
Monday 22 July 2013

Dreams About Death


Dreams about death and dying usually happen at a time when the dreamer is at a junction in their life, when they are on the edge of change. Death tends to represent the death of a certain time or phase, it is often used to describe when 'something' is coming to an end, what that something is will be personal to the individual or even to someone close to them. Death is very rarely an omen for a physical death, teenagers often dream about dying when they are going through puberty or leaving adolescence and letting go of their childish carefree life, in other words, it's their childhood that has died. 
Parents might also dream about their child dying and this is also to do with allowing your child to become an adult, perhaps you feel like you are losing them and you feel like they are not your child anymore.
Quite often when parents dream about losing a young child it can be because their fears over their child are taking over their rational thinking, it is common for overly protective parents to experience this type of dream, which makes their fears even worse. The death dream is more aimed at helping you to deal with your fears and learn to negotiate childhood health issues along with your overactive imagination in a more logical sensible way.
If you have a death dream and you know that you are overly anxious about people dying around you, just remember that the dreams are happening so that your fears can be explored and overcome. You have to learn to control your fears so you can control your anxiety levels. 

When you try to translate and understand the meaning of your death dreams think about what is coming to an end rather than who! 

I am a foster carer and I care for newborn babies. I met my partner in 2013 and he is a single dad of two kids, anyway I get about 2hrs sleep at most in one night with the children I have at the moment. I can't make any sense of the dream detailed below and wondered if you can help me work it out. 
Bare in mind that I have never in the past nor now wanted to get married but I had the weirdest dream. 
I was looking down from above, watching me and my boyfriend get married, we both looked perfect, the sun was shining and the love we felt for each other was amazing but then suddenly I faded away to nothing and he was sitting there really sobbing. There was a girl with her arm around him, trying to comfort him but he didn't know she was there. He just kept shouting 'No'. Apparently, I had died just before we were due to get married and he was sitting there imagining what our day would have been like. I was watching him from above but it was also me with my arm around him. I was telling him it will be ok but he couldn't hear me or even know I was there.

I doubt your dream is a premonition dream if that's what you were thinking, its more likely a dream to make you consider your life choices at the present time. You say you rarely get a decent sleep and I would say that you are worn-out, carrying on like this will be detrimental to your health because you have no time left for peace and rest which is of course, vital for good health. Carrying on as you are will take its toll on you and your relationship.  

Your dream seems to be saying that if you do not slow down and give yourself and your partner some decent time together you could regret it later, he would not want to be without you and you would not want to be without him, therefore changes will need to be made. I am not saying that if you keep on going the way you are you could die, please don't think that I am, but sometimes we have these dreams to make us count out loud the things that really matter. 
The dream has happened to help you make changes.

Getting married can symbolise unions made and not always an actual marriage. You are obviously a wonderful person who cares for everyone else but you also need to put yourself first as well. Marriages are about finding balance and unless you find some balance things will become unhinged. 
When we die in a dream it can be because the life we know is ending. The new life will mean you have to give up certain other aspects because you just can't do it all, you have to prioritize now to ensure you don't lose what's important to you later.

Lately, I’ve been dreaming about death. I have had two dreams about death in one way or another. In the first dream there was a friend of mine that was found dead. People said he had committed suicide. He had been for a walk in a forest but he got lost and died of cold and fear apparently. 
There was a funeral for him but I didn't want to go, eventually, I went but then I left, running out crying. I didn't want people to see me there, I felt ashamed.
Later, I went back to his open coffin and I could see his face. I was sad and ashamed at the same time.  
Suddenly I saw him breathing and me and someone else went to help him. We took off a mask that was not letting him breathe and he came back to life.

Dreaming that someone has died happens when something has come to end, it could be a friendship that didn't progress or develop.
He was walking in a forest and got lost, which can describe how he feels lost, he can't see the wood for the trees, or in other words he cant see his way through a situation or his current circumstances. He hasn't found direction in his life and doesn't know how to move forward, perhaps he had his heart set on a certain route but things didn't go to plan. Maybe its time to be the friend he needs now. 
The cold and fear he died from in your dream are typical symbols for loneliness (cold) and the fear is of the unknown!
The guilt you felt in the dream might come from you feeling as though you have let him down in some way.

In the dream, you went to his open coffin and you were sad and ashamed, maybe you feel that you have done something wrong and not supported him. Then you realised that he was breathing and tried to save him again.  
The mask that was not letting him breath is symbolic for what he is hiding, perhaps his true feelings. This is suffocating him so he needs to get it out into the open so that he can breathe easy and start to live again, you and his friends are helping him to move forward.

This is a type of rescue dream where you are trying to save your friend, this just means helping someone and not that he is going to die, you too can learn from this type of dream because learning to move forward when things do not turn out as you want them to is a hard lesson to learn.

In another dream I was outside my childhood house, not letting my dog get in because he was being aggressive with another one of our dogs. Suddenly he took our other little dog from the neck and carried him far away. I was really upset, thinking he had killed him (the little dog was a dog I had when I was a child and I loved him) so after a few hours I went to look them.

I took a lonely path where there were people working with machines, then I got to a house where nobody was home and I went inside the inner yard and between some shrubbery, there was a little grave. I dug it up and found a little coffin and inside was my little dog, dead.I took him with me and suddenly he started to breathe so I took my dog home and thought he smelled bad (Like soil and death) and he needed a bath.

This dream uses the dog scenario to help you understand the meaning, animals help us understand personalities, the bigger dog is dominant and he is using his power over the smaller vulnerable dog, this might be trying to relay the message that a dominant person is trying to take control of a vulnerable person, you will have to decide who this is appropriate for, this may well link with your past, being as the dream was set in the past.

Last night I dreamt of a relative (whose husband recently passed away) I was looking at pictures of her in colour. (It was like a post mortem picture) She had also passed away and that picture was a token reminder of her. I remember the eyes in that picture were quite rounded and big.

This dream explains how a part of your friend died when she lost her partner; the photograph captures a moment in time that cannot be recaptured. Your friend cannot turn back time; you have to remember how she was before she lost her husband. 
The eyes are a portal to the soul and because you noticed how big her eyes were in the photograph you are noticing how big and strong her soul is, much stronger than you realise. 
You are stronger than you realise. 


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