
Sunday 18 November 2018

Dream Symbols: N


(See Metal)
A nail can be used in different ways and the symbolism can be both negative and positive. A nail can keep something together securely or bring something to a close, as in the final nail in a coffin, so consider what the nail was being used for in your dream.

(A dream about losing fingernails)
Your power and confidence
Fingernails express the feminine power of the dreamer and the way this can be used towards getting what you want; long nails represent the power of the feminine charm.
Digging your nails into something/someone translates as either, get stuck into the work? or trying to get your claws into someone/something you want? Alternatively is can describe when you want to dig someone out. 

Painting your nails describes the situation when you use your feminine charms to catch someone's attention, and broken nails highlight the feeling of lost feminine attraction or power.
Getting your fingernails dirty is a way of explaining when you have to get stuck in and do the dirty work. 

(The Tatty Dress Dream)
Your fears 
This is a common dream that represents how you feel vulnerable and open to being hurt, what is making you feel this way could be your own thoughts rather than how other people perceive you, so think about where your insecurities stem from. This dream also happens when you have put yourself in a vulnerable position or you have opened up your heart and declared your inner feelings to someone else. Your vulnerability arises because you are unsure if those feelings are going to be returned.
Being part naked is a way for you to understand that you have confidence in some areas but lack the same confidence in other areas of your life. You may be good at your role at work for example but not quite so sure of yourself where personal relationships are concerned. Being comfortable with your nakedness in a dream shows how you are comfortable and secure in your own skin and worry not for other people’s opinions.

You have nothing to hide!

(Claustrophobic Dreams)
(Tunnel Dreams)
The course of action you want to take is restricted.
You feel constrained by your own fears or circumstances.

You are simply trying to control where you are going on your current journey. If you are navigating a boat then you are trying to control your emotions or lead yourself in the right direction emotionally, perhaps you realise that you are led by your emotions.

Being strangled in a dream is to have your inner voice suppressed, or your energy cut off in some way, being overcome by someone else's personality. 

Putting your neck on the line?

(Beads in B)
To get the best interpretation of a necklace you will need to consider if the necklace in your dream is one which you have now or had in the past. The symbolism could be to do with its value to you, especially if it belonged to someone who you love or was given to you by someone you love. A necklace that is linked, like a chain for example usually represents the links that tie us together, or how you are linked with other people. It can be used to describe the strengths and weaknesses of relationships, what it is made of can help you decipher the meaning further so look up metals/gold/silver as well. If the dream necklace is unknown to you in your waking life it could represent new ties and links that you make in the future which will help to fill a gap in your life. 
Interpretation can come from breakages in the necklace, describing break-ups or breaks in the links you have with people, or even having a career break. If the necklace has charms or jewels on it you can translate those symbols as well but hey will probably represent positive or negative experiences which you have had. 
Beaded necklaces can be used to explain the many experiences you have had, or you have created, the colours can give further clues to if the experiences were positive or negative but ultimately all experience is helpful and makes us all-rounded individuals. 

A hypodermic needle can be used to symbolise the need for protection from negativity. You are hardened to the hurt that other people cause because you have built up immunity to their constant sharpness.
Someone irritating you or digging at you?
Mending and patching up situations or relationships?


The home and children
If there are baby chicks in the nest it can predict an increase in your brood, if the chicks are leaving the nest it represents them growing up and leaving home.
The home!

A nice nest egg!

(Dream about getting caught in a net)
If you are caught in a net it can show how you’re snared by the charms of others. If you are using a net somehow then you are trying to catch the object of your desire.
Feeling trapped?
Spiritual help to catch you when you fall?

A situation can sting, but nettles have healing properties and can help you to heal, therefore this type of symbol will be connected to being hurt and healing after. Nettles can symbolise a short, sharp, shock.

Communication and awareness
Information is being passed on to you to help you understand the complete picture, how reliable the information is should be considered. Think about what the newspaper is being used for as well.
Hearing important News?

Night and Day

If it is night time in your dream then the symbolism is roughly the same as if it is dark, darkness represents the absence of light in your life and this is just a phase and often gives way to daytime when the presence of light returns. Darkness often represents depression or being in a dark place, feeling down, unhappy, or negative. Light, however, represents the feeling of lightness, happiness, and positivity. It can also symbolise a person who is the light of your life.
Dark and light together can describe two opposites that sit together perfectly to bring balance in all things. Alternatively, dark and light can also describe swinging between depression and happiness.
One phase of life moves into another.
The dawning of a new era.

Think about the saying "Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves" meaning that if someone is making trouble for you leave them alone and they will trip themselves up.
Trapping a wild-natured personality.
The end of something!

The nose can sometimes portray the things that you ‘know’ or need to know. 

Someone who is nosey?
Poking your nose in or using your intuition?

If you remember the numbers when you wake up, write them down and see if you can make sense from them later. Generally, numbers help explain that you need to add things up in your own mind or do the sums to get to the bottom of a riddle.
The numbers you notice in a dream may have a personal meaning to you, like an anniversary or an important date that you should remember. Numerology gives a good translation of numbers and the meanings associated with them. It is an individual process because each person will translate these types of dreams the way they feel is best, and this is as it should be.
If you dream of a sequence of numbers, it could mean that you are unlocking important information (codes), etc. This could link with becoming spiritually aware, or maybe you should put the lottery on?

If you wake up at the same time every night and notice a sequence of numbers like 11:11 or 3:33 etc, this happens when you are being made 'spiritually aware' it's what is known as an opener. It's time! It's the beginning of your own spiritual journey, the start of a time when you will notice the unusual, and start to think outside of the earthly box. The meaning of individual times/numbers isn't really what's important, it's more about recognising the meaning behind it.


A nurse represents someone who takes care of you in a time of need, they might be a spiritual nurse though. 

Healing is needed.

Nuts can be used to describe the act of storing away the things that you might need for later, saving money perhaps, or increasing your skills and talents to enhance your financial standing.
Dreaming of nuts in some circumstances could also be symbolic for someone who is nuts. (Crazy)

Spiritually speaking nuts are a way of showing you that the qualities you possess should be shared to bring spiritual nourishment for others.
If you dream of nuts in their shell, then the symbolism might be about your own protective shell and the barrier to sharing your caring side with other people.
If you dream of nuts in a bowl it is similar in meaning to see a mixture of sweets, the diverse types of nuts or sweets noticed should remind you of the various kinds of happiness and fulfilment that is available to you or the various types of personalities, we are all a bit nuts after all. 


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