong and steady structure that will last.
Tin will rust and has not got the longevity needed to last, it will buckle under force so consider what is made from tin, and translate that as well.

Examine details thoroughly before making decisions, you should consider the finer details before accepting things on face value.


Fulfilment and family
Milk symbolises something that satisfies your own basic needs, or your ability to care for other people. If the milk is sour, then you are not getting what you need to feel contented and happy, or you are unable to keep other people satisfied, are they blaming you for the things that they should be doing? 

A situation or person requires nurture?
Something will leave a bitter taste in your mouth?
Feeling sour?

(House of mirrors in Fairground)

In dream language, mirrors can reveal the real you but they can also show you what you think of yourself. (This view may not be accurate) If for example your reflection is distorted in the mirror then you have a distorted view of yourself, this can be because you see yourself in a negative light, but this isn’t a true reflection of who you really are.
If you do not have a reflection in the mirror then this will describe how you feel you are overlooked and not really seen by other people, you feel invisible.
If you break a mirror in a dream, then you are attempting to break your own resolve and change the mindset you are in. You may have negative feelings about yourself, perhaps in the way that you look, and you understand that this attitude must be broken. A broken mirror also reflects your own shattered dreams and explains how you need to find new ones.
Seeing a pleasing reflection of yourself in a mirror is a way to acknowledge your own good points and how pleased you should be with yourself. You have done well and achieved what you set out to do. This can be linked to your spiritual work. Reflect on your positive attributes for positive results. Examine yourself closely and change the things that you do not like.

(Dreams during pregnancy)
A loss of some kind is being explained to you through your dream, maybe a miscarriage of justice or an unfair situation, one that you wanted to develop but it was unable to at the present time. This can be a fear dream if you are currently pregnant, so please do not panic because learning to face your fears in dreams is a safe way to overcome negative thoughts. Dreams, where you face fears, happen because you need to develop and grow and learn to overcome your fears. Becoming a mother needs you to be made of stronger stuff.  

A miscarriage of justice?

Mobile Phone

(Mobile Phone Dream)

(Dream about money)
Money in dreams does not always represent actual money, it can describe your own or someone else's worth, based on how much you or they are valued, this isn't always a true reflection and can be based on perceived ideas. 

If you find money in a dream, then you are finding something or someone that you will value or that will mean a lot to you. In dream language, money is also used to describe spiritual currency and the karmic debt. (Paying what you owe, receiving what you are worth and keeping it all balanced) Karma is a personal belief system rather than a universal law, you might want to consider if your ideas about what you deserve are linked to the karma belief and if so relearn what you know. 
If money is counterfeit in your dream then it can help to explain that whatever you are doing now has no real value for you in the long run. 
Spiritual Power?

(Evil forces in Nightmares) (Lochness Monster in L)

Fears are your own creations
A monster provides a symbol for a situation that is self-created or a person who can be monstrous.

A monster of a challenge to deal with. 
Consider who created the monster?

The moon is the controller of emotions, a full moon represents an emotional high point, and it also represents the power at your disposal to control emotional situations. The moon also has the power of illusion which can show you that nothing is as it seems.

(Burial/Dead People/Death)
If you find yourself in a mortuary in a dream, then you are trying to find out why something in your life has died. It could be a part of yourself that has expired like when you move from one phase of life into another, from childhood to adulthood, etc. You are trying to get a better understanding of why you need to move on. A postmortem is done to find out how and why something has died, you may dream this if you need to understand why a relationship has ended for example.

What we need to learn or nurture in ourselves can be shown to us through dreams of our mother. Any issues with the relationship with your mother can be worked through in the dream scenario so that you can work on your own mothering role. The nurturer within who puts her time and energy into the things that she loves to help them grow and develop.

Riding a motorbike in your dream can help you to understand the speed of the progress that you are making. It provides the means of propelling yourself forward and into the next part of life's journey, but this comes with a certain amount of risk and you must be in control when things are moving quickly, you have less protection around you than cars can provide. Accidents show a lack of control in some aspect of your life.


Mountains can take you closer to heaven and connect you with your spiritual self. Relaxation and time alone are needed, to contemplate and view your life and see where you are now in comparison to where you want to be. 

The mountain range can also symbolise a large obstacle for you to get over, this also links with the spiritual journey. Take a leaf from the Capricorn book; they slowly and steadily climb the mountain. 
Making mountains out of molehills?
Mountains of debt?

Moving Home
If you dream of moving home this might be because you want to make changes in your home life, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will move to a new house, although keep this as a consideration. This type of dream does represent movement for the family but is more likely about progression and change. Moving to a bigger house can represent the need for your own space and freedom to do as you please. A smaller house will represent the restrictions you experience from extra responsibilities.

Have you outgrown your situation?

Moving things with the mind
(Energy/Magic above)
This is a spiritual dream that represents the power and resources at your disposal. A spiritual reminder that the mind can create and do anything. (If you put your mind to it) The power of the mind and using that power to get things done, in a positive way.

(Falling down a muddle hole dream)
Mud usually translates as an obstacle for you to get through; wading through mud in a dream conveys the feeling of being overwhelmed by duty or dragged down emotionally. Mud can also symbolise a muddy thought process or confusion. As a mixture of water and dirt, mud links emotions with negativity and can explain how you get bogged down in negative thoughts. 

Being stuck and unable to move on.


The past and how you use it for your future
Looking at relics in a dream can explain how you need to revisit the old to appreciate the new. Museums describe when you can learn from the past and use that knowledge to exist in the now. Picking over old bones of contention but needing to move on at the same time. Old ways of thinking keep you locked in the past.

In dreams, food represents the personal sustenance available and expresses our thoughts about what keeps us fulfilled, food provides for our satisfaction and therefore links with how fulfilled we feel in our personal life or in our career. 

There are a few translations of mushrooms and it might depend on what type of mushrooms show up in your dream, they can explain the growth process and the fact that they can grow without light can cast a spiritual translation over the dream because to be able to flourish in the absence of light can show that even in the worst circumstances a person is capable of spiritual growth and enlightenment. 
Magic mushrooms might also link with enlightenment because they symbolise the euphoric feelings that can be induced by meditation. 
Food for the soul.


Vibration and energy
Music is symbolic of the vibration that you create within your soul. Your positive actions and deeds create a vibration that can be translated as music for the gods. Hearing music in a dream will link with your surroundings and the vibrations which you are living in, any kind of music is viewed as positive but if you hear music that is too loud or not likeable then it is a hint that your surroundings are not to your taste,  perhaps it is too busy and noisy for you to find peace. If you are creating the din then you should look at why you are creating such a negative noise for the people around you.
Making music in a dream helps you to understand your own capabilities and creative energy, the sound waves you create travel outwards and soothe the souls of other people. Sometimes, you need to practice and improve a skill to create the perfect sound and this might take time, but you will get out what you put in as a reward. Musical instruments can help to explain the qualities that a person has, also think about the power of your own voice. You are the composer of your own life and you can influence the lives of others with the vibrations you create.


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