
Sunday 24 August 2014

Archways, gateways, doors, bridges, roads and tunnels


The journey you are on and why you are on it. 

I was watching an NDE experience on YouTube and I was particularly interested in what this lady said about archways and gateways and how in her near-death experience they represented a decision point,  she had to choose if to go through the gateway or return to earth, in dream translation, they describe pretty much the same thing. They stand as a representation of the in-between decision point, not necessarily about the choice between living or dying but more about the choices that are available to you. Sometimes the choices that you make cannot be reversed and once made take you in a direction that means you have no way back, but the type of archway, doorway or even bridge and tunnel can help to explain if or not you can reverse a decision and if you can re-trace your tracks. 


Roads are often used to describe the current journey you are on, the road can also be representative of previous choices that you have made or even failed to make. When you are presented with crossroads you are being shown a point in your life where you are choosing which way to go, you do not have to go through this process if you don't want to, no one is going to force you to make a choice. (unless otherwise shown in a dream) But you are being reminded that you do have a choice and can choose an alternate route if that is what you want to do. Choosing the right road is difficult because you can't see what's on the other side of that choice, you might be shown obstacles in a dream, and this can help you see that choosing a new direction won't be easy but might be necessary.  
Dreams symbols will try to show you outcomes whenever they can, especially if an outcome is obvious, but the outcome of a choice is not always known and is reliant upon many different factors.  What you ultimately want is to find happiness on the other side of a choice that you have made. Everyone strives to find happiness, but you won't really understand what happiness is if you haven't known sadness, therefore to appreciate happiness you must work hard to get there and the choices that you make are not necessarily wrong ones, you are just experiencing as much as you can so that when you find happiness you recognise it and appreciate it.

Your own dream symbols will inevitably be aimed at helping you understand yourself and the people around you, they will also help you to consider your life's journey in relation to what you came here to experience. It doesn't matter how long it takes you or how pretty the journey is, so learn to accept change and not fear making choices. 

Dreams that require you to make a choice or to choose the next route are not specifically saying that one road is better than another, they are reminding you that perhaps you have been down this road before, or that your soul would like to experience something new, you have moved on from one experience and learned all you could, therefore, for you to grow in essence you need to move into a new area of experience. 

Archways that are in succession or linked, represent the many choices that you have made in the past or your choices regards the future, these choices often lead to the same place, which helps you to understand how it doesn't matter what your overall choice is, it will lead you to the same place anyway. Single archways can represent only having one important choice available. An archway doesn't have a door and therefore helps you to see when there is nothing standing in your way, you can cross over into a new phase easily and as soon as you have decided to do so. 

Doorways help you to understand if a desired route is open or closed to you, as one door closes another one opens. Open doors are used to help you recognise opportunities and how they are only available at certain times in your life, doors will also be used as barriers towards progression, having to smash open a door to gain entry is a way to acknowledge when you are trying to break down the barriers that stand in your way. These barriers can be upheld by other people, they can be created from circumstance or they can be your own self created barriers like your fear which stops you from moving forward. 

Gateways will be used to describe the movement between phases, gates are often seen as a gateway to another realm, or between different levels of understanding, gates are also used to symbolise how easily you can move between the different levels of enlightenment. 
The strength and height of a gate describe the barriers or obstacles that you have to deal with in order to gain access to another level of understanding, but they can also be used to symbolise the protection that you have built up around you which protects from negative intrusion.  

Tunnels are often experienced when moving from one level of existence to another, like when the soul moves from heaven to earth or from earth to heaven. Tunnels take us through an expanse of water, (emotional phases), they take us under/over and through ordeals which we wouldn't get through without the support they bring. They literally represent support to help get us through difficult times. Tunnels take us through important transitions, they provide support and protection when we can't go it alone, so they can be used to present the spiritual protection you have around you. 

Bridges are also seen as support through transitions, the strength and condition of the bridge are often used to describe your own support system or the way you deal with getting over obstacles and getting through difficult phases. Reaching the other side of a bridge is a way for you to recognise how you have managed to get through a scary experience. Being high up from the ground helps to explain when you feel vulnerable and exposed to everything that life throws at you. A bridge over water symbolise support through emotional transitions. A rope bridge is often used because it can easily describe how strong or weak the support we have is. Rope symbolises the entwining of different features like people whose lives are entwined or situations that are closely linked. If these structures break down then the way your life is structured is in jeopardy, how you move through this phase can be explained by the rope bridge dream. 


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