
Saturday 17 November 2018

Common Dreams: Drowning and Water


Common Dreams: Drowning and Water

When you want to understand drowning dreams it’s easier to break the dream into as many components as you can firstly start with the water itself, what type of water was it, was it sea-water or swimming-pool water, a lake, stream or pond? This will help you in your translation as many clues can be gained by from where the drowning takes place. If the water is confined like in a swimming pool that has sides to cling onto then the dreamer can understand how help and support is not far away. The emotions are contained and relatively controlled, this depicts an emotional situation which is likely to affect the dreamer, or the person drowning. This type of dream scenario is often used when a person who is under emotional pressure doesn’t like to share their feelings with other people.

Drowning dreams also require you to consider ‘how much’ water there was? And this will help you to understand the depth of emotion associated with the event being portrayed. Also consider if the water was clear, dirty, still or moving. The larger the deluge of water the bigger or deeper the emotional drama, whereas water which is scarce in a dream shows a lack of emotional attachment or a situation that the dreamer doesn’t really care about. A lack of drinking water will link with the feeling of being unfulfilled or un-nourished in some area of the dreamer’s life. Thirst usually symbolises a thirst for knowledge or being left high and dry, all these translations will need to be adjusted to fit with the dreamer’s situation of course.

Water: The wonderful life giver in its many forms, it holds within it the ability to give life to just about anything, in dream language, it is used widely as a conduit for our emotional energy, it can flow and ebb, get over, under, in and around anything in its way.

Freshwater links with fresh clean ideas and feelings, new concepts will be introduced to you which can instigate a fresh start, drinking freshwater is a way of showing you how to absorb and initiate those ideas. Freshwater is used for cleansing and will help you understand when the time has come for a clean start, this could be regards your health or your personal circumstances.

Salty water can symbolise mixed emotions or mixed feelings, salt is often used as a symbol to describe preservation or trying to preserve something which if left alone would deteriorate. Salt can also be a healer, it is used to cleanse and clear negativity, therefore the meaning of salty water in a dream will need to be personally determined by the dreamer, its actual meaning can be better defined by the other symbols in the dream.

Murky water highlights confused or clouded feelings and emotions which have their roots in the past. Trying to understand why the water is dirty in the dream can help you to translate it, for example, you could look up dirt and mud, you need to understand what is contaminating your emotional life or try to find out why it is being polluted externally.

Dreaming of drowning is very common, either oneself drowning or other people that you know, basically in dream interpretation drowning symbolises being overcome by one’s own emotions and feelings. The source of these overpowering emotions is individually determined but are usually caused by problems or circumstances that are new or need you to learn to swim and survive very quickly.

Drowning dreams require us to gather our emotional strength and find new ways to cope and survive. Sometimes problems become too much, and we are unable to cope with what life throws at us, maybe we are not ready for new challenges or changes that happen too quickly. 
A lack of stability is symbolised by drowning dreams, the need for support and help from other people, incidentally needing to be ‘saved’ spiritually can also be portrayed by drowning.

When we dream of youngsters drowning and we are trying to save them it is because they are learning to deal with 'growing up' and all its demands, you are actually trying to help them cope and learn to adapt to their own emotional turmoil’s, they need to learn fast to stay afloat and you are trying to rescue them when they need support. This overlaps with rescue dreams but must not be confused or misinterpreted as a premonition dream. We can rescue people in our dreams and then find we must help them out in waking life and this doesn't necessarily mean you are going to stop them from drowning literally, more likely you are needed to help them stay afloat or help with their emotional struggles. 


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