
Saturday 17 November 2018

Common Dreams: Being Naked or Under Dressed


Common Dreams: Being naked or underdressed 
This dream links quite simply to how you feel about yourself in comparison to how others see you; it is about your vulnerabilities and your insecurities. In dream language, our clothes are symbolic for the front that we show to the people around us, or how we present ourselves to them, we can change this representation daily to fit with what other people expect from us, we also change our persona to fit with the different roles that we play e.g. parent, boss, employee etc.

To be aware of the clothes you are wearing in a dream will bring your attention to the life-role that you are playing and help you to accept yourself for who you are.  If the clothes are inappropriate for the task you are carrying out in your dream it could suggest that you are not currently equipped with the right attributes needed for a certain task or role, but it can also explain how you are continually having to be somebody who isn’t the real you.         
Being semi-naked in a dream helps to describe when you feel ‘under-protected’ or ‘lacking in confidence’ it might be other people that make you feel this way. You don’t feel equipped for the situation you are trying to deal with.

Putting on extra clothing in a dream means that you are trying to cover up and protect yourself from the attitudes of other people. This can also be used as a symbol for protection from loneliness, the act of trying to keep warm is appropriate to show you how you fear to be lonely or left out in the cold.

Nakedness in dreams usually occurs because of the insecurities you have about being seen for what you really are, you wear clothes to hide your true self and so have protection from what people think of you, therefore nakedness brings the real you to the fore it helps you to understand how you feel about yourself in contrast to how other people see you. These types of dreams require you to face your fears and accept that changing your personality for other people is not going to bring long term success to a relationship and that changing your own thought process could more useful. You need to stop worrying about what other people think of you and be confident with who you are.


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